CANADA Canada - Donna Stearne & Wendy Tedford, both 17, Toronto, 26 Apr 1973

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Sure, Sleuthound, welcome. Go ahead - you got information or theories?

[ You there, CrimeSolver? Someone else is interested in this case... ]
Perfect! I was hoping to get either one of you, or even better, both!

I have taken a look at this case numerous times in the past but have given it a more in depth examination over the past week.

I have taken some time over the course of the past few days to quickly read over some of the posts in this thread, and intend to print them all out tomorrow and read each one just to catch up with the activity on here in regards to this case.

I have also reviewed the few articles posted on

I'm hoping, either tomorrow or the day after, to search through The Toronto Star's archives and print out all articles pertaining to this case, in the hopes of it shedding light on even the most minor of details, and coming up with something new, anything.

I was just about to get some sleep when I thought I'd check this forum for any new views/replies before doing so and to my surprise I found your response. I was hoping not to participate in this thread before making myself familiar with all materials mentioned above first.

Now there is little we can do to help this matter but make assumptions based on what little information we have in an attempt to try and figure out what occurred. I highly doubt either of us will be able to solve it, but I think our goal is to bring the proper public/media attention to this as it would be the best bet to obtain new leads and shine light on this case, have it reopened, investigated and hopefully solved.

Again, before anything else, I will review all archived articles from The Toronto Star on this matter, in the hopes there's something there, and from there I hope together we can make a significant attempt to have this on the news, in the hopes of bringing someone forward with new information.

Aside from that, with what knowledge I possess in regards to this, I don't believe it was drug related and the only reason police suspect it was so, is due to the fact the two victims were frequent marijuana users. At the present time, again with what little I know, I'm going with the "it was a trucker, a drifter" theory, based on where the gun was stolen from and then recovered, how close the crime scene was to the 401, and just based on my knowledge of Windsor and its industries.

And from what I recall, the mother's health isn't very good, and she's suffered a stroke. It was stated she would have more of a piece of mind if she only knew why this was done. Perhaps, this can be mentioned to the media in an attempt to gain sympathy, and another reason to air this case now. To have this mystery solved before she passes, to have her find out what really happened and why, would be amazing.
Hi, I am Linda Wendy's sister and would like to thank you for the effort you have put forth on behalf of my sister and Donna. It has been thirty five years of trying to keep this case in the public eye for me and this is the first time I've ever seen any direct interest from the public. Please keep the chat going. I will be doing another show with Sue Sgambati that I think will air some time in Aug. This time it will be a full half hour. I'll try to post the show time a few days in advance.

linda have you ever thought of going to the police with a freedom of information and asking for your sisters case so you get a foundation of what is real and what is what people think? I know i went through it once and you will go in circles and drive your self insane until you put that info to use and can work on facts and you just might find something that clicks or an idea that the police were working on that you can follow through with. I feel so bad for you and hope that you find what your looking for. If you need any help or ideas where to start or look you can contact me, you know where i am. the best of luck. downsview 57:bang:
downsview57 - Considering what specifically happened in this case, and sensitivity to the families, it would probably be best to remove the emoticon at the end of your last message.

Respectfully, DX.
Welcome aboard, Sleuthhound. Always good to have another interested person lending his/her ideas to the cause.
dxman and I have pored over the newspaper archives and found little of a mindblowing nature in them. Really, the most eye-opening underreported fact I came across was the sighting of a car leaving the murder scene at midnight. Either the witness report was too vague or police have never released further details on the vehicle.

As to your second-last paragraph, Sleuthhound, I'm in complete agreement with those thoughts, but only from an intuitive standpoint. Most of what can be found in the archives points to a drug-related motive.

By the way, I don't know when, but there should be a Toronto Star series on cold cases coming to the paper at some point soon. Several months ago, I was briefly in contact with a Star reporter who told me she and a colleague were working on a series in which some cases would be profiled, including Tedford/Stearne. I don't know what has become of that.
Other than that, I have banged my head against the wall for the last time trying to get Toronto media, and others, to give this case some new publicity.
This car that was reportedly seen by witnesses, what little details were there of it? Make, model, colour, location, anything at all.
To my recollection, there was virtually nothing of detail. Maybe a colour...brown or something. The witness saw it head eastbound on Wilson out of the empty lot where the girls were slain. The report is in the Star archives somewhere.
I have finally saved and read all 12 Acrobat Reader documents I pulled up from The Toronto Star's archived articles, and all additional clippings on the tripod hosted website.

