CANADA Canada - Lindsay Buziak, 24, Victoria, BC, 2 Feb 2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

The caller tells Lindsay that her husband is relocating to the area for work and they are looking to purchase a house. They have a one million dollar budget and the property must meet the following criteria --

3 bedrooms / 3 baths
large master bedroom
a separate living area for their housekeeper
located 15 - 20 minutes from town
must be “NEW” and “VACANT”
the sale needs to be completed in 3 days

  • said she obtained her number from a former client
(the documents released to Capital Daily don’t mention the alleged “referral client” by name or that Lindsay tried to contact the client on vacation, as previously reported)
  • said she and her husband were flying in from Vancouver on Saturday afternoon on the day of the showing (2 FEB 2008)
Who killed Lindsay Buziak? Realtor's murder believed to be targeted hit

EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily

  • prepaid phone
  • purchased with cash at a convenience store in Vancouver in November 2007
  • activated online within 24 hours of initial contact
  • registered under a false name and address
  • registered under 'PAULO RODRIGUEZ'
  • registered address was that of a known business believed to be unrelated to the crime (and likely chosen at random)
  • only used to communicate with Lindsay
  • communicated with Lindsay an additional 10 times after the initial call
  • the Gordon Head property address on De Sousa Place was likely provided to the caller during a 10-minute phone conversation with Lindsay (per LE)
  • MapQuest may have been used for the purpose of “familiarizing themselves with the area” (***this suggests TO ME that evidence exists that indicates MapQuest was accessed immediately after the aforementioned phone call)
  • phone pings show the phone traveled from Vancouver to Victoria via BC Ferries one day before the murder
  • phone was deactivated/discarded after the murder
  • prepaid phone used to check a voicemail left for the number associated with BURNER PHONE #1
Report reveals new details in Lindsay Buziak murder case

EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily

  • voiced suspicions about the caller to several friends, Jason, and her father
  • contacted former clients to inquire about the caller’s identity but no one knew anything
  • had conflicted feelings -- the commission would be substantial (and she was “stressed about money” according to a letter allegedly written by a friend) but she had plans to attend a friend’s bachelorette party later that evening (despite having additional showings scheduled for the clients on Sunday)
  • Jason (who was also a licensed broker) offered to show the property for Lindsay but she wanted to do it herself
Who killed Lindsay Buziak? Realtor's murder believed to be targeted hit

  • scheduled for 5:30 pm on Saturday, 2 FEB 2008
Witness descriptions of the two suspects (provided to LE by two neighborhood residents) --
*a female resident was out walking her dog when she saw Lindsay greet the couple at the end of the driveway; the second witness was a male who witnessed the couple walking down the street in the direction of the property

approximately 35 - 45 years old
short blonde hair
wearing a dress with a unique design on it

approximately 6’ tall
medium build
brown hair
wearing a “classy” brown jacket that fell below the waist


Lindsay tells her dad she saw something she shouldn’t have (but doesn't mention the specific details)

  • Lindsay stays with her dad in Calgary for four days and hangs out with old friends
  • While in Calgary, Lindsay contacts a friend of her ex-boyfriend named Erickson Delalcazar (1 of 13 who were arrested in the largest drug bust in Alberta’s history in January 2008)
EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily

A potential buyer “that sounded a bit Spanish but not really” contacts Lindsay Buziak on her personal cell


Lindsay emails several suggestions to the prospective buyers

Shirley Zailo shows up at the Vic West condo Lindsay shares with her boyfriend Jason
(She later tells LE about a 15-minute phone conversation that she overheard between Lindsay and the prospective clients)

EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily


Jason returns home after playing hockey to find Lindsay still awake
(***Not sure how this is relevant but it was specifically mentioned in the police documents released to the Capital Daily.***)

Between 3:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Lindsay stops by the RE/MAX office and speaks with the receptionist
  • Lindsay tells the receptionist that she feels “really weird” and “freaked out” about the showing with these mysterious new clients
  • Lindsay asks receptionist and another coworker to search the system using the client’s phone number to see if they find another record with other agents in Victoria (the search produces no results)
Jason and Lindsay close out their lunch tab at Sauce

Jason arrives at SHC Autographx to go over paperwork with the owners

Between 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Cohen Oatman (a coworker and hockey teammate) meets up with Jason at SHC

  • Lindsay (probably) stops at her to change clothes
  • Joe De Sousa (the property developer) leaves the area after supervising the construction at another property in the neighborhood
the construction workers at nearby properties leave work for the day

  • Jason and Cohen are seen leaving SHC in Jason's 2005 Range Rover
  • Jason texts Lindsay: “I’ll come meet you and I’ll be 10-15 minutes or so”
  • Lindsay texts Jason: “okay I’ll see you in a bit I gotta go the Mexicans are here”

Jason texts Lindsay: “just a couple of minutes away”
(this text is never opened)

  • Lindsay’s phone dials a friend she hadn’t spoken to in years
  • Background noise is all that was heard before the call ended (LE believes this call was an inadvertent pocket dial made during the attack)
  • Jason and Cohen arrive at De Sousa Place and park by the cul-de-sac
  • Lindsay’s black BMW is the only car parked in the driveaway
  • Jason sees a figure standing near the front door thru the windows and then close the door (leading Jason to believe the showing was just starting)
  • official documents suggest the sound of Jason's Range Rover pulling up may have prompted the couple to abandon their decision to leave out the front door and then fled out the patio door instead
Jason drives over to Torquay Drive and parks out of view of the house (he say he did this because he didn’t want to be seen as a “meddling boyfriend” or mess up a potential sale for Lindsay)

6:00 (ish) pm
  • Jason texts Lindsay to ask if she’s okay (the text goes unanswered)
  • Jason and Cohen approach the property and find the front door locked when they try to open it
  • Jason rings the doorbell and knocks at least 10 times but no one answers
  • Jason calls his mom to get the listing agent’s direct phone number (as the FOR SALE sign only had the main office number listed)
  • Jason pages the listing agent to ask for the garage passcode but there’s no immediate response from the agent
  • Jason calls 911 to request a welfare check on Lindsay
  • Jason tells 911 that his girlfriend had a meeting with an out-of-town client at a vacant property; he tells the operator the front door is locked and no one is answering the doorbell but her shoes are still inside and visible thru the front door window
  • (during the 911 call) Cohen alerts Jason to a large side patio that is almost completely enclosed and they peer over the fence to find the patio door open
  • Jason tells the 911 operator that he’s “breaking in” and ends the call
  • Jason helps boost Cohen over the tall fence and then runs back around to the front of the house to wait for Cohen to unlock the door and let him in
  • (once inside) Jason begins yelling for Lindsay and runs up the stairs to the second floor while Cohen remains downstairs
  • Jason immediately discovers bloody footprints at the top of the stairs and finds Lindsay lying in a pool of blood in the master bedroom
  • Jason yells for Cohen to call 911, checks Lindsay's arm for a pulse, and begins CPR
  • Cohen tells 911 that he and Jason entered the property and had seen “bloody footprints” and Lindsay lying in a “pool of blood”
  • LE arrives within minutes (as they were already on their way due to the first 911 call)
  • Lindsay is pronounced dead at the scene
  • LE separates Jason and Cohen and takes them down to the station for questioning
  • the property is searched with the help of a canine unit (it is currently unknown if anything of evidentiary value was found)
  • footprint and fingerprint samples were provided by Jason, Cohen, and the property developer for elimination purposes and to compare with their stories
Who killed Lindsay Buziak? Realtor's murder believed to be targeted hit

EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily


Official Time of Death -- 5:40 pm (per the coroner’s report)
Official Cause of Death -- blood loss due to “multiple” stab wounds
*Jeff Buziak told Dr. Phil that Lindsay was stabbed 40+ times

LE believes Lindsay was killed sometime between 5:38 and 5:41 pm

  • LE held press conference to quell rumors and speculation and announced that Jason is not a suspect
  • LE says Jason has taken a polygraph and passed, the story he initially gave LE has never wavered and matches evidence discovered inside the property, and he's complied with everything LE has asked of him
  • LE discovered that several “violent criminals involved in the illegal distribution of drugs” were friends with Lindsay on Facebook
  • official documents specifically mention the four-day trip in Calgary in December 2007 and her contact with Erickson Delalcazar)
  • LE says individuals were pulling people who were known to have associations with those arrested in the drug bust out of their beds in the middle of the night to flush out possible informants Who killed Lindsay Buziak? Realtor's murder believed to be targeted hit
  • (per Jeff Buziak) “she saw something she shouldn’t have seen”“she was jeopardizing people’s lifestyles” “they executed her” Dr. Phil appeals for help in solving Lindsay Buziak slaying
  • no communications were recovered between Lindsay and anyone on Facebook between 24 January - 3 February 2008 (which LE found extremely unusual based on her previous activity) EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily
  • LE knows the name of at least one person in possession of “fictitiously registered” pre-paid phones allegedly used to “facilitate illegal activity in a covert manner” (it is unknown if LE considers this person a suspect in this case)

  • a new investigative team is working on the case and revisiting all of the evidence
  • the FBI joined the new investigative team last year
  • new technology has been credited with highlighting additional leads and forensic evidence
FBI join cold-case hunt for agent’s killers - Western Investor

Tech advancements create new leads in cold-case murder of B.C. real estate agent

(for the information compiled in this outline)

Who killed Lindsay Buziak? Realtor's murder believed to be targeted hit

EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily

Dr. Phil appeals for help in solving Lindsay Buziak slaying

Report reveals new details in Lindsay Buziak murder case

FBI join cold-case hunt for agent’s killers - Western Investor

Tech advancements create new leads in cold-case murder of B.C. real estate agent

Seven years without justice in Lindsay Buziak murder - Saanich News

There is a ton of information that cannot be mentioned here regarding the complex and convoluted drug/organized crime connections and this case but can easily be found on the blog managed by Jeff Buziak (Lindsay's father). Unfortunately, I can't post the link due to TOS but you can find it by searching “Lindsay Buziak” in any web browser.

The caller tells Lindsay that her husband is relocating to the area for work and they are looking to purchase a house. They have a one million dollar budget and the property must meet the following criteria --

3 bedrooms / 3 baths
large master bedroom
a separate living area for their housekeeper
located 15 - 20 minutes from town
must be “NEW” and “VACANT”
the sale needs to be completed in 3 days

  • said she obtained her number from a former client
(the documents released to Capital Daily don’t mention the alleged “referral client” by name or that Lindsay tried to contact the client on vacation, as previously reported)
  • said she and her husband were flying in from Vancouver on Saturday afternoon on the day of the showing (2 FEB 2008)
Who killed Lindsay Buziak? Realtor's murder believed to be targeted hit

EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily

  • prepaid phone
  • purchased with cash at a convenience store in Vancouver in November 2007
  • activated online within 24 hours of initial contact
  • registered under a false name and address
  • registered under 'PAULO RODRIGUEZ'
  • registered address was that of a known business believed to be unrelated to the crime (and likely chosen at random)
  • only used to communicate with Lindsay
  • communicated with Lindsay an additional 10 times after the initial call
  • the Gordon Head property address on De Sousa Place was likely provided to the caller during a 10-minute phone conversation with Lindsay (per LE)
  • MapQuest may have been used for the purpose of “familiarizing themselves with the area” (***this suggests TO ME that evidence exists that indicates MapQuest was accessed immediately after the aforementioned phone call)
  • phone pings show the phone traveled from Vancouver to Victoria via BC Ferries one day before the murder
  • phone was deactivated/discarded after the murder
  • prepaid phone used to check a voicemail left for the number associated with BURNER PHONE #1
Report reveals new details in Lindsay Buziak murder case

EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily

  • voiced suspicions about the caller to several friends, Jason, and her father
  • contacted former clients to inquire about the caller’s identity but no one knew anything
  • had conflicted feelings -- the commission would be substantial (and she was “stressed about money” according to a letter allegedly written by a friend) but she had plans to attend a friend’s bachelorette party later that evening (despite having additional showings scheduled for the clients on Sunday)
  • Jason (who was also a licensed broker) offered to show the property for Lindsay but she wanted to do it herself
Who killed Lindsay Buziak? Realtor's murder believed to be targeted hit

  • scheduled for 5:30 pm on Saturday, 2 FEB 2008
Witness descriptions of the two suspects (provided to LE by two neighborhood residents) --
*a female resident was out walking her dog when she saw Lindsay greet the couple at the end of the driveway; the second witness was a male who witnessed the couple walking down the street in the direction of the property

approximately 35 - 45 years old
short blonde hair
wearing a dress with a unique design on it

approximately 6’ tall
medium build
brown hair
wearing a “classy” brown jacket that fell below the waist


Lindsay tells her dad she saw something she shouldn’t have (but doesn't mention the specific details)

  • Lindsay stays with her dad in Calgary for four days and hangs out with old friends
  • While in Calgary, Lindsay contacts a friend of her ex-boyfriend named Erickson Delalcazar (1 of 13 who were arrested in the largest drug bust in Alberta’s history in January 2008)
EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily

A potential buyer “that sounded a bit Spanish but not really” contacts Lindsay Buziak on her personal cell


Lindsay emails several suggestions to the prospective buyers

Shirley Zailo shows up at the Vic West condo Lindsay shares with her boyfriend Jason
(She later tells LE about a 15-minute phone conversation that she overheard between Lindsay and the prospective clients)

EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily


Jason returns home after playing hockey to find Lindsay still awake
(***Not sure how this is relevant but it was specifically mentioned in the police documents released to the Capital Daily.***)

