Canada - Bruce McArthur- Pleads Guilty - murders of 8 men, Toronto, 2010-2017 #2

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Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 49s49 seconds ago
Must also look at aggravating and mitigating factors. Must look at case law. To date there is no appellate authority in Canada providing insight in how trial judges should exercise this discretion. There have been 26 cases since 2011 where courts have had to consider consecutive

Cristina Tenaglia‏Verified account @cristina_CP24 1m1 minute ago
The only real item for the judge to determine in this case is if serial killer Bruce McArthur parole’s ineligibility will be served concurrently or consecutively.

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 47s48 seconds ago
Parole periods. They imposed consecutive parole ineligibility periods in 15 cases and concurrent parole ineligibility in 11 cases. Of those 15, 10 went to trial and accused was found guilty by judge or jury. 5 cases, accused pleaded guilty to multiple murders
Lorenda Reddekopp‏Verified account @CBCLorenda 1m1 minute ago
#BruceMcArthur sentencing: the judge says the parole eligibility question may be “a distinction without a difference”

Lisa Hepfner‏ @LisaHepfnerCHCH 30s30 seconds ago
Bruce McArthur has a high degree of moral culpability, judge notes. In 15 of 26 cases since the law changed in 2011, a judge has ordered consecutive sentences. In 11 multiple murder cases the offender got concurrent sentences (ie: Elizabeth Wettlaufer, also guilty of 8 murders)
Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 1m1 minute ago
Now talking about a multiple murder case in PEI. Crown asked for 50 years parole ineligibility. He would have been 96 when eligible for parole. Defence asked for concurrent parole. Judge decided not being able for parole would eliminate Hope. Judge said to would be unduly harsh

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 30s31 seconds ago
In that case, Judge decided offender could apply for parole after 35 years. Now speaking of another case in 2016 involving 3 homeless ppl killed. 3 counts of 2nd Degree. Crown asked for max parole and consecutive parole ineligibility. Another case, 2015, 26 yo accused 1st degree

Ioanna Roumeliotis‏ @IoannaCBC 1m1 minute ago
Judge has to consider that retribution is end goal, not vengeance #BruceMcArthur going through case law on multiple murder cases

Nick Westoll‏Verified account @NWestoll 1m1 minute ago
McMahon is going over other court precedents as it relates to sentencing and parole ineligibility.

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 4m4 minutes ago
... and unlawful sexual touching. Accused pleaded guilty to first degree murder of mother and 2nd degree of murder of 5 year old child and touching of child. Crown and defence asked for joint consecutive sentence. He was given 35 years before eligible for parole
Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 3m3 minutes ago
Now reviewing the Bourque case from New Brunswick. 3 Mounties. Crown asked for 3 consecutive periods of parole ineligibility. He got 75. Case of Baumgartner from Alberta. Accused pleaded to 1 count first degree murder. 2 counts second and attempted murder. Joint submission for 40

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 50s51 seconds ago
Court accepted the joint submission in that case. In examining the Ontario case law, all cases where consecutive parole eligibility came into effect. They all went to trial except the case of Elizabeth Wettlaufer. She pled to 8 counts 1st, 4 counts attempt murder, 2 cts assault
Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 14s15 seconds ago
Judge in that case “Wettlaufer was far from an angel of mercy instead she was a shadow of death over her victims”. She was remorseful unlike Mr McArthur. She got concurrent sentences for murder. For attempt she got 10 years concurrent. For aggravated assault, 7 yrs concurrent

NEWSTALK1010‏Verified account @NEWSTALK1010 2m2 minutes ago
In Ontario case law there’s only one where someone plead guilty to multiple murders: Elizabeth Wettlaufer. Justice McMahon says she clearly showed remorse for her crimes whereas Bruce McArthur does not.
Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 2m2 minutes ago
Wettlaufer can apply for parole when she’s 75 though judge said its unlikely she will ever be eligible for parole. McMahon says it’s obvious each case is different. No two cases are the same. Case closest on its fact Wettlaufer. Planning. Went on for 9 years. 8 victims

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 1m1 minute ago
Differences. That case was a joint submission. McArthur no evidence of remorse. He would have gone on killing innocent victims if not apprehended. Other difference is age. He will be 91 if given concurrent parole ineligibility.

