Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #15

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I can see JS panicking if he thought the lack of signatures meant it had not taken effect. ie was invalid.

My understanding was the actual terms of the Will hadn’t changed, only the names of the Trustees/Executors - who are responsible for disbursing the Estate in accordance to the instructions contained within the Will.
O/T but you do a great job with your footnotes.
@Lexiintoronto Thank you very much for your kind words. I try to support stmts I post as factual w a link and/or quote from link, IOW, complying w Websleuths' ToS??? (No sarc, no snark, not aiming at you Lexi or anyone in particular)

Maybe copying & pasting links & quotes on tablet w keyboard is easier than posting w phone?
Trying to type even a phrase w phone :mad: I'm hopeless [:eek: pulls hair out :rolleyes:]. Thx again.
My understanding was the actual terms of the Will hadn’t changed, only the names of the Trustees/Executors - who are responsible for disbursing the Estate in accordance to the instructions contained within the Will.

Affidavit of Execution

That IS the document that I am referring to, not the will.
Except... if the executors had been left as they were (8 of them including JS), and JK was 'fired', making 7 executors, and assuming the ex-employee wouldn't have bothered attending the executor meetings, JS may have felt he may have been able to control his sisters to agree with him (since he asks the tough questions and was educated in business), the voting to make certain things happen may have been easier to manipulate? (In fact, I wonder if that could be why B revoked his 3 daughters from their executor status?) As it stands right now, it seems that all 3 sisters and the remaining two other current executors are not aligned with JS's way of thinking, but we don't know when these accusations took place, of B not having really signed this codicil. jmo. If it were Mary's husband, how would he even know the timing of the signing of the witness document came after the murders. jmo.

Mary knows the women that signed as witnesses.
(Just correcting end time of meeting with architects at Apotex. Added CBC link and HS’s last known phone call.)
2013, BS updates his will naming trustees Jack Kay, Craig Baxter (then president of Sherfam, the Sherman family holding company), Mike Florence (husband of Barry’s sister Sandra), Allen Shechtman (husband of Honey’s sister Mary), and Barry and Honey’s grown children, Lauren, Jonathon, Alexandra and Kaelen. (Source: Honey Sherman would have controlled the ‘net income’ of husband Barry’s multibillion-dollar fortune had she lived, sources reveal )

April, 2015, Heated email exchange between BS & JS. JS did not understand or approve of BS financing Frank D’Angelo and his projects. JS suggested in further emails to his sisters that BS was unfit to handle finances, and as shareholders that was a concern they should act upon. (the sisters did not support this suggestion).

JS asks BS to agree to fund a 250 million dollar business plan for himself and Adam Paulin. JS asks BS to meet with him and Adam Paulin, saying: “I can promise to remain calm and amicable”

BS is quoted by friends as saying Jonathon attempted a ‘palace coup’ in regards to JS’s suggestions to the Sherman daughters that he was unfit to make financial decisions. From this date forward, of the rest of 2015, BS did not loan or advance money to JS or his companies. (KD’s book, pg 256)

-2016, 5 million of Sherfam money advanced to Hour Holdings (JS & AP’s company) to purchase a storage company (source KD’s book, pg 259)

-March 29, 2017, BS updates his will, removing some estate trustees and adding others. The trustees are now: Jack Kay, Jonathon Sherman, Alex Glasenberg (Sherfam),Brad Krawczyk (Sherman daughter Alex’s husband and Sherfam employee) (source: Honey Sherman would have controlled the ‘net income’ of husband Barry’s multibillion-dollar fortune had she lived, sources reveal )

-April, 2017, BS (Sherfam?) loaned $50 million to Green Storage to purchase a property (source, KD’s book, pg 259)

-September 2017, Hour holdings (JS & AP’s company) advanced 1.5 million for the construction of a cottage owned by Jonathon Sherman and Adam Paulin. (Source, KD’s book, pg 259)

- November 16th, 2017, BS sends an email to JS and AP requesting repayment of 50-60 million. (Mid-November BS comments in an email that JS’s ‘hostility persists’, BS also mentions JS’s lack of involvement with Apotex.)

