CA CA - Susan Jacobson, 59, Sun City/Roseville, 2 May 2013 - #1

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This woman didn't walk off, she was not delusional or in a mental state IMO someone
harmed her! JMO
My thoughts too. In a previous post, I pondered the separation of the wallet and the purse. The only thing I could think of is -- if this was staged -- is that it would be somewhat easy to discreetly drop a small wallet somewhere in the parking lot, but not so much with a purse.

How would someone possibly explain if they were caught dropping off a purse in a parking lot? And the sight of someone doing this would likely draw someone's attention, wouldn't it? Much more risky than dumping a small wallet. ???????????????

you can pull up in one parking spot and open your door a tad leave the purse and then just move the car to another parking spot. if you were next to another car no one would see you
Here's a list of local media contacts. Maybe if they get enough requests, they'll do some follow up reporting:

KCRA Channel 3: Newsroom (916) 444-7316

KXTV Channel 10: Newsroom (916) 321-3300
- or - email assignment desk:

KOVR 13 CBS News: (916) 374-1300
email: (scroll down)

KTXL FOX Channel 40: (916) 454-4422

Sacramento Bee (both these writers have reported on Susan):
Anne Gonzales email:
Ed Fletcher email:

Roseville Press Tribune/Auburn Journal:
Scott Thomas Anderson

I'm calling and emailing, and complimenting those who have been diligent about following up (Scott Thomas Anderson).
He was the last to see her. All my questions would be directed at him.
If the neighbor was the last person to see her he would be my focus. Hubby needs to be ruled out to move past and as I read it he has not been ruled out!
So Im stuck here where she was last seen!

I think LE is silent because they suspect someone but need evidence!

That's kinda what I've been thinking.
Another thing I was thinking, is that someone may have hoped credit cards were stolen and used somewhere else, or if keys were left in the unlocked car , hoping car would be stolen, both things that would lead LE in a false direction.

Good point. That may explain leaving the purse in the car. If it was left in plain sight, with the door unlocked, maybe someone hoped that the purse would be stolen and A) someone would be caught on camera crossing the parking lot with the purse, B) someone would use something left in the purse, such as another credit card, and leave a trail, C) someone would leave forensic evidence such as fingerprints/hair/fiber in the car, D) someone would later ditch the purse and create another scene rife with misleading evidence......or generate any number of red herrings to mislead investigators.
The longer she is missing, the less I believe she left on her own. It is just not so simple to do, for most people. (To stay hidden I mean.)
It seems that the police do not have clear footage of Susan's car driving into the parking lot, or they are keeping it to themselves. I would like to know if there are any cameras that might have captured whomever dropped Susan's wallet. I still think it was tossed out of a car window, but who knows. I wish LE would make another appeal for info, requesting anyone who was in the general area that day to rethink what they observed that day.
Are fliers still up around town?
It seems that the police do not have clear footage of Susan's car driving into the parking lot, or they are keeping it to themselves. I would like to know if there are any cameras that might have captured whomever dropped Susan's wallet. I still think it was tossed out of a car window, but who knows. I wish LE would make another appeal for info, requesting anyone who was in the general area that day to rethink what they observed that day.
Are fliers still up around town?

Me too! Even if those in the general area could do nothing more than attest to the amount of activity in the shopping center that day. Was it crowded? More or less than usual? (It was the first of the month, which is often, at least in my experience, more crowded than other times). How easy would it have been for someone to accost Susan in the parking lot without being seen?

The fact that LE is not actively making additional appeals for information leaves me hoping that they have something and are actively pursuing where it leads.

Does that make sense or is it just wishful thinking?
Ok let's rethink this. We aren't doing Susan one damned bit of good by sitting here and speculating. How can we help? I know several of us live in the area, or close enough that we can easily make the trip in a short time. What can we do to get some attention back on this case, or help look for answers or information? What if we set up a free lemonade stand or something similar in the community with the purpose of making people aware of Susan's case and possibly generating some new info or tips. I know it sounds silly but I just feel like there's gotta be something we can do to help.

This is a very good point, and good question. What CAN we do? I feel helpless too! I wouldn't even know where to start in terms of handing out flyers, between trying to find the right location and a place that would allow it. The logistics get overwhelming so fast.

I can't personally do a whole ton of on foot searching or handing out of flyers due to physical limitations, not to mention the heat right now. I feel half dead from heat just going to the mailbox and back! The news says 104 today but hubby's temp gun (which is pretty accurate - he uses it for work) showed 134 on the front porch -in the shade. Scares the heck out of me to think of Susan potentially missing out in this heat somewhere, although it's been so long I tend to think that she's either not in the area or is somewhere indoors and much cooler if..well.. I hate even saying this, but if she's still alive and functional.

I have been looking for her anytime I'm out and about, usually from the car (physical limitations again). You don't see as much that way as you do walking around, but I look. I have seen almost nothing when it comes to flyers, stories on the news, LE requests for info (other than early on). I haven't been into that Raley's or RC Willey in awhile - has anyone else? I've been past them but not into the stores. Do they have any flyers up?