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 1m1 minute ago
As Miglin said, most males are dead before their 91st year. This case of Wettlaufer and others are not on all fours of the others.

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 32s33 seconds ago
Breaking for 20 minutes. Judge says we are going to come back at 11:30. Everyone needs a break

Nick Westoll‏Verified account @NWestoll 1m1 minute ago
McMahon says he is half way through his decision. The court is going to take a 30-minute recess.
CBC Toronto‏Verified account @CBCToronto 2m2 minutes ago
Here’s what the judge has said at Bruce McArthur’s sentencing hearing:
- McArthur has shown “no evidence of remorse”
- Even if he’s eligible for parole, it’s unlikely it will be granted
- Had police not caught McArthur, he likely would have killed again

Court in session, as serial killer Bruce McArthur waits to learn whether he'll ever be eligible for parole
McArthur could face 50 years in prison before eligible for parole

Feb 08, 2019

Serial killer Bruce McArthur to find out soon if he could ever get parole | CBC News
Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 48s48 seconds ago
Justice McMahon is back. Apparently some members of the media were recording audio. McMahon reminds everyone there is no recording allowed. He says to help out, he’s going to be distributing his reasons for sentencing after they are read out

Nicole Brockbank‏ @nicolebrockbank 37s37 seconds ago
Bruce McArthur "is a sexual predator" who killed his victims for his own "warped sexual gratification," says Justice McMahon.

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 30s30 seconds ago
Now he will examine the nature of the killing and circumstances surrounding offences. The admitted evidence before me. “The only reasonable inference I can draw. Bruce McArthur is a Sexual predator and killer who lured his victims & ended up killing them ...

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 3m3 minutes ago
for his own sexual gratification.” Aggravating factors. There was pre-planning. Nature: these 8 men did not suffer a painless death. Kinsman and Esen were victims of ligature strangulation. Use of ligature and pipe to close off their airways meant a likely slow and painful death

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 2m2 minutes ago
Other men had ligatures around their neck. I am satisfied that all men died of ligature strangulation. A slow and painful death for his own sexual gratification. John was also going to become a 9th victim and man who was choked in 2016 may have also been a victim.

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 2m2 minutes ago
McArthur is a serial killer who is morally bankrupt. The accused exploited the victims vulnerabilities. They thought he was their friend. They placed their trust in them to which he manipulated and used to his advantage

Mahnoor Yawar‏Verified account @mahnoorie 1m1 minute ago
"Bruce McArthur is a sexual predator and killer, who lured his victims on pretense of consensual sex... and then killed them for his own warped gratification." - Justice McMahon

Nick Westoll‏Verified account @NWestoll 1m1 minute ago
The court has resumed. McMahon is getting into the nature of the offences and the character of the accused.

"The accused, Bruce McArthur, is a sexual predator and a killer," he says.

McMahon says since the murders were sexual in nature, it is an aggravating sentence factor.

Ioanna Roumeliotis‏ @IoannaCBC 30s31 seconds ago
#BruceMcArthur is a sexual predator and killer who got gratification from degrading his victims. Sexual motivation is an aggravating factor as is fact these 8 men died a slow horrific death, says judge

Ioanna Roumeliotis‏ @IoannaCBC 1m1 minute ago
Slow and painful death by ligature strangulation is another significant aggravating factor says judge #BruceMcArthur

NEWSTALK1010‏Verified account @NEWSTALK1010 36s36 seconds ago
Justice McMahon finds that Bruce McArthur’s desire to kill was, at least in part, sexually motivated. He says he has no doubt all 8 men died slow and painful deaths for McArthur’s sexual gratification. McMahon describes McArthur as being “morally bankrupt.”

