GUILTY CA - Tobias Summers for kidnapping, rape of 10yo girl, Northridge, 2013 #1

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it was stated that she was trying to get home. a basic instinct. a 10 year old probably doesn't know she needs medical care and a rape kit after an assault. Add shock to it and fear and I'm sure she was just trying to get somewhere she felt safe - with her mom.

I just thought of something! Omg it's something we never considered! You know how you brought up human trafficking as a motive? Well you could be dead on! What about if the assault didnt involve the "normal" method? What about if these were guys used in the trade for exploitation in *advertiser censored*? I'm not trying to turn this into something even more disgusting & salacious. It's a genuine question. Is there a possibility a technical device / camera was used? They dropped her off at hospital!!!
Here are just a few comments/observations...

A poster who is local (sorry... On iPad... And hard to place quotes...)...stated that most gang initiation rites in that area involve more minor activities... Like bashing cars, etc... So I am still on,the fence regarding this being gang related...

since the girl was found at a strip mall with Starbucks... And not found at the medical facility... The child must have been the one that reported she was dropped off at the Kaiser Hospital... So... She may have been afraid to go inside... But must have known it was a hospital... As she was the one that reported it...

A neighbor reports that this child is reserved... And keeps to herself a lot... So I am wondering how these perps chose/found her...

- Internet?

-do they live near the house or visit near the house often?

Just thinking out loud here...

I am so baffled! :waitasec:

Don't most hospitals have surveillance cameras?

Poor little thing :(. My heart re-breaks for her every time I come to this thread.

I wonder if her Mom was restless that night and had a sixth sense things weren't right. I've checked on my kids multiple times when noises/weird going ons were constantly waking me up.

I agree that the hospital thing is baffling. If they were really teenagers, they may have not realized how badly she would be injured and it really scared them (and/or they were under the influence of something and when it wore off, they saw what they had done and panicked). I would like to think they had compassion for the girl, but I would bet it was more fear for themselves.
I must have been posting during the previous couple of posts...

some of my ideas were similar...:)

Good point, Jersey! ...Maybe the child was used for *advertiser censored* filming!?!

Kaiser Permanente Woodland Hills Medical Center


I must have been posting during the previous couple of posts...

some of my ideas were similar...:)

Good point, Jersey! ...Maybe the child was used for *advertiser censored* filming!?!


I was too and just caught up. What a horrifying thought :(. And yet plausible. Ugh.
Wow Holly! It's HUGE!

Was just going to say that. The place is huge indeed. I have been there.

My thought on dropping her at the hospital was maybe related to it being a "safe haven." Perps know that everyone is looking for this girl, the pressure is ON big time, so they decide (for whatever reason) to drop her there. As someone who has lived in LA and Detroit and south Phoenix, I am not leaning toward this being gang-related at all. I do not have a theory on why she was kidnapped at this point - just wanted to mention that most Kaiser Hospital facilities are BIG.
Here are just a few comments/observations...

A neighbor reports that this child is reserved... And keeps to herself a lot... So I am wondering how these perps chose/found her...

If it truly was two strangers and Mom thought someone had been watching her, something tells me it had to do with her beautiful long red hair. Like they wanted a redheaded child for some reason.

The only other thing I can think of is that it started out as burglary and they just became opportunists. It's still a huge leap to go from a property crime to something so horrific though :(.
Btw I hope LAPD is currently tearing the CRAP out of that storage facility.
Here are just a few comments/observations...

A poster who is local (sorry... On iPad... And hard to place quotes...)...stated that most gang initiation rites in that area involve more minor activities... Like bashing cars, etc... So I am still on,the fence regarding this being gang related...

since the girl was found at a strip mall with Starbucks... And not found at the medical facility... The child must have been the one that reported she was dropped off at the Kaiser Hospital... So... She may have been afraid to go inside... But must have known it was a hospital... As she was the one that reported it...

A neighbor reports that this child is reserved... And keeps to herself a lot... So I am wondering how these perps chose/found her...

- Internet?

-do they live near the house or visit near the house often?

Just thinking out loud here...

I am so baffled! :waitasec:




Ok, stranger abduction is believable, but something that's hard to grasp is that they got into her house with everyone home (including a dog), abducted this girl, took her to an abandoned house right by her home, then used several cars to transport her wherever they were transporting her to...

Without being caught...

How brazen...

How did they know about the abandoned house? Do they live in the vicinity? I'd think they had to make themselves familiar with this girl's demeanor - like they knew they'd get away with it to walk into her house & steal her from her damn bed!

