Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #10

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Hypothetically, if the RAV was not the professor's, the answers *MIGHT* be (I'm speculating wildly here, I don't believe what I'm saying is true, only that I think it's a longshot possibility),

#1, Someone with a RAV 4 in their possession, legally or otherwise, wanting to sell or trade it.

#2 Purchased, or maybe stolen.

#3 If the owner sold it or traded for it, no report to make. Or, it could have been sold or traded by someone merely in possession.

#4 Bought/traded for it.

#5, RCMP towed the professor's vehicle, whatever it was, away.

That keeps bringing me back to their truck, found burned so close to the professor's body. I cannot come up with an innocent explanation for that, at least that would not result in K or B at least making a phone call home at some point soon thereafter. Also, if I have the timeline right, the warrant was filed on the day they found the burned-out RAV4, so perhaps they had no hard evidence until they found that RAV (which would indicate, but not prove, it's the professor's.).

I'm about 95% convinced the two suspects are killers.

It may be possible that they hit LD with the Dodge truck. There would have been evidence on the truck thus burning it to destroy that. MOO
Ryan Provencher and Richard Scurr ?
There is a separate discussion thread set up for them. One of them has ties to the Hells Angels & has had previous drug related charges so I suspect their disappearance has more to do with that. There is more information in that discussion group.
Yes, thanks
Now that the search is winding down in Gillam, media are posting stories about manhunts of the past in Canada, some of which have been discussed here.

I would like to point out again that this one is unprecedented.

Never to my knowledge has a nationwide manhunt for two suspected murderers this young taken this long in a northern wildnerness. There have been searches for highly experienced solo outdoorsmen connected to crimes. They were older. There have been searches for escaped prisoners, and searches for murder suspects who were eventually found after fleeing the country.

This one is not like the others.
OPP fielding calls about possible sightings of B.C. murder suspects
Aug 1 2019
"TIMMINS – A nationwide manhunt for two B.C. murder suspects has triggered phone calls to policing agencies across the country, including those in Northeastern Ontario.

While the Royal Canadian Mounted Police were conducting ground searches for Bryer Schmegelsky, 18, and Kam McLeod, 19, in northern Saskatchewan and Manitoba earlier this week, policing agencies in North Bay, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie and Parry Sound were fielding calls from citizens who thought they had seen the suspects in their communities.

“We’ve had numerous calls in the last week,” said Acting Sgt. Shona Camirand, with the Ontario Provincial Police North East Region in North Bay. “Today, we had one in Sudbury and we had one in Kap, so they can’t be in both places.”

"While it may seem unlikely the two suspects would have made their way onto the TransCanada Highway to Northeastern Ontario, Camirand said they are not discouraging people from calling the OPP and reporting any potential sightings."
Now that the search is winding down in Gillam, media are posting stories about manhunts of the past in Canada, some of which have been discussed here.

I would like to point out again that this one is unprecedented.

Never to my knowledge has a nationwide manhunt for two suspected murderers this young taken this long in a northern wildnerness. There have been searches for highly experienced solo outdoorsmen connected to crimes. They were older. There have been searches for escaped prisoners, and searches for murder suspects who were eventually found after fleeing the country.

This one is not like the others.
I was listening to the radio this week and they had a criminologist on who said their hasn’t been a man hunt in the wilderness like this since the 30s. I think he said it was the mad trapper.
So what's your theory ? Genuinely curious :)

Honestly, I don't have a theory. I'm still trying to decipher what I think from these last two weeks. But to me nothing points to drug trafficking. These are two teens that lived their life online. As has been said many times, this feels more like a Columbine School shooting relationship to me.
Yes, thanks

It is the timing of these two incidents (the other two disappeared B.C. men) and the B.C. setting that has me curious.

I don't know if we can be sure if BS and KM took the Coquihalla Highway (BC-5) or the Trans-Canada Highway out of the lower mainland. The Trans-Canada would have put them on a direct path to Spence's Bridge and Ashcroft. Anyone?

