Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #10

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FYI. There are highway cams on the BC-5 at Merritt and on the Trans-Canada near Spences Bridge.

Is it reasonable to think the RCMP might be looking into their entire route since leaving Port Alberni, including the ferry crossing? This would cost labour hours, but so much has already been invested in this search.
I'm not wishing to be pedantic but they've been charged with second degree murder, i.e. intentional murder that is not premeditated. "Realizing they had killed a man" implies manslaughter.

Hi Judy!

I really have no idea how the criminal justice system works in Canada. Is it vastly different than in America?

The reason I ask is because a DA in the states can only charged 2nd degree murder, and if its elevated to first degree murder it must go to a GJ to make that determination.

Also there are a few states like NY, iirc, where they only file first degree murder charges if the victims are certain individuals like police officers, elected officials, etc... Even though they have plenty of other murderers that premeditated the murder of their victims, but were still only charged with 2nd degree when in most all other states it would be first degree.


I agree the quotation marks are weird there, but one thing to keep in mind is a lot of people also don't know how to use them properly and instead use them for emphasis. The results can be unintentionally funny for readers who do know what they mean: "real" meat, "free" gift, etc.

I'd have to see more of AS's writing to guess whether or not he was using them to make a point or just incorrectly.

*This makes sense in the context of all of the grammatical/spelling errors on the cover of his book.
wow best interview
Can you expound upon this? Only people in Canada can listen. I’m really intrigued by the idea that AS knows more than we think..

If they had been selling/moving drugs they wouldn’t have killed innocents and thus drawing attention, and they wouldn’t want to be switching cars since they likely would have had issues transferring the drugs from one car to another.
There would be traces, I highly doubt they would have burned the entire stash and then zero evidence remained...
It is not unusual to try to analyze how the suspects arrived at the decision to rob and murder people, and it is common to blame mothers when sons become criminals. Bottom line is that these two young men left their small town on an adventure that included theft, murder, arson and survival. Anyone who is "rooting" for them probably roots for the underdog regardless of the circumstances.

Again, where did I say that every person cheering these two on is far-right? In my original quote, I said many supportive comments come from those on the far right (and that I find that disturbing - and I stand by that). The alt-right types that are publicly supporting this duo have glommed on to this particular case because of BS's fondness for Hitler. Check out their twitter/facebook profiles and you'll see that they're very proud of their disturbing beliefs.

People/society tends to blame mothers for the actions of their adult sons, you're correct and that's not uncommon, but the MRA/redpill types have been vocal on this situation as well and claim that BS and his father are victims of the mother. Disturbing stuff.
Hi Judy!

I really have no idea how the criminal justice system works in Canada. Is it vastly different than in America?

The reason I ask is because a DA in the states can only charged 2nd degree murder, and if its elevated to first degree murder it must go to a GJ to make that determination.

Also there are a few states like NY, iirc, where they only file first degree murder charges if the victims are certain individuals like police officers, elected officials, etc... Even though they have plenty of other murderers that premeditated the murder of their victims, but were still only charged with 2nd degree when in most all other states it would be first degree.



The Canadian justice system is nothing like the USA justice system. In the USA, prosecutors are elected. In Canada, it's a permanent job based on merit. Prosecutors decide on charges based on evidence and law. Canadian prosecutors can appeal a verdict. In the USA, only the defence can appeal a verdict.
I thought about this last night after I posted my map...I dont think these guys had a plan at all...I also think they didn't realize that the road dead they ran out of gas, torched the Rav4 in the mistaken idea that no one could identify the car if it was burnt out and headed out on foot, maybe to the end of that road and who knows where. I think they were afraid to double back because the earlier stop by the band members spooked them. I also think that is why they kept going further and not turning around after they bought gas.

Guys their age think they are invincible and they probably felt pretty good health wise at the time they left the Rav and figured they would walk out of there. I know I can underestimate my strength and health sometimes as I am an avid runner, and always think I can go farther and faster when I should be stopping...

I dont think they had any mastermind plan after they bought gas except to find another person with a car to overpower, which didn't happen in my mind. So, they had to walk somewhere to find the next car or next cabin or place to figure out what to do. I know that Sundance has been mentioned as an abandoned ghost town...perhaps they went back there. I also know that someone in Gilliam said that from where they left the Rav4 that it is an 11 hour walk back to Gilliam.

