CANADA Canada - Eloise Fendelet, 71, & Perry Wong, 72, Edmonton AB, 27 Dec 2010

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Hello Websleuthers! Hope I am doing this right. I'm pretty new at this stuff, so please don't yell at me or put me in a corner, pretty please lol. Just slap my hand and tell me what I did wrong.

Oh man! I had to read the article 3 times before I got it the picture. Sorry, I am up past my bedtime and a splitting headache to boot...yuck.

In summary: PW met "friends" alone at an undisclosed location in Edmonton Dec. 27. LE said the friends were driving a light colored MBenz. Don't know when EF disappeared on 27. Const. "Sean Jenkinson said that while police know where she EF was at the time, they aren’t prepared to release that information". PW and EFs vehicle has been accounted for. Last saw Dec. 27. Reported missing Jan. 18? by employee when they did not show up at work.

That's a long time for absolutely no one to have any sort of contact with this couple...woozers. Dec 27 - Jan. 18? I realize they do not have children but....

It seems that possibly the friends are missing too? Does that make sense? The report does not say police want to speak to these "friends", it just says friends. I take that to mean any other friends.

The officers said they want to speak with friends and business associates of the couple to assist in their investigation.

Something bad I fear. Could they have gotten into a car accident on some back, desserted road with "these friends" in their MBenz? It's darn cold out there in Edmonton.

Praying they are all found safe and sound.

Sorry I thought I had read everyone's information, went back and noticed I had miss a few. I've repeated some of other peoples info.
Hello Websleuthers! Hope I am doing this right. I'm pretty new at this stuff, so please don't yell at me or put me in a corner, pretty please lol ...

Something bad I fear. Could they have gotten into a car accident on some back, desserted road with "these friends" in their MBenz? It's darn cold out there in Edmonton.

Praying they are all found safe and sound.


Sorry, just couldn't resist the urge to yell at you :crazy:

Glad you are here, trying to help find this couple. Not much info coming out on their case these days.

I would think if LE had a concern that Perry and the others had been in some type of accident, we'd have heard names of other innocent victims by now. Pretty strange comment that they know where Eloise was but won't disclose it. I also find it really odd that such a long time passed before they were reported missing. Surely one or both of them would have normally been expected at the business over such a length of time. Unless they had advised staff that they were on vacation.
In summary: PW met "friends" alone at an undisclosed location in Edmonton Dec. 27. LE said the friends were driving a light colored MBenz. Don't know when EF disappeared on 27. Const. "Sean Jenkinson said that while police know where she EF was at the time, they aren’t prepared to release that information". PW and EFs vehicle has been accounted for. Last saw Dec. 27. Reported missing Jan. 18? by employee when they did not show up at work.

That's a long time for absolutely no one to have any sort of contact with this couple...woozers. Dec 27 - Jan. 18? I realize they do not have children but....
I also find it really odd that such a long time passed before they were reported missing. Surely one or both of them would have normally been expected at the business over such a length of time. Unless they had advised staff that they were on vacation.

:seeya: WELCOME swedie!

Just wanted to clarify there was not much delay in them being reported missing to the police. Remember it was the Holidays, and apparently they were expected at work Monday, Jan. 3rd.
They were reported missing to the police two days later, on the 5th. I made a comment about that on my post #6 (points up). Hope this TIMELINE will help:
1. Dec. 27, 2010 : Last day Eloise & Perry Kit Wong were seen or heard of.

2. Jan. 3, 2011 : The couple failed to return to work.. friends and family made inquiries on their own.

3. Jan. 5, 2011 : An employee and close friend of the couple contacted police to report he was worried the pair had not come to work and could not be located.

4. Jan. 18, 2011 : The couple were officially listed as missing by Police ... and the missing persons unit is now investigating.​
Thank you for the warm welcome. :seeya:

I cannot believe there has been any recent update about this couple :waitasec: Is it because they have no children or family pushing LE? Strange I must say.