Between 3:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Lindsay stops by the RE/MAX office and speaks with the receptionist
  • Lindsay tells the receptionist that she feels “really weird” and “freaked out” about the showing with these mysterious new clients
  • Lindsay asks receptionist and another coworker to search the system using the client’s phone number to see if they find another record with other agents in Victoria (the search produces no results)
Jason and Lindsay close out their lunch tab at Sauce

Jason arrives at SHC Autographx to go over paperwork with the owners

Between 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Cohen Oatman (a coworker and hockey teammate) meets up with Jason at SHC

  • Lindsay (probably) stops at her to change clothes
  • Joe De Sousa (the property developer) leaves the area after supervising the construction at another property in the neighborhood
the construction workers at nearby properties leave work for the day

  • Jason and Cohen are seen leaving SHC in Jason's 2005 Range Rover
  • Jason texts Lindsay: “I’ll come meet you and I’ll be 10-15 minutes or so”
  • Lindsay texts Jason: “okay I’ll see you in a bit I gotta go the Mexicans are here”

Jason texts Lindsay: “just a couple of minutes away”
(this text is never opened)

  • Lindsay’s phone dials a friend she hadn’t spoken to in years
  • Background noise is all that was heard before the call ended (LE believes this call was an inadvertent pocket dial made during the attack)
  • Jason and Cohen arrive at De Sousa Place and park by the cul-de-sac
  • Lindsay’s black BMW is the only car parked in the driveaway
  • Jason sees a figure standing near the front door thru the windows and then close the door (leading Jason to believe the showing was just starting)
  • official documents suggest the sound of Jason's Range Rover pulling up may have prompted the couple to abandon their decision to leave out the front door and then fled out the patio door instead
Jason drives over to Torquay Drive and parks out of view of the house (he say he did this because he didn’t want to be seen as a “meddling boyfriend” or mess up a potential sale for Lindsay)

6:00 (ish) pm
  • Jason texts Lindsay to ask if she’s okay (the text goes unanswered)
  • Jason and Cohen approach the property and find the front door locked when they try to open it
  • Jason rings the doorbell and knocks at least 10 times but no one answers
  • Jason calls his mom to get the listing agent’s direct phone number (as the FOR SALE sign only had the main office number listed)
  • Jason pages the listing agent to ask for the garage passcode but there’s no immediate response from the agent
  • Jason calls 911 to request a welfare check on Lindsay
  • Jason tells 911 that his girlfriend had a meeting with an out-of-town client at a vacant property; he tells the operator the front door is locked and no one is answering the doorbell but her shoes are still inside and visible thru the front door window
  • (during the 911 call) Cohen alerts Jason to a large side patio that is almost completely enclosed and they peer over the fence to find the patio door open
  • Jason tells the 911 operator that he’s “breaking in” and ends the call
  • Jason helps boost Cohen over the tall fence and then runs back around to the front of the house to wait for Cohen to unlock the door and let him in
  • (once inside) Jason begins yelling for Lindsay and runs up the stairs to the second floor while Cohen remains downstairs
  • Jason immediately discovers bloody footprints at the top of the stairs and finds Lindsay lying in a pool of blood in the master bedroom
  • Jason yells for Cohen to call 911, checks Lindsay's arm for a pulse, and begins CPR
  • Cohen tells 911 that he and Jason entered the property and had seen “bloody footprints” and Lindsay lying in a “pool of blood”
  • LE arrives within minutes (as they were already on their way due to the first 911 call)
  • Lindsay is pronounced dead at the scene
  • LE separates Jason and Cohen and takes them down to the station for questioning
  • the property is searched with the help of a canine unit (it is currently unknown if anything of evidentiary value was found)
  • footprint and fingerprint samples were provided by Jason, Cohen, and the property developer for elimination purposes and to compare with their stories
Who killed Lindsay Buziak? Realtor's murder believed to be targeted hit

EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily


Official Time of Death -- 5:40 pm (per the coroner’s report)
Official Cause of Death -- blood loss due to “multiple” stab wounds
*Jeff Buziak told Dr. Phil that Lindsay was stabbed 40+ times

LE believes Lindsay was killed sometime between 5:38 and 5:41 pm

Dr. Phil appeals for help in solving Lindsay Buziak slaying

  • LE held press conference to quell rumors and speculation and announced that Jason is not a suspect
  • LE says Jason has taken a polygraph and passed, the story he initially gave LE has never wavered and matches evidence discovered inside the property, and he's complied with everything LE has asked of him
  • LE discovered that several “violent criminals involved in the illegal distribution of drugs” were friends with Lindsay on Facebook
  • official documents specifically mention the four-day trip in Calgary in December 2007 and her contact with Erickson Delalcazar)
  • LE says individuals were pulling people who were known to have associations with those arrested in the drug bust out of their beds in the middle of the night to flush out possible informants Who killed Lindsay Buziak? Realtor's murder believed to be targeted hit
  • (per Jeff Buziak) “she saw something she shouldn’t have seen”“she was jeopardizing people’s lifestyles” “they executed her” Dr. Phil appeals for help in solving Lindsay Buziak slaying
  • no communications were recovered between Lindsay and anyone on Facebook between 24 January - 3 February 2008 (which LE found extremely unusual based on her previous activity) EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily
  • LE knows the name of at least one person in possession of “fictitiously registered” pre-paid phones allegedly used to “facilitate illegal activity in a covert manner” (it is unknown if LE considers this person a suspect in this case)

  • a new investigative team is working on the case and revisiting all of the evidence
  • the FBI joined the new investigative team last year
  • new technology has been credited with highlighting additional leads and forensic evidence
FBI join cold-case hunt for agent’s killers - Western Investor

Tech advancements create new leads in cold-case murder of B.C. real estate agent

(for the information compiled in this outline)

Who killed Lindsay Buziak? Realtor's murder believed to be targeted hit

EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily

Dr. Phil appeals for help in solving Lindsay Buziak slaying

Report reveals new details in Lindsay Buziak murder case

FBI join cold-case hunt for agent’s killers - Western Investor

Tech advancements create new leads in cold-case murder of B.C. real estate agent

Seven years without justice in Lindsay Buziak murder - Saanich News

There is a ton of information that cannot be mentioned here regarding the complex and convoluted drug/organized crime connections and this case but can easily be found on the blog managed by Jeff Buziak (Lindsay's father). Unfortunately, I can't post the link due to TOS but you can find it by searching “Lindsay Buziak” in any web browser.

