CA CA - Susan Jacobson, 59, Sun City/Roseville, 2 May 2013 - #1

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I do not believe Susan left on her own. There were no indications that she was unhappy at home, and no indications that she was planning to leave. Nothing was missing from the house (i.e. clothing, suitcase, passport, etc.). She is very close with her sister, and she did not mention anything about leaving or being unhappy. Further – she was VERY excited about her first grandchild, who is due in early July. She has been waiting to be a grandmother for many years now – so I really don’t think she would leave – especially now. Further – she is a very private and shy person, who is uncomfortable outside familiar settings and routine. To suddenly leave would be completely unlike her and way out of her comfort zone. Also – she had very little cash, no ID (ID found in wallet), and the credit cards have not been used. If she did leave – my only thought is that she became disoriented or confused. This has never happened before, that I know of, so this is speculation. But there is a history of dementia in her family – though she has never shown any signs. Again – purely speculation.

There was a comment here about neighbors speculating that she staged her disappearance. Please site your source, if possible. If a neighbor did say that – then I believe it would be purely speculation by that neighbor. Susan is a very quiet, private, and shy person, as mentioned – I do not believe she knew any of her neighbors that well, and definitely not to the point she would share that kind of information. Her best friend, besides her husband, is her sister, and she never suggested this to her. I think this kind of stuff gets out there because there is just not a lot of information right now – unfortunately there is just not much to go on. The police probably do not tell us everything, but I do not believe they have any good leads or understanding of what happened, at this point. I wish we knew more info than what is already out there - but we don't at this point.

Surveillance cameras – there are a number of cameras inside Raley’s, and one outside at the Raley’s front entrance. I do not think there are any cameras in the parking lot. Some of the other businesses in the shopping center (such as Wells Fargo, Starbucks) have their own cameras (inside). I do not believe any of the cameras inside Raley’s have shown Susan – which, if true, means that she probably never made it inside Raley’s. Police recently received some more surveillance footage, and indicated they may have footage of her car going into the parking lot that morning, but they were waiting on further information (enhancements). The camera right outside Raley’s front door might pan and show part of the parking lot – so it might have seen her drive by the front door as she was parking (this has not been confirmed, however).

Susan does not carry a cell phone. I know this may seem unusual, but she just doesn’t use a cell phone, and only uses the computer for emails.

Regarding the husband, please see my post, #83. This is a law enforcement question, but as they normally would, they have checked him very thoroughly and have moved on to investigating other angles because there has been no indication or anything linking him to her disappearance. They have found nothing and he has checked out completely. They are not going to come out and say he is “clear” – because they don’t know what happened. They can’t clear anyone when they’re not sure what happened. But again – he has done all they have asked and has checked out. The family knows he was not involved.

Thank you again for your thoughts and concerns. I know the lack of info is frustrating, but there is just not much out there right now. No one is more frustrated than the family.

Thank you for coming back to answer questions as best you can, and attempting to clear some things up. I apologize if there has been anything posted that might upset you. Many posters here fancy themselves as detectives, from following dozens of cases, but I assure you that most of us are focusing on trying to find your mother and are trying their best to help.

One thing to remember, and this goes to everyone posting here. It takes time to go through all those tapes from security cameras. Being able to identify a person from them is sometimes next to impossible, because very often the images are grainy. I hope something useful comes from them, or that some witness may recall something they saw which could be helpful to LE.
In regards to not Susan not using a cell phone; maybe she has a landline phone at home that she uses when she wants to call someone, and seeing as she likes to stay at home, maybe she's always been home, so she was available to answer the landline phone, if indeed she does have one.
If she doesn't know her neighbors well, it could be, possibly, that she has a "social phobia". And if that is true, then perhaps it does make sense why she would go shopping so early in the morning, as to avoid crowds, but still be able to go out and shop in stores without being homebound all the time.
There could be other reasons, of course, but these that I stated seem plausible to me.... In My Opinion......

Good points here, Treelights...

I don't always carry my cell phone... And rely mostly on my landline... So I can totally understand that being a factor in Susan's case...

and going out to run errands early to avoid crowds could be plausible, too...

again... I relate to that...

Not to bring myself up so much... But I have similarities to Susan.... Age, etc... And that is one of the many reasons I am drawn to, and want the best for, Susan....

All - there is a facebook page at (can search Susan Jacobson - Missing in Roseville on facebook). If people have other ideas, please let me know - unfortunately I haven't really found an instruction manual for this process yet ;)

Thank you again for your interest and concern.
All - there is a facebook page at (can search Susan Jacobson - Missing in Roseville on facebook). If people have other ideas, please let me know - unfortunately I haven't really found an instruction manual for this process yet ;)

Thank you again for your interest and concern.

This a great idea. If you have FB friends, ask them to share your mother's info on their page. If your local PD is not giving you any ideas, you should come back here and ask at WS what else you can do. Has there been a reward offered? Doesn't work too much I think, but it's always good to try.
All - there is a facebook page at (can search Susan Jacobson - Missing in Roseville on facebook). If people have other ideas, please let me know - unfortunately I haven't really found an instruction manual for this process yet ;)

Thank you again for your interest and concern.

This Facebook page is a GREAT start! :great:

I particularly appreciate the various pictures of Susan...

and the map and pics of the area is helpful to get a feel for the area...

Susan seems to have such a gentle soul...:hug:
Can some tech savvy Sleuther help Kjac by posting the WS link to the information of what to do (steps to take) when a loved one goes missing?