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 55s56 seconds ago
Degradation to dignity of victims. He staged six of his victims in perverse and degrading fashions and then photographed them. His digital file folders allowed him to keep, revisit and enjoy the brutality of his victims. Even after their brutal deaths, he continued to...

Rob Gillies‏Verified account @rgilliescanada 2m2 minutes ago
Justice John McMahon says serial killer Bruce McArthur's victims suffered slow and painful deaths. The judge called them all vulnerable victims who were lured to their deaths. He says McArthur took advantage of them.

Ioanna Roumeliotis‏ @IoannaCBC 2m2 minutes ago
Judge says all victims were vulnerable lured to death, #BruceMcArthur exploiting those vulnerabilities be it mental health, immigration concerns, in some cases friendshipis also extremely aggravating factor judge says

Lorenda Reddekopp‏Verified account @CBCLorenda 2m2 minutes ago
The judge says that the 8 men “did not die, sadly, a quick and painless death,” convinced beyond a reasonable doubt the deaths were slow and painful for the sexual gratification of #BruceMcArthur

Ioanna Roumeliotis‏ @IoannaCBC 1m1 minute ago
Degraded and victimized the men, the indignities he committed is pure evil, to decapitate and dismember his victims says judge #BruceMcArthur

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 1m1 minute ago
for his own sexual gratification. He then cut them up. Decapitate, dismember ... it was pure evil. This degradation shows a complete lack of dignity. The homeowners were also taken advantage of. They must live with that nightmare. He also exploited their trust ..,
Nick Westoll‏Verified account @NWestoll 3m3 minutes ago
"The ability to decapitate and dismember his victims is pure evil," McMahon says.

"The accused exploited his victims' vulnerabilities ... he also exploited others through the belief he was their friend."

Lorenda Reddekopp‏Verified account @CBCLorenda 1m1 minute ago
Justice McMahon: the ability to decapitate, dismember and to do it repeatedly was pure evil #BruceMcArthur

Ioanna Roumeliotis‏ @IoannaCBC 36s36 seconds ago
Impact on friends family and loved ones says judge. Each man died horrible death, their disappearance left family and friends with excruciating pain before they learned of how they died #BruceMcArthur

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 1m1 minute ago
much like he exploited the trust of his victims. Each of these men led a horrible death and victim’s family, friends and community have been victimized twice. First when they went missing. The pain Searching for months, years. holding onto hope. All thru this time, the killer ..

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 1m1 minute ago
was socializing in the community. Victims suffered again when they learned their loved ones had been murdered: degraded, dismembered and put in planters. “A collective nightmare” is how McMahon describes what families of victims have endured

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 45s45 seconds ago
Today is the end without a lengthy and graphic trial. This is just the closure of one chapter. The criminal process of justice chapter. Unfortunately they will live with this nightmare the rest of their lives. Says he re-read victim impact statements yesterday. Many poignant

Ioanna Roumeliotis‏ @IoannaCBC 59s60 seconds ago
Family and friends of victims share a collective nightmare, and will suffer for rest of their lives. #BruceMcArthur criminal process is closure, this court can’t give them what they want most. Their loved ones back
Cristina Tenaglia‏Verified account @cristina_CP24 2m2 minutes ago
-He is “morally bankrupt.”

-re the photos - he could revisit his killings and enjoy it

-each victim then faced the greatest post-mortem indignity- dismemberment- this is “pure evil.”

-this shows “a complete lack of humanity.” #BruceMcArthur

Ioanna Roumeliotis‏ @IoannaCBC 2m2 minutes ago
Judge says can’t capture the impact of loss, quotes friend victim impact statement that says day he found out of #andrew Kinsman death was “day my heart fractured..and won’t heal”#brucemcarthur

Mahnoor Yawar‏Verified account @mahnoorie 2m2 minutes ago
Referring to the Toronto LGBTQ community, he says that in a community that fosters caring and openness, Bruce McArthur has instilled fear and insecurity.

