Cadaver Dogs Hits and Info

DNA Solves
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If their behaviors or "hits" leads to a body or human remains, it doesn't matter who trained them or how well they were trained. The end result is what matters.

I agree with you guys. The bottom line is that we want this little girl found. So if someone is helping and helping themselves at the same time, so be it. If they are helping, that's all we can ask for right now. As long as they are respectful to LE and their procedures and processes.
thank you~!!!!!

exactly, and i hope she would get the reward money for her house is in forecloser and she is still out there searching but if i recall the reward money is only if she is alive is this correct?
Did someone say they don't appreciate the Body Hunter's efforts in looking for Caylee?
Channel 13 is reporting only the chloroform and new charges. Also, sheriff's dept giving $5,000 to Tim for the search. Nothing, as of 7:30, about the cadaver dogs or possibly new attorney.

eah, I heard her say in an interview on NG that she got them in Czechoslovakia lol.

I'm not getting why this is funny - help? I have a Czech GSD - Czech and East German working-lines GSDs are very commonly used in LE, S&R, and cadaver work.

That being said, I'm glad certified dogs & handlers are on the way.
Yeah, I heard her say in an interview on NG that she got them in Czechoslovakia lol.

Just for your information, and please know that I am not a forensic dog expert. But, I do have two very talented Belgian Malinois.

The Czechs breed very good dogs. That said, the quality of the dog depends on it's bloodline, and it's training. You can get excellent dogs from Czechoslovakia. They are not interested in Westminster prizes, etc. They are more into breeding for health, trainability, and working temperament.

Most American dogs are bred for "looks", and the breeders don't pay that much attention to health or working ability. There are exceptions, of course. The breeder of my Malinois was going for working ability, and has placed many of her puppies to working homes, police persons intending to train them for cadaver search, etc. The sister of my is doing this kind of work in Maryland.

I can tell you that the two Belgians that live with me would work until they dropped, if they were trained for this kind of work.

I chose to train them for house and yard protection, and they will do a perfect "bark and hold". This means they will "air-snap on each side of the intruder, be it animal or human, snarking ferociously on either side of them, doing a perfect "Cujo" imitation, but never drawing blood. My front door is down to bare wood from their warning visitors.

Now, if they know the visitors, it is all show and warning. When it is a friend or relative, we open the door and their behavior instantly goes to friendly smiles and happy licks.

But, God help a stranger! He would be running like the wind, and they would be in full chase!

These dogs can be trained to do anything, and they will work until they drop dead from heat exhaustion. We owners have to be very careful not to let them overheat/overwork, or all the training we have put into them will be lost.

Cadaver dogs are trained for a specific purpose and a specific scent. These are very different from "Search and Rescue" dogs.

Certain breeds are best at certain types of training. Please do not disrespect the Czech dogs, for the European breeders pay a lot more attention to working ability than American breeders do, in general.

And, if any of you are interested in good working dogs, pay no attention to the Westminster (AKC) bunch, for they are kind of like the "Miss/Mister America" of dogs.

If you want a good working dog, ask the breeder how his/her dogs do in the UKC trials. Go to a few of those (like watching paint dry!) and find the best breeders at one of those shows!

Just my rant/opinion on excellently bred dogs. The Czechs do breed good dogs!
Whether you believe in her "gift" or not, she's doing far more than poor Caylee's own family is doing to bring her home.

You are right on~ Also from what I understand there are locals searching with Gale's team.
"Hi Brian its Tamra

Yes Moola and Hilo indicated on something. No, we dont know what it is. Also, we did not call the police as a very nice officer pulled over as we were working the area to ask if we were all ok (we had pulled the cars over and had our four ways on). So it was perfect timing lol. Please post this so everyone whos been e-mailig knows : )


Will do Tamra, and keep up the good work...let's get this case closed so we can move on the the others.

ok,so let's just say that they do find a body out there. From the size of the remains they could tell if it is a child or not, but I think they will have to wait for a DNA confirmation to know 100% that it is or is not Caylee. This really is just too freaking unbearable, I don't want it to be her, but it would bring some closure. Sorry for my mini rant.
I agree. These people were some of the first (if not the first) ones out there searching for this little girl, when even her own family was sitting on their duffs not looking.

OT... CarrieBean, love your avatar!! Is that your dog? So funny!! He/she looks just like a gansta....
ok,so let's just say that they do find a body out there. From the size of the remains they could tell if it is a child or not, but I think they will have to wait for a DNA confirmation to know 100% that it is or is not Caylee. This really is just too freaking unbearable, I don't want it to be her, but it would bring some closure. Sorry for my mini rant.
i know just how you feel .. this needs to be done this case is consuming alot of our lives because we love this little girl so much
"Hi Brian its Tamra

Yes Moola and Hilo indicated on something. No, we dont know what it is. Also, we did not call the police as a very nice officer pulled over as we were working the area to ask if we were all ok (we had pulled the cars over and had our four ways on). So it was perfect timing lol. Please post this so everyone whos been e-mailig knows : )


Will do Tamra, and keep up the good work...let's get this case closed so we can move on the the others.


Guys, I just want to caution everyone- Tricia is ADMANT about not promoting these people, I see no link to coverage so I am guessing all this is coming from their site?
I hope that "The Body Hunters" are the ones that find the body because maybe all the psychic dis-believers will realize there are some liars that pretend they are psychics but there are REAL ones out there. Brian, From the site we can't mention has been saying for a week they are sure of the location and promised something would happen this week and we would all know.

Lets keep our fingers crossed so this little baby can rest in peace and Cindy will stop calling in her fake tips and SHUT HER MOUTH!!!
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