Found Deceased Canada - Genevieve Cormier, 19, St John, NB, 29 Sept 2013 - #2

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Great work folks :seeya:

Just putting my :twocents: in. I wonder if Gen's purse had a buckle on the strap as many do so one can lengthen or shorten the strap and maybe it got snagged on her clothing or in her long hair not allowing it to be carried away in the water. Just some food for thought also.
Good points. Often shoulder bags have a buckle.

When I think of being on the bottom of a rocky river bed which slopes steadily towards the ocean; when I think of crossing even the tip of the Bay of Fundy--my body alone and defenseless to the strength of the huge, surging tides--I can't imagine a buckle snagged in my hair or clothing holding my purse to my body.

I do know that truth is stranger than fiction; and I know I have to accept these possibilities.

I have seen many young girls carrying a purse but they always seem to have their cell phones in their hands texting or they put it in their jacket or jean pocket for easy access especially if they use it a lot. Just saves them the hassle of rummaging around in their purse for it.
Yes, I agree with this.

Some jacket pockets have zippers, too. One would think if her purse made it to shore with her, her cell phone should have arrived, too.

I'll have to go back and check to be sure, but I do believe that it was confirmed her jacket was still with her.

I remember when those surveillance photos first came out of Gen and "Nick". I was reading on Gen's Missing fb page and a couple people had commented that his guy's was Nick and he had been questioned extensively by LE on a couple occasions. It did not sound from what I read, he was unknown to Gen.
That's how I took it, too. I'm wondering if they questioned Nick early on in the investigation when they thought Gen was only "missing."

It would be interesting to know if they questioned him after her body was discovered.

I am just assuming here but if Gen went to the mall to grab a bite to eat with friends, she probably left her purse at the table with friends and maybe during the conversation with "Nick" she left with him to possibly go meet up with someone else, letting her friends know she'd be right back. Of course that's just my assumption as to why she did not have her purse with her on the escalator.
Interesting and entirely possible scenario.

Another way I look at it is that she may not have taken her purse with her to the mall that morning. If she was staying at Nick's and they walked up to the mall for a quick brunch around 11:45 am, maybe he had offered to buy it for her.

Or maybe she had just shoved her bank card in her pocket. I've done that lots of times.

We know with some certainty that she was at a friend's house at 2:00 pm on Sunday. It hasn't been confirmed that it was Nick, but possibly it was.

Supposing she intended to go back with Nick to his place after grabbing something to eat, it seems a plausible reason for not having her purse with her that morning.

I do believe these women met up with foul play and I really wonder if it may have been someone they all knew. Could it have been someone associated with a club they hung out at and someone who may have been a regular customer at the restaurant owned by the older lady (my apology as I forgot her name while typing) and her husband?
These are awesome points here. There are many possibilities that could fit, and I do hope that someone with authority is looking into this angle.

What makes me believe the possible victims knew the perp is because IMHO the times at which they went missing. I assume to abduct someone in broad daylight would be a pretty daring feat to carry out of course unless they were all in a pretty secluded area for the perp to take risks.
Yeonhee and Gen were most likely in a secluded area of the pathway. Shelby was most likely abducted under the cover of darkness in the early morning hours, somewhere in the uptown area. She was an itty-bitty little thing at 5'4" and 110 lbs.

Could it have been a couple acting as tourists and asking for directions such as the case of Karla H and Paul B? Somehow I feel whoever it was, must have been known to these ladies or somehow gained their trust quickly.
I think it is also possible that a strong male could have used the "run up from behind and do a quick grab routine," too. He could have had his vehicle hid nearby.

We have had confirmation that the surveillance cameras were not working at the Castle Funeral Home which might have shown something.

There is a boating business just up the river across from the pulp mill, that possibly had a surveillance camera high up on a pole. I have never heard if that was working or not.

I just hope women in this area of NB are being very cautious when out and about alone. Any area for that matter. And whenever possible NEVER walk alone, especially in secluded area and at night.

All MOO.
Text bolded and enlarged by me.

I so applaude you for saying this!! I want to scream it from the top of my lungs.

I give it best post of the day!
Swede,do you happen to know which restaurant Yeonchee and her husband owned?Looked and looked for this info and came up empty.Thanks
I looked and looked, too, Jilly. :)

I still do, whenever I get a few minutes.

