My evidence/rationale:
Glib & Superficial Charm: No info
Grandiose: He took the government to court and believed he didn't need a lawyer. As it turns out, it seems he was right.
Need for stimulation: No info
Pathological Lying: living as someone else for several years (identity theft)
Conning and Manipulative: No definitive info, other than identify theft, with the exception that he may have conned a judge into believing he has ADD and was traumatized by accident that we aren't sure even happened
Lack of remorse or guilt: if we assume he is guilty then the murder of 3 people, particularly an innocent child, strongly suggests no remorse or guilty feelings about the damage done to the victim's family
Shallow Affect: No info
Callous and lacking empathy: As noted above if we assume he is guilty
Living a Parasitic Lifestyle: No definitive info, but it seems he was capable of holding down a job yet was apparently living off his parents. However, he may have had an agreement with his parents to provide work for rent. We don't really know.
Poor behavioural controls: Other than staying quiet for the few minutes on his perp walk, we don't really know
Promiscuous Sexual Behaviour: No info
Early Behavioural Problems: No info--this is childhood stuff
Lack of Realistic Long Term Goals: For whatever reason he left university without a degree, and his meth making might have been motivated by the notion of "get rich quick". We don't really know about this.
Impulsivity: if we assume guilt and that the crime was premeditated then this is evidence against impulsivity
Failure to Accept Responsibility: living on the lam rather than facing consequences of his criminal behaviour
Many Short Term Marital Relationships: No info
Juvenile Delinquency: No info
Revocation of Conditional Release: he was arrested while breaking his bail conditions
Criminal Versatility: true if we consider his charges and convictions and assume guilt on these murders
I may be contradicting myself. Please forgive me if I have. I am open to the idea that I have missed info, misinterpreted info or made other mistakes. I simply thought this might be helpful with respect to separating what we know about DG from what we are assuming or don't know about him.