Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #9 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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First time I have seen this video. We have already discussed Marlene using past tense and posters gave good enough explanations for me to not think too much about it. But in this video they are talking about not knowing if she was abducted or has just run away and then Marlene talks about her in past tense. How can you talk about a runaway and use past tense almost in the same breath? Very disturbing to me.

Hi Redbird! Nice to 'see' you on this beautiful Sunday!

I suppose I would think something of it if I had not heard over the years where several other parents of missing loved ones used past tense. When their loved one was found eventually and the real perp caught the parents werent involved whatsoever.

Maybe in the dark recesses of Marlene's mind she does think she has lost Sierra forever here on Earth.

Maybe it was because she had not seen her in a week when she did this interview.

I dont really know why some parents do that but I personally dont think anything about it.

It is very obvious to me that Marlene is in a lot of pain and missing her daughter greatly, imo.
Then later on April 4 (about the shirt) Marlene was informed

GRACE: Do you know what shirt it was that was found in the bag?

LAMAR: Yes, I do, but I don`t want to say what it was exactly. Because I don`t want to interfere with the investigation.


Yes, sadly she does know, and imo it is has her worried to death.. because she knows it was in her purse and no where near Sierra.

My heart just breaks for this family and all families like them that have had their lives changed in a blink of an eye.

OBE thanks you know I did notice a few things here .
1 Steve mentioned that they could not rule out abuduction or runaway.
2 Marlene said she has caught Sierra sneaking clothes into her bag to take to her friends.
3 Marlene also stated they have not seen the clothes that were found.
I am throwing this out and seeing if it sticks. Let's say Sierra was wearing the Sharks sweatshirt in the pic. Now what is to say Sierra did not have more than 1 shirt with Shark emblem on it. And the other item is actually is what is found in the bag. From what I have read Sierra is a big San Jose Sharks fan and I am sure she had more than one . IMHO

JDB - I think you're right on. Thanks for the post.
First time I have seen this video. We have already discussed Marlene using past tense and posters gave good enough explanations for me to not think too much about it. But in this video they are talking about not knowing if she was abducted or has just run away and then Marlene talks about her in past tense. How can you talk about a runaway and use past tense almost in the same breath? Very disturbing to me.

Bingo. I have thought this the whole time, every time I see her talk about Sierra. Talk in past tense but you are holding out hope? I don't get it. I also think there were things someone forgot to put into Sierra's purse. I have more ideas, but I will hold off until we know more and I might be allowed to.
Don't you mean LE?? Mr. Klaas is not in the business of picking who is or isn't a suspect.

I thought it was Mark Klaas's volunteers who were doing the survey? I know he is not LE but he can supply LE with the answers.
This seems fairly straightforward. If Sierra would have packed her charger and her inhaler, but they were not packed then someone else packed her tote bag.

As a mom who recently survived raising 3 hockey playing teenage boys and is now trying to survive a teen daughter, IMO Sierra's twitters and that one photo (not of Sierra) are indicative of problems.
If it was a predator that had noticed her at the bus stop they would have to of stalked her to know where her house was though, because her bus stop was a bit of a walk from her home back in the cul-de-sac.

It wouldn't take much effort to see her walking home after she got off the bus in the afternoons.

I'm having a hard time getting past this statement from Marlene on March 24; it sounds like something a neighbour or acquaintance would say:

"I'm hoping that you know, you think of her as your own child," Marlene LaMar said. "You know, she's, she was such a lovable young lady."

It's also odd that she was going to say "she is" and changed it to "she was".

IDK, it may just be that she's uncomfortable with a mike in her face ... trying to sound the way she thinks she should while grappling with what she feels has happened, i.e., the worst case scenario. I believe pretty strongly in mother's intuition, and in this case, her intuition may be telling her that Sierra's gone. God forbid that any of us are in this position. I really don't know how I'd function at all.

Also, she may be trying to sound hopeful for her other daughter's sake but can't keep it going. She probably feels guilty about moving Sierra to MH in the first place. She's also probably not eating or sleeping, which probably affects her ability to respond. JMO.
Thank you!! I appreciate it.

All is good...oil changers put iper fluid in my hydraulic suspension reservoir and my car (Lexus SUV) is totaled...lots more to do ith it..been taking up my time lol.

for whisp - got it?

So sorry to hear that, 90Nine, but glad that you're ok and back on the case! Good luck finding a new ride ...
IDK, it may just be that she's uncomfortable with a mike in her face ... trying to sound the way she thinks she should while grappling with what she feels has happened, i.e., the worst case scenario. I believe pretty strongly in mother's intuition, and in this case, her intuition may be telling her that Sierra's gone. God forbid that any of us are in this position. I really don't know how I'd function at all.

Also, she may be trying to sound hopeful for her other daughter's sake but can't keep it going. She probably feels guilty about moving Sierra to MH in the first place. She's also probably not eating or sleeping, which probably affects her ability to respond. JMO.