I would love to have this confirmed.
Something that is standing out to me after reading through the threads.

It was specifically reported by a verified insider early on that Genna DID NOT have her passport with her. It was at home.

Wonder what that was all about? Just some miscommunication?
I suspect it was something that they did not want us to know at the time.

A great deal of that happens, and it is very hard to verify anything--no matter the source.

A lot of what we think are facts may turn out to not be facts at all.

Keep in mind that people in New Brunswick need ID to purchase cigarettes; to make a purchase at a liquor store; and to buy drinks at a bar. Young people must produce ID when asked or they will not be allowed to make their purchase.

I have never heard it mentioned that Gen had a driver's license or the other provincially issued ID card, so I believe she carried her passport for ID purposes.
well we could lose all kinds of evidence in the water, so thats a shame, but really would like to know what else was in this bag of hers..the fact that it stayed on her body and still held her passport, is quite amazing...some other things must have survived, right? i guess we might never know....

Gen's bag is what I call the special thing about this case.... In every case I follow there tends to be something unique or so curious that it sets the case apart from other cases. It's what pops into my mind when I think of a case.

So for me, in this case it's Gen's bag. How did it stay with her all that time. Now add to that, in the photos of her on that fateful day - no bag! That means she left it someplace, and had to go get it. Appears no mention her doing this has been reported?
I agree with this time frame. That's probably why no trace was found by the dogs. I think family and friends were already searching this area before confirmation of a sighting came out. Also by the 3rd or 4th of oct we'd already had rain and fog. Gave me thoughts on this when the rescue people told folks not to search in the wooded area for Gavin Adams.
I apologize for getting this out of order. I wanted to go over to Gavin's thread to borrow a quote from an article.

Quote: "Sgt. Jay Henderson said police had already searched the area using infrared cameras and the canine unit Sunday night through to Monday."

It sounds like they used the same infrared cameras and canine unit that they eventually used to search for Gen, with the same results. Nothing. :(

If this wasn't so sad; so tragic; and so concerning; I believe I could find some humor here.
I apologize for getting this out of order. I wanted to go over to Gavin's thread to borrow a quote from an article.

Quote: "Sgt. Jay Henderson said police had already searched the area using infrared cameras and the canine unit Sunday night through to Monday."

It sounds like they used the same infrared cameras and canine unit that they eventually used to search for Gen, with the same results. Nothing. :(

If this wasn't so sad; so tragic; and so concerning; I believe I could find some humor here.

Doesn't it just make you wonder? How could the police not have found him? The snow storm didn't start until around 7:00 Sunday morning, we did have some snow on the ground Sat night but not a whole lot more than a dusting. It was so freezing cold that night does that affect ground tracking dogs too?
Gen's bag is what I call the special thing about this case.... In every case I follow there tends to be something unique or so curious that it sets the case apart from other cases. It's what pops into my mind when I think of a case.

So for me, in this case it's Gen's bag. How did it stay with her all that time. Now add to that, in the photos of her on that fateful day - no bag! That means she left it someplace, and had to go get it. Appears no mention her doing this has been reported?

All we have is the following. It is necessary to interpret it any way we want, I guess.

There is no purse showing in the time stamped image at 11:41:08.

See link for more pictures:

I am assuming all pictures at the link were taken in the same time period; although, like all assumptions, maybe that is incorrect.

Quote: "She was at a friend's place on Duke Street uptown Sunday afternoon around 2:00."
See link:

The following was originally posted to Gen's Facebook page by Mr. Green. He organized and headed the ground searches for Gen and he gave me permission to post his map. Notice in my screen shot, he mentions a last photo of Gen near Ocean Steel on Chelsey Drive. (This is not the same location as her last know location.)

We don't know for a certainty whether or not she was carrying her purse at that time, but if we believe the purse was on her when she was found, then we must believe that she had it with her at Ocean Steel as the timing would put this picture, (which has never been released to the public,) at less than one half hour before she was abducted.
Doesn't it just make you wonder? How could the police not have found him? The snow storm didn't start until around 7:00 Sunday morning, we did have some snow on the ground Sat night but not a whole lot more than a dusting. It was so freezing cold that night does that affect ground tracking dogs too?
You bet it makes me wonder; and it makes me question the training the dogs have.
I posted these maps on Gavin's thread, but I thought I would add them here, too. (I hope that is okay.)

