CANADA CANADA - 83 Missing & Murdered women of Edmonton, Alberta

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Hope this missing young girl does not give in to the temptation to hitch hike..

"RED DEER, AB. – RCMP are asking the public for help in the case of a missing 12-year-old girl. Sonya Chipaway was last seen in the Glendale area of Red Deer.

RCMP received a missing persons complaint at around 6 am on Jan. 9. Officers say Chipaway reportedly left the Glendale area on foot and has not returned. She was last seen wearing a white and pink winter coat, blue jeans and white shoes.

She is described as:

- Native
- Approximately five feet tall"
Hope this missing young girl does not give in to the temptation to hitch hike..

"RED DEER, AB. – RCMP are asking the public for help in the case of a missing 12-year-old girl. Sonya Chipaway was last seen in the Glendale area of Red Deer.

RCMP received a missing persons complaint at around 6 am on Jan. 9. Officers say Chipaway reportedly left the Glendale area on foot and has not returned. She was last seen wearing a white and pink winter coat, blue jeans and white shoes.

She is described as:

- Native
- Approximately five feet tall"

This is another case that will, either today or in the future, most likely be added to the list of 600 (far fewer if you go with statements from the RCMP) missing aboriginal people. It is a case where we can look at the facts and decide whether a national inquiry, paid for by Canadian taxpayers, would make any difference.

With a little bit of a search, we discover that this girl was living in a group home in September and that she has a history of running away.

"RCMP in Red Deer are looking for two teenagers last seen in late September. Officers say Sonya Chipaway, 13, and Shaina Evans, 12, were spotted running from the Dawe Centre in Red Deer on September 20. Both girls live at the Equinox Connection Group Home in Sylvan Lake, Alberta.

Sonya Chipaway is described as:

160 cm (5’3”) tall
43 kg (95 lbs)
Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
Pierced Nose"

I do not see any good reason for taxpayers to fund a national inquiry to examine why this girl is missing. This appears to be a straight forward case of a troubled youth that entered the public care system for some unknown reason. She is currently rebellious and has a history of running away from the facility. If she was hitchhiking and if an opportunistic criminal picked her up, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that she is aboriginal.

I get the impression that she has ties to Edmonton, so it's quite possible that she is there. I highly doubt that she is going to come forward, so it is up to others to find her and deliver her to police ... who will return her to the care facility. If she is never found, it may well be because this runaway does not want to be found.
Here's another one:

"Missing woman from Sask. reserve found dead

January 17, 2013
A Shoal Lake Cree Nation woman who went missing more than a week ago was found dead on Wednesday.

Carrot River RCMP had three days ago asked the public to help find Emiline Marie Kitchener, who was last seen Jan. 4 at the Rigid Rooster Bar in Nipawin. A community search found Kitchener's body in an open field on the Shoal Lake reserve on Wednesday, RCMP said in a news release. Foul play has not been ruled out, RCMP said.

An autopsy to determine the cause of death will be done in the next few days. The investigation is ongoing.

Kitchener's family had not heard from her since Dec. 24, but a friend reported seeing the 34-yearold at the Nipawin bar on Jan. 4. Her family filed a missing persons complaint on Jan. 12.

RCMP said Kitchener's cell-phone was used in the Saskatoon area on Jan. 11. Shoal Lake is about 350 kilometres northeast of Saskatoon.

It sounds like she was in the bar on Christmas Eve and decided to not go home. She was last seen by the family on Dec. 24, last seen by a friend on Jan 4, and finally reported missing on Jan 12. I suppose it's quite possible that there is an aboriginal that is a murderer and who is getting away with it ... hiding in plain view.

If that's the case, perhaps it's time for aboriginals to join the Canadian justice system ... as it appears that their sentencing circle concept has no advantage over a traditional justice system.
I suppose it's quite possible that there is an aboriginal that is a murderer and who is getting away with it ... hiding in plain view.

If that's the case, perhaps it's time for aboriginals to join the Canadian justice system ... as it appears that their sentencing circle concept has no advantage over a traditional justice system.

I am unaware of, and highly doubt you will find, an aboriginal in the history of Canadian serial killers.

I am unaware of, and highly doubt you will find, an aboriginal in the history of Canadian serial killers.

There are certainly a lot of aboriginal Canadians that commit murder, and it seems that they often murder family or acquaintances
It didn't take more than 15 minutes to find an aboriginal serial killer. I'm sure if we were to look at history, rather than the last 6 months, we would find many more.

June 25th, 2012

" It was only recently that Shawn Cameron Lamb promised he was finally ready to reform his troubled, violent and drug-addled life for good -- and for the good of others -- once he got out of jail.

