CANADA Canada - Joanna Pedersen, 10, Chilliwack, BC, 19 Feb 1983

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This is probably "out there", but in the 2011 letter, the word Chilliwack almost appears that the writer has intentionally substituted the second "i" with a dot/bullet and "wack" is spelled "wock". This would give the phonetic equivalent of "Chill Walk".

Also, in the 2008 letter, LE says they cannot disclose the details and content of the letter. IMO, this is a good indication that Joanne is still alive somewhere. Otherwise, what harm could come to anyone other than Joanne (unless the writer said they would never communicate with LE again). If she is still alive, i'm afraid after all this time, she would be entirely habituated with whatever her circumstances are.
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I used to live across the street and right where beside that pay phone was a run down house. Rumour had it that some perverted man lived there. I'm assuming the police enquired about her at that residence. This was about 10 years after her disappearance that that man lived there. Not sure if he was there in 1983

Hi allison !!

I've always read the Penny Pincher store was at the corner of Vedder and Watson, but never could find out which corner. Any chance you can tell me, and was it still there when you lived there?

There is an old boarded up, run-down looking place on the northwest corner of that intersection, so don't know if that might be the place you are referring to. Mr. Possible Perv probably wouldn't have had the need for a vehicle when approaching her, but maybe he had friends of similar ilk?

PS: no worries about your typing, lol ... my previous post made it sound like Joanne disappeared from the doenetwork ;)

ETA: Although Fowler couldn't have written the letters, I wonder if Mr. Possible Perv knew him? I'm sure LE's investigation into Fowler would include the timeframe in which Joanne went missing.
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Lol... Thanks for understanding my typos. And ya penny pinchers was still there. It eventually burned down but I know it. It is on, or WAS in the south west corner of the intersection. First there is a gas station and the. Beside that is where penny pinchers was. It was not exactly on the corner.
Mr possible perv might not have done anything but it was just a creepy location in general. And him living there just added to the creepiness lol.
Were the human remains that were found in 2007 in Chilliwack ever identified?

Not sure which case you're referring to Sassy. Do you have any more detail at all?
The house talked about on the corner mysteriously burnt down two years ago.
The house talked about on the corner mysteriously burnt down two years ago.

Interesting MMS ... the Penny Pincher store apparently burned down as well, and it was 2 years ago that RCMP received the second letter. Would be good to know the date of the fire in relation to the date the letter was received.
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It was late when I wrote the above post, so it wasn't very clear ...

I meant it would be good to know the date of the house fire 2 years ago (not the Penny Pincher store which I believe burned many years before, but don't know the date/year).

IOW, did the house burn around the same date or approximate date the letter was received 2 years ago?
What letter? Sorry did I miss something.

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You'd think the Chilliwack detachment would have video surveillance of whoever dropped the letter off. As the envelope and letter appear to have different writing (the envelope more fluid printing and the letter itself a more precise/formed style of writing), I'm thinking that the author had someone else write the letter. IMO, the envelope was written by an older person and the letter by a younger person. As a younger person wouldn't likely have direct knowledge of a case from 30 years ago, I suspect the person who wrote the envelope is the person who may have the direct knowledge (whatever that happens to be).

I'm not a betting person but ;) I would bet it was a younger person who delivered the letter to the RCMP on behalf of someone older (who is perhaps in a position of authority or control over a younger person). IF the RCMP have video of the drop-off, might be in their best interest to release it to the public. Holding the info that close to the vest after all these years doesn't appear to be advancing a resolution to Joanna's disappearance.

All spec and gut feel on my part ... but what else is there for now?
I think Joanne is probably still alive and out there. Probably in the wider area. A few weeks after Joanne disappeared, a phone call was placed to her grandmother. The newspaper article reporting that call can be read at this link: It sounded like the man wanted to provide some kind of comfort to her by putting her in touch with her grandmother. Why the grandmother? A local person with I spoke several years ago, and someone who knew Joanne and who thought she was such a nice little girl, told me that she was particularly close to her grandmother..She often rode her bike over at the grandmother's house. As well, this woman told me that the grandmother's phone number had been unlisted at that time, so the probability of it being a prank call was low.

There are lots of rural places out there in the wider area and it would be easy to remain on the down low. Transporting someone over a long distance, like to another province further away, could have too many risks and could look too suspicious - e.g. even looking like possible parental abduction, especially if he had moved when she was still younger.

I'm certain people would have seen her at this point. Even possibly a dentist or a doctor. But how is she being passed off ...or even passing herself off? A younger daughter taking care of an elderly father (he'd likely be a senior by now, in his 60s, if he is still alive at this point) who might not be in the best condition. A younger "wife" even? Who would have access to their home? Internet providers, cable providers, neighboring farmers, hydro workers, census takers. Jevohah's Witnesses, couriers, delivery people, postal workers, and so on. Going to a property where there is a couple with a discernible age difference, again, if he is still alive and she is still with him.