I am wondering too about possible feelings of guilt Mom may have, and if any of them are associated with the boyfriend, in that she is so defensive when his name is even mentioned. Maybe she feels badly about agreeing to the move to MH, or maybe Sierra had stated she did not care for him, or just did not want to live with him. She is not just a little defensive, she is unbelievably defensive, IMO. Something sparks her when she is asked about him, in any way. Also, maybe it is knowing that she was married to a sex offender (and that everyone knows it now) so she is extra sensitive, who knows?
I'm having a hard time getting past this statement from Marlene on March 24; it sounds like something a neighbour or acquaintance would say:

"I'm hoping that you know, you think of her as your own child," Marlene LaMar said. "You know, she's, she was such a lovable young lady."

It's also odd that she was going to say "she is" and changed it to "she was".

I tend not to read into the past tense language so much. I've put blame on other parents but because of their conflicts of stories, a failed polygraph, not actively looking for their child and lawyering up. But I don't see that here.

However, what's not to say that LE has told her about statistics, or about a possible suspect? Or about possible evidence? We don't know what she knows and that in itself could be why she is talking in past tense.
Marlene may know in her heart she has done nothing wrong but still be aware that in this kind of situation the parents are always looked at--not just by LE but by everyone. We are even doing it here. And I am not saying there is anything wrong with that, just that I think Marlene may be trying to speak clearly and offer any information she feels will not harm the investigation but she is not free to speak of certain things, and other times she feels she cannot say something without raising eyebrows. Even though it may be something perfectly innocent and above board, it will be interpreted with suspicion by some. Such as, having been married to a sex offender--she's not accountable for someone else's wrongdoing but I am sure she is aware that others may hold her so. And now living with her BF with her teen daughter in the home. There is nothing wrong with that in most people's eyes but she is probably aware that some people will judge.

While I'm not ruling anyone out quite yet, I'm not at the point yet of picking apart everything this stressed out, heartbroken mom says. I have not walked a mile in her shoes and I pray I never have to.

I called and spoke with the Sheriff's dept tonight. All I'm saying.
It wouldn't take much effort to see her walking home after she got off the bus in the afternoons.


Oh, I totally agree it wouldn't take much to follow her home but I would consider that stalking and most likely checking out the area before making a move.
I tend not to read into the past tense language so much. I've put blame on other parents but because of their conflicts of stories, a failed polygraph, not actively looking for their child and lawyering up. But I don't see that here.

However, what's not to say that LE has told her about statistics, or about a possible suspect? Or about possible evidence? We don't know what she knows and that in itself could be why she is talking in past tense.

I dont even think it takes LE telling her.

All she has to do is look where they are searching for Sierra. LE doesnt look for an alive child in undergrowth, fields, woods, and waterways.

And LE started doing these type of searches early on.

I am wondering too about possible feelings of guilt Mom may have, and if any of them are associated with the boyfriend, in that she is so defensive when his name is even mentioned. Maybe she feels badly about agreeing to the move to MH, or maybe Sierra had stated she did not care for him, or just did not want to live with him. She is not just a little defensive, she is unbelievably defensive, IMO. Something sparks her when she is asked about him, in any way. Also, maybe it is knowing that she was married to a sex offender (and that everyone knows it now) so she is extra sensitive, who knows?

You know some have said she was defensive about Rick but I just didnt see it. Imo, she had to be thoroughly exhausted keeping up that pace for three weeks. She did say clearly that the police knows and of course they do. They already have said all three have alibis and can account for their whereabouts that day.

I dont think she feels guilty for moving to MH. Teens are and can be abducted on busy congested streets right out of the blue and they were gone without a trace. Heck, children can and have been abducted right out of their own home with the parent or parents right there. Ask Marc Klass. He knows how cunning these predators can be no matter where a person lives.

They had a beautiful home to live in with wide open spaces around them. Me personally, I would rather raise our children in a quiet rural area and we did raise all five of our children in a rural area (moreso than where Sierra lived) and they loved it. Now everyone of them have built homes in rural areas in order to raise their own children away from the rat race of the city. They could play and ride their bikes and ATVs all over the place or go fishing near by. So why should she have guilt because she moved from Fremont?

I dont think the buzz about her ex would ever die down in Fremont. That is something people tend to never forget. I have no doubt she made the move with her daughter because she thought it was best for both of them. Never in a million years could she guess this would happen. Just like all the other parents before her didnt have a clue that a predator was close by whether they lived in a trailer park or in a big mansion.

But if she was defensive then I dont blame her one bit. Lt Smith and Cardoza both had already said that Rick, Steve, nor Marlene were involved in Sierra's disappearance. They have said that all three have cooperated 100% throughout the investigation. So NG wanted to talk about Rick instead of concentrating on helping Marlene find her daughter which is why she came on there in the first place. I am sure she loves Rick and she has every right to stand up for him.

a female seems like the most likely suspect. hence my call to LE.
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