Canada - Laura Babcock, 23, Toronto, 26 June 2012

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It's incredibly inaccurate of Kitchener-CTV News to report 'According to police, phone records show a number of calls between Babcock and Dellen Millard, including the last call made from Babcock's phone before she disappeared.'

That credit goes to LS and only LS imo. Toronto Police initially said 'so what?'


When information is coming directly from the TPS, it makes the statement a fact, compared to a friend or family member saying it.
LE in this case is Toronto Police Service and I respectfully beg to differ if I may. At no time did TPS indicate they had a single thought on LB's whereabouts or her well being - their inaction showed that. According to TPS she left of her own accord (do not know how they could have known that) and no one had any business knowing otherwise, according to TPS.

Imo, TPS has no business at DM's farm - I sincerely wish Hamilton Police had followed through with whatever it is TPS thinks they will find in their search today.


According to her own mother, Laura left on her own accord. Infact, from the interview, the mother seems to think that Laura is just not ready to come home yet, indicating the mother thinks Laura is still gone on her own accord.

TPS can only work with the information given to them. If nothing was given to them from family and friends to work with, how are they supposed to investigate?

IMO. the TPS did not drop the ball in Lauras case, they didn't have enough information to cause them concern until now (associated with dellen). Dellen wasnt labled a murder when Laura first went missing, so why would TPS think anything of the phine bill when the mother herself thinks laura left on her own.?
TPS can only work with the information given to them. If nothing was given to them from family and friends to work with, how are they supposed to investigate?

I agree TPS could work with the info given them - which it was. There is no 'if' here - TPS failed to interview DM, and the timeline is before the death of TB.

I agree TPS could work with the info given them - which it was. There is no 'if' here - TPS failed to interview DM, and the timeline is before the death of TB.


From my understanding Laura mother was not concerned at the time she dropped the dog off and left.

So, what info did the TPS have to work with, when they visit the parents and the parents more or less tell TPS.. They have no concerns? The parents were not even concerned enough to give the phone bill.
Why would TPS invterview DM, in infact her parents weren't concerned??
Obviously, there must be way more information that is being withheld from the public on this case, but, like I said, from the mothers interview, there was no cause for concern.
The source was SL - many articles are attached here from his perspective on trying to report that LB needs to be looked at more than just a missing of her own free will person.

TPS then made up a law for SL - that only family can be involved in a missing persons case. Yea TPS!
The source was SL - many articles are attached here from his perspective on trying to report that LB needs to be looked at more than just a missing of her own free will person.

TPS then made up a law for SL - that only family can be involved in a missing persons case. Yea TPS!

Do you have a link to the law where no one can report someone missing other than family?

Or are you saying TPS didn't care what he was telling them because Lauras own family didn't think she was missing and that we left on her own free will?
If this is the case, why would TPS investigate if they are told Laura left on her own?
Do I have a link to the law where no one can report someone missing other than family?

How could I, it doesn't exist.

I'm stating reported facts and timelines as can be found in many articles - answers to any questions that may arise are for TPS.

Still not willing to crucify LE if all they have is an ex-BF's word on it. I've said it from the beginning, and since the beginning we've had no proof that LB's family pushed LE on her disappearance in any way.
Still not willing to crucify LE if all they have is an ex-BF's word on it. I've said it from the beginning, and since the beginning we've had no proof that LB's family pushed LE on her disappearance in any way.

I agree. On one hand TPS has parents basicly saying "no need to look" she's not missing, she left on her own free will, dropped of her dog and left.

Then we have the Ex, that had the phone bill (I think from the parents) that linked Laura to Millard.

At the time Laura went missing Millard was your regular ol rich boy, so quite possibly the TPS assumed a jealous ex. UNTIL Millard was charged with the desth of Bosma. TPS is out in full force with this "new" information looking for Laura, becasue NOW they have reason to. IMO.
'Assumed' is not a mandate for LE to my knowledge, unless someone could provide a link that it is.
'Assumed' is not a mandate for LE to my knowledge, unless someone could provide a link that it is.

The point I was trying to make is as fsr as they were concerned Laura was not missing, as told by her parents. Even today, the mother thinks Laurs just left on her own and will return when she is ready.

