Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #7 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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There is consensus that this piece of evidence sticks out like one o'clock. It was not successfully hidden nor was it in plain view. The placing of the clothing inside did not match any habit of the victim. There were no known plans necessitating that Sierra pack a bag. The bag is a puzzlement. She is said to have been wearing the very items inside.

There has been speculation, lots of it understandably, about this evidence. Some of our ideas:

a. The perpetrator wedged it between the cactus & the building so as to have convenient access to it later.
b. It is a false clue or red herring to muddle the investigation and project that this was a kidnap.
c. Sierra was coerced into folding the clothes inside and given the hope of retrieving the bag later.
d.This bag is meant to taunt searchers & investigators, a trump.
e. There was someone other than the perpetrator who found and handled the bag, wedging it where it was found or throwing it there.f. The kidnapper went through the bag, looking for cash and then discarded it after folding the clothes.
g. The victim was told the bag was being stashed for later retrieval in order to quiet her hysteria.
h. The location is designed to misdirect, in terms of compass, investigators as to Sierra's whereabouts.
i. The bag was put where it was found sometime after Sierra was spirited away, likely after dark.

I think that bolded above is a very good point. Maybe someone else found the bag, and hid it so that they could later come back and retrieve it for themselves. Maybe there is a witness out there somewhere afraid to come forward. jmo
Guess times have changed. I have to wonder why mothers indulge their young daughters on such expensive and useless accessories for school. Cell phones w/internet, etc., fancy small bags. How sad for the girls whose parents can't afford this kind of definitely draws the line between the have and have nots.


When my daughter had her first visit with her dad after the separation began, she returned with two HUGE bags from Toys R Us (she was 6). I asked (jokingly) "Are you trying to make me look bad?" and he answered (seriously) "Every chance I get."

He would buy her expensive designer items. I mostly bought stuff that was on sale, but occasionally I'd splurge and get something great just because MOST of her cool stuff came from her dad and once in a while I wanted the hugs and admiration. Yeah, it is shallow, and we were FAR from well-off. I just shopped carefully, and the exceptions were usually birthday and Christmas gifts.
There is consensus that this piece of evidence sticks out like one o'clock. It was not successfully hidden nor was it in plain view. The placing of the clothing inside did not match any habit of the victim. There were no known plans necessitating that Sierra pack a bag. The bag is a puzzlement. She is said to have been wearing the very items inside.

There has been speculation, lots of it understandably, about this evidence. Some of our ideas:

a. The perpetrator wedged it between the cactus & the building so as to have convenient access to it later.
b. It is a false clue or red herring to muddle the investigation and project that this was a kidnap.
c. Sierra was coerced into folding the clothes inside and given the hope of retrieving the bag later.
d.This bag is meant to taunt searchers & investigators, a trump.
e. There was someone other than the perpetrator who found and handled the bag, wedging it where it was found or throwing it there.
f. The kidnapper went through the bag, looking for cash and then discarded it after folding the clothes.
g. The victim was told the bag was being stashed for later retrieval in order to quiet her hysteria.
h. The location is designed to misdirect, in terms of compass, investigators as to Sierra's whereabouts.
i. The bag was put where it was found sometime after Sierra was spirited away, likely after dark.

GRACE: Well, that`s interesting because it seemed to me, from my understanding, the bag had just been thrown. But now I`m hearing they`re wedged between a cactus and a building, as if they were intentionally hidden there. Is that correct, Sheriff Smith?

SMITH: You know, it`s hard to tell. It could have been thrown. It could have been placed there. We can`t really tell. It looks like either could have been done.
The whole question of the purse and the "neatly folded clothes" is potentially the best clue Law Enforcement has in the effort to figure out what really happened that morning. According to Sheriff Smith in this interview with Nancy Grace:

GRACE:” Well, that’s interesting because it seemed to me, from my understanding, the bag had just been thrown. But now I`m hearing they`re wedged between a cactus and a building, as if they were intentionally hidden there. Is that correct, Sheriff Smith?”

SMITH:" You know, it’s hard to tell. It could have been thrown. It could have been placed there. We can’t really tell. It looks like either could have been done"

If the purse was thrown from a speeding car, it would be very consistent with the theory that Sierra was abducted from her home and the perp was just getting rid of her personal effects ASAP while he drove in a northerly direction. In this scenario, Sierra would have had to put those clothes there herself; possibly with the intent of changing her clothes later that day.