Ioanna Roumeliotis‏ @IoannaCBC 2m2 minutes ago
Judge says pernicious effect of #brucemcarthur predatory behaviour have left fear and mistrust in #LGBTQ community

Briana Carnegie‏ @bacarnegie 49s49 seconds ago
On the other side of the courtroom, a tissue box is being circulated to the families, friends and loved ones of Bruce McArthur’s 8 victims. I can hear sniffling and see some people putting their heads in their hands.
Nick Westoll‏Verified account @NWestoll 7m7 minutes ago
Nick Westoll Retweeted Nick Westoll

McMahon cites the victim impact statement by Greg Dunn in his decision:

---Nick Westoll‏Verified account @NWestoll
Greg Dunn, a friend of Andrew Kinsman, is speaking. He says many thought they were brothers, adding they frequently travelled together. He says the day McArthur was arrested “fractured” his heart. “He’s usually my last thought at night,” Dunn says, adding he deals with anxiety.
11:46 AM - 4 Feb 2019

Nick Westoll‏Verified account @NWestoll 4m4 minutes ago
Nick Westoll Retweeted Nick Westoll

McMahon discusses McArthur's impact on #Toronto's LGBTQ community, which he notes McArthur was a part of. "Mr. McArthur's crimes have instilled fear and distrust ... emotional trauma and grief," he says. McMahon also cites Rev. Dudley's statement.

---Nick Westoll‏Verified account @NWestoll
Dudley says community anger has been turned toward McArthur and occasionally police, adding there’s room for grow. She says, while looking at McArthur, many are questioning what more they could have done. “The guilt lies squarely and solely with the defendent,” she says.
12:56 PM - 4 Feb 2019

Nick Westoll‏Verified account @NWestoll 2m2 minutes ago
McMahon also recognizes the impact this has had on immigrants and refugees, particularly those in the South Asian and Middle Eastern LGBTQ communities. He says McArthur "disproportionately" targeted those communities," but it impacted #Toronto as a whole.

Ioanna Roumeliotis‏ @IoannaCBC 4m4 minutes ago
#brucemcarthur judge is outlining aggravating factors, from accused luring, killing, degrading his victims and the devastating pain he caused to families, friends and #lgbt community

Rob Gillies‏Verified account @rgilliescanada 2m2 minutes ago
Justice John McMahon notes serial killer Bruce McArthur committed his murders between the ages of 58 and 66.

Lorenda Reddekopp‏Verified account @CBCLorenda 46s47 seconds ago
The judge notes #BruceMcArthur has health challenges, including type 2 diabetes, which may affect his lifespan
Ioanna Roumeliotis‏ @IoannaCBC 2m2 minutes ago
#brucemcarthur weighing the character of accused, says has family that will also suffer and has type 2 diabetes, and weighed “significant” factor that the accused pled guilty and spared everyone trauma of trial

Ioanna Roumeliotis‏ @IoannaCBC 2m2 minutes ago
#brucemcarthur weighing the character of accused, says has family that will also suffer and has type 2 diabetes, and weighed “significant” factor that the accused pled guilty and spared everyone trauma of trial

Lorenda Reddekopp‏Verified account @CBCLorenda 50s50 seconds ago
#BruceMcArthur spared family, friends and community a “graphic public trial that would have been a nightmare for everyone,” says Justice McMahon.

Cristina Tenaglia‏Verified account @cristina_CP24 1m1 minute ago
-“He has taken responsibility for his actions and pleaded guilty to the most serious offence in the criminal code.” First degree murder.

-However- “I find he has not exhibited remorse.” When offered to speak/address the court, McArthur refused. #BruceMcArthur

Nick Westoll‏Verified account @NWestoll 3m3 minutes ago
McMahon notes McArthur has health challenges (diabetes) and that may impact McArthur's lifespan.