-November 28, 2017, height of disagreement between BS/AP & JS. Barry asks for return of money ASAP

-November 30, or December 1st, JS and his husband go to Japan ‘on vacation’, doesn’t act on BS’s demand for repayment.

-Approximately December 7th, 2017, BS pays $311,609 to a US company for JS’s surrogate’s fees.

-December 12th, 2017, daytime, HS uncharacteristically misses a meeting at the Baycrest Centre Foundation, as she was ‘dealing with some stuff’.

-December 12th, 2017, evening, JS and his husband return home from Japan.

-December 13th, 2017 was the last day the Shermans were seen alive. This information is from KD’s book, and articles linked below.

8:30 am: Personal trainer and friend, Denise Gold arrives at the Sherman family home as part of her twice-weekly training session for both Honey and Barry.

BS routinely would open the front door to pick up the paper (Toronto Star), read it in the kitchen, and eat his breakfast, cutting 15 minutes into the beginning of his session.

9:30 am: Barry’s workout is completed.

10:00 am: He leaves for work. Gold states that Barry wore one of two almost-identical new belts that HS had purchased from Canadian Tire. (Identical except for size.)

9:30- 11:30 Honey’s workout session. Gold left after the session.

  • At 10:51 am, BS responds to an email from JS who is requesting $17,677 USD. BS instructs a staffer to send the money to him.
  • Real estate agent Elise Stern is at the Sherman home, as well as workers and cleaners
11:30-2:30, approximately, HS had massage therapy at home.

2:30 pm - 3:30 pm, BS had a routine meeting with then-Apotex CEO Jeremy Desai and legal council at Apotex

5:00 pm, HS pulled into the Apotex parking lot, followed shortly by architects there to meet with HS and BS to discuss the plans for the new house they were planning to build.

5:00 pm is the time that magnetic locks activate, preventing anyone from entering the building without a special pass.

*5:30...6:00 pm (Donovan and the CBC specify different times, I’ll leave the CBC link here.), the meeting ends and BS walks them all to the front doors and they exit. The team of architects drive off, and HS drives off.

6:21 pm, HS makes her last known call (as per link directly above.) She speaks to a friend for approximately 5 minutes. As per the Star, her friend stated that: “Honey sounded completely normal and was ‘on her way home.’ ” Did someone know Barry and Honey Sherman’s schedule? Close friends were away and they had nothing planned

HS stops by Bayview Village Shopping Centre (time not specified).

-7:17 pm, time code of photo of JS’s hand, with his home in the background, that JS later shows to KD to establish his whereabouts on the evening of the murders.(source in article linked below.)

8:13 pm, BS composed a routine email at his desktop computer at Apotex.

8:30 pm, BS left Apotex.

-Barry and Honey Sherman were murdered within a few hours upon arriving home on Wednesday, December 13th, according to Homicide Inspector Hank Idsinga. (His statement was on January 15th, 2020. Barry and Honey Sherman were murdered within hours of arriving home, Toronto police say)

(Many 7s and 17s in this timeline.)

Email & JS information, bbm:

Barry Sherman’s son says his father asked him to repay tens of millions of dollars, two weeks before murders, but Barry was ‘all in’ with son’s business

Information about the meeting HS missed, and her explanation, bbm;

Endless court battles, angry relatives and shady players: the truth about Barry Sherman

More timeline info:Did someone know Barry and Honey Sherman’s schedule? Close friends were away and they had nothing planned
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Marital Property?
I may be confusing divorce law and estate law... being married for 55 years (est...), aren't all of BS assets HS assets as well and vice-versa? aren't they spousal assets realistically at some point? ...
@Tobiano8th bbm & snipped for focus. Maybe in the mind of one or both spouses, while both are still living and not legally separated??? But on divorce, or death of one or both, per oversimplified info below, imo, Nope, but I could be wrong.
Lots of unknowns here. For ex, BS & HS may have pre-nuptial agreement (or ante-nuptial).