Instead, the rootless career criminal allegedly did anything but and now stands accused of the serial murders of three Winnipeg women, along with sexual assaults on a chronic teen runaway last fall and a 36-year-old woman last week

Despite Lamb's vast and varied criminal record (he's amassed more than 100 convictions to date), the judge handed him a major break and ordered him to serve a supervised conditional sentence of 18 months in the community.

Less than a week after being freed, however, Lamb reoffended a number of times and on May 26, 2010, admitted guilt to 16 charges -- including two violent muggings, a car theft and forging cheques stolen from a local massage parlour.

One of his victims was a 69-year-old woman. The other was a man robbed and threatened for his cases of beer.


He was married twice and fathered two sons with a woman who was ultimately convicted of manslaughter in a shooting-related death in Slave Lake, Alta.


He was born Darrell Dokis to a teen single mom on the urban reserve of Aamjiwnaang First Nation in Sarnia, Ont. In 1959, child welfare officials took Lamb from his community as a toddler as part of a politically-motivated "scoop" of aboriginal kids."
... He was born Darrell Dokis to a teen single mom on the urban reserve of Aamjiwnaang First Nation in Sarnia, Ont. In 1959, child welfare officials took Lamb from his community as a toddler as part of a politically-motivated "scoop" of aboriginal kids."

Thanks for that otto. Never heard of the guy before ... good find.

from that same article:

He was placed with a white foster family who subjected him to sexual, mental, and physical abuse.

Interesting that the "scoop" took the toddler into the white man's world where most serial killers come from. IMO, he was shaped into a killer much moreso by circumstance than by race.

Thanks for that otto. Never heard of the guy before ... good find.

from that same article:

Interesting that the "scoop" took the toddler into the white man's world where most serial killers come from. IMO, he was shaped into a killer much moreso by circumstance than by race.

If someone was charged with what he alleges, then I would know it was true. Until then, I have to wonder if it's an attempt to imply that other's are responsible for the more than 100 crimes that he has committed. It certainly looks like he's pretty good at working the system.
If someone was charged with what he alleges, then I would know it was true. Until then, I have to wonder if it's an attempt to imply that other's are responsible for the more than 100 crimes that he has committed. It certainly looks like he's pretty good at working the system.

I&#8217;m not making excuses for this guy, Otto &#8230; but was he working the system as a toddler when he was taken out of his aboriginal environment, to be raised by white foster parents? This is in reference to your question re whether or not this is &#8220;a systemic problem that originates within the reserves and culture of aboriginal people - that the violence is caused by aboriginal people against women of their own families?&#8221;

This guy wasn&#8217;t raised on reserve nor did he develop socially within aboriginal culture. Unless he was born a psychopath, this killer grew up in the white man&#8217;s world &#8230; can&#8217;t blame him on the natives.

"Federal opposition parties and the Assembly of First Nations, who have long been calling for a public inquiry into the number of missing and murdered aboriginal women in Canada, cited the HRW report as another reason to launch an outside probe into violence against native women.

The Native Women's Association of Canada estimates there are about 600 murdered and missing aboriginal women in Canada.

Marches are set to take place in Canadian cities Thursday, including Ottawa, Toronto and Edmonton, to raise awareness about the issues"
Similar imo, to highway murders here including the perp profile...
[ame=""]The Backpacker Killer - Serial Killer - Documentary - YouTube[/ame]

"As young children, Lyna and Glen were taken from their homes and placed in church-run boarding schools. The trauma of this experience was made worse by years of untold physical, sexual and emotional abuse, the effects of which persist in their adult lives. In this emotional film, the profound impact of the Canadian government's residential school system is conveyed unflinchingly through the eyes of two children who were forced to face hardships beyond their years. We Were Children gives voice to a national tragedy and demonstrates the incredible resilience of the human spirit"

[ame=""]We Were Children - YouTube[/ame]
"Resources, however, aren't what they used to be.

During the height of the killings, there were more than 50 officers working with KARE, but those numbers have now dwindled to about 14 to 16 officers.

The task force was initially given a three-year mandate, but investigators are still following up with dozens of persons of interest, who MacNeil said are capable of committing heinous crimes.

"We are always making in roads, we are always learning new things," said MacNeil. "We would love to have brought resolution to more families. These are very difficult time-consuming detailed investigations."
"Robin&#8217;s battles in tribal court with her ex-husband for custody of the children, even after he is convicted of abusive sexual contact with his daughter, illuminate how serious this problem is on the reservation. Her quest to heal her family, find a man worthy of her love, build a career, and fulfill her goal of returning to her reservation to help prevent the abuse of women and children, takes her on an intimate and inspiring journey full of heartbreak, discovery, and redemption"

Thanks for that otto. Never heard of the guy before ... good find.

from that same article:

Interesting that the "scoop" took the toddler into the white man's world where most serial killers come from. IMO, he was shaped into a killer much moreso by circumstance than by race.

