Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #9 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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Sierra's friend mentioned that she enjoyed trying to imitate Sierra's weird *advertiser censored* cough. This implies that Sierra's wheezing cough was a known characteristic of Sierra and must have been frequent. Some inhalers contain an anti-inflammatory medication and the dose is once/day, but a dose from a rescue inhaler (short acting) only lasts 3-4 hours and may need to be used repeatedly. A wheezing cough is definitely not hot or sexy. IMO, Sierra, who was concerned about her appearance, likely carried her inhaler everywhere to decrease the severity of her not-so-sexy wheezing cough.

I think it is hinky that her inhaler was left at home. Having purchased numerous inhalers, I know they are NOT cheap. I seriously doubt she had multiple inhalers. When you finish one inhaler, you purchase another on the date that your insurance allows the next purchase. Notice that Marlene was worried that Sierra didn't pack her inhaler in her tote bag.

Good thoughts. Did Nancy Grace discuss the inhaler with Marlene? If so an important question would have been, "Did Sierra always carry her inhaler with her?"
Taking into consideration there's only one way out of and into a cul-de-sac and that the victim was waiting on a bus full of people, this was more high-risk than usual; even driving down her road could have looked suspicious. The Bundy comparison seems extreme, but I get your point, and I take all that into consideration when making the few statements I make. If there was a perp, the conditions couldn't have been better for him, he must be "lucky."
If Sierra was grabbed by an abductor or tased with a stun gun, she would have dropped the books her mom said she carried in her hands. An abductor wouldn't stop to pick up Sierra's dropped books if he was busy trying to load a fighting teenager into his car. Why were her books not found on her driveway or the road? Sierra wasn't tased or forced into a vehicle.
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that the dogs were right and Sierra's scent (rightly) stops at the end of the driveway. It would take a lot of, ummm...nerve, I'll say, for an abductor to go up to the house on the cul-de-sac to abduct someone. How did they know someone wouldn't follow her out of the house? Why not wait til she's a little distance away? Going up to the driveway would be taking a very huge risk. They would have to be 100% certain that no one else would be coming out....

Well said. I just cant seem to get beyond this point. Its to risky of an area for a "kidnapping". This issue alone ALMOST gives me hope that Sierra is still with us.
Well if the business is current at the back of the property, a vehicle in the driveway may not have even seemed that unusual, to neighbours, to Sierra even - a white delivery van would be very handy in an abduction.
Good thoughts. Did Nancy Grace discuss the inhaler with Marlene? If so an important question would have been, "Did Sierra always carry her inhaler with her?"
Marlene stated on NG's show that Sierra didn't have her inhaler with her (implying that it was still at Marlene's home) and she just wanted Sierra to be safe (implying that Sierra wasn't safe without her inhaler).
Marlene stated on NG's show that Sierra didn't have her inhaler with her (implying that it was still at Marlene's home) and she just wanted Sierra to be safe (implying that Sierra wasn't safe without her inhaler).

Also I don't think NG stayed on the subject long,as the answer was probably not complete...JMO
Regarding the 7:11 am text. I wonder if she was already outside when she sent it or just ready to head out. Very similar to Holly.
There are several disturbing similarities about these cases. Both of their cell phones were found too easily. Both abducted girls should have dropped their lunchbox, JC tote, and books when attacked. Neither girl supposedly did this and Holly's lunchbox and Sierra's tote/books were later found discarded within a short distance.

Here is another odd similarity. Why did the supposed abductors toss out Holly's lunchbox and Sierra's tote bag? If an officer stopped them, they were already in possession of the most incriminating evidence (the girls). Why not dump their lunchbox and tote with their bodies? (Their cellphones had been previously discarded.)
Also I don't think NG stayed on the subject long,as the answer was probably not complete...JMO

I know. Why does she do that? Often JVM and NG just seem to "wing it" on the interviews. Kind of like, I don't want the whole answer, just part of it. And, then they cut to commercial. It all comes down to money.
I know. Why does she do that? Often JVM and NG just seem to "wing it" on the interviews. Kind of like, I don't want the whole answer, just part of it. And, then they cut to commercial. It all comes down to money.

They also want to try for a few quick dramatic words from the person, so they can cut them off at a tantalizing spot, where it can then mean something else...JMO
They also want to try for a few quick dramatic words from the person, so they can cut them off at a tantalizing spot, where it can then mean something else...JMO

I know. And then after the commercial break you think, "Surely there are going to come back and finish that thought." And...they don't.
Taking into consideration there's only one way out of and into a cul-de-sac and that the victim was waiting on a bus full of people, this was more high-risk than usual; even driving down her road could have looked suspicious. The Bundy comparison seems extreme, but I get your point, and I take all that into consideration when making the few statements I make. If there was a perp, the conditions couldn't have been better for him, he must be "lucky."

If the dogs were correct, she got into a vehicle at the end of her own driveway. That's 0.4 miles away from the bus stop and the bus. The bus didn't go down the cul-de-sac at all (so all the bus riders are eliminated as potential witnesses).

While the cul-de-sac does look secluded from the air, it's turning out that maybe it wasn't as secluded as it seemed. There were farm workers allegedly using a foot path alongside of Sierra's house. The house directly across from Sierra's had been for sale until 12 March, so there may have been realtors and potential buyers around in the months prior to Sierra's disappearance, which would tend to habituate the neighbours to strange traffic.

