CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #23

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Sep 3 2024!
By Kevin DonovanChief Investigative Reporter
Does anyone have a gift article or link to the full article? It’s paywalled.

Edit : Thank you friends. Interesting article for sure.
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No idea about PI obligations. Might be online somewhere.
PI are hired investigators, they are regular citizens and have no legal rights like police or lawyers. However a PI is bound by the same confidentiality laws as they follow.

Evidence Gathering: What a PI Can Legally Do​

Now that we’ve established the boundaries, you might think, “So, how exactly do private investigators obtain their information?” Great question!

Private investigators have a range of legal powers and expertise that help them perform their roles efficiently. Here are some of the main things a private investigator can do within the confines of Canadian law:

I believe Honey (possibly Barry too) had been to a family lawyer to amend a will ? after the birth of a new grandchild.

If Torkin Manes is at Yonge/St Clair, it is probably him she saw.
They aren’t there. They are at Richmond and Yonge.
The lawyer at St Clair is the same one that is a friend and was involved with ownership of the Florida condo
Updated 1 hr ago

The plastic bag.. is one of the creepier details in today's TS article, imo.
Apparently LE suspected that the mottling on HS's face, might be the result of having a plastic bag put on her face to prevent blood from getting on the killer's clothing and areas in the house.

Also, LE thought that HS was murdered on the main floor and moved to the basement.
Updated 1 hr ago

The plastic bag.. is one of the creepier details in today's TS article, imo.
Apparently LE suspected that the mottling on HS's face, might be the result of having a plastic bag put on her face to prevent blood from getting on the killer's clothing and areas in the house.

Also, LE thought that HS was murdered on the main floor and moved to the basement.

There was one blood smear on the railing, according to KD’s previous articles. He saw the crime scene photos. So the killer took the wrist bindings and possibly a plastic bag that had been placed on Honey’s face.
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What if Barry hired someone to kill Honey but then the killer wanted to erase Barry as a witness and killed him, too?

Or the killer thought that murdering Honey would solve some of Barry’s problems. When Barry arrived home he was horrified instead of grateful. So he killed Barry as well.

Long stretch on my part, I know. The police said both were targeted.
Re: the Star article, I think it’s sad that this information about the Shermans’ issues is being made public. This might explain why Honey was in contact with Torkin Manes (who practice family law). Was a separation coming? Did the kids know this? Separation would have most likely left Honey with a lot more than $500 million. She likely would have theoretically been transferred roughly half the accumulated wealth between the two of them, to control as she wished, by way of propety equalization, unless they agreed otherwise.
Things like this make me never want to email or text anything! It does make me feel uneasy reading about this and it shows how much dysfunction there was in that household. I had always been suspicious of how the kids felt about Honey and to know that Barry felt the same way makes it sound like a very unhealthy home.
Things like this make me never want to email or text anything! It does make me feel uneasy reading about this and it shows how much dysfunction there was in that household. I had always been suspicious of how the kids felt about Honey and to know that Barry felt the same way makes it sound like a very unhealthy home.
I hope I’m able to throw my phone and laptop into the Atlantic if I know I’m about to die.


I’m going to update the timeline, this is part of it with today’s news:

October, 2017, Barry’s cousins, Winter/Barkin, file an appeal to the lawsuit they lost in September, 2017.

-November 6, 2017. Honey and Barry had a serious email exchange about the state of their marriage. A 2024 Star article includes part of that email exchange between them:
“In an email exchange shortly before their deaths, Barry accuses Honey of being “abusive” to him for their entire relationship. And abusive to their four children.

“You have been abusive to me for over 40 years,” Barry wrote in an email to Honey on Nov. 6, 2017, five weeks before the murders. “You were also persistently abusive to the kids.””

- November 16, 2017, Barry sends an email to Jonathon and Adam requesting repayment of $50-60 million. (Barry previously commented in an email that Jonathon’s ‘hostility persists’, and also mentioned Jonathon’s lack of involvement with Apotex.)

-November 28, 2017, height of disagreement between Barry/Adam & Jonathon. Adam requests money from Sherfam, cc’ing Barry, writing that Barry approved the amounts. Barry says no, that he and Jonathon need to return of $50-60 million ASAP. Adam agrees, but requests millions to cover ‘cash needs’ for December 15th, 2017, and January 15th, 2017. Barry gives Sherfam the approval for the requested funds.

-November 30, or December 1, Jonathon and his husband go to Japan on vacation. Jonathon later tells the Star’s Kevin Donovan that he was learning and investing in crypto currency while there. Jonathon admittedly did nothing to repay Barry as promised.

-December 6, 2017, an Ontario Superior Court judge orders Barry’s cousins, Winter/Barkin, to pay Barry $300,000 in legal fees related to the case they lost in September, 2017.

-Approximately December 7, 2017, Barry pays $311,609 to a US company for Jonathon’s surrogate’s fees.

-December 12, 2017, daytime, Honey Sherman uncharacteristically misses a meeting at the Baycrest Centre Foundation, as she was ‘dealing with some stuff’.

-December 12, 2017, evening, Jonathon and his husband return home from Japan.

-December 13, 2017, Kerry Winter, (later recounting this to Kevin Donovan), tells a person that he fears that his brother Jeffrey may kill Barry. (KD’s book, page 152, & KW’s media interviews).

-December 13, 2017 was the last day the Shermans were seen alive. This information is from Kevin Donovan’s book, and articles linked below.…

The lawsuit with the cousins was out of the way. In the fall Barry, emailed FDA and told him he was going to stop funding him because he only reported losses. It sounds like Barry was shifting away from people that were just depleting him and his resources. Separating from toxic people, imo.

In the last several months, someone close to the case leaked FDA & Mary S. emails to Bloomberg and Town & Country. KD wrote that he has a volume of them. Who leaked them? They’re obviously still fighting to see this case solved. (Jack? Alex K.? Jonathon?) The lull in articles in the last few months may have motivated them to leak new information, imo.

Funny that KW brought up the subject of m/s here recently and KD’s article today helps to explain why the police investigated the m/s theory for as long as they did.

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