Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #10

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The Mad Trapper was older, and much more experienced.

I remember one from the 70s when a prisoner escaped from North Bay and was found near Sudbury a month later breaking into a cabin in the bush. A police dog was shot and killed, and that was a huge deal. He was in his 30’s, but was fleeing between two northern population centres covered by three police agencies combined. It still took 4 weeks to smoke him out.

While experience will always matter, a difference between historical cases and today is the sheer amount of knowledge and networking available to anybody with an internet connection and a keyboard. There is nothing that surprises me about the fact that they haven’t been captured. They are just so far north, with all that wilderness. I’m disappointed they haven’t been found, but not even a little bit surprised. Other than the particular latitude, there is nothing that impressive about their ongoing freedom. They don’t even need that much luck - just continued will.
That's how I read it, but why emphasize "there"? (At least he didn't spell it "their," ha). It implies there was a specific destination (and that it was special somehow). Or...perhaps, it is a kind of parental thing. Are you there yet (where you are supposed to be? How long is this going to take? kind of thing). If the "there" is a place with cell service, then...Dad is starting to worry?

Wasn't the "there" just because they were looking for work and didn't have a specific destination in mind? If the dad knew about their plans, why would Bryer have told him they were going to Alberta when they weren't? I don't think the dad's odd behavior means anything beyond that he has mental illness, which was already pre-established years beforehand. I think he knew his son had issues but not that it would escalate to this point (which is why in the initial interviews he said they were "good kids on an adventure"...why point suspicion at your son if you have no evidence he was involved?). And I think he was in denial like a lot of parents are about their kids' issues, probably compounded by that he seems to be a pretty self-involved person.
On social media, I've seen antifa types supporting these young men because they despise law enforcement. They want to see these two men evade police.

I am always troubled by the anti-establishment views and beliefs where some members of society stand in opp0sition to conventional norms. They seem to oppose social, political, economic and law and order in society.

I follow a subreddit in the city I live in and I am always really shocked and dismayed with some of the anti-police rhetoric and sentiment among my fellow city dwellers. Some individuals have a very hostile attitude and stance against LE. I realize there may be some bad apples, I totally support them and do not want to live without law and order.
I don't think Kam would have been the instigator but I do think he would help bury a body if needed."
They stop when they see the van with the intent of something little more vanilla, steal gas, raid van unaware of the occupants, the you know what hits the fan, things escalate BS pulls a gun (possibly unknown to KM) kills the couple! Kam’s instincts take over to protect his Best buddy and the rest is a trail across Canada vanishing into thin air.

They didn't "bury" the bodies though, which is questionable imo. If it was just a raid gone wrong and they killed them out of panic or something along those lines, why leave the bodies in plain sight? Wouldn't you atleast try to cover up your crime.. And same with the body of LD.. right out there in plain sight, and not very far from their burning vehicle. I can understand being a loyal friend, but if Kam is just helping out his best buddy and didn't want to be involved in this... That's next level. He would burn his own truck and camper, leave his entire family and kill another man(likely to steal his vehicle but thats still unconfirmed) just to help out a friend? Doesn't seem likely. And yes Bryer might have had stereotypical "mass killer" traits that we're aware of, but we don't know nearly as much about Kam, mostly because his family has been so quiet. But if he's that close with Bryer, and he practiced war games for days in the woods with Bryer for years, I think its safe to say they have pretty similar ideologies.
They didn't "bury" the bodies though, which is questionable imo. If it was just a raid gone wrong and they killed them out of panic or something along those lines, why leave the bodies in plain sight? Wouldn't you atleast try to cover up your crime.. And same with the body of LD.. right out there in plain sight, and not very far from their burning vehicle. I can understand being a loyal friend, but if Kam is just helping out his best buddy and didn't want to be involved in this... That's next level. He would burn his own truck and camper, leave his entire family and kill another man(likely to steal his vehicle but thats still unconfirmed) just to help out a friend? Doesn't seem likely. And yes Bryer might have had stereotypical "mass killer" traits that we're aware of, but we don't know nearly as much about Kam, mostly because his family has been so quiet. But if he's that close with Bryer, and he practiced war games for days in the woods with Bryer for years, I think its safe to say they have pretty similar ideologies.

Yeah that was the Reddit comment, not mine, but I'm assuming they meant "he wouldn't go on a killing spree of his own accord, but he would be influenced by his friends to do it." Not uncommon when it comes to teams of killers. Criminologists say usually one is the leader and the other goes along with it. Of course anyone who goes along with it has some major issues of their own. If Bryer is advancing this idea as some sort of "militia" thing, as some people have suggested, then that sort of plays on the idea of loyalty and "brotherhood" too.
Theory of the day...