I'm not trying to connect every murder that ever happened in the city of Saint John--I realize it is a big enough city to support unrelated cases at similar times.

However, I can't help being a bit stunned at the similarities in their final journeys.

I see huge differences in these cases: not the least of which is that Gavin is the only male, and he was the only one not found in the water.

Besides the final journeys, I know they attended the same high school; and, therefore probably had some friends in common.

I don't understand what could really be going on. All that I can think of is that possibly the city's youth are talking amongst themselves and trying to come up with who took Gen's life.

Maybe an argument between conflicting sides got out of hand?

I know--no foul play is suspected. This is just another child who accidentally dropped dead, apparently. :(

Gavin Adams, December 14, 2013.

Genevieve Cormier, September 29, 2013.
Swede,do you happen to know which restaurant Yeonchee and her husband owned?Looked and looked for this info and came up empty.Thanks

My apologies as I do not know if it is a fact. Way, way back on this forum IIRC someone suggested or implied because he owned a restaurant he was able to come up with $50,000 in reward money and that is how I came up with the restaurant information. Or does he have family in NB who own a restaurant, anyone? If not, does anyone know what he does for a living? I also though it was suggested Yeonchee could have left early that morning to do prep work at a restaurant. I will go back and see if I can find that information. Maybe I'm losing my mind or dreamt it. :(

Does anyone know who the four females are in the unsolved cases going back 32 years? One would be the other Cromier woman, who are the others, any idea? (second linked article) Also just thought the copy and pasted part from the first article was interesting. Wonder where this area is that they were searching, in which searchers claimed it was slippery?

Yeonhee Choi, 45, of South Korea, was last seen on April 22
"It's very steep-sloped," he said. "And of course, the time of the year, there's a lot of runoff so it's slippery in places. Of course, the water itself along the shoreline is very slippery."

There are currently four unsolved missing female cases in the city, dating back 32 years, said Henderson.
My apologies as I do not know if it is a fact. Way, way back on this forum IIRC someone suggested or implied because he owned a restaurant he was able to come up with $50,000 in reward money and that is how I came up with the restaurant information. Or does he have family in NB who own a restaurant, anyone? If not, does anyone know what he does for a living? I also though it was suggested Yeonchee could have left early that morning to do prep work at a restaurant. I will go back and see if I can find that information. Maybe I'm losing my mind or dreamt it. :( ...

{Comment respectfully snipped by me--will address the second part in a later comment.}

It was speculated, but remained unconfirmed. We intended nothing more, and I think the comments are quite clear. If you are unable to locate our conversations in this matter--but wish to review them--please let me know as I believe I could locate them.

Mr. Han definitely put up a $50,000 reward for information leading to the whereabouts of his wife. I can find one article that attributes the reward as being put up by Mr. Han and his teenage daughter, but the rest specifically state Mr. Han only.

That is a very large reward for these parts.

Five unions in Saint John put up $2,000 each, for a total of $10,000, for any information leading to Genevieve's whereabouts. Their efforts were much applauded and appreciated--and rightly so--but you can note the difference.

The BoAz Restaurant advertises as a restaurant serving Japenese and Korean dishes. It seems to be a small chain of at least two.

Yeonhee's home was on Prince Street, which is just on the other side of the same path searched for both Yeonhee and Genevieve.

The BoAz Restaurant is located on one end of the path and Prince Street is located on the other end.

I don't mean to suggest that Mr. Han and his family are the only Canadian citizens from South Korea living in the city of Saint John; but there probably isn't a large number as there would be in a major city like Toronto, or Vancouver.

It is not a stretch to question if he is self-employed.

No reason was given for Yeonhee to leave her home at 6:00 am. I use to leave my home a little before 7:00 am, and the city was just beginning to wake up.

I wondered where she was going at that hour. It's not a big leap to wonder if she may have been heading to the BoAz for some reason.

Her husband stated that they often walked the path together. He didn't say why. I speculated that they could have been going to the BoAz Restaurant--either because they owned it; perhaps worked there; or because they knew people who did.

This map is tiny and hard to work with. It is intended to give only a general idea of the area, with the locations being only approximate.

