Found Deceased Canada - Justin Evans, 22, Gravenhurst, Ont, 12 Dec 2020

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Wow! Important findings from the above article.
-the official coroner report has listed COD as “unascertained" due to the extreme decomp
-his body was partially entangled in tree roots at the side of the pond (don't really understand this...I've never seen tree roots that aren't underground)
-the case for his wireless headphones were found w the body, as well as a bag of "grassy appearing substance" (Justin is known to smoke cannabis I believe)
-an X-Acto knife was found in the water, near the body
-toxicology was "non-contributory" (i.e. there may have been some findings like residual THC or ethanol from decomp but they didn't contribute to his death)
-no bony injury to the body (determined through CT scan)
-Justin had no known history of suicidal ideation
-the neighbor who committed suicide later the next month, Lucas Ulbinas, left an audio suicide message where he clearly stated that he was responsible for Justin's death (???).
-the wounds on his left wrist (Justin was right-handed, I presume?) were about 1/3 the length of the forearm (no information if they were vertical or horizontal), were superficial in the sense that they cut the tendons near the surface, but did not cut any major veins/arteries. For this reason this injury in itself is likely non-fatal.
Anyone have any new theories considering this boat-load of new evidence?
The apparent self-harm makes things kind of complicated. It would have bled a good amount, but enough to cause the kind of bleeding described in the shed?? The fact that the amount of blood was never substantiated by LE throws a wrench in things.
So...COD was not due to apparent injury, was not the result of skeletal injury (i.e. gunshot wound into skull), and was not due to toxicology (that they screened for). Drowning and trauma to head/neck can NOT be ruled-out. I cannot see Justin, if not under the influence of major substances, drowning himself- it is very difficult to do.
If we are running w self-inflicted...Justin harms himself in the shed, he bleeds somewhat but the amount is exaggerated by family, then he takes the blade with him to the swamp but doesn't inflict further (obvious) injury? How badly was the head decomp? Could he have slit his throat (also very difficult to do, mentally)? The major question is, of course, what actually killed him...
Just because the audio exists, doesn't mean it's true.
You're entirely right. I'm sure LE knows, but I am wondering what the neighbors mental state was like, if he was delusional/psychotic, and someone so (physically) close to him disappearing caused him to believe that he was somehow responsible. Still, find it interesting that Lucas called this disappearance a death before body was actually found.
Anyone remember what the relationship between Justin and Lucas was actually like? Did they hang out?
Anyone have any new theories considering this boat-load of new evidence?
The apparent self-harm makes things kind of complicated. It would have bled a good amount, but enough to cause the kind of bleeding described in the shed?? The fact that the amount of blood was never substantiated by LE throws a wrench in things.
So...COD was not due to apparent injury, was not the result of skeletal injury (i.e. gunshot wound into skull), and was not due to toxicology (that they screened for). Drowning and trauma to head/neck can NOT be ruled-out. I cannot see Justin, if not under the influence of major substances, drowning himself- it is very difficult to do.
If we are running w self-inflicted...Justin harms himself in the shed, he bleeds somewhat but the amount is exaggerated by family, then he takes the blade with him to the swamp but doesn't inflict further (obvious) injury? How badly was the head decomp? Could he have slit his throat (also very difficult to do, mentally)? The major question is, of course, what actually killed him...

"Among a list of evidence included in the report are items taken from Ulbinas’ home, Evans’ home and a shed located between the two where “significant amounts of blood” were found in December 2020. An online obituary states Ulbinas, a Hamilton native, died Jan. 6, 2021."

if its in the coroner report I would think its verified my LE no?
"Among a list of evidence included in the report are items taken from Ulbinas’ home, Evans’ home and a shed located between the two where “significant amounts of blood” were found in December 2020. An online obituary states Ulbinas, a Hamilton native, died Jan. 6, 2021."

if its in the coroner report I would think its verified my LE no?
thanks! wonder if in the report, the coroner shares their opinion on if Justin's superficial wounds alone could have caused that blood.
"Among a list of evidence included in the report are items taken from Ulbinas’ home, Evans’ home and a shed located between the two where “significant amounts of blood” were found in December 2020. An online obituary states Ulbinas, a Hamilton native, died Jan. 6, 2021."

if its in the coroner report I would think its verified my LE no?
Sounds like the Coroner not committing to nothing, sounds like a lame coroners report. Maybe Ulbinas and Evan's had a relationship, he never said he killed Evan's but that he was responsible. Maybe they had an argument or disagreement . My friend killed himself and I felt responsible due to circumstances
Anyone have any new theories considering this boat-load of new evidence?
The apparent self-harm makes things kind of complicated. It would have bled a good amount, but enough to cause the kind of bleeding described in the shed?? The fact that the amount of blood was never substantiated by LE throws a wrench in things.
So...COD was not due to apparent injury, was not the result of skeletal injury (i.e. gunshot wound into skull), and was not due to toxicology (that they screened for). Drowning and trauma to head/neck can NOT be ruled-out. I cannot see Justin, if not under the influence of major substances, drowning himself- it is very difficult to do.
If we are running w self-inflicted...Justin harms himself in the shed, he bleeds somewhat but the amount is exaggerated by family, then he takes the blade with him to the swamp but doesn't inflict further (obvious) injury? How badly was the head decomp? Could he have slit his throat (also very difficult to do, mentally)? The major question is, of course, what actually killed him...