Ontario AttyGen's website:* "When a marriage ends, the equal contribution of each person to the marriage is recognized. The law provides that the value of any kind of property that was acquired by a spouse during the marriage and still exists at separation must be divided equally between the spouses. Also, any increase in the value of property owned by a spouse at the date of marriage must be shared. The payment that may be owed to one of the spouses in order to effect this sharing is called an equalization payment, or an equalization of net family property." bbm

AG's website links to a site** w info, re property division on death and divorce.
Property division for married couples ; Equalization ;;The family home ; Debts ;
Written agreements ;;What happens to property if my spouse dies?

Also appears imo a surviving spouse may elect to take under the "deceased spouse's will or to receive the entitlement" per a formula specified in another section of law.***
Hoping for comment, clarification, or correction, esp'ly from our Canadian legal professionals.
* Ministry of the Attorney General
** Separation and Divorce or Death of a Spouse: Property Division | CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario / Éducation juridique communautaire Ontario)

*** "6 (1) When a spouse dies leaving a will, the surviving spouse shall elect to take under the will or to receive the entitlement under section 5. R.S.O. 1990, c. F.3, s. 6 (1)."
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Adversarial Siblings?
.... with the Shermans, everyone should be on the same page..... not true of young 2nd or 3rd wife and adult children of 1st wife. in that case, their interests are often adversarial
@Tobiano8th bbm, sbm. Who is ^everyone^? The four offspring of HS & BS?
If so, agreeing w you - seems the four should be content w receiving equal percentages of the principal & income of parents' estate (as I understand, that is basic provision of will filed for probate, but still under seal). Seems all should be waaay more than content.

But even w no second spouse or set of step-siblings who would receive part of estate, the four offspring may perceive reasons to quibble about estate distribution. Dream up a reason???

Did BS or HS previously make substantial gifts, or make loans to one of the kids? Or were there emotional/relationship issues in fam? Does one kid believe for years mom or dad favored another child? Sibling rivalry?

Not concluding anything, just considering possibilities for adversarial feelings among sibs.
Adversarial Siblings?
@Tobiano8th bbm, sbm. Who is ^everyone^? The four offspring of HS & BS?
If so, agreeing w you - seems the four should be content w receiving equal percentages of the principal & income of parents' estate (as I understand, that is basic provision of will filed for probate, but still under seal). Seems all should be waaay more than content.

But even w no second spouse or set of step-siblings who would receive part of estate, the four offspring may perceive reasons to quibble about estate distribution. Dream up a reason???

Did BS or HS previously make substantial gifts, or make loans to one of the kids? Or were there emotional/relationship issues in fam? Does one kid believe for years mom or dad favored another child? Sibling rivalry?

Not concluding anything, just considering possibilities for adversarial feelings among sibs.
Sometimes preexisting sibling rivalries and competition are enhanced when the g. kids come along....
Will Change?
My understanding was the actual terms of the Will hadn’t changed, only the names of the Trustees/Executors - who are responsible for disbursing the Estate in accordance to the instructions contained within the Will.
@MistyWaters Getting hairsplitting scissors out of drawer. Was ^ post meant to convey - terms of property distribution did not change, b/c same beneficiaries, same percentages? Okay, I follow.
But changing number of trustees and removing some previously designated trustees, and substituting others, would require a codicil or new will (maybe something else in ON?), w new language & complying w execution formalities,* e.g., testator making "the signature in presence of two or more attesting witnesses present at the same time" witnesses' siggies, new date, appropriate position of testator's siggie, etc.

Seems trustee fees could be substantial in this estate. Previously designated trustees would not receive those fees; other newly designated trustees would. For how many years? $$$

Welcoming clarification, correction, esp'ly from our legal professionals, esp'ly from ON. I could be wrong, so putting hair-splitting scissors back in drawer. :rolleyes::)
* Execution Law Document English View R.S.O. 1990, c. S.26, s. 4.
Adam Paulin is still a mystery and he seems to be a key figure in all of this. I don’t understand why KD hasn’t written more about him.