The yellow arrows mark the direction Yeonhee was walking, and the red arrows mark the direction Genevieve was walking.

The red circle designates the common area searched for both women. The callouts may help to explain some of the locations.

Does anyone know who the four females are in the unsolved cases going back 32 years? One would be the other Cromier woman, who are the others, any idea? (second linked article)
BBM - I was wondering who you meant by this? Genevieve was not missing at the time of the article.

Do you mean 15 year old Kimberly Amero [Cormier], missing since 1985?

If so, I would assume she is one of the missing--whose family no longer believes that.

Shelby's remains had been found floating in Long Wharf by then, so I don't believe she would have been considered one of the mentioned missing.

IDK who the others might be; or how they have come up with that number.

Also just thought the copy and pasted part from the first article was interesting. Wonder where this area is that they were searching, in which searchers claimed it was slippery?

Yeonhee Choi, 45, of South Korea, was last seen on April 22
"It's very steep-sloped," he said. "And of course, the time of the year, there's a lot of runoff so it's slippery in places. Of course, the water itself along the shoreline is very slippery."

There are currently four unsolved missing female cases in the city, dating back 32 years, said Henderson.

If you zoom in on Google Maps, you can see that there is a rise just above the path that both Genevieve and Yeonhee were last seen near.

The path is actually at the foot of the rise, between it and the Saint John River.

Yes, in the spring when Yeonhee went missing, there would be a run off in areas, no doubt about it. In the early morning, parts could be slippery from water trickling down through the rocks in the daytime and freezing overnight.

Sure, it is possible to slip and fall and hit your head or break a bone and be helpless; but you are not likely to roll off into the river.

This is an actual picture, from your above link, of the search being done on the pathway for Yeonhee. (The same pathway would be searched 5 months later for Genevieve.)

What do you think? Does it look wet and slippery? Dangerous in any way, except for its isolation?

Can we see the Saint John River here, or even it's bank? Wouldn't that indicate that the path is a very safe distance away from the shoreline?

If you use maximum zoom on the map linked above you can see that in order to get to the river the women would have had to detour from their known route.

Certainly that is a possibility; so is murder. And when we look at the totality of the circumstances it is not hard to see which is the most probable, imoo, of course.

BBM - I was wondering who you meant by this? Genevieve was not missing at the time of the article.

Do you mean 15 year old Kimberly Amero [Cormier], missing since 1985?

If so, I would assume she is one of the missing--who's family no longer believes that.

Shelby's remains had been found floating in Long Wharf by then, so I don't believe she would have been considered one of the mentioned missing.

IDK who the others might be; or how they have come up with that number.

If you zoom in on Google Maps, you can see that there is a rise just above the path that both Genevieve and Yeonhee were last seen near.

The path is actually at the foot of the rise, between it and the Saint John River.

Yes, in the spring when Yeonhee went missing, there would be a run off in areas, no doubt about it. In the early morning, parts could be slippery from water trickling down through the rocks in the daytime and freezing overnight.

Sure, it is possible to slip and fall and hit your head or break a bone and be helpless; but you are not likely to roll off into the river.

This is an actual picture, from your above link, of the search being done on the pathway for Yeonhee. (The same pathway would be searched 5 months later for Genevieve.)

What do you think? Does it look wet and slippery? Dangerous in any way, except for its isolation?

Can we see the Saint John River here, or even it's bank? Wouldn't that indicate that the path is a very safe distance away from the shoreline?

If you use maximum zoom on the map linked above you can see that in order to get to the river the women would have had to detour from their known route.

Certainly that is a possibility; so is murder. And when we look at the totality of the circumstances it is not hard to see which is the most probable, imoo, of course.


I wonder what the drop-off is if you fall into the river by the eadge - very deep? Fast current?
{Comment respectfully snipped by me--will address the second part in a later comment.}

It was speculated, but remained unconfirmed. We intended nothing more, and I think the comments are quite clear. If you are unable to locate our conversations in this matter--but wish to review them--please let me know as I believe I could locate them.

Mr. Han definitely put up a $50,000 reward for information leading to the whereabouts of his wife. I can find one article that attributes the reward as being put up by Mr. Han and his teenage daughter, but the rest specifically state Mr. Han only.

