Cadaver dogs have hit on dumpster near home

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Is this something LE would normally do? Throw the focus off? The reason I ask is because I have only been through a couple of cases and never can figure out if that goes on or not..

I've never seen it done before and it's bad for dog handlers everywhere. Defense fodder for years for sure. They'll be using those articles and statements to defend their clients.

It's just not true that they will hit on blood or feminine hygene products. That's the most absurd thing I've heard. If that were true. Cadaver dogs would be useless.

Has anyone checked out this dog association? What is their name? I wonder if they have a website.
First Coast News Erich Spivey asked why the dumpster wasn't fully searched earlier.

"We didn't search over this. In fact, we've searched it in depth. We just never took all the trash out," replied Major Gary Bowling of the Putnam County Sheriff's Office.

When asked if there are any other areas close to the home that haven't been fully searched, Bowling said no.
It was mentioned on a news report a few days ago on First Coast News. (Finding it is easier said than done.)

Here's the link to video about Crystal being taken to the abandoned house (I think the date was 2/22 or 2/23) Hope this link works:
I would hope that the "authorities" they got the report from were trained dog handlers. LOL

Really! ITA SeriouslySearching. How could a dead body bleed onto a bandaid? It is one of the silliest things I have read. These were cadaver or human recovery dogs used yesterday. Dead bodies don't bleed. xox
First Coast News Erich Spivey asked why the dumpster wasn't fully searched earlier.

"We didn't search over this. In fact, we've searched it in depth. We just never took all the trash out," replied Major Gary Bowling of the Putnam County Sheriff's Office.

When asked if there are any other areas close to the home that haven't been fully searched, Bowling said no.

Thanks for that info SS! What he's saying makes no sense though!!
First Coast News Erich Spivey asked why the dumpster wasn't fully searched earlier.

"We didn't search over this. In fact, we've searched it in depth. We just never took all the trash out," replied Major Gary Bowling of the Putnam County Sheriff's Office.

When asked if there are any other areas close to the home that haven't been fully searched, Bowling said no.
Respectfully, how do you get "in depth" in a dumpster that hasnt had the trash taken out? X ray goggles?
I can understand the idea that using cadaver dogs inside a house where it is thought that a dead body has been, but IIRC (from someone that was a dog handler that posted on the KC thread please don't ask me to find that post because I have no clue how!) this poster said that a certain amount of time had to pass between the death and the decomp so that the cadaver dog could hit?

If that's accurate (what I'm remembering) if a body is removed from the scene quickly enough cadaver dogs would not even pick up the first few minutes of decomp? Anyone remember that or know?

Depending on the age of death on the sheets they are trained little as ten minutes. A reputable handle will train with sheets from different time increments.
I've never seen it done before and it's bad for dog handlers everywhere. Defense fodder for years for sure. They'll be using those articles and statements to defend their clients.

It's just not true that they will hit on blood or feminine hygene products. That's the most absurd thing I've heard. If that were true. Cadaver dogs would be useless.

Has anyone checked out this dog association? What is their name? I wonder if they have a website.
I agree, SuziQ!
I was disturbed by the bag throwing too. Then my husband pointed out that they are feeling the bags before they throw them down there and they would most likely know if a 5 year olds body was in there. I felt better after that ... but still doesn't sit right with me yet.

All LE are trained not to move a dead body until after it has been photographed and examined. So while still in the dumpster, they would have checked for odor, how the bag felt and other signs that it may contain human remains before moving it. When they lifted it, they would have been observing the weight. Then the bag would need to be removed from the dumpster so that the bag under it could be checked. My guess is that once those bags were thrown from the dumpster they will also be checked again, looking for any contents that might have decomp on it.

No disrespect was intended against Hayleigh. LE was just ruling out that the bag contained any remains, then going on to the next bag.
lmao.....dumpster vision.


I hope that someone calls NG tonight and asks about LE saying the tracking dogs being wrong, the dumpster being searched but the stuff not being taken out of it, and the three cadaver dogs that LE says alerted incorrectly. Just sayin :sheesh:
I've never seen it done before and it's bad for dog handlers everywhere. Defense fodder for years for sure. They'll be using those articles and statements to defend their clients.

It's just not true that they will hit on blood or feminine hygene products. That's the most absurd thing I've heard. If that were true. Cadaver dogs would be useless.

Has anyone checked out this dog association? What is their name? I wonder if they have a website.

Doesn't blood break down once it is out of the body? Wouldn't it give off some scent of decomp?
Oh, question, since the dogs they were using were non-LE dogs, led by a non-LE group, would that affect their training or is it all the same?

I've never done cadaver searches with a dog, just recovery searches.
RIP Max.

Who is this group? We need to sleuth out their credintials stat.
First Coast News Erich Spivey asked why the dumpster wasn't fully searched earlier.

"We didn't search over this. In fact, we've searched it in depth. We just never took all the trash out," replied Major Gary Bowling of the Putnam County Sheriff's Office.

When asked if there are any other areas close to the home that haven't been fully searched, Bowling said no.

bold by me

Isn't this a contradiction in terms? :confused:
First Coast News Erich Spivey asked why the dumpster wasn't fully searched earlier.

"We didn't search over this. In fact, we've searched it in depth. We just never took all the trash out," replied Major Gary Bowling of the Putnam County Sheriff's Office.

When asked if there are any other areas close to the home that haven't been fully searched, Bowling said no.

This makes no sense.
Doesn't blood break down once it is out of the body? Wouldn't it give off some scent of decomp?

No, my understanding is blood does not decompose and give off the two chemicals that cadaver dogs are trained to hit on. Cadaverine and Putrescene(sp?)
Really! ITA SeriouslySearching. How could a dead body bleed onto a bandaid? It is one of the silliest things I have read. These were cadaver or human recovery dogs used yesterday. Dead bodies don't bleed. xox
Cadaver dogs check for decomp, dried blood, etc. Could have been anyone's band aid which would turn up as decomp. And dead bodies do bleed. Just look at Lana Clarkson. Shot in the mouth, dead as a doornail (may she RIP). Blood ran out all over the place.

I hold little faith in cadaver dogs under certain situations.
Actually yes. When I was on street view for that area, there was a pop of picture for the area, and it was a picture of gators from the other side of the waterway.

There's gators everywhere around here, not just at the waterways. Retention ponds have gators there, too, including at the Palatka golf course's driving range and the county's recreation complex [soccer, baseball, softball fields]. But we all know not to let our kids play around them, for sure.
btw - the rec dept's retention pond is enclosed with a very, very tall chain-link fence.

jmo, but it's way more likely she fell in and drowned than got eaten by a gator. And I don't think they like already dead stuff. [But don't know why I think that.]
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