If the purse were "placed" there, it suggests something very different and raises the possibility that Sierra did wear those clothes that day. This would mean that the purse would have been "put" there long after the abduction (it is unlikely that the perp would have stopped the car and gotten out to hide the purse so soon after the abduction). Most likely the perp returned to the area after he did whatever he was going to do, and placed the purse where it was found. The clothes may or may not have been what Sierra was wearing that day, if they were; it raises the question "why did the perp bother to fold them neatly?" Returning to a spot near the crime scene to hide the purse seems needlessly "high risk". Obviously Law Enforcement (and civilians in the area) would be investigating Sierra's disappearance and would be on the lookout for unusual activity. There would have been plenty ways to get rid of the purse without returning to the crime scene. The only explanation would be deliberate staging.

"Staging" is the perp alternating the crime scene in order to mislead Law Enforcement and steer them in the wrong direction. Staging "tells a story"; a false story, to be sure, but sill a story. If this is what happened, it is not clear what "story" the perp is trying to tell.
I would think, that in most cases, one could readily tell if a purse were thrown from a fast moving car or set down "by hand" but not always. It is also possible that Law Enforcement knows but does not want to disclose this information

I get a little uncomfortable, though, when the sheriff says no one has been cleared weeks after another LE has said that some people were...JMO
Tricia is on the ground with the searchers and tonight at 5PM PST we'll have a special edition of Websleuths Radio with Brad Dennis from KlaasKids!

Feel free to call in!

They're searching today Kimster? I thought it was tomorrow..oh my! I'm pretty close right now. i'm in South San Jose for a few hours. I wonder if I should drive over...I wish I had a camera...and a map wouldn't hurt either.
I see rewards in this amount quite frequently or even less. They have had money donated to them and they have taken all of that money and started the reward for Sierra.

If they are donated more money the reward amount can rise. I have seen that happen before also.


Ok, if thats normal, then I guess its normal. I just think if it were me, i'd offer a huge reward (because its unlikely you'll have to pay the reward and ifyou did, it would be WELL worth it.) Even if I didn't have that amount of money, i'd offer the reward, and worry about coming up with the money later. Just my opinion though.
They're searching today Kimster? I thought it was tomorrow..oh my! I'm pretty close right now. I wonder if I should drive over...I wish I had a camera...and a map..LOL

Wednesday is the search they made public...maybe they are just doing other work at the HQ set up for volunteers? I hope some searching is done every day, even if not publicized.
The "delapidated metal sheds" are open to view but everything about them, including their rust and color, chills the blood in my veins. They look like ancient crime scene locales you would see in a beach arcade. Euh!
Divorce yes and sadly "payoff for no time". My Mom would buy me lavish gifts but worked all the time, she could not spend time with me, so the payoff was she would buy me things. I was spoiled materially but lost emotionally.
Okay this is weird . i just checked Twitter the findsierra and someone just asked about the Stonhouse #16 Sharks Jersey to all her freinds who here did it ? Laffin
They're searching today Kimster? I thought it was tomorrow..oh my! I'm pretty close right now. i'm in South San Jose for a few hours. I wonder if I should drive over...I wish I had a camera...and a map wouldn't hurt either.

That is why they ask to report to the search center and not do your own searches or question people on your own.
I found Stonehouse Winery and Stonehouse Vineyards but (per Google at least) there are none in that general area.

I wish her mom or dad could elaborate on this. Why isn't LE holding up the poster and describing that jersey? It would be easy to identify if found. I don't know how I missed this before.

Sharks Jersey. Black, grey, turquoise logo. There is a logo on back of it with the name, STONEHOUSE and the number 16.

I wonder if Sierra had it printed and the name means something to her...or was it borrowed from a friend with that name. Heck, I don't know anything anymore.
I'm going to take a drive over to the area right now. It is drizzling and has been all day. Be back in a bit...
That is why they ask to report to the search center and not do your own searches or question people on your own.

What are you talking about ? I got the info about the Wed. Search from the search center. Who told you I am not allowed to talk with people? I shared my info with you. Are you chastising me?
What are you talking about ? I got the info about the Wed. Search from the search center. Who told you I am not allowed to talk with people? I shared my info with you. Are you chastising me?

NO not at all. They would rather have people go out in teams that is all.:truce:
I lurk, rarely post, but have a question....when the purse and books were found, would the search dogs have been taken to that location? Would they have looked for Sierra's scent trail there? I imagine, if the dogs didn't alert in that location, then it's unlikely that Sierra was responsible for hiding the bag and books and was likely never there, with or without an abductor.
There's no way the FBI can be sure those were the last clothes she wore. That photo was taken early enough for her to change from that shirt.

Yep, and she could change shirts 100 times in 35 minutes, if that's the time between when the pic was taken and when she was supposed to leave the house. Or was that when she was supposed to catch the bus?
I've changed entire outfits 3 or 4 times in 15 minutes, more or less. Including shoes and earrings, and I'm old. :what:
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