They stop when they see the van with the intent of something little more vanilla, steal gas, raid van unaware of the occupants, the you know what hits the fan, things escalate BS pulls a gun (possibly unknown to KM) kills the couple!

Kam’s instincts take over to protect his Best buddy and the rest is a trail across Canada vanishing into thin air.

Only reason I struggle with this is in the video neither of them look banged up, cuts scratches or bruises.

You've got my vote. I do get the sense that KM may be a bit more responsible and in touch with reality than BS and that he has been sticking with and protecting his friend--because that's what friends do. Maybe he's the reason there aren't more casualties.

The fact that they don't show any sign of bruises, cuts is intriguing. And, to me, they certainly didn't look like two teens who have been camping out/roadtripping for a few weeks. No one who interacted with them mentioned any, ahem, odor...Unlikely that they scuffled with any of their victims--which argues for killing them from a distance--by gun or by vehicle--to minimize the evidence. It will take lots of forensic scrutiny of all the scenes--Liard Hot Springs, Dease Lake, Cold Lake, Gillam--to connect the dots.

Sigh. I think it is time to call in Agent Pendergast.
SOMEBODY...please show me verified sources for all the Nazi interests that these two supposedly had? I have also seen stories that BS had equal interest in Communist ideology, yet that seems to be overlooked very conveniently. Quite honestly, until someone can post verified news stories that demonstrate first hand evidence of this, it's BS (and I'm not referring to the suspect).

You could find 100 sources in 10 seconds with Google.

Here's one of them:
Wanted teen ‘would cut our heads off’
Wasn't the "there" just because they were looking for work and didn't have a specific destination in mind? If the dad knew about their plans, why would Bryer have told him they were going to Alberta when they weren't? I don't think the dad's odd behavior means anything beyond that he has mental illness, which was already pre-established years beforehand. I think he knew his son had issues but not that it would escalate to this point (which is why in the initial interviews he said they were "good kids on an adventure"...why point suspicion at your son if you have no evidence he was involved?). And I think he was in denial like a lot of parents are about their kids' issues, probably compounded by that he seems to be a pretty self-involved person.

How does this explain the fact that Dad went to the effort to put quotes around the word "there" in his text message (which he showed to the camera).
I am always troubled by the anti-establishment views and beliefs where some members of society stand in opp0sition to conventional norms. They seem to oppose social, political, economic and law and order in society.

I follow a subreddit in the city I live in and I am always really shocked and dismayed with some of the anti-police rhetoric and sentiment among my fellow city dwellers. Some individuals have a very hostile attitude and stance against LE. I realize there may be some bad apples, I totally support them and do not want to live without law and order.

Yeah, I find the same in my city as well, but saying that some of the people with those anti-police inclinations are marginalized people. Unfortunately there's a lot of corruption my city's police department, but I still don't believe that "all cops are bad" nonsense or that police don't have work to do. Some people have valid reasons for being distrustful of the police, but many people are just searching for a cause, if you know what I mean.
That's how I read it, but why emphasize "there"? (At least he didn't spell it "their," ha). It implies there was a specific destination (and that it was special somehow). Or...perhaps, it is a kind of parental thing. Are you there yet (where you are supposed to be? How long is this going to take? kind of thing). If the "there" is a place with cell service, then...Dad is starting to worry?
Destination could be "Heaven", or in his case, "Hell".
Sorry if this has already been discussed but IMO it would be helpful if we could see more photos of the two suspects, particularly one of KM without the facial hair. Maybe LE could provide photos of them at different angles such as in profile too. If no photo is available of KM without facial hair, maybe we could see an artist’s conception of what they might look like if they changed their appearance. I feel like I might be able to recognize BS if I saw him but not sure about KM.

Also, from the photos and videos I’ve seen KM does not appear to me to be 6’4” or at least he doesn’t look like he’s the same height as BS. I’ve seen other people here mention this as well. LE has not issued any correction which I hope they would do if it’s a mistake? I just hope the public has the correct information.
SOMEBODY...please show me verified sources for all the Nazi interests that these two supposedly had? I have also seen stories that BS had equal interest in Communist ideology, yet that seems to be overlooked very conveniently. Quite honestly, until someone can post verified news stories that demonstrate first hand evidence of this, it's BS (and I'm not referring to the suspect).

It's not being conveniently overlooked. As I've stated on another thread, these types will glom onto anything that sounds radical to them and the more hateful and evil the better.

But while communist ideology is radical it doesn't have the immediate and unmistakable imagery of evil that Nazi ideology does. It's easy to understand who the Nazis were and what they stood for, what they did and why.

But communism is associated with various different eras and various different nations and ideologies and doesn't have one specific leader or one specific ideology or Holocaust event that people can immediately recognize.