Two “superficial, likely non-fatal” wounds were found on the left forearm, each 7.5 centimetres in length, located on the radial side of the wrist, cutting tendons but no major blood vessels, according to the coroner. I think the Coroner did a crap job, his body couldn't have been that decomposed since it was winter imo snipped from here Coroner report challenges police theory Gravenhurst man Justin Evans died by suicide (
Two “superficial, likely non-fatal” wounds were found on the left forearm, each 7.5 centimetres in length, located on the radial side of the wrist, cutting tendons but no major blood vessels, according to the coroner. I think the Coroner did a crap job, his body couldn't have been that decomposed since it was winter imo snipped from here Coroner report challenges police theory Gravenhurst man Justin Evans died by suicide (
to be honest I'd rather have a coroner not come to a determination if they arent 100% sure rather than declare a COD that they dont stand behind ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also, it's crazy how much decomp can happen even when its below freezing, especially considering he was out there for 5 months. even when insects are not present animals can still scavenge, putrefaction and skeletonization still happen just slower, and I am wondering if it was his head/neck area that was submerged in the pond (once the pond had thawed); technically water slows decomp, but the decomp is DOES create (extreme bloating, skin slippage) can make any sort of determinations very difficult.
Perhaps Justin was murdered in the shed, throat cut let's suppose. Then the body might have been moved to that second location and been staged to appear as a suicide - drugs planted, wrists cut etc (the imagined narrative being that Justin cut his wrists then his own throat). I believe this theory fits all the facts in the case, although that does not necessarily make it so.
Perhaps Justin was murdered in the shed, throat cut let's suppose. Then the body might have been moved to that second location and been staged to appear as a suicide - drugs planted, wrists cut etc (the imagined narrative being that Justin cut his wrists then his own throat). I believe this theory fits all the facts in the case, although that does not necessarily make it so.
Good theory, I was thinking along the same lines. It is possible that Justin had his weed/headphone case on his person and they fell out at the scene, I haven't heard if his clothes were still on his person (but I'm guessing yes).
Also want to mention that it is not common for Canadian males to commit suicide via self-injury- hanging/firearms/poisoning accounts for the majority, and only ~15% of suicides used other methods (which could also include jumping from height, intentional car crashes, etc). While I'm guessing it's more common for suicide attempts to be done via lacerations, to be honest, it often does not result in death.
Good theory, I was thinking along the same lines. It is possible that Justin had his weed/headphone case on his person and they fell out at the scene, I haven't heard if his clothes were still on his person (but I'm guessing yes).
Also want to mention that it is not common for Canadian males to commit suicide via self-injury- hanging/firearms/poisoning accounts for the majority, and only ~15% of suicides used other methods (which could also include jumping from height, intentional car crashes, etc). While I'm guessing it's more common for suicide attempts to be done via lacerations, to be honest, it often does not result in death.
I would also venture to presume that most self inflicted wrist lacerations do not serve tendons and I might go on to wonder how one who has cut the tendons in one wrist might then hold a knife tightly enough to cut the tendons in their OTHER wrist, let alone their throat if that is a fact in the case.

I further suspect that the coroner was not-so-subtly indicating his similar doubts about these wounds being self inflicted
I have followed the case since the beginning (thanks to Linda with her It’s A Crime YouTube channel) and my opinion has wavered from suspicion of the roommates to wondering about the neighbor. But I feel like maybe this is a case where Justin hurt himself. I just feel like the more information we get, the more it seems like it. My opinion only of course. No harm intended.
Ya I'm totally not sure what I believe. I think I find some things highly suspicious (like no blood trail)
Lucas' declaration
the weird roomates and lies
but I still don't feel settled with suicide

I bet theres so much more to come
That’s very true. There are a lot of missing pieces to this puzzle. I am curious to see how Ken McKinney’s charges play into his as well. I guess I won’t settle in a conclusion just yet. ;)

OrilliaMatters reached out to Watson to get a response to Wise’s concerns about the police investigation and to see if the details in the coroner’s report would lead police to consider probing it as a potential homicide.

“I am aware of the concerns expressed by Justin's family and I understand how emotionally devastating this tragedy has been for them,” Watson said in an email. “This investigation remains open and in the coming weeks consultations are planned involving members of the Muskoka Lakes Crime Unit, Ontario Forensic Pathology Service, Coroner's Office and several OPP specialists. That is all I have to say at this time.”

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