Apologies in advance if this has already been done.....

Does anyone know if Susan's car keys were found?
Where would Susan put her car keys if she was carrying a wallet only, and not a purse?
(I know that the car was unlocked.)
I wonder if Susan customarily carried a wallet instead of a purse? If she took her purse with her, why take the wallet out, and leave the purse in the car ( or at home).....
Where would she keep her car keys? Inside the wallet, in a pants pocket (provided she changed from sweats), in a jacket?
I wonder if Susan needed sunglasses to drive, even in that short distance. Sometimes the sun can be pretty bright in the mornings. I wonder, if she used sunglasses, were they found in the unlocked car? Where would she keep the sunglasses? In her purse?
These are just a few questions I have.....
Please stay with us Kjac22! We will do all we can to help you find her! ((Hugs))
This article from post #42 that summer_breeze posted, mentions a purse, and mentions a wallet, which is confusing. I know Susan's wallet was found by someone, but the way this article is written makes it sound like Susan also had a purse, and it was left in the car??

"Since that time, her car, with her purse inside, was found in an area parking lot. Her wallet – minus the cash and credit cards – was found and turned in at a nearby Starbucks, authorities said."

Read more here:

So, if it is true that Susan had a purse and a wallet, why would she take the wallet out, and not take the purse? Why leave the car unlocked with the purse inside?
Since Susan's Honda Civic was left unlocked......I wonder which doors were unlocked? Since it sounds like Susan is detail oriented and KJac22 says Susan wouldn't leave the car unlocked.......was the driver's door locked and the front passenger door unlocked? Were they both unlocked? Does she have a 2 door or 4 door? Which of the doors were unlocked?
If Susan had a routine, I wonder if people also knew that? People are Creatures of Habit..... Could Susan have always gone to the store on that particular day of the week, or that particular hour, regardless of what day it was?
I wondered if the doors were unlocked too. If so, and her purse was in the car, was the wallet found closer to the car than to the stores? Not sure if I saw WHERE the jogger found the wallet in relation to the car. I have read so much on WS in the past few weeks, that my brain is fried.
"Within hours of police asking the public to identify a jogger who found the wallet, she came forward to Roseville Police. She tells CBS13 there was no cash or credit cards in the wallet when she found it."

" “I just saw business cards and stuff all over the sidewalk, and then I realized there was a purple wallet there with it, so I bent down and first thing I saw was her driver’s license,” the woman who wished to remain unnamed said. "

"About 8 that morning, a woman brought Jacobson's wallet to the Starbucks coffee shop in the same Raley's shopping center, saying she found it in the parking lot."
I wondered if the doors were unlocked too. If so, and her purse was in the car, was the wallet found closer to the car than to the stores? Not sure if I saw WHERE the jogger found the wallet in relation to the car. I have read so much on WS in the past few weeks, that my brain is fried.

From the facebook page set up for Susan being missing, there are 2 photos that were taken of the parking lot, and I don't see a sidewalk island in the parking lot, so the 2 articles I posted(Post#135); one mentions the woman that turned in Susan's wallet mentioned that there were business cards all over the sidewalk, then she saw a purple wallet. Whether the wallet was on the sidewalk with the cards?, who knows, as the second article says the wallet was found in the parking lot.
I guess parking lot could mean an encompassing area, which would include the sidewalk to the stores....Maybe the business cards were on the sidewalk and the wallet was next to it, on the curb/parking lot? In My Opinion....
From the facebook page set up for Susan being missing, there are 2 photos that were taken of the parking lot, and I don't see a sidewalk island in the parking lot, so the 2 articles I posted(Post#135); one mentions the woman that turned in Susan's wallet mentioned that there were business cards all over the sidewalk, then she saw a purple wallet. Whether the wallet was on the sidewalk with the cards?, who knows, as the second article says the wallet was found in the parking lot.
I guess parking lot could mean an encompassing area, which would include the sidewalk to the stores....Maybe the business cards were on the sidewalk and the wallet was next to it, on the curb/parking lot? In My Opinion....
That would matter I think. If somebody brought the car there, I would think they didn't need to have the wallet out on the sidewalk. They could have left it in the car and walked away. Was the car unlocked and somebody grabbed the wallet and took off? If she was walking with the wallet, seems to me they would have grabbed the wallet and went toward the highway or out of the parking lot, not up to the stores and sidewalk. But it's just unclear as written. I don't know, it just matters to me.
That would matter I think. If somebody brought the car there, I would think they didn't need to have the wallet out on the sidewalk. They could have left it in the car and walked away. Was the car unlocked and somebody grabbed the wallet and took off? If she was walking with the wallet, seems to me they would have grabbed the wallet and went toward the highway or out of the parking lot, not up to the stores and sidewalk. But it's just unclear as written. I don't know, it just matters to me.

And if the car was unlocked, with the purse in plain sight, someone could have easily taken her wallet out of the car. If Susan had the wallet with her, and someone grabbed the wallet from her and took off, why did Susan not report she just had her wallet stolen?
Was Susan taken, And her wallet taken at the same time, only to have her wallet dumped in the same area, with the cash and credit cards missing???
Why wouldn't Susan leave her wallet in her purse and take the whole purse with her when shopping? Why would she leave her purse in her car in plain sight for anyone to see, with the doors unlocked? That's a crime of opportunity if someone wants to "break" in.....
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