The caller tells Lindsay that her husband is relocating to the area for work and they are looking to purchase a house. They have a one million dollar budget and the property must meet the following criteria --

3 bedrooms / 3 baths
large master bedroom
a separate living area for their housekeeper
located 15 - 20 minutes from town
must be “NEW” and “VACANT”
the sale needs to be completed in 3 days

  • said she obtained her number from a former client
(the documents released to Capital Daily don’t mention the alleged “referral client” by name or that Lindsay tried to contact the client on vacation, as previously reported)
  • said she and her husband were flying in from Vancouver on Saturday afternoon on the day of the showing (2 FEB 2008)
Who killed Lindsay Buziak? Realtor's murder believed to be targeted hit

EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily

  • prepaid phone
  • purchased with cash at a convenience store in Vancouver in November 2007
  • activated online within 24 hours of initial contact
  • registered under a false name and address
  • registered under 'PAULO RODRIGUEZ'
  • registered address was that of a known business believed to be unrelated to the crime (and likely chosen at random)
  • only used to communicate with Lindsay
  • communicated with Lindsay an additional 10 times after the initial call
  • the Gordon Head property address on De Sousa Place was likely provided to the caller during a 10-minute phone conversation with Lindsay (per LE)
  • MapQuest may have been used for the purpose of “familiarizing themselves with the area” (***this suggests TO ME that evidence exists that indicates MapQuest was accessed immediately after the aforementioned phone call)
  • phone pings show the phone traveled from Vancouver to Victoria via BC Ferries one day before the murder
  • phone was deactivated/discarded after the murder
  • prepaid phone used to check a voicemail left for the number associated with BURNER PHONE #1
Report reveals new details in Lindsay Buziak murder case

EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily

  • voiced suspicions about the caller to several friends, Jason, and her father
  • contacted former clients to inquire about the caller’s identity but no one knew anything
  • had conflicted feelings -- the commission would be substantial (and she was “stressed about money” according to a letter allegedly written by a friend) but she had plans to attend a friend’s bachelorette party later that evening (despite having additional showings scheduled for the clients on Sunday)
  • Jason (who was also a licensed broker) offered to show the property for Lindsay but she wanted to do it herself
Who killed Lindsay Buziak? Realtor's murder believed to be targeted hit

  • scheduled for 5:30 pm on Saturday, 2 FEB 2008
Witness descriptions of the two suspects (provided to LE by two neighborhood residents) --
*a female resident was out walking her dog when she saw Lindsay greet the couple at the end of the driveway; the second witness was a male who witnessed the couple walking down the street in the direction of the property

approximately 35 - 45 years old
short blonde hair
wearing a dress with a unique design on it

approximately 6’ tall
medium build
brown hair
wearing a “classy” brown jacket that fell below the waist


Lindsay tells her dad she saw something she shouldn’t have (but doesn't mention the specific details)

  • Lindsay stays with her dad in Calgary for four days and hangs out with old friends
  • While in Calgary, Lindsay contacts a friend of her ex-boyfriend named Erickson Delalcazar (1 of 13 who were arrested in the largest drug bust in Alberta’s history in January 2008)
EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily

A potential buyer “that sounded a bit Spanish but not really” contacts Lindsay Buziak on her personal cell


Lindsay emails several suggestions to the prospective buyers

Shirley Zailo shows up at the Vic West condo Lindsay shares with her boyfriend Jason
(She later tells LE about a 15-minute phone conversation that she overheard between Lindsay and the prospective clients)

EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily


Jason returns home after playing hockey to find Lindsay still awake
(***Not sure how this is relevant but it was specifically mentioned in the police documents released to the Capital Daily.***)

Between 3:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Lindsay stops by the RE/MAX office and speaks with the receptionist
  • Lindsay tells the receptionist that she feels “really weird” and “freaked out” about the showing with these mysterious new clients
  • Lindsay asks receptionist and another coworker to search the system using the client’s phone number to see if they find another record with other agents in Victoria (the search produces no results)
Jason and Lindsay close out their lunch tab at Sauce

Jason arrives at SHC Autographx to go over paperwork with the owners

Between 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Cohen Oatman (a coworker and hockey teammate) meets up with Jason at SHC

  • Lindsay (probably) stops at her to change clothes
  • Joe De Sousa (the property developer) leaves the area after supervising the construction at another property in the neighborhood
the construction workers at nearby properties leave work for the day

  • Jason and Cohen are seen leaving SHC in Jason's 2005 Range Rover
  • Jason texts Lindsay: “I’ll come meet you and I’ll be 10-15 minutes or so”
  • Lindsay texts Jason: “okay I’ll see you in a bit I gotta go the Mexicans are here”

Jason texts Lindsay: “just a couple of minutes away”
(this text is never opened)

  • Lindsay’s phone dials a friend she hadn’t spoken to in years
  • Background noise is all that was heard before the call ended (LE believes this call was an inadvertent pocket dial made during the attack)
  • Jason and Cohen arrive at De Sousa Place and park by the cul-de-sac
  • Lindsay’s black BMW is the only car parked in the driveaway
  • Jason sees a figure standing near the front door thru the windows and then close the door (leading Jason to believe the showing was just starting)
  • official documents suggest the sound of Jason's Range Rover pulling up may have prompted the couple to abandon their decision to leave out the front door and then fled out the patio door instead
Jason drives over to Torquay Drive and parks out of view of the house (he say he did this because he didn’t want to be seen as a “meddling boyfriend” or mess up a potential sale for Lindsay)

6:00 (ish) pm
  • Jason texts Lindsay to ask if she’s okay (the text goes unanswered)
  • Jason and Cohen approach the property and find the front door locked when they try to open it
  • Jason rings the doorbell and knocks at least 10 times but no one answers
  • Jason calls his mom to get the listing agent’s direct phone number (as the FOR SALE sign only had the main office number listed)
  • Jason pages the listing agent to ask for the garage passcode but there’s no immediate response from the agent
  • Jason calls 911 to request a welfare check on Lindsay
  • Jason tells 911 that his girlfriend had a meeting with an out-of-town client at a vacant property; he tells the operator the front door is locked and no one is answering the doorbell but her shoes are still inside and visible thru the front door window
  • (during the 911 call) Cohen alerts Jason to a large side patio that is almost completely enclosed and they peer over the fence to find the patio door open
  • Jason tells the 911 operator that he’s “breaking in” and ends the call
  • Jason helps boost Cohen over the tall fence and then runs back around to the front of the house to wait for Cohen to unlock the door and let him in
  • (once inside) Jason begins yelling for Lindsay and runs up the stairs to the second floor while Cohen remains downstairs
  • Jason immediately discovers bloody footprints at the top of the stairs and finds Lindsay lying in a pool of blood in the master bedroom
  • Jason yells for Cohen to call 911, checks Lindsay's arm for a pulse, and begins CPR
  • Cohen tells 911 that he and Jason entered the property and had seen “bloody footprints” and Lindsay lying in a “pool of blood”
  • LE arrives within minutes (as they were already on their way due to the first 911 call)
  • Lindsay is pronounced dead at the scene
  • LE separates Jason and Cohen and takes them down to the station for questioning
  • the property is searched with the help of a canine unit (it is currently unknown if anything of evidentiary value was found)
  • footprint and fingerprint samples were provided by Jason, Cohen, and the property developer for elimination purposes and to compare with their stories
Who killed Lindsay Buziak? Realtor's murder believed to be targeted hit

EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily


Official Time of Death -- 5:40 pm (per the coroner’s report)
Official Cause of Death -- blood loss due to “multiple” stab wounds
*Jeff Buziak told Dr. Phil that Lindsay was stabbed 40+ times

LE believes Lindsay was killed sometime between 5:38 and 5:41 pm

Dr. Phil appeals for help in solving Lindsay Buziak slaying

  • LE held press conference to quell rumors and speculation and announced that Jason is not a suspect
  • LE says Jason has taken a polygraph and passed, the story he initially gave LE has never wavered and matches evidence discovered inside the property, and he's complied with everything LE has asked of him
  • LE discovered that several “violent criminals involved in the illegal distribution of drugs” were friends with Lindsay on Facebook
  • official documents specifically mention the four-day trip in Calgary in December 2007 and her contact with Erickson Delalcazar)
  • LE says individuals were pulling people who were known to have associations with those arrested in the drug bust out of their beds in the middle of the night to flush out possible informants Who killed Lindsay Buziak? Realtor's murder believed to be targeted hit
  • (per Jeff Buziak) “she saw something she shouldn’t have seen”“she was jeopardizing people’s lifestyles” “they executed her” Dr. Phil appeals for help in solving Lindsay Buziak slaying
  • no communications were recovered between Lindsay and anyone on Facebook between 24 January - 3 February 2008 (which LE found extremely unusual based on her previous activity) EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily
  • LE knows the name of at least one person in possession of “fictitiously registered” pre-paid phones allegedly used to “facilitate illegal activity in a covert manner” (it is unknown if LE considers this person a suspect in this case)

  • a new investigative team is working on the case and revisiting all of the evidence
  • the FBI joined the new investigative team last year
  • new technology has been credited with highlighting additional leads and forensic evidence
FBI join cold-case hunt for agent’s killers - Western Investor

Tech advancements create new leads in cold-case murder of B.C. real estate agent

(for the information compiled in this outline)

Who killed Lindsay Buziak? Realtor's murder believed to be targeted hit

EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily

Dr. Phil appeals for help in solving Lindsay Buziak slaying

Report reveals new details in Lindsay Buziak murder case

FBI join cold-case hunt for agent’s killers - Western Investor

Tech advancements create new leads in cold-case murder of B.C. real estate agent

Seven years without justice in Lindsay Buziak murder - Saanich News

There is a ton of information that cannot be mentioned here regarding the complex and convoluted drug/organized crime connections and this case but can easily be found on the blog managed by Jeff Buziak (Lindsay's father). Unfortunately, I can't post the link due to TOS but you can find it by searching “Lindsay Buziak” in any web browser.

The caller tells Lindsay that her husband is relocating to the area for work and they are looking to purchase a house. They have a one million dollar budget and the property must meet the following criteria --

3 bedrooms / 3 baths
large master bedroom
a separate living area for their housekeeper
located 15 - 20 minutes from town
must be “NEW” and “VACANT”
the sale needs to be completed in 3 days

  • said she obtained her number from a former client
(the documents released to Capital Daily don’t mention the alleged “referral client” by name or that Lindsay tried to contact the client on vacation, as previously reported)
  • said she and her husband were flying in from Vancouver on Saturday afternoon on the day of the showing (2 FEB 2008)
Who killed Lindsay Buziak? Realtor's murder believed to be targeted hit

EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily

  • prepaid phone
  • purchased with cash at a convenience store in Vancouver in November 2007
  • activated online within 24 hours of initial contact
  • registered under a false name and address
  • registered under 'PAULO RODRIGUEZ'
  • registered address was that of a known business believed to be unrelated to the crime (and likely chosen at random)
  • only used to communicate with Lindsay
  • communicated with Lindsay an additional 10 times after the initial call
  • the Gordon Head property address on De Sousa Place was likely provided to the caller during a 10-minute phone conversation with Lindsay (per LE)
  • MapQuest may have been used for the purpose of “familiarizing themselves with the area” (***this suggests TO ME that evidence exists that indicates MapQuest was accessed immediately after the aforementioned phone call)
  • phone pings show the phone traveled from Vancouver to Victoria via BC Ferries one day before the murder
  • phone was deactivated/discarded after the murder
  • prepaid phone used to check a voicemail left for the number associated with BURNER PHONE #1
Report reveals new details in Lindsay Buziak murder case

EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily

  • voiced suspicions about the caller to several friends, Jason, and her father
  • contacted former clients to inquire about the caller’s identity but no one knew anything
  • had conflicted feelings -- the commission would be substantial (and she was “stressed about money” according to a letter allegedly written by a friend) but she had plans to attend a friend’s bachelorette party later that evening (despite having additional showings scheduled for the clients on Sunday)
  • Jason (who was also a licensed broker) offered to show the property for Lindsay but she wanted to do it herself
Who killed Lindsay Buziak? Realtor's murder believed to be targeted hit

  • scheduled for 5:30 pm on Saturday, 2 FEB 2008
Witness descriptions of the two suspects (provided to LE by two neighborhood residents) --
*a female resident was out walking her dog when she saw Lindsay greet the couple at the end of the driveway; the second witness was a male who witnessed the couple walking down the street in the direction of the property

approximately 35 - 45 years old
short blonde hair
wearing a dress with a unique design on it

approximately 6’ tall
medium build
brown hair
wearing a “classy” brown jacket that fell below the waist


Lindsay tells her dad she saw something she shouldn’t have (but doesn't mention the specific details)

  • Lindsay stays with her dad in Calgary for four days and hangs out with old friends
  • While in Calgary, Lindsay contacts a friend of her ex-boyfriend named Erickson Delalcazar (1 of 13 who were arrested in the largest drug bust in Alberta’s history in January 2008)
EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily

A potential buyer “that sounded a bit Spanish but not really” contacts Lindsay Buziak on her personal cell


Lindsay emails several suggestions to the prospective buyers

Shirley Zailo shows up at the Vic West condo Lindsay shares with her boyfriend Jason
(She later tells LE about a 15-minute phone conversation that she overheard between Lindsay and the prospective clients)

EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily


Jason returns home after playing hockey to find Lindsay still awake
(***Not sure how this is relevant but it was specifically mentioned in the police documents released to the Capital Daily.***)

Between 3:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Lindsay stops by the RE/MAX office and speaks with the receptionist
  • Lindsay tells the receptionist that she feels “really weird” and “freaked out” about the showing with these mysterious new clients
  • Lindsay asks receptionist and another coworker to search the system using the client’s phone number to see if they find another record with other agents in Victoria (the search produces no results)
Jason and Lindsay close out their lunch tab at Sauce