I have come across no information in regards to said car.

I have, however, come across many different versions that contradict each other in regards to the time line. Specifically what time the two were seen boarding the northbound Keele St. bus, and when they were actually inside the Sit 'N' Eat restaurant.

Aside from the time line, I'm going to reread each article and then try to put together all articles, combining all information given in regards to not just the crime itself, but who these two females were, in a way that it is all formed together in one place in chronological order.

What I'm far more curious and concerned about is the gun. The main piece of evidence that I have yet to see mentioned at all.

Any idea whatsoever when it was stolen, what the story behind that is, and how it was found? All I know is the ever so super vague story on TPS' website about it having been recovered by the OPP in an unrelated investigation.

I also read somewhere the gun had apparently been passed around many times.

Anyone have any information in regards to that?
And does anyone have the contact information for Linda? And this True-Crime Writer?

Anyway for either of you to try and contact Linda and inform her of possibly obtaining a Freedom of Information as I believe dxman pointed out? (I believe it was him, I don't have that post available to me in this screen)

Also, I came across one article stating the police weren't ruling out (at the time, not sure as to what happened afterwards) a link between this case and that of 16-year-old Yvonne Leroux?

Upon reading the material I have, I now see a bigger possibility of it being drug related, but it's still too early in my own investigation to determine that.

Another thing.
The field in which the bodies were found in was fairly large in size. Of all places, the bodies were discovered almost in the middle of both ends, up against the fence. At first, from viewing the aerial shots, I thought it may have been possible they were brought there or went on their own through someone's backyard, until I read about the fence being there. There was a description of the fence, from what I recall, a chain-linked fence with barbed wire at the top.

It's my guess, that whatever happened just prior, these two girls figured it would be easier and faster to jump over the fence as opposed to walking the distance between each street, I'm assuming they didn't realize there was barbed wire and thought they could escape. I'm assuming it's then, as they were going to climb over, with their backs turned to the shooter, that they were subsequently shot.

Also, have you ever considered there was possibly a second person involved? At this very moment, I don't see one person forcing these two to the middle of that field, at this early stage I'm guessing they went along for many reasons of which can be speculated, and it's only when something then went wrong that they tried to leave, thus attempting to do so over the fence.

And one last thing.
Once Tony Iscaro discovered and reported the bodies to a trucker driver, that man, upon going to take a look for himself, stated one had blood on her hands and one hand was in a clawing position, thoughts?
Wow! Read this!
I performed a quick Google search of Yvonne Leroux and found this!,244.0.html