I would like to know if LE have check back roads and such. As I said in my previous post, maybe they both ended up going with the people/person in the Mercedes. Ended up out in the middle of nowhere and had a car accident and maybe it hasn't been discovered yet (possibly in a ravine or deep ditch). I wonder what the weather was like on Dec. 27th or thereafter? Could they have ended up in a snow storm or the two of them dropped off someplace in the middle of nowhere, left stranded in the cold? LE haven't released whether they have found the person/s in the Mercedes yet. Are they just not updating us? Very odd case I must say. It's almost 2 months and no updates in over a month. Sad, very sad.
Thank you for the warm welcome. :seeya:

I cannot believe there has been any recent update about this couple :waitasec: Is it because they have no children or family pushing LE? Strange I must say.

I would like to know if LE have check back roads and such. As I said in my previous post, maybe they both ended up going with the people/person in the Mercedes. Ended up out in the middle of nowhere and had a car accident and maybe it hasn't been discovered yet (possibly in a ravine or deep ditch). I wonder what the weather was like on Dec. 27th or thereafter? Could they have ended up in a snow storm or the two of them dropped off someplace in the middle of nowhere, left stranded in the cold? LE haven't released whether they have found the person/s in the Mercedes yet. Are they just not updating us? Very odd case I must say. It's almost 2 months and no updates in over a month. Sad, very sad.
I know :( it has been so quiet, I haven't even read of ONE sighting, nor any comments or interview of their neighbours in the area where the LAB is located nor neighbours from around the apartment where they live.

Nothing was said regarding surveillance cameras, except for the one poster that came here one day, and answered that question for me, but then he and his post went poof!
It's also so odd that LE cannot tell where was Eloise that day, Dec. 27th, while Perry was meeting those people in the Mercedes.
Why all the mystery? And I still would like to know how long they have known each other, how long they have been a couple, and if Perry used to be at one time an employee of Eloise, and that's how they met. From what I've read, she owned that lab for 30 years.

Have there been posters distributed and put up around Edmonton? People need to see their pictures, people need to be reminded that they are STILL missing.

Once a girl went missing from an area not that far from where I live. My children at school had been alerted, even though it was another boundary, but you know children, none of them told me, and I had not been keeping up with the news.
That afternoon I dropped my son off for soccer practice, and instead of going back home, went with my daughter to Walmart. We passed a Church and the parking lot was full of people, it was odd, it didn't look like a wedding nor any happy gathering, but nobody was dressed formal like a funeral.
I never look at any ads placed on windows, but when I got to the door, there were so many posters all the same with a picture of a girl, that it really called my attention and I HAD to check it out.
The girl had been abducted the previous night from the exact same road I had been driving, and not far from where I had dropped my son for soccer. The Church gathering was the Vigil for her!
Those Missing Posters are truly a MUST!
It boggles my mind that two people, being in two seperate locations can disappear without a trace and stay missing for two months.

What they have in common.....they're missing
.....they work together
.....they live together
other than that, there doesn't seem to be any other information. :banghead:
There is this other case I've been following...I know this happened in Toronto, which is far away from Edmonton, and the only 2 similarities are the "Mercedes" (though a different colour) and Perry being Chinese, so probably no connection at all. Still will post the link, just in case someone wants to have a look:
Police reiterate request for help finding missing seniors
Police are repeating their public request for help in finding two Edmonton seniors who mysteriously disappeared in the city’s west end last December.
Police wouldn’t say exactly where Wong was reportedly last seen, but he was reportedly meeting up with friends somewhere in a neighbourhood in the west end.
Colleague Chris Loffelbein works with the couple at Fendelet’s Edmonton dental lab that she has owned for the past 33 years.

Loffelbein said the couple used to talk about skiing, but haven’t in recent years and there was no indication the seniors may have gone on a trip.

Police say investigators have also been monitoring the couple’s banking activity and cell phone usage, but so far there hasn’t been any activity.

Investigators also say they’ve received a few tips into the case, and are hoping to hear from any professional associates or business partners who have had dealings with the couple.
This is a generalization, but just the other day I read (can't remember where :() that BMWs and Mercedes are some of the top choice cars amongst criminals.

I don't feel there was an unreported car accident, or we'd probably have the unknown "friends" reported missing as well.