I have been asking about her, especially asking friends and family who live and/or work in that area. My husband's familiar with her story and picture. Friend who lives that way and works at the railyard is familiar with her story because of me, and his wife's also familiar with her photo, but neither of them has seen or heard much other than what I've told them and shared on Facebook. These friends are making an offer on a house less than a mile from that Raleys and promised to keep an eye out. My Dad lives very close to there and is keeping an eye out. His girlfriend even looks somewhat like Susan, particularly height-wise, and she's aware and looking. So is my sister, who's a teenager so out and about a lot.

None of it seems like enough!

I feel kind of silly still looking in that area because I feel like she's either long gone or would've been found by now, but JMO and it's hard for me to think that way. I don't even know where else would make sense to look, either. I can't imagine how distraught her family must be. :(
Me too! Even if those in the general area could do nothing more than attest to the amount of activity in the shopping center that day. Was it crowded? More or less than usual? (It was the first of the month, which is often, at least in my experience, more crowded than other times). How easy would it have been for someone to accost Susan in the parking lot without being seen?

The fact that LE is not actively making additional appeals for information leaves me hoping that they have something and are actively pursuing where it leads.

Does that make sense or is it just wishful thinking?

BBM unfortunately I don't know. I can tell you that shopping center's fairly populated most days of the week and most times of the day, but I wasn't there that morning. I do think it's a pretty visible parking lot. Sure there are hidden spots but I don't feel like it's a particularly secluded or "creepy" parking lot. Just a feeling, I know others might disagree, but it's not somewhere I'd be nervous going even as a short and not-so-agile female.

I know someone mentioned being nervous about the railyard nearby... personally I can't shake how close the major freeways are. You could be in San Francisco, Reno, or many other major cities within under 2 hours, easily.
I am finding Susan's disappearance very compelling and scary, maybe because she sounds kind of like me. But also, just they way she seems to have vanished into air, without a trace, at least without, seemingly, a useful trace. I wish/hope LE is keeping the family informed and making them feel they are working hard on the case. But to be honest, I can't imagine what LE has to work with.
I am finding Susan's disappearance very compelling and scary, maybe because she sounds kind of like me. But also, just they way she seems to have vanished into air, without a trace, at least without, seemingly, a useful trace. I wish/hope LE is keeping the family informed and making them feel they are working hard on the case. But to be honest, I can't imagine what LE has to work with.

Is it ok to hate agreeing with you? :banghead: I agree, but I hate it. Where is she?

Sort of O/T but our resident "crazy lady" walked by a few minutes ago and I couldn't help but wonder about her, and her family. Does someone care about her, worry about her? I gave her some water. She didn't want anything else. She's not Susan, but who is she? Is Susan out there wandering hoping someone will help her? PS I don't mean to imply Susan is a "crazy lady," it just made me think if she ran away from her life where might she go and what might she do?
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I can't believe that anybody really following this case could actually believe KJAC22 is not Susan's son. The level of detail nature of the information provided and consistency with news reports and (cross posting with) Facebook ( would have required a lot of effort.

Unfortunately, if I were to guess, Kjac has probably either:
Been driven off by some questions and opinions that he does not believe are relevant (or in good taste),
He has been advised than sharing information here could compromise the investigation (or complicate future testimony).
Hang in there KJAC22, even if you choose no longer to post here we are all hoping for a positive outcome.

Thank you. That's what I was trying to say, only you said it more eloquently. People don't tell me I'm brutally honest for nuttin', ya know???

I'm hoping we didn't run him off. I'm hoping he's just busy with the new baby coming soon.

In all cases, the nearest and dearest to the MP needs to be cleared, I get that. It's just sensitive territory to discuss the nearest and dearest when one of the nearest and dearest is among us. kwim??? We have a higher level of caution............maybe, supposedly......possibly????
This May 24th article published in the Roseville Press Tribune discusses plans for an upcoming "public awareness demonstration" for Susan.

Does anyone know if it ever took place?

"Die hard volunteers refuse to give up on finding Jacobson"

Swasey and Cornel are now planning a public awareness demonstration for Jacobson in the shopping center at Pleasant Grove and Woodcreek Oaks boulevards, where the only evidence around her disappearance has been found in the form of an empty car and empty wallet. A date for the demonstration has not been set, but any volunteers who would like to participate in keeping Jacobson’s image circulating by holding up large pictures can find out more information by emailing Both Swasey and Cornell stress the email address is only for passing out flyers and is in no way affiliated with the Roseville Police Department’s investigation.

Bless these wonderful ladies. I've emailed them and await a response.
From what I recall, he said he did it for clarity - for others reading the board. It isn't how I would do it, but it makes sense.

I remember him saying the same thing, that he was writing it in the 3rd person so that others reading it would get the information, not get stuck on it being his parents.
After all this time, the police would have to tell me all they knew. Manners have to be put aside at some point! You have to become a stalker of the detective I think. OR maybe it's just not being told to US here at WS. JMHO
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