Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 June 2014 - #1

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The weather from Sunday, June 29th at 10 pm until Monday, June 30th at 10 a.m. in Calgary was a bit of light rain, mostly cloudy, with an avg of 30 km/hr winds and avg of 12 degrees Celsius.

That sounds cold, drizzly, and miserable. Sometime after 10PM on this cold, miserable, drizzly day, someone forced this couple and their five year old grandson abruptly out of the house ... at least that's what it looks like. Who, and why?
LE seems sure there are 'people' involved in what appears to be a home invasion.

Sending positive vibes out to the family of these poor people. Praying so hard that Nathan and his Grandparents are safe.

With BTK, he could subdue a family on his own. Perhaps there were "people" involved.
I'd sure like to hear more from:

The neighbour who said the Liknes were moving to Mexico.
The neighbour who said he saw grandpa with Nathan at the park (what time, exactly).
The relative who saw fit to drive over to the house to see what was going on just because the Liknes didn't an answer their phone.

The grandfather's brother phoned the house and didn't get an answer, so he drove to the house and found police. The grandmother's daughter arrived at the house at 10AM to pick up her 5 year old son. When she discovered the scene, she phone police. The homicide unit is in charge of missing persons and is investigating.

Did I get that right?

The entire family is in shock and disbelief ... six children, eleven grandchildren.
How long had the couple been married?

I think people did hear things, or they found themselves awake and didn't know why. They should make note today about whatever they remember about waking up on Sunday night for no reason. It might help in the big picture of timelines.
My opinion only - I am creeped out by the FB page listed under KL's name that includes a video saying "missing family of three found." Who is posting there?

It's listed as a "community", not a personal page.

Yes, I see three pages on FB with her name - one has the image from the missing information as her profile photo (is this a passport or driver's license?), the second has a photo of her and her husband, and the third is an image of the word "website."

DO NOT click on that video on that page! I just blocked a Virus!

I feel the need to just issue a general warning about FB missing/crime community pages. Some disgusting hacker type person is auto-creating 'community' pages for crimes/missing people in the headlines and attaching trojans or worms or viruses or whatever to them. It's not just this one - it is every single criminal event/missing person that I have gone to FB to research in the past few weeks. They are somewhat easy to spot because it will be the first 2/3/4 pages listed and they have the same profile pic. I haven't noticed any that were 'groups' - instead they were all 'communities'.

Maybe someone here could start a thread about this elsewhere on WS so as not to derail this thread. It's disturbing because a lot of good people are going to end up with infected hard drives and beyond reporting the links to FB, I don't know what else to do.
Ugh I absolutely hate cases like this. It is such a mystery!
I agree this does feel more like a robbery with the sale of everything and banks not opened until Monday the money had to be in the house from the estate sale. Praying that they are found quickly and are safe.
And what about Grandma ?

Were these the paternal or maternal grandparents ?

We the child's parents married, separated, or divorced ?

Maternal Grandparents, as per video I watched last night.

Was really hoping there would be positive developments overnight.
The mother last saw her son at her mother's house at 10PM. That's the last point on the timeline. He was not dropped off at 10PM. That has not been reported. The last known contact between the mother and her son was Sunday night at 10PM. Her son perhaps fell asleep after the estate sale and mom left at 10 with a promise to collect him at 10AM.

Good point.
Regarding their disposition Saturday night -

Neighbours say Alvin and Kathy Liknes had been planning to leave Calgary; they held an estate sale earlier this month, selling the contents of the home where they lived for years.

"Really nice people, absolutely," neighbour Jennifer Lee told CTV Calgary. "They were just on their way moving to northern Alberta, I understand."

"They seemed very relaxed and happy," added neighbour Matt Dawe. "They were socializing with friends and family earlier on Saturday evening. Everybody sounded very relaxed and happy."

Read more:
Calgary police continue search for missing boy and his grandparents
Published Tuesday, July 1, 2014 10:01AM EDT
Last Updated Tuesday, July 1, 2014 10:02AM EDT

Calgary police spokesman Kevin Brookwell told reporters that the grandparents are not considered suspects in their grandson's disappearance. Instead, the investigation is being treated as a “suspicious disappearance of all three.”

Read more:
Crime Scene Photo -

Discrepancies between what the neighbours seem to know about where the Liknes' were moving to - U.S. or Mexico as below; northern Alberta as linked above.

Could be a 'normal' reason for this, but, given the circumstances, something to chew on.

Damien Wood

Estate sale at home, last weekend.Neighbour says missing grandmother, Kathryn Liknes mentioned going to US, maybe Mexico with husband. #yyc
Well shoot, I was hoping I'd wake up to see found safe in front of Nathan's name. :(

Yesterday I showed the kijiji ads to my husband (he loves kijiji and buys or sells once a week -maybe not anymore though). I just flashed him the photo and said, "Who lives here?" and he answered immediately with "older people." I'm going to go back to my original train of thought here for a bit - that someone attended the estate sale (hubby also said, "Strange - you have an estate sale after someone has died, not before"), cased the place out, and returned in the night to commit a robbery or kidnapping, only to find an additional person at the house (our sweet Nathan).
Has it been said if the grandson asked to come to their home to spend the night OR did the grandparents ask if he could come spend the night? I have just been wondering about that.
So, are the recycling bins all put in one spot for the neighborhood, because it was pick-up day?

How close to their house are these bins?

Do drifters search the bins for cans to take back for money?


Yes, we all put our recycling (blue)and garbage (black) bins out late evening/very early morning on pick up day. If the house has a lane, that's where they go. If no lane, the front driveway is used. The photo looks like a lane to me. After pick up, the bins need to be pulled back in.

Our bottles and cans (return for deposit) can go separately to the bottle depot. But sometimes, yes, people do search through the bins for returnable items.
More discrepancies regarding the estate sale, perhaps reporting -

Neighbour Matt Dawe recalled seeing Alvin and Nathan at the playground the day before.

“He seemed relaxed and his grandson was playing,” Dawe said. “You wouldn’t have batted an eyelid.”

Also, an estate sale took place at the Liknes’ residence Sunday, with a steady flow of people coming and going, he said.

“They were moving,” he said. “I think away from the neighbourhood but I’m not sure where.”

Dawe said he and his wife have lived a couple of houses over from Alvin and Kathryn for about 17 years, and “we really weren’t aware of any issues,” adding they’re nice people and a very close family.

Brookwell said the boy was dropped off at the grandparents’ house at 10 p.m. Sunday night for a sleepover, the last time any of the three were seen.
I wish they were more specific about how the house was found and the clues that the three didn't leave voluntarily. Also wish we knew why the medical examiner was there if no body. Vomit? or other bodily fluids found? Pet?
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