My opinions only!
I agree that the teens are thinking on their feet to evade police and avoid obstacles...but I also think there is a grand strategy and overall purpose to all of this. To me, they seem to be acting out a video game - but in real-life scenarios, as they move from place to place. Each time they face a challenge (e.g. muskeg, gas for the car, cross into another province) their status (in their mind) is elevated. Their movements seem purposeful - they may experience panic and difficult moments but they have traveled far without getting caught. They seem to me to be cool, walking through that store together (video). Surely they knew there would be cameras in there. There is an end game ....but what is it?
I'm not wishing to be pedantic but they've been charged with second degree murder, i.e. intentional murder that is not premeditated. "Realizing they had killed a man" implies manslaughter.

If I had of said accidentally killed then yes I would have been implying manslaughter. If they had accidentally killed Dyck then perhaps they wouldn’t have torched their truck and fled the scene like they did.
Can you expound upon this? Only people in Canada can listen. I’m really intrigued by the idea that AS knows more than we think..

If they had been selling/moving drugs they wouldn’t have killed innocents and thus drawing attention, and they wouldn’t want to be switching cars since they likely would have had issues transferring the drugs from one car to another.
There would be traces, I highly doubt they would have burned the entire stash and then zero evidence remained...
the remarks made from the ex police officer were very spot on.
you can listen to it
via and IPN set to canada
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it is an extensions for chrome- add it- use it then ditch it
it is free and harmless
this is the link that worked for me
the other links came up with a blocked icon
and i am canadian
maybe there is a transcript
Again, where did I say that every person cheering these two on is far-right? In my original quote, I said many supportive comments come from those on the far right (and that I find that disturbing - and I stand by that). The alt-right types that are publicly supporting this duo have glommed on to this particular case because of BS's fondness for Hitler. Check out their twitter/facebook profiles and you'll see that they're very proud of their disturbing beliefs.

People/society tends to blame mothers for the actions of their adult sons, you're correct and that's not uncommon, but the MRA/redpill types have been vocal on this situation as well and claim that BS and his father are victims of the mother. Disturbing stuff.

I was responding to the comment from some expert who drew sweeping conclusions about the type of person who might be "rooting" for the suspects.
They could be dead. They could have tried to cross the river, follow the river and got swept in or something. And their bodies could be anywhere

This was a comment by a national security expert who was interviewed -

“.....But look, the bush up there is so thick, if they’re dead, you’ll probably never find them. They’ll be eaten by bears, and that’ll be the end of that.” ...”
Questions remain as Manitoba manhunt stretches into Day 9
RE: BS’s father, AS

This has been niggling in my brain like a little worm for over a week now so I thought I might as well get it out here and be done with it.

Something has bothered me about AS from the beginning. It might simply be my typical WASP Canadian upbringing (white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant) and I’m just uncomfortable with the public displays of very genuine emotion, but...

In the first interview he does with CHEK tv, AS offers a screenshot of his last text messages with BS (link below).

I’m sure I’m just being an overzealous, pedantic Sleuther here (Sleutheryn?) leaping at anything in the absence of fresh updates, but AS makes a funny use of punctuation that I can’t get out of my head.

On July 12, BS tells AS he and Kim [sic] are going to Alberta and he won’t have internet.
AS responds about BS taking off after only two paycheques and that AS bought $100 cologne for BS.

Then a day later AS says send photos. No response.
Then a day later AS says hi. No response.
Then a day later AS says hi again. No response.
Then that same day AS texts: Did you get “there” yet.

It’s those quotation marks that keep floating around my head. Why the air quotes? If my kid was heading somewhere, I wouldn’t choose to type the quotation marks.

I’m sure it’s completely nothing so please feel free to heap the abuse on me, but it just feels like that guy you share a secret with who can’t help himself but drop hints to the secret in front of other people.

Anyway, clearly just my overactive and conspiracy-theory bound opinion.

It’s at 0:51.

Father holding out hope after two Port Alberni teens vanish in northern B.C.

It could have been meant to imply frustration to his son that he wasn’t being replied to and that he wasn’t given a definite location of where they were going. As in I don’t know where you’re going but did you get “there” yet.
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