He says it's rare for those accused of first-degree murder to waive the right to a preliminary hearing, something McArthur died. McArthur took responsibility for his actions.

Nick Westoll‏Verified account @NWestoll 4m4 minutes ago
McMahon says McArthur's guilty plea eliminated the need for a four-month trial, which would have been "a nightmare" for the community.
Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 16m16 minutes ago
Quoting a friend of Kinsman captures pain well. “I will never forget that day. It was the day my heart fractured. My life has been truly fractured. They may heal in time but it will never go away. It will be with me for the rest of my life. It won’t heal”

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 15m15 minutes ago
“The only thing that keeps these thoughts from eating away at me is support. And memories of Andrew. The disappearance has changed my life forever.” That was one friend of one victim. Each family member have similar sense of loss. Devastating impact McArthurs brutal crimes ...

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 13m13 minutes ago
have caused on the families is a significant aggravating fact. Now on the community: McMahon says McArthur’s actions have caused acute pain on LGBTQ community. Instilled fears and mistrust, emotional trauma and grief. Quoting from reverend who gave victim impact statement

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 13m13 minutes ago
“Grief is also a reality for many in the community who were also peripherally involved in this case. Even with the defendant in custody it feels less safe. Less trustworthy. We are angry and we will persist for a long time and I just pray we will not let the anger eat us alive”

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 11m11 minutes ago
“Some are terrified. Some haunted by nightmares. They will always be the fear and anger. We too will survive but have been changed forever”. Accused brutal killings have devastated LGBTQ community says McMahon. But they are strong & resilient @ will overcome this terrible chapter

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 10m10 minutes ago
McMahon also says crimes have had an effect on south Asian and middle Eastern communities. He disproportionately targeted these communities. His actions also impact our community, our city as a whole. Distrust, fear is something Mr McArthur’s actions have caused.

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 9m9 minutes ago
Accused presently 67 years old. He was 58-66 when he committed three offences. If he makes parole ineligibility concurrent, he will be 91. He had no prior criminal record. He had a conviction in 2002. It was pardoned in 2013. McMahon says he can consider that conviction

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 8m8 minutes ago
The accused had family. Suffers from type 2 diabetes. Along with character. He must look at plea to 8 counts of first degree murder. After arrest. After retaining lawyer and seeing disclosure, he waived preliminary hearing. Sparing family and friends sitting thru that hearing

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 7m7 minutes ago
Upon his arrival at Superior court, started working towards resolution. Pleaded guilty 13 months after arrest. Provides certainty to court and crown. No need for 4 month trial. Saved community from graphic public trial that would have been a nightmare for everyone

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 6m6 minutes ago
I have found he has not exhibited remorse and refused his chance to say anything to court. Crown Michael Cantlon warned gallery about graphic nature of evidence at start of sentencing. Trial would have traumatize many. I am convinced it this matter had proceeded to trial,

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 5m5 minutes ago
“It would have had a further negative impact on family, friends and the community. I have no doubt some, if not all of the jury, would need counselling services, at the end of the day to deal with this case.”

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 5m5 minutes ago
The fact that he took responsibility for his actions, sparing trial, it is an important mitigating factor. In law entitled to some credit. The crown’s case was overwhelming. But he had the right to a trial. We would have sat thru 4 months of brutal, gruesome evidence

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 4m4 minutes ago
It is extremely mitigating. It must be reflected in the sentence. The most important sentencing consideration must be the protection of the public from a serial killer. Generally retribution and denunciation must provide a paramount role. Rehabilitation need not serve ..

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 3m3 minutes ago
A significant role. He’s now talking about his age. He’s now 67, If he’s still, he can apply for parole at 91 but that doesn’t mean he would get freedom. Parole board would be required brutal nature of the killings and his failure to show remorse. Chances of parole remote at best

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 2m2 minutes ago
Due to age, concurrent periods of parole eligibility could adequately address the concerns of the public. But would it reflect deterrence, denunciation?