I wonder if he ever bought educational books for her? Even homeschooling could have presented risks at that time. I don't think he would have neglected that.
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All of your observations appear to be spot on, IMO.

This also gives pause, about the unreleased details from that one letter. How better to keep everyone safe, if the letter writer made any proof of life statements? If that is even close to why they wouldn't release details?

Yet, that was 6 years ago. 6 more years that a child has been kept from her family. 34 total years missing.
All of your observations appear to be spot on, IMO.

This also gives pause, about the unreleased details from that one letter. How better to keep everyone safe, if the letter writer made any proof of life statements? If that is even close to why they wouldn't release details?

Yet, that was 6 years ago. 6 more years that a child has been kept from her family. 34 total years missing.
I agree that one reason for withholding information from the letters would potentially be to keep all individuals safe from harm especially If the letters contained proof of life statements or remarks that Joanne was still alive at that time. As such, they may have not come from Joanne or the man but possibly one of his family members who has suspected or has known about this for a long time. Or from a friend. Or even possibly from Joanne herself somehow. Any individuals giving potential tips need to be protected from being identified.

If the letters contained information about a body location, usually a confession is made in a single letter about where to go and police find it.

If the letter was from a hoaxer, perhaps someone who likes to entwine themselves in certain cases just to give imaginary evidence or to feel grandiose in some way, I think they would have had enough undisclosed information to rule such a letter out.
Here is a very good link to some archived videos from 1983 now on the Global News website, uploaded this year. In it, the father talks about the bitter custody dispute he had a few years before, when he took the children and tried to change his name. The court records related to this are dated 1979 (open B.C. court records listings). However, as I previously wrote, LP was officially ruled out as everything checked out with him and the police are looking for someone else <modsnip: rumors are not allowed> Archive: Joanne Pedersen disappears in Chilliwack | Watch News Videos Online
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No more letters since late August, 2011

I believe there have have no more letters since this date, although there were apparently 3 between 2008 and 2011. So why no more? Why did they suddenly stop? What may have prompted the individual to write the letters in the first place?

If they were written by the abductor himself, one possible reason was he was extremely ill or terminally ill and was preparing to pass away. He would possibly have been roughly 50-60 years old at the time and could have been plagued by health problems. A roughly 3-year period is reasonable time frame for experiencing a terminal illness, a lengthy battle with cancer, a struggle with heart disease, or other complications. No one likes to see themselves put into bad light, even the worst of the worst out there. If he was was terminal, he may have been worried how he would have looked to surviving brothers and sisters, or even parents, after dying should something be discovered or if everything was found out. There is no better prompt than imminent death to try and get your affairs in order and to set the record straight and emphasize you were trying to help the girl, not harm her. This is one possibility....a crisis for both him and Joanne whereby he was facing death.
In an news article published in the Chilliwack Progress on November 2nd, 1983, the local police listed three ways anyone with information would be able to contact them. The first one listed was the RCMP Chilliwack office on Airport Road, and the office's mailing address was published. The second was a local 792 number that would connect to a machine...and was stated to be solely for Joanne's case. The third means was via a post office box, and one that would, again, just for Joanne's case. Out of all the post office locations that existed in Chilliwack in 1983, and there were various ones spread out, the one selected was based in Yarrow. It states "postal box 534, Yarrow, B.C. (for this case only)." Yarrow is a small rural farming community south west of the intersection where Joanne was abducted from and extends towards the foot of the Vedder Mountain. It is located on the south side of the Chilliwack River. Google maps still has some satellite imagery from 2009 and onwards of this area, and you can see various properties, some newer, some a lot older. Why did the police select Yarrow? Did they have some kind of information that led them to believe the abductor was from this area? The Penny Pincher would have been one of the last places to shop at before heading into this neighboring community. Were the police trying to make it easy for someone in Yarrow to contact them...Family members of the abductor? His neighbors? Did he take Joanne to his home, somewhere in Yarrow?
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Attached here is a picture of a couple of old properties located with a few miles of the old Penny Pincher store and which are located at the start of the countryside area. Both are well concealed from prying eyes and are examples of the type of home the abductor may have taken Joanne to. Believing that he did keep her alive for a good while, even possibly to the current time, I don't think he could have done so in an apartment setting or more crowded residential area. If I had the opportunity to re-investigate this abduction, I would be focusing on mobile homes or the cheap prefabricated type ones within, say, a three- to five-mile radius of the store location. Mobile homes were fairly inexpensive then, whether he bought it himself or a family member did so to help him out. Land in some places, like Yarrow, was also cheaper than in other places. I also think it would have suited a more bachelor-type lifestyle. I don't feel he would have lived with a family at that time, again, based on the presumption that he kept her alive and couldn't have done so with a family present, and therefore probably did not reside in a larger family detached home. <modsnip: Images removed due to no link and posting images of properties owned by random individuals is not allowed>
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