Can child molesters be rehabilitated?????

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Can child molesters be rehabilitated?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 5.4%
  • No

    Votes: 615 94.6%

  • Total voters
    650 is impossible to tell if my style of gentle less painful parenting will be more effective then the one I was raised with.....

It will be, believe! I promise you that. :) We cannot save our children from the inherent pains of life and the mistakes they will and must make, but if we provide a gentle, loving foundation - that is something that can never be taken from them. It will be a gentle pillow they can always fall back on.

If my coming face-to-face and making peace with my childhood pains allows me to be just a little bit more loving and wise as a parent to my young ones, it's worth every tear I ever shed!
.....Hugs to all who were hurt in ways that go so far beyond what I can remember. I admire and respect your strength and courage, and your willingness to reach out and share with me. :blowkiss:


All my love to you Seeking :blowkiss: - and thank you for sharing your path with us. Websleuths is filled with beautiful survivors and I learn so much from each and everyone of us.

NAMBLA doesn't seem to be very active anymore, as far as most people are concerned, but there is a huge pedophile movement on the internet, in which former and current members of NAMBLA are involved. There is also a huge faction of pedophiles who are attracted to girls.

If you want to read about it, you can go to for starters. This particular article will answer the question about whether they seek for their desires to be accepted and normalized.

In it are many examples of them comparing themselves to Jews, Blacks, Gays, etc. I thought some of you might find this interesting.

The Woodsman was a very good movie, but very very creepy, and I think it's probably a good example of how they are. But, no, there's no cure, and, furthermore, many of them, when asked, would not want to be cured. They like the way they are just fine. All they want is for the laws to change so that the age of consent is abolished and they can simply "love children." Right.
NAMBLA doesn't seem to be very active anymore, as far as most people are concerned, but there is a huge pedophile movement on the internet, in which former and current members of NAMBLA are involved. There is also a huge faction of pedophiles who are attracted to girls.

If you want to read about it, you can go to for starters. This particular article will answer the question about whether they seek for their desires to be accepted and normalized.

In it are many examples of them comparing themselves to Jews, Blacks, Gays, etc. I thought some of you might find this interesting.

The Woodsman was a very good movie, but very very creepy, and I think it's probably a good example of how they are. But, no, there's no cure, and, furthermore, many of them, when asked, would not want to be cured. They like the way they are just fine. All they want is for the laws to change so that the age of consent is abolished and they can simply "love children." Right.

This is an excellent post, stealthy, and I agree that many pedophiles do not want to be cured. I thought the Woodsman was outstanding.
It's a "sexual preference" (albeit a perverted one) like heterosexuality and homosexuality. They can choose not to act on their desires but they can't be made to not be attracted to childeren any more than anyone could make me stop being attracted to women.
It's a "sexual preference" (albeit a perverted one) like heterosexuality and homosexuality. They can choose not to act on their desires but they can't be made to not be attracted to childeren any more than anyone could make me stop being attracted to women.

The question was can child MOLESTERS be rehabilitated. The question "can child molesters be rehabilitated" is different than "can sexual preferences be changed." The answer to the first (IMO) is no. The answer to the second, is possibly. (Also, IMO.)
The question was can child MOLESTERS be rehabilitated. The question "can child molesters be rehabilitated" is different than "can sexual preferences be changed." The answer to the first (IMO) is no. The answer to the second, is possibly. (Also, IMO.)

<yikes face>

Anyway, even an infusion of empathy won't likely work with these people because, often in their own demented minds, they think the child is enjoying it.
The only way I personally would trust a person, man or woman, around any kids who has a past record of child sexual abuse would be if surgical or chemical castration had taken place. And when chemical could only be absolutely verified by going to a clinic/doctors office where the treatment is recorded. But if I could not see the records due to HIPPA (sp?), I still would not trust their word alone.
I am not a mother but will be someday hopefully. I agree with above poster I would ever let a past of child abuse around my kids is verified castration. And even then, I wouldn't leave them alone with the kid(s). Just to be safe.
Absolutely NO, child molesters can NOT be rehabilitated.
For ANY grown person to be sexually attracted to a CHILD and VIOLATE a child sexually, has to have SERIOUS damage some where upstairs.
If by "rehabilitated" you mean that a child molestor, through behavior modification therapy and/or other mental health intervention or counseling methods, eventually losses the desire or urge to molest a child... my answer is no.