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 1m1 minute ago
“A denunciatory sentence can be symbolic but symbolism in itself, is not a sentencing objective. When a sentence exceeds age of life, goals of sentencing begin to exhaust themselves” quoting another case. Sentencing McArthur to consecutive parole ineligibility is symbolic

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 23s23 seconds ago
McArthur sits showing no emotion as always. McMahon says crown is not unreasonable but there are 2 factors unique in this case that lead me to a different conclusion. The plea must be considered as an early guilty plea. Ended the case within 13 months from time of arrest
Ioanna Roumeliotis‏ @IoannaCBC 7m7 minutes ago
A trial would have meant disturbing gruesome details and photos would have to have been entered to public and traumatized family and court staff. This is important mitigating factor #brucemcarthur

Cristina Tenaglia‏Verified account @cristina_CP24 6m6 minutes ago
Judge says if this went to trial- the graphic photos of the deceased would have been shown- and jury and those in court would’ve absolutely required counselling. #BruceMcArthur

Ioanna Roumeliotis‏ @IoannaCBC 6m6 minutes ago
#brucemcarthur the most important factor in sentencing accused is keeping public safe from a serial killer

Ioanna Roumeliotis‏ @IoannaCBC 4m4 minutes ago
#BruceMcArthur age, 67, means he would be 91 at earliest when parole board would have to examine gravity of crimes and lack of remorse. chances of getting parole are remote, says judge

Ioanna Roumeliotis‏ @IoannaCBC 2m2 minutes ago
Symbolism of any sentence, is not functioning factor in deciding. To deny parole eligibility to when #brucemcarthur is 116 raises point that there is fine line between retribution and vengeance.

Cristina Tenaglia‏Verified account @cristina_CP24 2m2 minutes ago

-there is a fine line between retribution and vengeance when determining parole ineligibility

-I find the Crown’s position is not unreasonable...

(we’re getting close to the end) #BruceMcArthur
Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 4m4 minutes ago
Second factor is age when McArthur is eligible to apply for parole. It is for these reasons that the interest of justice can be best served with Mr McArthur receiving concurrent periods of parole ineligibility #

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 1m1 minute ago
#Breaking Bruce McArthur now being sentencedto life in prison with no eligibility of parole for 25 years. Concurrent sentences. McArthur is now standing as the 8 sentences are being read out. He will be eligible for parole at 91-years-old. Going on sex offender registry for life

Alyshah Hasham‏Verified account @alysanmati 24s25 seconds ago
BREAKING: Serial killer Bruce McArthur sentenced to 8 x life in prison with 25 years before he can apply for parole in the first-degree murders of eight men. He will be able to apply for parole at the age of 91.
Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 51s51 seconds ago
McArthur is being ordered to never have contact directly or indirectly with any of the families of the victims. He is being given a weapons ban for life. and a DNA order. There was a sigh in the courtroom when McMahon explained concurrent sentences would be served

Mahnoor Yawar‏Verified account @mahnoorie 2m2 minutes ago
Judge opts not to impose the 50 year parole ineligibility. Bruce McArthur will be placed on the sex offender registry list for life.

Catherine McDonald‏Verified account @cmcdonaldglobal 3m3 minutes ago
McArthur is still standing. His fingertips on the front of the wooden bar of the prisoner’s box. McArthur looks down as he’s handcuffed and led away. Head down, never looking up, as he shuffled away to start his life sentence

Lorenda Reddekopp‏Verified account @CBCLorenda 24s24 seconds ago
#BruceMcArthur is led out of the courtroom by two police officers. He looks down, shuffles out. He will not be eligible for parole until he’s 91, 25 years from his arrest

Lorenda Reddekopp‏Verified account @CBCLorenda 24s24 seconds ago
#BruceMcArthur is led out of the courtroom by two police officers. He looks down, shuffles out. He will not be eligible for parole until he’s 91, 25 years from his arrest

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