Not saying they were involved in this other scenario, but that they could have taken the same highly-travelled route just a few days before. Many, many travellers go this way, and any other qualifiers you want to add.

The Coquihalla is faster; the Trans-Canada more scenic, IMO. They covered a lot of ground in a short time.
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we burn vehicles to destroy evidence, but we leave dead bodies lying about. we are on the run, but we give people our real names when asked and we walk around right in front of store cameras. makes no sense to me.... maybe they were afraid to give a false name to the constables because they could look at KM's driver's license? Too bad they did not ask for the registration and insurance. IMO
ITA! Isn’t asking for registration and insurance standard on any traffic stop?
No one has confirmed it was not the Professor's vehicle. Yet, not really hard to figure out whose it is, is it?
I suppose those who need confirmation will stay in the dark :D

I agree ... I was just confirming that for the person who asked.
Haven't seen this discussed yet, but yesterday, someone linked to an article where AS said BS came to live with him briefly when he was 16, so that would have been 2-3 years ago. He lives in Victoria, so that means BS moved 2.5 hours or so away from where he was raised.

My immediate thought was that one of the reasons it didn't last long was because BS wanted to go back to where he was raised because that's where KM was.

As more information has been released about BS's chaotic childhood, I'm more and more convinced that the friendship with KM was the stablest aspect of his life. (Should clarify: I don't think it was stable in the normal sense of a friendship. I'm pretty sure darker interests and impulses were one of the things they have in common.)

But I do think KM and possibly even KM's family were there for him, a constant that he relied on in a way he didn't feel his parents were.

I think moving in with grandma was a way for him to return to that sense of security. I also wonder if it was ever suggested that he move in with KM. I remember AS said the two always went to KM's house rather than the other way around. I know other situations where a friend in a worse home situation moves in with friends.

In any event, when the brief move was mentioned, I immediately thought of the Parker Hulme case, which has been on my mind a lot with this case, though there are certainly differences. One of the inciting factors in murder was an impending move to split up the 2 girls. Obviously didn't end in murder at the time for these 2. But for such a close friendship, I'm sure that 2.5 hour distance seemed like an eternity and a burden.

All MOO and speculation.
For those who believe the 2 suspects are still alive, perhaps it's time to call in Detective Lieutenant, Joe Kenda. After all, he states, "If you kill, I will find you." They are most likely deceased and their remains may never be found.
this article from vancouver press has a photo of suspects i have never seen before
Ontario police haven't confirmed tipster's claim that Bryer Schmegelsky and Kam McLeod were in Kapuskasing
even thought stats show them at the same height- bryer looks taller than kam

that's from Bryer's FB page
For those who believe the 2 suspects are still alive, perhaps it's time to call in Detective Lieutenant, Joe Kenda. After all, he states, "If you kill, I will find you." They are most likely deceased and their remains may never be found.
Worst thing is, if they are not caught alive, the families will never know why their loved ones died
We’re for Sydney | Daily Telegraph

"One of them was Gillam’s only taxi driver, Amar Sahota, who believes he talked to one of them on the afternoon of Monday, July 22.

Mr Sahota says he knows 95 per cent of the clients who call for a cab in the town of 500 where he has worked for 13 years.

But this man called and he didn’t use my name, he was a stranger, and he wanted a ride to (an indigenous settlement 30km north of Gillam called) Bird,” Mr Sahota told News Corp Australia.
I told him I wouldn’t because my small car can’t go on those rough dirt roads, and he hung up on me. The next day when we heard about the boys being around here, I thought it was them. I thought I was very lucky because maybe I would have been one of their victims.

Mr Sahota reported the encounter to a police phone hotline, but has yet to hear back.
Nobody asked to see his phone record and the number has long since faded from his call log because he gets dozens of calls a day."

so the next day when he heard about the fugitives and thought of the phonecall, he didn't think then to look at his call log and make a note of the number?
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