That is a very large reward for these

Five unions in Saint John put up $2,000 each, for a total of $10,000, for any information leading to Genevieve's whereabouts. Their efforts were much applauded and appreciated--and rightly so--but you can note the difference.

The BoAz Restaurant advertises as a restaurant serving Japenese and Korean dishes. It seems to be a small chain of at least two.

Yeonhee's home was on Prince Street, which is just on the other side of the same path searched for both Yeonhee and Genevieve.

The BoAz Restaurant is located on one end of the path and Prince Street is located on the other end.

I don't mean to suggest that Mr. Han and his family are the only Canadian citizens from South Korea living in the city of Saint John; but there probably isn't a large number as there would be in a major city like Toronto, or Vancouver.

It is not a stretch to question if he is self-employed.

No reason was given for Yeonhee to leave her home at 6:00 am. I use to leave my home a little before 7:00 am, and the city was just beginning to wake up.

I wondered where she was going at that hour. It's not a big leap to wonder if she may have been heading to the BoAz for some reason.

Her husband stated that they often walked the path together. He didn't say why. I speculated that they could have been going to the BoAz Restaurant--either because they owned it; perhaps worked there; or because they knew people who did.

This map is tiny and hard to work with. It is intended to give only a general idea of the area, with the locations being only approximate.

The yellow arrows mark the direction Yeonhee was walking, and the red arrows mark the direction Genevieve was walking.

The red circle designates the common area searched for both women. The callouts may help to explain some of the locations.

Canada 411 lists a WC Han at 430 Prince Street,to add to our map Truth.Does anyone know if Ocean Steel operates 24/7 ? Thanks
I wonder what the drop-off is if you fall into the river by the eadge - very deep? Fast current?
I can't find a link that would give an estimated measurement for the embankment walls.

Keep in mind that there is a high tide in that area of the river. The river bed itself begins a steep slope as it heads towards its mouth in the Bay of Fundy; and the tides from the Bay of Fundy push hard into the out flowing river. Twice a day.

We are talking dangerous, swirling rapids and dangerous high tides--you can't just go into that river to play.

You have to have knowledge and experience even to take a kayak through it. And I'm not kidding. Many kayakers have gotten into trouble there.

Experts have to go in and rescue them, and they are lucky to be rescued in time.


I have taken the above screen shot from the revolving picture, linked below. The link offers controls on the bottom left, where you can stop the picture and zoom in. If you do, you can notice the height of the seaweed on some of the rocks--that is from the tides.

Those houses you are seeing along the top of the picture are on Lancaster Avenue. You can check Gen's case map here, to get an idea of their distance from the river.

The path the women were walking on is well above that area that looks like a little beach. Beware of that little beach--it will totally disappear at high tide and you will be left trying to scale the embankment. Fast.

Also, you should get a good idea that while it is a gradual sloping, it is also rather steep. In the spring a lot of water can run in that area, but most of it drains in the river underground. There is not a lot of spring flooding, if any at all.

However, from the path, I don't believe you could stand up and throw someone off--as in picking up a 110 lbs; 120 lbs; or 130 lbs person and pitching. (This would require quite a muscle man, btw.)

For one thing, note the area is visible from the heavily traveled bridge, and also from the two restaurants.

It would be extremely dangerous to yourself to take a body down to the river's edge. If you did it at low tide, you would have to take it into the river to make sure it was caught by the current; if you did it at high tide, those waves would be pulling at you, as well as your victim.

Possibly underwater diving equipment would be useful, but I still think it would be very dangerous.

A boat may be used, but, again, not just anyone can take a boat through those areas; and you would have to do it at night with the risk of being seen still high.

We could be looking at another drop off point, rather than this area.

Just something to note:

Quote: "During the late 1990s a tourist business was established, offering jet boat rides on the river in the vicinity of the falls; however the boats do not operate in the roughest areas which experience a 3-metre drop in water level over a very short distance. The operators tend to stay in the choppy waters immediately downstream and attempt to soak passengers by driving through small whirlpools at the base of the railway bridge. Another more recent development at the Reversing Falls has been its growing use as a whitewater kayaking location, made unique by the changes in formation of the rapids during incoming or outgoing tides.[5]"
Read more:
Posted on Gavin's thread but thought I'd post here as well.