Jason arrives at SHC Autographx to go over paperwork with the owners

Between 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Cohen Oatman (a coworker and hockey teammate) meets up with Jason at SHC

  • Lindsay (probably) stops at her to change clothes
  • Joe De Sousa (the property developer) leaves the area after supervising the construction at another property in the neighborhood
the construction workers at nearby properties leave work for the day

  • Jason and Cohen are seen leaving SHC in Jason's 2005 Range Rover
  • Jason texts Lindsay: “I’ll come meet you and I’ll be 10-15 minutes or so”
  • Lindsay texts Jason: “okay I’ll see you in a bit I gotta go the Mexicans are here”

Jason texts Lindsay: “just a couple of minutes away”
(this text is never opened)

  • Lindsay’s phone dials a friend she hadn’t spoken to in years
  • Background noise is all that was heard before the call ended (LE believes this call was an inadvertent pocket dial made during the attack)
  • Jason and Cohen arrive at De Sousa Place and park by the cul-de-sac
  • Lindsay’s black BMW is the only car parked in the driveaway
  • Jason sees a figure standing near the front door thru the windows and then close the door (leading Jason to believe the showing was just starting)
  • official documents suggest the sound of Jason's Range Rover pulling up may have prompted the couple to abandon their decision to leave out the front door and then fled out the patio door instead
Jason drives over to Torquay Drive and parks out of view of the house (he say he did this because he didn’t want to be seen as a “meddling boyfriend” or mess up a potential sale for Lindsay)

6:00 (ish) pm
  • Jason texts Lindsay to ask if she’s okay (the text goes unanswered)
  • Jason and Cohen approach the property and find the front door locked when they try to open it
  • Jason rings the doorbell and knocks at least 10 times but no one answers
  • Jason calls his mom to get the listing agent’s direct phone number (as the FOR SALE sign only had the main office number listed)
  • Jason pages the listing agent to ask for the garage passcode but there’s no immediate response from the agent
  • Jason calls 911 to request a welfare check on Lindsay
  • Jason tells 911 that his girlfriend had a meeting with an out-of-town client at a vacant property; he tells the operator the front door is locked and no one is answering the doorbell but her shoes are still inside and visible thru the front door window
  • (during the 911 call) Cohen alerts Jason to a large side patio that is almost completely enclosed and they peer over the fence to find the patio door open
  • Jason tells the 911 operator that he’s “breaking in” and ends the call
  • Jason helps boost Cohen over the tall fence and then runs back around to the front of the house to wait for Cohen to unlock the door and let him in
  • (once inside) Jason begins yelling for Lindsay and runs up the stairs to the second floor while Cohen remains downstairs
  • Jason immediately discovers bloody footprints at the top of the stairs and finds Lindsay lying in a pool of blood in the master bedroom
  • Jason yells for Cohen to call 911, checks Lindsay's arm for a pulse, and begins CPR
  • Cohen tells 911 that he and Jason entered the property and had seen “bloody footprints” and Lindsay lying in a “pool of blood”
  • LE arrives within minutes (as they were already on their way due to the first 911 call)
  • Lindsay is pronounced dead at the scene
  • LE separates Jason and Cohen and takes them down to the station for questioning
  • the property is searched with the help of a canine unit (it is currently unknown if anything of evidentiary value was found)
  • footprint and fingerprint samples were provided by Jason, Cohen, and the property developer for elimination purposes and to compare with their stories
Who killed Lindsay Buziak? Realtor's murder believed to be targeted hit

EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily


Official Time of Death -- 5:40 pm (per the coroner’s report)
Official Cause of Death -- blood loss due to “multiple” stab wounds
*Jeff Buziak told Dr. Phil that Lindsay was stabbed 40+ times

LE believes Lindsay was killed sometime between 5:38 and 5:41 pm

Dr. Phil appeals for help in solving Lindsay Buziak slaying

  • LE held press conference to quell rumors and speculation and announced that Jason is not a suspect
  • LE says Jason has taken a polygraph and passed, the story he initially gave LE has never wavered and matches evidence discovered inside the property, and he's complied with everything LE has asked of him
  • LE discovered that several “violent criminals involved in the illegal distribution of drugs” were friends with Lindsay on Facebook
  • official documents specifically mention the four-day trip in Calgary in December 2007 and her contact with Erickson Delalcazar)
  • LE says individuals were pulling people who were known to have associations with those arrested in the drug bust out of their beds in the middle of the night to flush out possible informants Who killed Lindsay Buziak? Realtor's murder believed to be targeted hit
  • (per Jeff Buziak) “she saw something she shouldn’t have seen”“she was jeopardizing people’s lifestyles” “they executed her” Dr. Phil appeals for help in solving Lindsay Buziak slaying
  • no communications were recovered between Lindsay and anyone on Facebook between 24 January - 3 February 2008 (which LE found extremely unusual based on her previous activity) EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily
  • LE knows the name of at least one person in possession of “fictitiously registered” pre-paid phones allegedly used to “facilitate illegal activity in a covert manner” (it is unknown if LE considers this person a suspect in this case)

  • a new investigative team is working on the case and revisiting all of the evidence
  • the FBI joined the new investigative team last year
  • new technology has been credited with highlighting additional leads and forensic evidence
FBI join cold-case hunt for agent’s killers - Western Investor

Tech advancements create new leads in cold-case murder of B.C. real estate agent

(for the information compiled in this outline)

Who killed Lindsay Buziak? Realtor's murder believed to be targeted hit

EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily

Dr. Phil appeals for help in solving Lindsay Buziak slaying

Report reveals new details in Lindsay Buziak murder case

FBI join cold-case hunt for agent’s killers - Western Investor

Tech advancements create new leads in cold-case murder of B.C. real estate agent

Seven years without justice in Lindsay Buziak murder - Saanich News

There is a ton of information that cannot be mentioned here regarding the complex and convoluted drug/organized crime connections and this case but can easily be found on the blog managed by Jeff Buziak (Lindsay's father). Unfortunately, I can't post the link due to TOS but you can find it by searching “Lindsay Buziak” in any web browser.
Thanks so much for pulling this all together, an excellent round up.

I thought I would add a MSM link that references some (but not all) of the rumours about a drug connection.

Eight arrested in simultaneous Greater Victoria drug raids

"... Erickson Lopez Delalcazar, who was charged in January 2008 in connection with what was, at the time, the biggest cocaine bust in Alberta’s history...was a high-school friend of Lindsay Buziak...

"Buziak met with her high-school friend in Calgary six weeks before she was killed, but Saanich police have said there’s no connection between him and Buziak’s murder."

This drug bust was late on January 22, 2008.
Calgary Police seizes 67 kilograms of cocaine and $217,000

There's no precise date given for when the burner phone was activated, but it was less than 24 hrs before the first phone call, which was "the end of January, 2008, several days before the fatal showing." EXCLUSIVE: Unsealed police documents reveal previously unknown details about the death of Lindsay Buziak - Capital Daily

I'm guessing about Jan. 27.