It's too complex and confusing.

In any event, reports about this came from their social media and gaming accounts as well as reports from gaming friends.

Their gaming account "featured the Communist icon, far-right politics, sexualized Japanese anime and the survivalist video game Rust, the paper reported.

The banner image for the YouTube account — which also appeared to have been deleted — was a modified Soviet flag, but it used the heraldic eagle of Hitler’s Germany as its profile picture, according to the report."

So it sounds like a grab bag of extreme stuff they eluded to. However, it seems clear that the Nazi thing was the main thing:

"A Steam user who did not want to be identified told the outlet he regularly chatted with Schmegelsky and sometimes McLeod online — but cut off the former earlier this year when he incessantly praised Hitler’s Germany."

"The user provided the Globe photos sent by an account believed to belong to Schmegelsky. In one photo, the teen wore a swastika armband, and another showed him in a gas mask. Yet another showed him in military fatigues, brandishing what looked to be an Airsoft rifle, according to the report."

"Another account connected to the pair includes the logo for the Azov Battalion, a far-right Ukrainian militia that is said to hold neo-Nazi sympathies, the source told the paper."
Sorry if this has already been discussed but IMO it would be helpful if we could see more photos of the two suspects, particularly one of KM without the facial hair. Maybe LE could provide photos of them at different angles such as in profile too. If no photo is available of KM without facial hair, maybe we could see an artist’s conception of what they might look like if they changed their appearance. I feel like I might be able to recognize BS if I saw him but not sure about KM.

Also, from the photos and videos I’ve seen KM does not appear to me to be 6’4” or at least he doesn’t look like he’s the same height as BS. I’ve seen other people here mention this as well. LE has not issued any correction which I hope they would do if it’s a mistake? I just hope the public has the correct information.
You would be able to recognize KM just by the mole on left side of his face above jawline. Quite dark and prominent.
The two were not stopped by police officers. Band constables could be compared to aboriginal security officers who’s job is to ensure their First Nations community remains dry (from alcohol), enforcing the local band’s bylaws. Reserves are the respective First Nation’s peoples private property and so the band has the right to implement their own regulations even though a provincial highway might pass through it. The band constables would have no reason to ask to see registration and insurance for the vehicle as they don’t have access to policing systems because they’re not police officers. Their role is to prevent alcohol from being delivered or sold on the reserve.

Dry reserves, check stops and the employing of their local residents as band constables is very common at First Nations reserves across Canada. Alcohol has caused problems in the past on some reserves and this is their chosen way to eliminate its availability.
Ah thank you. That makes sense.
It could have been meant to imply frustration to his son that he wasn’t being replied to and that he wasn’t given a definite location of where they were going. As in I don’t know where you’re going but did you get “there” yet.

It was about on the 24th when a reporter first spoke to AS. AS claimed he’d got a text from his son indicating they were going to Red Deer, Alberta to look for work. That would’ve been about the 14th, possibly even prior to the murder of L and C. Regardless, Red Deer is no where near the Alaskan Highway.

Obviously by now the RCMP know much more about the background of the two than we do, who they hung out with, and any prior brushes with police as juveniles. They’d have been aware of this information very soon after the truck and camper was found burning.

But about the evasiveness to family members - Did they just decide to quit their Walmart jobs and lie and steal to finance living in Northern BC while pretending to job hunt? Considering LE has named them suspects in three murders and they chose not to come forth while they were first known to be missing, IMO they don’t deserve any benefit of doubt whatsoever. They were up to something they didn’t want to declare, right from the very onset of leaving their homes in Port Alberni.
SOMEBODY...please show me verified sources for all the Nazi interests that these two supposedly had? I have also seen stories that BS had equal interest in Communist ideology, yet that seems to be overlooked very conveniently. Quite honestly, until someone can post verified news stories that demonstrate first hand evidence of this, it's BS (and I'm not referring to the suspect).

Police also said Thursday that they were investigating a photograph of Nazi paraphernalia allegedly sent online by one of the suspects. Schmegelsky allegedly sent photographs of a swastika armband and a Hitler Youth knife to an online friend on the video-game network Steam.

Canada police search last known homes of teens wanted in nationwide murder manhunt

McLeod and Schmegelsky have polarising social media footprints.

McLeod's scarcely-used Facebook profile shows an interest in the Communist Party of Canada and the Young Communist League.

Similarly, Schmegelsky's has a post of a "Communist Version" of the Ghostbusters theme song.

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You would be able to recognize KM just by the mole on left side of his face above jawline. Quite dark and prominent.

Now that you mention it, I think I might have noticed it in the video but I’d forgotten. Has that important fact been included in the description of them given to the public?
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