Are they familiar with her dog since the dog must not have barked in protection of this girl? I mean if it did then surely people in the house would have woken up ASAP, especially considering the mom said she woke up after hearing the dog in her daughter's room bc the dog isn't allowed in there...
If I were the FBI, I'd be asking that neighbor little 4 y/o boy if he's seen anyone in the past so many days giving that dog treats...or attempting to play with it, pet it, talk sweet to it.
Was just going to say that. The place is huge indeed. I have been there.

My thought on dropping her at the hospital was maybe related to it being a "safe haven." Perps know that everyone is looking for this girl, the pressure is ON big time, so they decide (for whatever reason) to drop her there. As someone who has lived in LA and Detroit and south Phoenix, I am not leaning toward this being gang-related at all. I do not have a theory on why she was kidnapped at this point - just wanted to mention that most Kaiser Hospital facilities are BIG.

Great thought on that! Thanks!

Know what the Safe Haven Law is in Cali? Every state has one now, I think...
Ok... Kimster, are you on? I have a question...

We were on a case a long time ago, at least I'm pretty sure it was you. Maybe it was Knox, or nurse? Idk, I just remember it was during the CMA investigation. Dear God I cant remember it factually. Anyway, we were researching if CMA herself, or CMA had C involved in child ****. It was a loose thought but I remember running with it, trying to figure stuff out, when I saw that pic that looked like CMA. I was positive it was her but it wasn't. The real lady is a p**n star. I saw the actual pictures connected w/ her site on another forum. Anyway, here's what I'm getting at... I remember during our investigation, we discovered that child **** is worth even more $ if its high profile. When the victim becomes high profile, the potential buyers enter a bidding war. Forgive me if this is wildly speculative, but I'm wondering if that explains why 2 people were brazen enough to do what they did in the manner that they did it. For the $?

If its possible, then the media should pull all references to this little girl's picture, name, & exactly how she was victimized, from their reports. They can't prevent all of it from getting into bad hands, but they can take precautionary measures imo.

Actually, the media needs to do that anyway. This is an innocent little girl.
Know what the Safe Haven Law is in Cali? Every state has one now, I think...

Yep, CA has the Safe Surrender law.

Before anyone says that law is not applicable, I know that does not apply to this little girl (the perps will not escape prosecution, as the law is intended for babies). But the thought is that it was a "safe" place to drop her.

As to why she did not go in or seek help there... could have dropped her at a location that does not have an entry door. But my guess is she was so damn traumatized that she just wanted to get home, get somewhere familar and again, perhaps "safe" to her.
Don't most hospitals have surveillance cameras?

Poor little thing :(. My heart re-breaks for her every time I come to this thread.

I wonder if her Mom was restless that night and had a sixth sense things weren't right. I've checked on my kids multiple times when noises/weird going ons were constantly waking me up.

I agree that the hospital thing is baffling. If they were really teenagers, they may have not realized how badly she would be injured and it really scared them (and/or they were under the influence of something and when it wore off, they saw what they had done and panicked). I would like to think they had compassion for the girl, but I would bet it was more fear for themselves.

Yes, surveillance cams. Could that black truck have shown up on surveillance at that med center, or had they switched vehicles by then?
Ok, brainstorming & steering away from the gang perspective for now...

Victim gave description of one guy being white & detectives suggested (based on the description) that this guy is around 18. Victim has an older brother. Actually, I thought I read somewhere that she has two older brothers? Idk, doesn't matter right now. What I'm getting at is that she'd be able to give a description inferring age based on the ages of her older brother/s. Some people are actually older or younger than how they look. Maybe we can search 17-30 y/os from that area that have been arrested for drugs? Maybe we can search Craigslist & Backpage? What other sites or news mags / papers are used for this crap? In my past research, I've found that prostitution & drugs are closely linked with child crimes (to put it delicately). Is it worth a shot to search this crap?
Ok, brainstorming & steering away from the gang perspective for now...

Victim gave description of one guy being white & detectives suggested (based on the description) that this guy is around 18. Victim has an older brother. Actually, I thought I read somewhere that she has two older brothers? Idk, doesn't matter right now. What I'm getting at is that she'd be able to give a description inferring age based on the ages of her older brother/s. Some people are actually older or younger than how they look. Maybe we can search 17-30 y/os from that area that have been arrested for drugs? Maybe we can search Craigslist & Backpage? What other sites or news mags / papers are used for this crap? In my past research, I've found that prostitution & drugs are closely linked with child crimes (to put it delicately). Is it worth a shot to search this crap?

I'm right there with you, but I think we need a better description of the perps other than "18 year old white male". It's just too vague.
I'm right there with you, but I think we need a better description of the perps other than "18 year old white male". It's just too vague.

But what about if we compare it with what the school said? What exactly did they say about an attempted abduction at her school? Maybe if we can compare that with this, then just search a certain time span - maybe worth looking into? What do you think?
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