So, tentatively:
Jan 22- drug bust
Jan 22 - last date of Lindsay's FB communications
approx Jan 26 - burner phone activated
approx Jan 27 - first phone contact for showing
Feb 2 - murder.

Just adding these details because otherwise the info is so vague and confusing. The timeline is certainly compelling and I can see why police would jump on this as a theory.
December 2007
  • While in Calgary, Lindsay contacts a friend of her ex-boyfriend named Erickson Delalcazar (1 of 13 who were arrested in the largest drug bust in Alberta’s history in January 2008)
  • RSBM

This is not strictly correct: eventually 13 people were arrested, but on January 22 only 2 were arrested, including Delalcazar.

So, that means there were at least 11 people who, on February 2, 2008, were free, but were facing the prospect of arrest. I also imagine, at around that date, LE would have been interrogating Delalcazar to reveal his connections.

excellent just going to kick a. couple of ideas in here which are, I know, speculative, but just wondering....
whoever it was obviously wanted lb and no one else to be the agent....weve concentrated on the idea that was because they really wanted her dead, but maybe they wanted to give someone she was associated with a warning and she was one person they knew wouldn't recognise them.
we may or may not be looking at 2 layers...the person who physically killed her and perhaps someone else who organised it.
im not sure on this point of law, so maybe you can help me.....if the police state. that im in the. clear, does. that. mean they're 100 per cent convinced I wasn't involved or does it mean they have no evidence pointing towards me.
in view of the fine timing, if they're absolutely convinced the boyfriend didn't kill her, then that probably means someone saw or heard something or they have physical evidence that they haven't disclosed.
if theyre completely clearing him or. anyone else of being an organiser, then they must have something more not. saying he was involved...not at all...but they must. have something if. they are 100 per cent clearing him.

lb may have done a job for. or against. a. drugs gang for money...or someone sent a message for people she knew.

im very pro police, but, its probably just being British, because our police seem to have used the. tactic of distracting you from what they believe quite a lot in the past few years....its obviously designed to give the culprit. a. false sense of security...dont know if your police do that often.
So, tentatively:
Jan 22- drug bust
Jan 22 - last date of Lindsay's FB communications
approx Jan 26 - burner phone activated
approx Jan 27 - first phone contact for showing
Feb 2 - murder.

Very elucidating to see the dates and close proximity of events.
Why do you think Lindsay's FB communications stopped on the same date as the drug bust? Would she have been aware of the drug bust on the day it happened in real time? Seems like quite the coincidence. And why suddenly stop communicating at all on FB? If she were so terrified because she had seen something she shouldn't have seen -- so scared that she stopped using social media -- then it doesn't make sense that she'd go ahead with a showing that she felt suspicious about. Is it possible her FB page was scrubbed from that day onward? Perhaps the killers managed to access her social media via her phone after her death and deleted a bunch of activity her on FB? Surely that info could be accessed from Facebook somehow, and if they had deleted everything, it was pretty dumb to only go back to Jan 22, the same day as the drug bust.
I just feel like stopping social media for someone who was apparently very active otherwise is quite significant, and reasons behind stopping could provide clues.
thank you all for all the information....yes, ive got a great deal of respect for Canada as regards the lack of a tabloid press which is as sensationalist as the British one...I dont know what your situation is like, but the police in Britain have certainly misled the public in a good cause and im not sure on the legal meaning on someone being in the clear...which, presumably, your legal representative could press for if necessary.

having said all that, the drugs connection seems like a. good. bet and the police must have something if they truly believe that the boyfriend is not connected in any way....maybe lb went ahead with. the viewing because she felt that, if she didn't, her boyfriend and employer would start. asking why
the police must have something if they truly believe that the boyfriend is not connected in any way....

As I was commenting above, IMO police would never state 'we believe the Z's are not connected in any way'.

IMO Police don't operate that way. It's not about what they believe or don't believe, it's about what evidence they have. If you read the actual police comments, rather than the media headlines, you will find statements that the Z's are not suspects because LE has collected all the evidence they possibly could from and about them, and none of it ties them to the crime. Nothing in the evidence is causing police to view them with suspicion.

However, police know very well that new evidence could come to light that could change everything. New evidence could implicate the boyfriend, or new evidence could implicate someone completely unexpected.

IMO police will never guess or speculate or predict what new evidence might come up or what it will prove, they keep an open mind and just try to find it.
Whenever someone is stabbed like that it usually points to a crime of passion but I do not think it was the boyfriend or the ex boyfriend.. it could be a jealous realtor who was mad that LB was selling more houses and that she was competition for them.. maybe it was the bf mom ..
Information from the autopsy has never been released but rumors have circulated that she was stabbed around 40 times. I heard on a podcast that claims to have some sort of inside information, that it was closer to 12-15. Either way, it seems like way to many for an organized hit man who had otherwise planned it out so well. A diagram of her body with the location of the stab wounds would tell us a lot about the murder.
there are a few things the police must know or have a strong opinion about that they're not telling us
did the detailed specification for the house the potential buyer was looking for mean that they knew that the house Lindsay was killed in was the only one or only one of a few on the market that matched what they wanted...if they targeted that. particular house, then why...just because it would provide a very large commission and would be easy to get to and away from....or did they have a personal connection with it.....did. the fact that they. were looking. for something with a separate apartment play any torn between thinking that can't have played a big role and wondering if other people may have lay in. wait there, as you usually view the main house first.

I assume that Lindsay knew that several of her friends were. taking drugs, as she may have been...when she said she saw something she shouldn't have, im not convinced it was to do with drug dealing, though I wouldn't rule it out....if I moved in drug taking circles, I wouldn't be surprised to find someone was a. dealer....maybe it was someone in a respectable or prominent position who she hadn't expected to be a dealer....or maybe she saw an act of brutal violence that she hadn't connected with the trade....I must admit im wondering if they were also involved in something else that made a lot of money and shocked her...for example trafficking women or girls for sex.

I dont think Lindsay blew the whistle on the drugs gang but, of course they may. have thought she did.

as other people have said, the attack was carefully. planned and could well have been by syndicate, but the. way she was. killed was really messy....I dont really buy the idea of a. jealous. realtor, but anythings possible
there are a few things the police must know or have a strong opinion about that they're not telling us
did the detailed specification for the house the potential buyer was looking for mean that they knew that the house Lindsay was killed in was the only one or only one of a few on the market that matched what they wanted...if they targeted that. particular house, then why...just because it would provide a very large commission and would be easy to get to and away from....or did they have a personal connection with it.....did. the fact that they. were looking. for something with a separate apartment play any torn between thinking that can't have played a big role and wondering if other people may have lay in. wait there, as you usually view the main house first.