David Norris

I'm off to bed now, I'm definitely going to look into that tomorrow.
Yeah, we were talking about that guy late last year in my thread about the disappearance of Lloyd Larsfolk and John McCormick. Someone was interested in digging up his backyard this spring to see if the boys' bodies were there, but i don't know what has come of that: Lloyd Larsfolk, 14, and John McCormick, 15, missing from Caledon, Ont. since 1981 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I have come across no information in regards to said car.
I'll look for it myself later and post what I find, if I didn't already post it earlier in this thread. Have you read through the whole thread?. (see edit #2 at bottom)
I have, however, come across many different versions that contradict each other in regards to the time line. Specifically what time the two were seen boarding the northbound Keele St. bus, and when they were actually inside the Sit 'N' Eat restaurant.
There are some discrepancies, with some witnesses saying they saw the girls board a bus at Lawrence at a certain time, while others say they were in the diner at that time.
What I'm far more curious and concerned about is the gun. The main piece of evidence that I have yet to see mentioned at all. Any idea whatsoever when it was stolen, what the story behind that is, and how it was found?
We have cited the gun several times in this thread. All I know is it was stolen from Windsor six months (?) before the crime, and found again in Windsor after the murders during an unrelated police investigation.
And does anyone have the contact information for Linda? And this True-Crime Writer?
I tried contacting Linda through her website, but the email came back undelivered. I believe dxman has the true-crime writer's email address.
Also, I came across one article stating the police weren't ruling out (at the time, not sure as to what happened afterwards) a link between this case and that of 16-year-old Yvonne Leroux?
I hadn't heard that before.
There was a description of the fence, from what I recall, a chain-linked fence with barbed wire at the top.
Barbed wire? I highly doubt it. At the time, this fence separated a middle-class neighbourhood from an industrial zone with empty lots, a factory or two, and nearby train tracks. No reason for barbed wire. I visited the site a few years ago. There's now a parking lot for a business, with a regular 6-foot chain-link fence separating it from the backyards of the adjacent neighbourhood. Probably the same fence that existed in '73.
It's my guess, that whatever happened just prior, these two girls figured it would be easier and faster to jump over the fence as opposed to walking the distance between each street, I'm assuming they didn't realize there was barbed wire and thought they could escape. I'm assuming it's then, as they were going to climb over, with their backs turned to the shooter, that they were subsequently shot.
Anything's possible. It's a new theory, at least, that they were running through the lot to escape when shot.
Also, have you ever considered there was possibly a second person involved? At this very moment, I don't see one person forcing these two to the middle of that field, at this early stage I'm guessing they went along for many reasons of which can be speculated, and it's only when something then went wrong that they tried to leave, thus attempting to do so over the fence.
With the drug theory, I find the involvement of a second perp obviously more likely than with the "lone maniac" theory I have always envisioned. Of course, there's also the "biker initiation" theory, in which case numerous people might have been involved.
Once Tony Iscaro discovered and reported the bodies to a trucker driver, that man, upon going to take a look for himself, stated one had blood on her hands and one hand was in a clawing position, thoughts?
Well, either that's blood spatter from her or the other girl's gunshot wounds, or she clawed at her attacker and it's his blood on her hands, in which case DNA can be extracted if the evidence still exists.

Edit: One of the more thorough articles on the case is in the Star on 4/30/73, pg. 3

Edit #2: I can't find an in-text description of the vehicle, but if you zoom in on the map that is part of the article on June 4, 1973, pg. 12, a notation says "Dark-coloured auto was seen about 12:05 a.m. to come out of driveway and proceed east on Wilson Ave."

This is from The Toronto Star, Saturday April 28th, 1973 edition, page 4.

There was another mention of the fence, the same description as this, on another article as well.

I'm on my way out right now, I'll be back later to reply to the rest.
Yes, I saw that too when I went back and looked at the articles.

By the way, intriguingly, the June 4th article, which I'm not sure I have seen before, says police then believed the girls were killed by a "madman who might strike again".
"It's a complete puzzle to us, a senseless killing", said Jack Evans, head of the homicide squad. "We are certain the girls were killed for no reason".

I'm confused about what police thought and when they thought it.
This June 4th article you've made reference to a couple of times now, where did you find it? I don't have any record of it, and went back to The Toronto Star's Pages of the Past, the archives, in the case I might have missed it, and after this second search, I was still unable to find it.
Yep, the problem is that the search engine is imperfect and one doesn't always get all of the possible results. Try typing just "Stearne" in the search box. It should come up. Monday, June 4th, 1973, pg 12.

If you still don't find it, I'll put up a still of the page.
Thank you! I have just proceeded to do that and the June 4th article has come up in the results.

I will look at it now.
Thanks for the heads-up, dxman. I hadn't looked at today's paper yet. Looking forward to it (rubs hands together).

I also was not the one who mentioned a Freedom of Information request, but it would be a good idea, come to think of it.
Quick question.

"“It doesn’t work out,” Armstrong said. “I saw them here and they were already eating, so they must have been here fifteen minutes anyway. How can they be two places at once?”"

In the articles, for the most part, it states they only drank cokes, and left. I haven't found a single article stating they had food, so how and what did he see them eating?

At the same time, I VAGUELY recall hamburgers being found in their system in the autopsy report.

Can anyone sort this out?

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