I have suggested before that AP might've been amongst those who had the most to lose when BS called in the 50-60 million "registered on title" loans in Nov 17, 2017 - and then called them in again with greater vehemence on Nov. 28, 2017. It appears though that JS and AP didn't take these requests too seriously - they were busy asking for even moar.

If I'm not mistaken, if BS died before the loans were paid back, there might not have even been a need to pay the loans back at all, as JS and AP would've become both borrower and lender overnight. No need to pay yourself back. It's forgiven. A great way to get 50 million in debt wiped off the books and into your pocket.

And I haven't even mentioned the 250 million or so that BS lent the two best buddies back in 2015. I wonder if those loans were also "registered on title" and therefore callable by BS? If I were AP, that's something I would have feared.

And why is it that in the recent story/article posted by LexiinToronto on the previous page of this thread: "one source close to the Sherman family said Jonathon wanted Adam Paulin to be an estate trustee. "No way" Barry said, according to the source. I guess BS didn't like AP much - at least he didn't understand why JS was afraid to meet with him man to man without having AP present. What does that tell us?

Yet now, after BS's death, AP is apparently one of three directors listed for the Fred and Jon Sherman Family Foundation.. I guess AP just has a way of getting what he wants. He must be a good "insinuator". It reminds me of the lyrics of a Pink Floyd song called 'Have a Cigar': "And did we tell you the name of the game boy? We call it riding the gravy train"

In addition to Green Storage (the beneficiary of the biggest loans), I believe AP has, or is, also associated with other ventures which have perhaps benefitted from BS funds (Green Storage, possibly Harlo Financial, Beyond Nature, Hour Holdings?). I have no clue if the same AP is involved in True Core or Thin Ice or Puzzles or Caffeine Bracelets...- or if any BS money might be involved in any of those ventures. But it sure does seem like AP has been insinuating himself with the JS and Sherman family fortune since he was just a kid and met JS at summer camp. Though AP is not my top personal POI, he's close. JMO
Will Change?
@MistyWaters Getting hairsplitting scissors out of drawer. Was ^ post meant to convey - terms of property distribution did not change, b/c same beneficiaries, same percentages? Okay, I follow.
But changing number of trustees and removing some previously designated trustees, and substituting others, would require a codicil or new will (maybe something else in ON?), w new language & complying w execution formalities,* e.g., testator making "the signature in presence of two or more attesting witnesses present at the same time" witnesses' siggies, new date, appropriate position of testator's siggie, etc.

Seems trustee fees could be substantial in this estate. Previously designated trustees would not receive those fees; other newly designated trustees would. For how many years? $$$

Welcoming clarification, correction, esp'ly from our legal professionals, esp'ly from ON. I could be wrong, so putting hair-splitting scissors back in drawer. :rolleyes::)
* Execution Law Document English View R.S.O. 1990, c. S.26, s. 4.

In reading Lexi’s timeline JS was already appointed Trustee in 2013. That’s the reason I’m not clear why he might’ve been panicking over the situation involving the codicil in 2017.

2013, BS updates his will naming trustees Jack Kay, Craig Baxter (then president of Sherfam, the Sherman family holding company), Mike Florence (husband of Barry’s sister Sandra), Allen Shechtman (husband of Honey’s sister Mary), and Barry and Honey’s grown children, Lauren, Jonathon, Alexandra and Kaelen. (Source: Honey Sherman would have controlled the ‘net income’ of husband Barry’s multibillion-dollar fortune had she lived, sources reveal )
Feb 18 2021
Many lined up at the ‘Bank of Barry’ Sherman: Inside the $10 billion succession battle
''Jonathon Sherman, wearing a boxy black suit and narrow tie, separated from his three sisters and crossed the floor of the convention centre-turned funeral home, walking stone-faced toward a row of dignitaries. He shook hands and embraced Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ontario’s then premier Kathleen Wynne and Toronto Mayor John Tory. In his eulogy, Jonathon had celebrated the lives of his parents, describing them as “exceptional people” and the “glue that kept us all together.” Returning to his shattered family, he clasped his husband’s hand, and, with his sisters, fell into step as the coffins carrying Barry and Honey Sherman were wheeled side by side towards two hearses.