With the limited info available to us at this time, I'm pondering that the people Perry met up with were unsavory individuals who were trying to set the couple up for monetary gain (i.e. possibly kidnap Perry and ransom demand on Eloise).

Fendelet is a unique surname, and whitepages lists 13 Fendelets in Alberta. It doesn't appear that Eloise had a public listing (unless under an initial other that "E"). There is one listing for Perry K. Wong in Edmonton, no address given.

The business that Eloise owned is referred to as a "dental supply" business. It is listed under "Oral Ceramic Dental Lab" with the following info:


10222 140 St Nw # 20
Edmonton AB, T5N 2L4
Phone #: 780-455-1164
Key contact: Eloise Fendelet , Owner
Approximately eight employees work at this location
Sales: $500,000 - $1 Million

Eloise's cousin, Armand Fendelet of Saskatoon, spoke to the media about his cousin's disappearance:

AF is about 68 y.o. and an electrician (probably retired?) who worked at the National Research Council in Saskatoon. He has a FB account and his profile pic seems he has an affinity for farming or tractors :). His partner/wife, Carol, died in June 2009. I'm strongly betting that AF was a very hard working fellow and is a very good man. We don't have a lot of info to go on here, but I feel Perry and Eloise were targeted as seniors with $$. Maybe LE should check out some FB friends and associates of AF ... someone who maybe gained information about his somewhat wealthy cousin.

Anybody know what kind of drugs dental labs might stock?
Very sad, still nothing on this couple. How do these people just vanish into thin air? Does anyone think this case is high priority to LE? If the missing had family, I bet we'd hear more about it. Hope there is news real soon on this couple.

The disappearance of an Edmonton couple last seen Dec. 27, 2010, is being treated by police as a homicide.

While the shift from a missing-persons file is normal at this stage, circumstances also warrant it, Homicide Unit Det. Dale Johnson told reporters yesterday.

“It is so out of character for both Mr. Wong and Mrs. Fenelet ... I think it’s prudent we investigate the circumstances as a potential homicide until proven otherwise,” said Johnson.

Perry Kit Wong, 72, and his common-law wife, Eloise Fendelet, 71, were listed as missing officially Jan. 18 after friends’ attempts to locate them were exhausted, police said.
Search for lost couple escalated

A missing couple last seen Dec. 27 has more tools working towards solving their disappearance since the case file was handed to homicide detectives, police say.


A new law being considered in Alberta would allow access to personal information such as bank and credit card records and cellphone activity, but until it happens missing-persons files rely largely on public tips.

I wasn't aware that they aren't allowed to access bank and cell phone information, even in missing persons cases! Is this in all of Canada, or just Alberta???
... I wasn't aware that they aren't allowed to access bank and cell phone information, even in missing persons cases! Is this in all of Canada, or just Alberta???

Law enforcement through Canada is not allowed to access such information without a warrant, which would only be issued if there is sufficient information to support a belief that the disappearance is a criminal matter.

The proposed legislation is in Alberta only. Will be interesting to see if this goes nation-wide. Go, Bill 8 !! :)
According to this Department of Justice news release in October 2010, one of the measures to be implemented nationally with the $10 million infusion is:

Amendments to the Criminal Code to streamline the warrants application process where wiretaps are required in missing person cases

full news releases at:

Alberta's Bill 8 seems to differ in that police in that province would able to get the information on demand (so, sounds like that would be without requiring a warrant).

At least it seems that something is being done both at a provincial and federal level to access information in a more expedient fashion.

B.C. couple vanish en route to Vegas

RCMP probes mysterious disappearance

By QMI Agency

Long-time Okanagan business owners Albert, 59, and Rita Chretien, 56, left Penticton, B.C., in their van March 19 to head to an event in Las Vegas, but they never arrived. (HANDOUT)

Mounties have launched a search for a Penticton, B.C., couple who mysteriously disappeared nearly two weeks ago while en route to a Las Vegas trade show.

Long-time Okanagan business owners Albert, 59, and Rita Chretien, 56, left town in their van March 19 to head to the event, but they never arrived. They were expected back home before Wednesday, and haven't been heard from, police said.

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