Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #21

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I'm guessing if Kam had his PAL obviously to buy the one gun at Cabelas, that he also got the other gun that was pieced together from within his family realm, as well as the ammo. Kam was in my mind the "Provider" - he provided the guns, the truck, the funds, and likely the plan. I feel he was far greater the mastermind than Bryer. In my view Bryer was his 'gopher'. I feel Kam likely used the fact Bryer came from a broken home, that he was a year younger and likely even encouraged or used Bryer to post the cr*p on social media, while keeping his cover as what we all know now - that Kam was in fact a 'wolf in sheep's clothing'


I did notice this in the report, it says nothing about not finding ammo.

On July 26, 2019, search warrants were executed at McLeod and Schmegelsky’s residence in Port Alberni looking for ammunition and any planning material. There was nothing located of note regarding any pre-planning of the offences or motive.
The sixth and final video is brief and appears to have been taken unintentionally.

Total speculation on my part, but I'm not so sure the final video was taken unintentionally. We'll likely never know but I am leaning toward it being KM somehow conveying BS being killed and that would be how they knew that BS was killed first.
That's an entirely workable theory. One I subscribe to. And it fits in with Kam being the Over Seer man, too. The man with the last word.
The sixth and final video is brief and appears to have been taken unintentionally.

Total speculation on my part, but I'm not so sure the final video was taken unintentionally. We'll likely never know but I am leaning toward it being KM somehow conveying BS being killed and that would be how they knew that BS was killed first.
It's actually the fifth video that was 6 seconds long that was unintentional, not the final 31-second one with the will and testament featuring both of them. :)
The sixth and final video is brief and appears to have been taken unintentionally.

Total speculation on my part, but I'm not so sure the final video was taken unintentionally. We'll likely never know but I am leaning toward it being KM somehow conveying BS being killed and that would be how they knew that BS was killed first.
The second-to-last one (in the list) appeared to be unintentional, per the RCMP. In the last one, Schmegelsky is still alive. They've also said they don't know for sure the datetimes of the videos.

  1. The video is 58 seconds long and both McLeod and Schmegelsky are observed in the video. Schmegelsky states they are responsible for the three murders. They were going to march to Hudson Bay where they planned to highjack a boat and go to Europe or Africa;
  2. This video is 51 seconds long and Schmegelsky states they had reached the river which is very big and fast moving and they may have to commit suicide to which McLeod agrees. They again take credit for killing 3 people and express no remorse;
  3. This video is 32 seconds long and Schmegelsky says they have shaved in preparation for their own death. They now plan to go back to kill more people and expect to be dead in a week;
  4. This video is 19 seconds long and they describe they are going to shoot themselves;
  5. This video is 6 seconds long and appeared to have been taken unintentionally;
  6. This video is 31 seconds long and McLeod and Schmegelsky state this is their last will and testament and express their wish to be cremated.
Forensic analysis to date has been unable to determine the exact date and time for when each of the videos and still images were taken."

It's not clear though if their list is in the correct order.


"Based on the autopsy findings, the firearms lab report, analysis of the scene and the content of the videos it is believed that McLeod shot Schmegelsky before shooting himself
Just because they had a suicide pact doesn't necessarily mean BS said go ahead, do it now or that they agreed on "when".

I really wonder if they gave themselves a time deadline - if we don't get out of the bush by this time then we do it.

I can't help wonder if Kam even decided to do it on his own accord, without Bryer even knowing "when".

Talking about it is one thing, doing it is another. I get they were hardcore buddies/partners but it's still scary to die. Maybe Kam wanted one more kill in. JMOO and theorizing.
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I wanted to add, in the case of Leonard Dyck they didn't shoot out a window: which would have ruined the Rav as an escape vehicle. That raises the question of how they lured Mr. Dyck out of his, presumably locked, car. I don't want to speculate on his nightmare (I hope it was over quickly), but it is another difference from the first murders.

In one of the reports iirc the burning truck was noted at 8:30am. How long before that was Prof Dyck murdered but strong possibility it was during the night or early morning, particularly as his wife said he often slept in his vehicle after driving long hours.

Possibly a young man tapping on his window would be enough to wake him up so he’d open the car door to see what he wanted. He was described as a pacifist, an educator, a kind-hearted man, not the sort who’d have any reason to expect trouble lurking at an isolated rest stop.
I wanted to add, in the case of Leonard Dyck they didn't shoot out a window: which would have ruined the Rav as an escape vehicle. That raises the question of how they lured Dr. Dyck out of his, presumably locked, car. I don't want to speculate on his nightmare (I hope it was over quickly), but it is another difference from the first murders.
They would have worked it out , driving along, this plan? that plan ? they knew their victim had to be overtaken quickly, and just as quickly disabled. That doesn't mean they wanted him/her to die quickly.
I was wondering if they had dated their “last will and testament” but I assume not. Maybe they had no concept of the day and time.

Maybe the background in the video wasn’t verifiable either.. like weather patterns, light, etc.
I've never heard of a digital camera/video recorder that has no datestamp, that part puzzles me. It seems such a essential part of any camera to show you when something was recorded.
The sixth and final video is brief and appears to have been taken unintentionally.

Total speculation on my part, but I'm not so sure the final video was taken unintentionally. We'll likely never know but I am leaning toward it being KM somehow conveying BS being killed and that would be how they knew that BS was killed first.
I think they explained the suicides in the #4, 19min video. RCMP report says in that video “they describe they are going to shoot themselves.”
Just because they had a suicide pact doesn't necessarily mean BS said go ahead, do it now or that they agreed on "when".

I really wonder if they gave themselves a time deadline - if we don't get out of the bush by this time then we do it.