“Barry would be proud,” said Fred Steiner, watching the then 34-year-old son of his friend. “Jonathon showed real leadership that day on behalf of the family.”
Feb 18 2021
Many lined up at the ‘Bank of Barry’ Sherman: Inside the $10 billion succession battle
''Jonathon Sherman, wearing a boxy black suit and narrow tie, separated from his three sisters and crossed the floor of the convention centre-turned funeral home, walking stone-faced toward a row of dignitaries. He shook hands and embraced Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ontario’s then premier Kathleen Wynne and Toronto Mayor John Tory. In his eulogy, Jonathon had celebrated the lives of his parents, describing them as “exceptional people” and the “glue that kept us all together.” Returning to his shattered family, he clasped his husband’s hand, and, with his sisters, fell into step as the coffins carrying Barry and Honey Sherman were wheeled side by side towards two hearses.

“Barry would be proud,” said Fred Steiner, watching the then 34-year-old son of his friend. “Jonathon showed real leadership that day on behalf of the family.”

From your link:

I think this is the first time KD has included a photo of Adam Paulin.

A quote from the article: “Recently, in her (Mary’s) basement, she discovered an IOU Barry wrote to her mother in the 1970s for monies advanced when he was starting out in business. It is an IOU she has not been able to collect on.”
It was interesting to watch the interview of KD, IMO, for the simple fact that he seems to think that this case is not going to be solved any time soon--something that many of us have believed for quite some time. He went from believing that an arrest was "right around the corner" to believing no arrest is coming... what has changed I wonder?
Timeline update, work in progress. Added part of BS’s Winter/Barkin saga. I’m still adding to it but I have to post the updates as I go along as I’m working on it here.
2007, BS’s cousins Tim Barkin, Kerry Winter, Jeffrey Barkin, and Julia Winter (widow of the late Dana Winter), file a lawsuit seeking 20% of the Apotex fortune. Background here: Barry Sherman's legal battle with his cousins goes on weeks after his murder -

2013, BS updates his will naming trustees Jack Kay, Craig Baxter (then president of Sherfam, the Sherman family holding company), Mike Florence (husband of Barry’s sister Sandra), Allen Shechtman (husband of Honey’s sister Mary), and Barry and Honey’s grown children, Lauren, Jonathon, Alexandra and Kaelen. (Source: Honey Sherman would have controlled the ‘net income’ of husband Barry’s multibillion-dollar fortune had she lived, sources reveal )

April, 2015, Heated email exchange between BS & JS. JS did not understand or approve of BS financing Frank D’Angelo and his projects. JS suggested in further emails to his sisters that BS was unfit to handle finances, and as shareholders that was a concern they should act upon. (the sisters did not support this suggestion).

JS asks BS to agree to fund a 250 million dollar business plan for himself and Adam Paulin. JS asks BS to meet with him and Adam Paulin, saying: “I can promise to remain calm and amicable”

BS is quoted by friends as saying Jonathon attempted a ‘palace coup’ in regards to JS’s suggestions to the Sherman daughters that he was unfit to make financial decisions. From this date forward, of the rest of 2015, BS did not loan or advance money to JS or his companies. (KD’s book, pg 256)

-2016, 5 million of Sherfam money advanced to Hour Holdings (JS & AP’s company) to purchase a storage company (source KD’s book, pg 259)

-March 29, 2017, BS updates his will, removing some estate trustees and adding others. The trustees are now: Jack Kay, Jonathon Sherman, Alex Glasenberg (Sherfam),Brad Krawczyk (Sherman daughter Alex’s husband and Sherfam employee) (source: Honey Sherman would have controlled the ‘net income’ of husband Barry’s multibillion-dollar fortune had she lived, sources reveal )

-April, 2017, BS (Sherfam?) loaned $50 million to Green Storage to purchase a property (source, KD’s book, pg 259)

-September, 2017, The lawsuit filed in 2007 by BS’s cousins (Tim, Jeffrey, Kerry & Dana’s widow, Julia), for 20% of Apotex is dismissed as “wishful thinking and beyond fanciful,” by Ontario Superior Court judge Justice Kenneth Hood, who called the case an abuse of process.