More whites are serial killers, because a higher % of the population is white. If you break it down by % of population per race, atleast in US, whites are less likely to be a so than blacks.

Also, you are suggesting that enviroment is the cause? We know that a high% of sk's had terrible childhoods, but so does a good majority of the population. To me making it unlikely to be eviroment related. We also have a good amount of SK's who had a fine childhood by all acounts.

Science is showing that SK's, and other violent offenders way actually have a neuro issues, as oppose to a enviroment issue. Having every violent offender have a similar dark patch on the frontal lobe, the area where our brains feel sorrow, is pretty significant. If he can look at a ct, and tell by upward as 66%+ that the individual is a criminal or not.. significant, and it blows major holes in the enviroment theory.
More whites are serial killers, because a higher % of the population is white. If you break it down by % of population per race, atleast in US, whites are less likely to be a so than blacks.

Also, you are suggesting that enviroment is the cause? We know that a high% of sk's had terrible childhoods, but so does a good majority of the population. To me making it unlikely to be eviroment related. We also have a good amount of SK's who had a fine childhood by all acounts.

Science is showing that SK's, and other violent offenders way actually have a neuro issues, as oppose to a enviroment issue. Having every violent offender have a similar dark patch on the frontal lobe, the area where our brains feel sorrow, is pretty significant. If he can look at a ct, and tell by upward as 66%+ that the individual is a criminal or not.. significant, and it blows major holes in the enviroment theory.

No, I was suggesting that environment was a contributing factor in that particular case of one aboriginal, raised by Caucasians, who turned out to be a serial killer .. not necessarily that it was either the primary or secondary factor.

I have posted previously wrt the frontal lobe abnormalities, and am well aware of the connections being made between the frontal lobe, the amygdala, and psychopathy. However, while science is showing that the brains of psychopaths may have these abnormalities, we know that "not all red-headed boys are bad" and not all psychopaths are serial killers or violent offenders; it stands to reason therefore that, while all psychopaths may have malfunction of the frontal lobe, there is a difference between those psychopaths that live reasonably normal lives as opposed to those that go on to murder. IF and until such time as variations in those physical malfunctions are discovered, it is reasonable to conclude that external contributing factors (whether environmental, cultural/societal, financial, etc) may be the catalyst between psychopaths or psychopathic killers.
No, I was suggesting that environment was a contributing factor in that particular case of one aboriginal, raised by Caucasians, who turned out to be a serial killer .. not necessarily that it was either the primary or secondary factor.

I have posted previously wrt the frontal lobe abnormalities, and am well aware of the connections being made between the frontal lobe, the amygdala, and psychopathy. However, while science is showing that the brains of psychopaths may have these abnormalities, we know that "not all red-headed boys are bad" and not all psychopaths are serial killers or violent offenders; it stands to reason therefore that, while all psychopaths may have malfunction of the frontal lobe, there is a difference between those psychopaths that live reasonably normal lives as opposed to those that go on to murder. IF and until such time as variations in those physical malfunctions are discovered, it is reasonable to conclude that external contributing factors (whether environmental, cultural/societal, financial, etc) may be the catalyst between psychopaths or psychopathic killers.

I never claimed he was a psychopath or that the darkening of the frontal lobe ment someone was a psychopath. From what I have read, the area of the brain in a way, surpresses the part of the brain that feels sorrow or shame. Which would make sense, considering every serial killer I have ever read up on, have never showed any remorse for what they had done.

That is a more solid link, than enviroment. How many of this guy's brothers and sisters are also serial killers? Or other family member? I just took exception that you implied no aboriginal people were capable of doing this. When a example was provided, you instantly pointed to the white family, that made him that way. Where is the proof? Did they raise an army of SK's? Was it a breeding ground? Or was there only this one individual?

Anyone, of any race, or culture, or background, could turn out to be an SK. Like I said in the original post, I have always thought that the enviroment and upbringing was always a weak excuse that some of these guys use. A lot of people are molested, or had drug or alcohol abusive parents or family members. Or how do you explain Dohmer, the 3 guys one hammer clowns(dads were prominent lawyers) or the latest Canadian Sk the young guy(cody something name escapes me), who had a normal childhood with normal parents and family.

There is something bigger here than enviroment.

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