CAMPAIGN to help Equusearch get more volunteers and news coverage!

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Does anyone know how many searchers are showing up today to help? Has anyone gotten any feedback from the numerous clubs, etc. that have been contacted?

Thanks for any info on this!


Talked to someone on the ground in FL a while ago, and including the people showing up at that time (around 1230 Orlando time), there were "maybe" 60.
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) – A little over a dozen volunteers gathered at the Equusearch Command Post Wednesday morning to continue their search for missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony.

The turnout? The lowest since the search began five days ago.


Members of the Orange County Sheriff's Office have requested the search team stay.

"The Sheriff of Orange County has given us a check for $5,000, 25 airboats and the entire mounted patrol to continue the search for Caylee,' Miller said.

"The sheriff says he wants us to stay until Caylee is found, and we will search the entire county, state and country until we find this little girl so we can give her the dignity and respect she deserves," he continued.

Yesterday, Miller vocalized his concern over the locations flooded by Tropical Storm Fay.
The problem with the media is that they do air stories about Equusearch but the main ''narrative'' at the moment is Equusearch searching for a dead Caylee and grandmother saying she receives tips for a living Caylee from all over the country. The focus is on CINDY....not Equusearch and their efforts....Equusearch are extras highlighting CINDY'S weird theories.

We need the media to be genuinely interest in Equusearch efforts, put Cindy on a hiatus, and encourage more people to assist with Equusearch, the only ones who are genuinely searching for the baby along LE, and that they need volunteers to help.

Don't waste more time on Cindy. Her daughter will get her fair day on trial. But if that baby is out there, every second that passes diminishes hopes of finding out what really happened to the baby. Is this what they want? Stalling the search for the baby so the baby won't be able to tell what happened to her and who was responsible?
I agree GameTheory. Take the Anthony's out of the equation and focus just on the search for Caylee. Also it needs to be said that people are welcome to come out after work and search for an hour or two. You don't need to feel you have to spend hours in unfavorable conditions. I think any help a person can give would be greatly appreciated.
I live in Kansas and want to go search--I have $400 I can use to do so BUT it doesn't seem to be enough.

Does anyone know if there are discounted airline fares or discounts for the hotels TES is using??

My hubby is Army and he has 2 days off coming up and my mom has 2 days off and they are back to back so I would have a real babysitter for my kids.

So does anyone know about discounts for searchers??
I emailed them all.

Please IGNORE Cindy Anthony and focus on the search going on!! Please urge your viewers to volunteer and help Texas Equuasearch. The most important thing here is to find CAYLEE. Cindy doesnt want her found. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ask your viewers to help find Caylee.

Short, Simple and Pleading!!!
Thank you for this thread. I emailed all of them. Great job on your part!
It would be great to see LE hold a presser asking for the public's help in the searches!!

I plan on going back to search again this weekend..this time we have 4 others going with us... so Hanna stay AWAY!
Just a suggestion for those who think Caylee might be alive...

You can email churches, doctors, hospitals, convention centers, stadiums, daycare centers, department stores, parks, etc asking them to post Caylee's pics.
Beary promised Tim Miller, the president of Texas EquuSearch, some much-needed help in the form of airboats, patrols and money.

"Said, 'We're going to bring you a check for $5,000 just to help on this search, but do not leave this search.' Why do you think he (Beary) doesn't want us to leave this search? He wants Caylee found. I would do anything in the world for Cindy and that entire family and we're doing that and trying to find Caylee alive, but if something has happened to her out here, we need to find her. We need to bring this little baby home. She deserves that dignity of having the funeral so everybody can say goodbye and people can put their life back together. Caylee is not where she chose to be," Miller said. (Bolded by me) Words of encouragement from Tim to further the efforts of the search!
Has anyone LOCAL to Orlando that watches News Station 6 seen any blurbs about where to go to help volunteer to search for Caylee?

They usually give a quick blurb about people interested in aiding the search can meet at 8 a.m. and the location, but it is so lost in all the mumbo-jumbo of Cindy that it's hardly noticed. I wish they would make the need for searchers a news item in and of itself.

I can tell you that the search is NOT common knowledge among my group of friends. I have 2 kids in different schools and I am a member of a local playgroup, not to mention my "regular" friends, so I have contact with a lot of people. I guarantee that if I didn't tell them about the time and location of the searches, they would have no clue. I'm sure they are tired of hearing me go on about it, but if it weren't for me, I don't think they'd even know a search WAS going on!

The media is right...they DO mention it, but it is so lost in all the "drama" that I don't think anyone hears it. KWIM?
It would be great to see LE hold a presser asking for the public's help in the searches!!

I plan on going back to search again this weekend..this time we have 4 others going with us... so Hanna stay AWAY!

yeahy they are doing that right now in the sheriff's briefing..I think it's important to have it out there coming from them as well!!
We can all print a poster and put on our car side window? I think it is Legal...anyone know if we can do this? That is also a way to get it state to state.
Beary promised Tim Miller, the president of Texas EquuSearch, some much-needed help in the form of airboats, patrols and money.

"Said, 'We're going to bring you a check for $5,000 just to help on this search, but do not leave this search.' Why do you think he (Beary) doesn't want us to leave this search? He wants Caylee found. I would do anything in the world for Cindy and that entire family and we're doing that and trying to find Caylee alive, but if something has happened to her out here, we need to find her. We need to bring this little baby home. She deserves that dignity of having the funeral so everybody can say goodbye and people can put their life back together. Caylee is not where she chose to be," Miller said. (Bolded by me) Words of encouragement from Tim to further the efforts of the search!

Thank you for posting this, SS!

When the Sheriff steps up to support TES, it sends a clear signal to everyone that we need to support this search! This community needs help to find little Caylee!
Watch the momentum grow now with LE supporting the recovery of this child.

No more fairy tales.... it's time to get real!

The sheriff briefing on the OC site says there are a lot of volunteers coming. Starting tomorrow...
I am getting a lists of the local Orlando churches and emailing those pastors to ask for their help. I am giving them the contact info of TES website and also the Sheriff dept sites.

I am at work right now, so I am mainly gathering up email addresses of these churches and will do a mass email when I am off work.
Mr. Gigi and I are planning on being there Sat and Sun with a trailer of Ice. Any Wser's going look for me--besides the Ice truck, I'll have a pink "I (heart) NY" hat on. Drumstick, are you going to come back? I'm going to email others as well and see if they can come up this weekend.
Any ideas on how to contact volunteer firefighters, off duty police, retired police, ect? Racking my brain here. Said I was going to take a break, so I went and took a shower, while I was showering, these are the ones I thought up, did I take a break? lol, I just cannot!
I put a post in the Orlando Sentinel and the Fla. Today newspaper today for active firefighters that work 24 on and 48 off. Hope some will take the initiative.

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