-September 2017, Hour holdings (JS & AP’s company) advanced 1.5 million for the construction of a cottage owned by Jonathon Sherman and Adam Paulin. (Source, KD’s book, pg 259)

October, 2017, BS’s cousins file an appeal to the lawsuit they lost in September, 2017.

- November 16th, 2017, BS sends an email to JS and AP requesting repayment of 50-60 million. (Mid-November BS comments in an email that JS’s ‘hostility persists’, BS also mentions JS’s lack of involvement with Apotex.)

-November 28, 2017, height of disagreement between BS/AP & JS. Barry asks for return of money ASAP

-November 30, or December 1st, JS and his husband go to Japan ‘on vacation’, doesn’t act on BS’s demand for repayment.

-December 6th, 2017, an Ontario Superior Court judge orders BS’s cousins to pay BS $300,000 in legal fees related to the case they lost in September, 2017.

-Approximately December 7th, 2017, BS pays $311,609 to a US company for JS’s surrogate’s fees.

-December 10th, 2017 (approximately), Kerry Winter (later recounting this to KD) tells a person that he fears that Jeffrey may kill BS (KD’s book, page 152)

-December 12th, 2017, daytime, HS uncharacteristically misses a meeting at the Baycrest Centre Foundation, as she was ‘dealing with some stuff’.

-December 12th, 2017, evening, JS and his husband return home from Japan.

-December 13th, 2017 was the last day the Shermans were seen alive. This information is from KD’s book, and articles linked below.

8:30 am: Personal trainer and friend, Denise Gold arrives at the Sherman family home as part of her twice-weekly training session for both Honey and Barry.

BS routinely would open the front door to pick up the paper (Toronto Star), read it in the kitchen, and eat his breakfast, cutting 15 minutes into the beginning of his session.

9:30 am: Barry’s workout is completed.

10:00 am: He leaves for work. Gold states that Barry wore one of two almost-identical new belts that HS had purchased from Canadian Tire. (Identical except for size.)

9:30- 11:30 Honey’s workout session. Gold left after the session.

  • At 10:51 am, BS responds to an email from JS who is requesting $17,677 USD. BS instructs a staffer to send the money to him.
  • Real estate agent Elise Stern is at the Sherman home, as well as workers and cleaners
11:30-2:30, approximately, HS had massage therapy at home.

2:30 pm - 3:30 pm, BS had a routine meeting with then-Apotex CEO Jeremy Desai and legal council at Apotex

5:00 pm, HS pulled into the Apotex parking lot, followed shortly by architects there to meet with HS and BS to discuss the plans for the new house they were planning to build.

5:00 pm is the time that magnetic locks activate, preventing anyone from entering the building without a special pass.

*5:30...6:00 pm (Donovan and the CBC specify different times, I’ll leave the CBC link here.), the meeting ends and BS walks them all to the front doors and they exit. The team of architects drive off, and HS drives off.

6:21 pm, HS makes her last known call (as per link directly above.) She speaks to a friend for approximately 5 minutes. As per the Star, her friend stated that: “Honey sounded completely normal and was ‘on her way home.’ ” Did someone know Barry and Honey Sherman’s schedule? Close friends were away and they had nothing planned

HS stops by Bayview Village Shopping Centre (time not specified).

-7:17 pm, time code of photo of JS’s hand, with his home in the background, that JS later shows to KD to establish his whereabouts on the evening of the murders.(source in article linked below.)

8:13 pm, BS composed a routine email at his desktop computer at Apotex.

8:30 pm, BS left Apotex.