If by "rehabilitated" you mean that, while their desire or urge is still there, they're able to choose not to act upon those urges or desires... my answer is for a while - perhaps even prolonged periods of time, but never permanently. When/if an opportunity arises - at some point - they will reoffend.

Any child molestor who honesty acknowledges that their behavior is harmful, permanently damaging, and criminal, and truly wants to stop would also openly and willingly be permanently connected to mental health therapy, would NEVER EVER for any reason whatsoever put themselves in, or allow anyone to put them in, a position where they are alone with a child - not even for 2 seconds. They would acknowledge and accept that there is/will never be room for assurances and promises to be made, such as "You don't have to worry, I'm in counseling" or "I swear, I'd never touch a child again." Assurances and promises made by child molestors will always, at some point, become lies and manipulations. A molestor who truly never wants to molest a child again understands that they can NEVER be trusted alone with children and they would unquestioningly accept this - period. They do not become offended and play victim by attempting to make you feel badly for your concerns and doubts - that is manipulation.

So how many child molestors have/can actually do any of the above for any meaningful length of time? Probably less than 1%. Not only are they masters at manipulating others, they're masters at lying to themselves by continuously putting themselves around children until they molest yet another child and perplexed, they claim that they don't know how or why it happened... "it just happened."

No unfortunately they can't be rehabilitated I don't think they have the ability to switch off the desires in their head. More needs to be done to monitor these offenders at the very least I don't think wearing permanent ankle bracelets that send an alert when they go near a school etc is not out of the question. But unfortunately of course the resources and funding are not available to monitor these individuals 24/7 if only they could be and more children would be safe from sexual abuse and being murdered.
I hate not being able to go back and edit the typo in my post ^ It should be "loses" not "losses"...
No not possible. Look at literature.
You are correct, its been proven over and over and over.
I have said it before, and I stand by!!!! I worked at the civil committment center as a nurse in Arcadia, Fl. the child predators do not change! We had a few come back begging for detainment because they knew they would reoffend. The penis polygraphs don't lie. (They are a real thing). It's a wired thing, and I feel badly for those who cannot change it but really want to. But, they cannot change their desires, and therefore need to be away from children.
Depends on what you define as a child molester.
Some have its a rarity but it has happened

Key point to remember Not all molesters are Pedophiles (actually most aren't) and not all Pedophiles Molest .

On paper ..technically, they should be able to, (if their activity was based on situational factors, which is most common as opposed to being a pedophile )

Once those situational factors are no longer present (barring any behavioral disorder) then the offender "should" , (I say "should" ) again TECHNICALLY be able to adapt accordingly

Do they ?... Almost never , at least not completely

Situational VS Preferential motivation:

MOST people who molest kids aren't true pedophiles(preferential) , (IE a defined sexual preference for those under legal age age of consent )

Most molest for several different reasons (IE Situational) , ..Social ineptitude, Personality disorders such as sociopathy , indiscriminate Sexual curiosity, Availability and loneliness

Though it can be done, (again technically) its rare , REALLY rare , in reality they almost never completely straighten out, as they often find their way into other criminal pursuits throughout their life ...

I personally have never seen one who hasn't reverted back to molesting children whether they fell under either classification of situational or preferential ,

Or hasnt found their way into other criminal activity, often some other deviant crimes, (rape etc..) who wasn't under constant supervision
I'm just wondering if any one would be willing to take a chance with their child, to find out? I wouldn't.

Wouldnt even let them know I had kids

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