TPS can only work with what evidence is given to them.. Phone bill... At that time there was no reason at all to suspect anything since the parents said she left on her own, and this wasnt the first time she has done so.

Once Millard was charged with murder, TPS, now has reason to believe the parents are wring about their daughter.. they had no reason to suspect anything until Millard was charged. From what I see, they took action in lauras case once they had evidence to proceed. I am sorry, but prior to Millard chargd with murder, that phone bill means nothing. She left home in June and last call to Millard was July, so she obviously was not with him in that time frame..if she was busy trying to contact him.
I am sorry, but prior to Millard chargd with murder, that phone bill means nothing. She left home in June and last call to Millard was July, so she obviously was not with him in that time frame..if she was busy trying to contact him.

BBM - an interview with DM at that time might have saved TB. The inference would have been 'your name has come up.'

Let's see what TPS does going forward.
What is being said here is that LB's family felt she had left of her own accord. The exBF's investigation didn't tweak anything for them. They get all kinds of reports every day and they have to focus their energy based on the info that they get. An exBF gets dismissed as having ulterior motives easily. This only became significant because Millard hit the news. This would naturally have hit with the exBF and he would have been jumping up and down screaming "Told Ya SO!" Prior to the media attention, Millard was nothing but an incidental note. There's no way you can trash Toronto LE. You can, however, praise the exBF for remembering and bringing the issue straight to the forefront. It may actually help to explain what actually happened and why. I have an odd theory, if anyone is interested.
OK, first, my theory involves DM having sociopathic tendencies, and this leap is based on just what I can assemble. (Risk taker, wealthy, teenaged social outcast).

Now let's say that LB didn't let it end at the phonecalls and stopped by DM's house, or DM finally said, sure come on over. Either way, something happens and LB ends up dead. He buys the incinerator and gets rid of the evidence on the farm he recently bought to build a house on. He gets away with it...and somewhere actually got off on it. So, Dad's in love again and talking about getting married again. If Dad didn't want to get a prenup, that'd leave Dellen losing money so he decides to off Dad. People have killed for a lot less than $millions. He sets it up like a suicide...and gets away with it AGAIN!!! OK, now he's riding the tide. He's Batman! He starts talking to MS (A guy he deals drugs with) and MS says he'd do a carjacking if he got to keep the truck...Tim Bosma.

I think that actually just about explains all of the evidence.
Onlooker, that's pretty close to the version of events in my own personal musings.

I change my mind every day, though, whether it will turn out he killed LB and WM. There is certainly a lot of circumstantial evidence that is unsettling. Particularly that incinerator.
The source was SL - many articles are attached here from his perspective on trying to report that LB needs to be looked at more than just a missing of her own free will person.

TPS then made up a law for SL - that only family can be involved in a missing persons case. Yea TPS!

Hindsight is 20/20. At the time, the police had an EX-boyfriend reporting her missing. The parents are not concerned, she's done it before and will come back when she's ready. In fact, the parents are so unconcerned, that they don't even advise other members of the family that she's missing or contact them to see if they've heard from her. The police don't have much to work with and could also have concerns about why only the EX-boyfriend is so intent on finding her. Not in any way saying this is the case in this instance, but I wouldn't be too happy if the police took a missing report from my ex-boyfriend, found me, and delivered me right back into the arms I was trying to get away from. LB was an adult and it was within her legal rights to disappear if she wanted to. The police need a little more to show it's out of character or suspicious before they can do a lot.
BBM - an interview with DM at that time might have saved TB. The inference would have been 'your name has come up.'

Let's see what TPS does going forward.

How do you think this would have saved TB? Had they interviewed DM at the time, he would have told them the same thing that SL claims he told him - that she was looking for drugs and a place to stay and that he declined both. They were a series of 1 minute phone calls and a 2 minute call at the end. I haven't seen anything yet to substantiate that he even answered those calls, other than what SL has claimed.
Regarding the incinerator and the reason for it's purchase - LB went missing at the end of June/beginning of July. The incinerator was purchased sometime in July. Doesn't it seem odd that someone would kill a person and just hold on to their body while they wait for an incinerator to be delivered from out of Province?
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