I assume that Lindsay knew that several of her friends were. taking drugs, as she may have been...when she said she saw something she shouldn't have, im not convinced it was to do with drug dealing, though I wouldn't rule it out....if I moved in drug taking circles, I wouldn't be surprised to find someone was a. dealer....maybe it was someone in a respectable or prominent position who she hadn't expected to be a dealer....or maybe she saw an act of brutal violence that she hadn't connected with the trade....I must admit im wondering if they were also involved in something else that made a lot of money and shocked her...for example trafficking women or girls for sex.

I dont think Lindsay blew the whistle on the drugs gang but, of course they may. have thought she did.

as other people have said, the attack was carefully. planned and could well have been by syndicate, but the. way she was. killed was really messy....I dont really buy the idea of a. jealous. realtor, but anythings possible

I'm convinced that the two "buyers" were the killers and there was no intention of ever buying a house. I think the idea was to get her alone in a discreet location where nobody would suspect any type of foul play was going to happen and once they had her alone they killed her and got away unnoticed. As for motive, we won't know until the case is solved, if it ever is.
I'm convinced that the two "buyers" were the killers and there was no intention of ever buying a house. I think the idea was to get her alone in a discreet location where nobody would suspect any type of foul play was going to happen and once they had her alone they killed her and got away unnoticed. As for motive, we won't know until the case is solved, if it ever is.
im neutral as to whether there was anyone else secreted away in the house who took place in the murder as well but those two were definitely involved...I was just wondering why the specification involved a separate might not mean anything in itself...but I wonder why the police haven't said something about how many properties that fitted. that spec were on the market...not an exact number, but whether were talking about a couple, several, or quite a few
im neutral as to whether there was anyone else secreted away in the house who took place in the murder as well but those two were definitely involved...I was just wondering why the specification involved a separate might not mean anything in itself...but I wonder why the police haven't said something about how many properties that fitted. that spec were on the market...not an exact number, but whether were talking about a couple, several, or quite a few
from what Lindsays boyfriend said, it seems the two were planning to leave through the front door, presumably walking back along the looks like they were wearing the same clothes
would it have been possible for them to have killed Lindsay in the way she was killed without getting visible bloodstains on their clothes....a genuine question because I dont know...either way, if they were there just as part of a set up, they'd be as guilty. as whoever stabbed her
I'm convinced that the two "buyers" were the killers and there was no intention of ever buying a house. I think the idea was to get her alone in a discreet location where nobody would suspect any type of foul play was going to happen and once they had her alone they killed her and got away unnoticed. As for motive, we won't know until the case is solved, if it ever is.

Back in the day before realtors took security precautions, a perfect situation existed to murder a realtor. You could go on Zillow and find a house on the market in the area that realtor serves that bests meets your optimal requirements for the perfect murder site: unoccupied, quiet neighborhood, good escape route, whatever. Then you call that realtor posing as a customer and set your requirements in a home to fit that house you have chosen, to a Tee. That realtor will take you to that exact house if you have done it right. This is almost certainly what happened.

I doubt there were any other houses on the market that fit that description. The maids quarter was probably pretty unique. Lindsay would have been able to easily check their stated requirements against the MLS.
Back in the day before realtors took security precautions, a perfect situation existed to murder a realtor. You could go on Zillow and find a house on the market in the area that realtor serves that bests meets your optimal requirements for the perfect murder site: unoccupied, quiet neighborhood, good escape route, whatever. Then you call that realtor posing as a customer and set your requirements in a home to fit that house you have chosen, to a Tee. That realtor will take you to that exact house if you have done it right. This is almost certainly what happened.

I doubt there were any other houses on the market that fit that description. The maids quarter was probably pretty unique. Lindsay would have been able to easily check their stated requirements against the MLS.
Back in the day before realtors took security precautions, a perfect situation existed to murder a realtor. You could go on Zillow and find a house on the market in the area that realtor serves that bests meets your optimal requirements for the perfect murder site: unoccupied, quiet neighborhood, good escape route, whatever. Then you call that realtor posing as a customer and set your requirements in a home to fit that house you have chosen, to a Tee. That realtor will take you to that exact house if you have done it right. This is almost certainly what happened.

I doubt there were any other houses on the market that fit that description. The maids quarter was probably pretty unique. Lindsay would have been able to easily check their stated requirements against the MLS.
Maybe the motive was that house. Maybe someone really wanted that house but it was too much for them to buy so they figured if someone was killed in the home no one would want it. Does anyone know what ever happened to the house after lindsay’s murder?? Just another theory to consider.
Maybe the motive was that house. Maybe someone really wanted that house but it was too much for them to buy so they figured if someone was killed in the home no one would want it. Does anyone know what ever happened to the house after lindsay’s murder?? Just another theory to consider.

That seems highly unlikely considering the burner phone was purchased several months before the murder---- was the house even completed or up for sale at the time the phone was purchased? Second, if the murder was about that particular house, it seems the killer would have contacted the listing agent for the house and not some other random real estate agent AND would have told Lindsay they were interested in that house during the initial call and not just give her a price range and requirements that would have fit other homes in the area, not knowing whether she would choose to show them that particular one or not. I think all evidence points to this being a very targeting attack on Lindsay herself.
Maybe the motive was that house. Maybe someone really wanted that house but it was too much for them to buy so they figured if someone was killed in the home no one would want it. Does anyone know what ever happened to the house after lindsay’s murder?? Just another theory to consider.

In that case, the people who eventually bought it would be prime suspects.

I have a hard time imagining anyone could care that much about that particular home, to be willing to violently kill an innocent person and risk going to jail for life in order to possibly acquire it.

It had a spacious new interior, but IMO it's not in a particularly desireable part of town or has anything like a view or a unique piece of land or amenities that anyone would want to live in for the rest of their lives. IMO it was built for precisely the purpose the callers described: an undiscerning executive family who just want something fancy to live in for the time being, because they move a lot.

In addition, reducing the value of the house in that way would affect resale value as well. A supposedly million dollar home in 2007, it's now valued at less than $1.2 m, whereas other real estate in Victoria has almost doubled in price over the years. IMO, that's not just the effect of the murder, but reflects that the property was overvalued at the time.
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As well, if the new owners had killed, just to try for a discount on the house, then they'd probably also kill for a nice car, etc, like Dellen Millard did, and they'd have messed up and been caught.

It would be good, though, to know the process of elimination that led to choosing that particular house to view first, whether the killers had that one in mind ahead of time.

It seems, in retrospect, highly suitable because it was next to a busy road, so the car could be hidden from view and they could, somewhat plausibly, walk up to it, vs being in the middle of a long block, where arriving on foot would be too weird.

As well, the cul de sac only had, IIRC, one other house on it, the others hadn't yet been built, and I don't know whether that other house was occupied...regardless, it was on the other side of 1702, away from the road.

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