-Barry and Honey Sherman were murdered within a few hours upon arriving home on Wednesday, December 13th, according to Homicide Inspector Hank Idsinga. (His statement was on January 15th, 2020. Barry and Honey Sherman were murdered within hours of arriving home, Toronto police say)

-December 15th, the day Honey and Barry are found deceased at their home.(Note: this timeline is a work in progress. There’s much more to be added, and many people involved.)
  • Kerry Winter (recounting this later to KD) says his first thought was that his brother Jeffrey killed the Shermans. He called Jeffrey and asked him if he did, and Jeffrey denied any involvement. Kerry’s girlfriend then asked Kerry if he killed the Shermans, and Kerry denied any involvement. (KD book, page 151).
-December 22, 2017, Sherman lawyers file an appeal to increase the court costs awarded to the late BS over the cousin’s failed lawsuit in September, 2017. They ask the court to increase the amount owing to $985,000.

-February 1, 2018, Kerry Winter appears on the Fifth Estate and fails a lie detector test over his claims that years prior, BS had asked him to arrange to have HS murdered. Winter graphically described how he had previously fantasized about killing BS, but denied that he had any involvement in the murders. Winter says he believes BS killed HS, then took his own life.

-May 5th, 2018, Court records are unsealed, revealing that BS’s cousin’s lawyer, Brad Teplitsky, asked the court to require Winter to undergo a mental health examination to see whether the Office of the Public Guardian should be appointed as his litigation guardian. In an affidavit, Julia Winter wrote that she believes Kerry Winter suffered a nervous breakdown at the time of the Sherman murders. Background: MANDEL: Barry Sherman's cousin Kerry Winter suffered nervous breakdown, sister-in-law tells court | Toronto Sun

(Many 7s and 17s in this timeline.)

Email & JS information, bbm:

Barry Sherman’s son says his father asked him to repay tens of millions of dollars, two weeks before murders, but Barry was ‘all in’ with son’s business

Information about the meeting HS missed, and her explanation, bbm;

Endless court battles, angry relatives and shady players: the truth about Barry Sherman

More timeline info:Did someone know Barry and Honey Sherman’s schedule? Close friends were away and they had nothing planned
Many lined up at the ‘Bank of Barry’ Sherman: Inside the $10 billion succession battle
February 18, 2021
''Originally from South Africa, Glasenberg has worked for the family for three decades, first at Apotex and then at Sherfam. He was among the first to learn the Shermans had been found dead just before noon on Dec. 15, 2017, a few sunrises into Hanukkah. Glasenberg told no one in his 10-person office. He got up from his desk, put on his coat and left. This was not a time for the telephone. Bankers and lawyers needed to be informed privately.''

''Glasenberg and Sherfam are at the epicentre of a struggle worthy of Shakespeare, or the HBO series “Succession.” Son Jonathon has long considered himself the “heir apparent” (as he said in an email to his father shortly before his death), and has said he would like to remove Glasenberg from his position. But his sisters, in particular Alexandra, want a say in the future of their parents’ legacy. They are aligned with Glasenberg, who told the Star recently that “Jonathon Sherman’s sisters have supported my work and the work of all the companies’ advisers and management to run the companies profitably and maximize their value.” Complicating matters is the fact the three estate trustees with the legal authority to make decisions about the Sherman estate are Jonathon, Glasenberg and Brad Krawczyk, Alexandra’s husband, who works for Glasenberg.''

“The whole thing is a s--t show,” Alexandra said in one of a series of interviews. Reflecting on what has happened to her extended family, (many not speaking to each other now), she said a “professional” commented that her life is “more tragic than King Lear and Cordelia,” a reference to family rifts in Shakespeare’s play.

Jonathon, asked to describe what it was like to suddenly have so much money, told me in a lengthy interview in late December: “At some point, it is just extra zeros.” He said he plans to give away most of his share over the coming years. As to his already comfortable life, he said “no amount of money I could ever spend would make a difference.” Now at loggerheads with his sisters and Glasenberg, lawyers handle the communication. One insider, remarking on the platoons of counsel involved, said “there are enough to fill a small law school.”

''Honey’s assistant was quoted as telling police that while Honey never spent much money on her credit card “it was Mary who spent a lot of money at U.S. Saks and Barry was never to see those bills.”

One filing in the court action Mary’s son Noah has against his mother and father provides a tiny snapshot of the widespread use of the “Bank of Barry,” or, in this case, the Bank of Honey.''
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