I can't help wonder if Kam even decided to do it on his own accord, without Bryer even knowing "when".

Talking about it one thing, doing it is another. I get they were hardcore buddies/partners but it's still scary to die. Maybe Kam wanted one more kill in. JMOO and theorizing.

I think they ran out of options.

During the press conference it was stated they were trapped with the river on one side, the high cliffs on the other which they were unable to climb. In the Globe article from yesterday there’s a photo of where the bodies were found. It was at the bottom of a treed gully area, down a very high, steep embankment. Perhaps police were able to notice ground markings indicating their unsuccessful attempts to climb back up but they didn’t say. But the RCMP did say they were trapped on the rivers edge and couldn’t climb back up.
The second-to-last one (in the list) appeared to be unintentional, per the RCMP. In the last one, Schmegelsky is still alive. They've also said they don't know for sure the datetimes of the videos.

Well that blows my excellent theory ;) ... Sorry, the G&M doesn't usually get it wrong.
Just because they had a suicide pact doesn't necessarily mean BS said go ahead, do it now or that they agreed on "when".

I really wonder if they gave themselves a time deadline - if we don't get out of the bush by this time then we do it.

I can't help wonder if Kam even decided to do it on his own accord, without Bryer even knowing "when".

Talking about it one thing, doing it is another. I get they were hardcore buddies/partners but it's still scary to die. Maybe Kam wanted one more kill in. JMOO and theorizing.

Personally, I really need to get out of their heads. I've wasted far too much time in those cesspools.
I think they ran out of options.

During the press conference it was stated they were trapped with the river on one side, the high cliffs on the other which they were unable to climb. In the Globe article from yesterday there’s a photo of where the bodies were found. It was at the bottom of a treed gully area, down a very high, steep embankment. Perhaps police were able to notice ground markings indicating their unsuccessful attempts to climb back up but they didn’t say. But the RCMP did say they were trapped on the rivers edge and couldn’t climb back up.
I have also been wondering if one was injured, such as a sprained ankle etc., so they could not turn back or climb up. If this happened, then they would be stuck unless they split up and one left the other behind. If they found themselves in this situation, it may have been the decider?

Well that blows my excellent theory ;) ... Sorry, the G&M doesn't usually get it wrong.
They didn't get it wrong. In the article, they worded the videos like "in a fourth video, in a third video, etc", rather than "the fourth, the third", so they weren't actually ascribing a particular order in which they were taken.
They were going to march to Hudson Bay

From the wording, sounds like they really thought they were in some kind of militia thing....

Interesting the article said they were partners with neither leading, but I'm with ya on that. I still think Kam was the tougher/colder one.

I'm positive Kam was the leader and Bryer was supposed to be his "soldier" or "mercenary." I think it probably was a partnership in many ways, but ultimately Kam had the power. Historically, he always had. And I think that the social aspect of it -- manipulation and power trips -- would have been his thing, from what we know about his personality. Plus in killer duos the more outwardly normal one usually has the power.

But since they were friends for so long, I do think it was more of a partnership than most killer duos.
I've never heard of a digital camera/video recorder that has no datestamp, that part puzzles me. It seems such a essential part of any camera to show you when something was recorded.

I think that’s common with older cameras/video recorders. At least it was on mine. The date and time had to be input manually for the data to be correct and there’s was also an option to embed it or not. Whenever the batteries need to be changed it lost the accurate date/time and so to set to not include the time stamp was a convenient solution.
The murders of Chynna and Lucas were motiveless: they were killed and the killers just drove away. But the murder of Leonard Dyck wasn't like that, they didn't just drive off. Certainly, why they used such brutality on him is unknown, but it seems to me they were fairly purposeful: they wanted a vehicle that would not be linked to them, so they could get away from police (who weren't even chasing them yet).

My hunch says they didn't just drive away after shooting the couple.

I got the impression they shot the couple as sport and got a kick out of them getting shot and kept shooting. If they tried to ran away, K&B probably went into video game mode and treated the couple like targets. I do think they were extremely cold blooded and treated this like a game/movie...

I don't want to get too graphic, but we know Chynna didn't die fast, I think the killers hung around, sat back and watched and that's why LD's death escalated. They knew they could do 2 murders and they wanted more and a more brutal one at that.

I wonder what was next on their bucket kill list? Thank goodness no more victims as it might've escalated more.
Would seem that way, except for the fact these two 'dumb' guys managed to kill 3 people in cold blood and trek across one territory and 4 provinces and that is what's so frightening. They had horseshoes up "there" without doubt

Exactly. They may be seen as “dumb” but they managed for a good period of time and they killed perfect strangers and they left enough for the next “dumb” person to learn a few lessons so they can do better when they kill perfect strangers... even without the videos.
Deese Family Statement
No one ever wants to be a victim or wishes that for their loved one. Our beloved Chynna was a ray of sun shine, and for her to be taken has made the world feel a bit darker. The impact of such horrendous crimes was felt rippling throughout many communities and we would like to express sincere gratitude to the general public for their empathy and aid during the investigation and manhunt. Many thanks to the men and women of uniform for their tireless efforts as a piece of justice has been served in knowing the conclusion of this case. The overwhelming contribution of time and resources offered over the past few months is a testament to the dedication to service of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

The loss we continue to endure is shattering, but Chynna’s memories are a benediction to her genuine happiness and intense love of life. Throughout this tragedy, along with the help of many, they serve as our reminder of the good nature and peace humanity has the capacity to show. We hope Chynna’s legacy continues to grow and her spark allows us to build each other up. We also politely ask that media respect our privacy at this time.

RCMP in British Columbia - Overview of Fort Nelson and Dease Lake Homicide Investigation
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