The connection to Saint John High has been made at least. There are four high schools in Saint John and for three (article didn't mention Shelby) students to end up deceased in a little over a year???????

It really bothers me that the police are so quick to say 'foul play is not suspected;. How do they know this before an investigation. Even if they believe that Gavin fell and froze to death, how would they ever know if he fell because someone pushed him or otherwise caused him to fall???
I wonder what the drop-off is if you fall into the river by the eadge - very deep? Fast current?

BBM - And sorry to quote this twice, but at what point on the path that these young and healthy women were known to travel, do you consider a serious enough hazard that they could have fallen in the Saint John River?

I am very curious because I do not see one.

We have, Genevieve--wanting to get home to do some laundry; catch a nap; grab something to eat; and maybe squeeze some time in with her friend. Anticipating a job interview in the morning.

We have, Yeonhee--going where at 6:00 am in the morning? Nicely dressed with tights, high black leather boots, and a black jacket--maybe carrying a backpack. Maybe they want us to believe she was depressed and going nowhere to make the suicide scenario fit; but maybe in actuality she had a destination in mind. Maybe her prescription medication was working and she was feeling better. Maybe she was looking forward to the day her daughter had her college diploma in her hand; and the day she would hold her daughter's daughter in her arms.

There is nothing that would make be believe that these vibrant, young women would deviate from their safe and well known path; and head towards an area that they would have absolutely known was dangerous.
Posted on Gavin's thread but thought I'd post here as well.

The connection to Saint John High has been made at least. There are four high schools in Saint John and for three (article didn't mention Shelby) students to end up deceased in a little over a year???????

It really bothers me that the police are so quick to say 'foul play is not suspected;. How do they know this before an investigation. Even if they believe that Gavin fell and froze to death, how would they ever know if he fell because someone pushed him or otherwise caused him to fall???
There are four high schools in the area, but is Saint John High the most academically accredited?

I'm not familiar with how that is set up. Would you happen to know what types of programs are offered in the other schools?

It seems very strange to me how all these young people are suddenly slipping and sliding and managing to die.

My goodness, those of us that have been living in this province for years--how did we ever make it?

We skate, we ski, we play hockey; yes, we slip and slide--we take some lumps; we may break bones and suffer the occasional concussion, but we don't die.

This is , if I have ever heard it.

BBM - And sorry to quote this twice, but at what point on the path that these young and healthy women were known to travel, do you consider a serious enough hazard that they could have fallen in?

I am very curious because I do not see one.

We have, Genevieve--wanting to get home to do some laundry; catch a nap; grab something to eat; and maybe squeeze some time in with her friend.

We have, Yeonhee--going where at 6:00 am in the morning? Nicely dressed with tights, high black leather boots, and a black jacket--maybe carrying a backpack. Maybe they want us to believe she was depressed and going nowhere to make the suicide scenario fit; but maybe in actuality she had a destination in mind. Maybe her prescription medication was working and she was feeling better. Maybe she was looking forward to the day her daughter had her college diploma in her hand; and the day she would hold her daughter's daughter in her arms.

There is noting that would make be believe that these vibrant, young women would deviate from their safe and well known path; and head towards an area that they would have absolutely known was dangerous.

I consider it an honor to be quoted – your replies are always great, and you do so much work!

Thanks for info about just how dangerous the water is! Appears if a person falls in they are in trouble.

I wonder if this kind of danger could cause a deranged mind to become fascinated with the thought of a woman being taken by the water... be interesting to know what a behavioral expert would say...
If anything I would say that Saint John High would be considered the 'better' of the four schools. They have a program for academically gifted students whereby the students can complete their coursework toward credits in university. Two of the schools are in the uptown area (Saint John High and St Malachy's), one is North/West (Harbourview) and one is East (Simonds). From my knowledge (professionally speaking) of drug use and mental health issues, I would certainly not say that Saint John High had any more problems than the other schools, probably less.

Neither Gavin nor Genevieve seemed (from what little information we know) like they were struggling with severe addiction/mental health issues. Gavin was into sports and theatre and had just attended and done well at a swim meet. Genn had a close family/friend support system and was looking forward to a job interview the day after she went missing. Suicide or alcohol/drug use leading to an accident does not seem plausible IMHO.

Whether or not Gavin/Genevieve's cases are related, I hope that the city realizes that something is going on,

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