I agree with you on the element of luck. Every abduction seems to include an element of random chance that favoured the abductor.

It's just that I think predators are way more comfortable with relying on that random chance than normal people are.
Been out of touch for a few days... anything new? NOTHING new on the news... broadcast or the papers as far as I saw :(
Been out of touch for a few days... anything new? NOTHING new on the news... broadcast or the papers as far as I saw :(

Not really...
There is a vigil tomorrow I think, another search Wednesday? And then LE will evaluate what to do next, whether there will be more searches. At least that is what I read today...
If the dogs were correct, she got into a vehicle at the end of her own driveway. That's 0.4 miles away from the bus stop and the bus. The bus didn't go down the cul-de-sac at all (so all the bus riders are eliminated as potential witnesses).

While the cul-de-sac does look secluded from the air, it's turning out that maybe it wasn't as secluded as it seemed. There were farm workers allegedly using a foot path alongside of Sierra's house. The house directly across from Sierra's had been for sale until 12 March, so there may have been realtors and potential buyers around in the months prior to Sierra's disappearance, which would tend to habituate the neighbours to strange traffic.

I agree with you on the element of luck. Every abduction seems to include an element of random chance that favoured the abductor.

It's just that I think predators are way more comfortable with relying on that random chance than normal people are.

Still points to the perp being very close to and familiar with the house, its surroundings and maybe Sierra's routine, imo. Perhaps it was a worker or perhaps she was being stalked. It seems unlikely someone was just driving down a cul-de-sac and took advantage of the situation without a good alternative reason to be there.

In reference to my bus comment, I mostly meant that it was 7:15am, up and at 'em time, buses were traveling, people were going to work...and someone happened down a cul-de-sac. The perp could have even unintentionally passed the bus, although he apparently didn't. Maybe he knew already where it was coming from and going to.

Seems like anyone out-of-place was taking a much higher risk of being seen is all, I think everything points to that - especially if it wasn't so secluded. Makes me think that maybe it was really someone she knew.
Well if the business is current at the back of the property, a vehicle in the driveway may not have even seemed that unusual, to neighbours, to Sierra even - a white delivery van would be very handy in an abduction.

From what I understand is that the homeowner from whom Marlene and Rick rent the home on P Espana Ct. Owned and operated an Oriental trade business from there.. and that the last business was completed out of this site in July 2011.. the business has been defunct since that point on.. I have read this more than once throughout the course of this case but do not have a link to back it up so you can take it FWIW. MO.
I mostly agree with this, it doesn't prove anything or disprove anything. However, I do find it odd changing over to past tense so soon after the disappearance, especially talking about a son or daughter. I am in no way insinuating the mother has anything to do with the act of Sierra disappearing, just seemed like she was "correcting" herself when she changed over to "She was..."

Exactly bg, remember at the next sentence Marlene says 'I am never giving up....we will never give up'.

So how can she say that after seeming to sooo quickly jump from 'she's, to she was such a lovely young lady???
Exactly bg, remember at the next sentence Marlene says 'I am never giving up....we will never give up'.

So how can she say that after seeming to sooo quickly jump from 'she's, to she was such a lovely young lady???

Exactly. I realize the mom is under duress; I sincerely hope the source of it is strictly because her daughter is missing and she has absolutely no inkling whatsoever of her daughter's whereabouts or what may have happened to her.
OBE thanks you know I did notice a few things here .
1 Steve mentioned that they could not rule out abuduction or runaway.
2 Marlene said she has caught Sierra sneaking clothes into her bag to take to her friends.
3 Marlene also stated they have not seen the clothes that were found.
I am throwing this out and seeing if it sticks. Let's say Sierra was wearing the Sharks sweatshirt in the pic. Now what is to say Sierra did not have more than 1 shirt with Shark emblem on it. And the other item is actually is what is found in the bag. From what I have read Sierra is a big San Jose Sharks fan and I am sure she had more than one . IMHO

Sometimes kids will call their friends to coordinate clothing. In that case, packing a Sharks shirt for a friend and wearing one herself would not be odd. This discounts the other clothing in the bag, but is just a stray opinion. Here in Maryland, Fridays during football season are "Purple Fridays" and EVERYONE wears purple, if they have one, they may wear a "fan" t-shirt, and some have the player jerseys. The Sharks were playing that weekend, right?
Well if the business is current at the back of the property, a vehicle in the driveway may not have even seemed that unusual, to neighbours, to Sierra even - a white delivery van would be very handy in an abduction.

Those vans that only have front windows always freak me out ... no matter what the color. I had the same thought last night while seeing a bright blue one with no lettering in my neighborhood. I just wondered what it was for/doing and did think of Sierra, actually.

OTOH, I do think neighbors should have remembered a delivery van or any windowless van. But maybe the neighbors were just all getting ready for the day.
Sometimes kids will call their friends to coordinate clothing. In that case, packing a Sharks shirt for a friend and wearing one herself would not be odd. This discounts the other clothing in the bag, but is just a stray opinion. Here in Maryland, Fridays during football season are "Purple Fridays" and EVERYONE wears purple, if they have one, they may wear a "fan" t-shirt, and some have the player jerseys. The Sharks were playing that weekend, right?

The Sharks were playing on Saturday night correct
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