Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #21

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BS shaved to look good in photos, which he probably thought would go viral.

Muslims wash and groom their relatives' bodies after death, sprinkle some rose attar, wrap the body in white cloth, following really simple funeral steps.

And douse themselves in cologne...
ETA.. the link supplied earlier talks about suicide and how to enter the after life. Cologne is recommended.
They didn't get it wrong. In the article, they worded the videos like "in a fourth video, in a third video, etc", rather than "the fourth, the third", so they weren't actually ascribing a particular order in which they were taken.

Not to belabour the point (or a point):

A fourth video shows Mr. Schmegelsky saying they have shaved in preparation for death, plan to kill more people, and expect to be dead in a week. In the fifth, they say they are going to shoot themselves. The sixth and final video is brief and appears to have been taken unintentionally.
My hunch says they didn't just drive away after shooting the couple.

I got the impression they shot the couple as sport and got a kick out of them getting shot and kept shooting. If they tried to ran away, K&B probably went into video game mode and treated the couple like targets. I do think they were extremely cold blooded and treated this like a game/movie...

I don't want to get too graphic, but we know Chynna didn't die fast, I think the killers hung around, sat back and watched and that's why LD's death escalated. They knew they could do 2 murders and they wanted more and a more brutal one at that.

I wonder what was next on their bucket kill list? Thank goodness no more victims as it might've escalated more.
How do we know that?
Hey, I'm old! :)

I really do wonder why they went as far as (almost) Haines Junction. There's no reason for them to be there unless they're heading to Alaska. Any theories out there about that? (that don't involve cruise ships)

I thought maybe KM had a family connection up there.. can’t recall atm
Yeah looks like an error in the article itself since it contradicts the official report.

RCMP in British Columbia - Overview of Fort Nelson and Dease Lake Homicide Investigation

  1. 1. The video is 58 seconds long and both McLeod and Schmegelsky are observed in the video. Schmegelsky states they are responsible for the three murders. They were going to march to Hudson Bay where they planned to highjack a boat and go to Europe or Africa;
  2. This video is 51 seconds long and Schmegelsky states they had reached the river which is very big and fast moving and they may have to commit suicide to which McLeod agrees. They again take credit for killing 3 people and express no remorse;
  3. This video is 32 seconds long and Schmegelsky says they have shaved in preparation for their own death. They now plan to go back to kill more people and expect to be dead in a week;
  4. This video is 19 seconds long and they describe they are going to shoot themselves;
  5. This video is 6 seconds long and appeared to have been taken unintentionally;
  6. This video is 31 seconds long and McLeod and Schmegelsky state this is their last will and testament and express their wish to be cremated."
Exactly. They may be seen as “dumb” but they managed for a good period of time and they killed perfect strangers and they left enough for the next “dumb” person to learn a few lessons so they can do better when they kill perfect strangers... even without the videos.

Given the level of violence in movies and video games, it doesn’t take a high level of intelligence to do what they did. And what was really the point of murdering three defenceless innocent strangers and then hiding like cowards from police to avoid arrest? There’s nothing for anyone to learn from that other than what they did was absolutely pointless IMO. They did nothing heroic.
Exactly. They may be seen as “dumb” but they managed for a good period of time and they killed perfect strangers and they left enough for the next “dumb” person to learn a few lessons so they can do better when they kill perfect strangers... even without the videos.
IDK, it's true they took ruthless advantage of people's trusting nature and the low population up north, and benefitted from our country's complete freedom of movement over provincial borders. But it wasn't 'smart', they left themselves no choice but suicide or surrender to police. And chose the dumb option there as well, IMO.
Also, it could have saved LD’s life.

I’m curious how the process with CD and LF could have been done differently and if it could have prevented another death.

I wonder about the search warrant lag for CD and LF’s van, if that could have happened quicker. If things could have aligned faster maybe a road stop check in and out of a certain radius would have helped. Maybe not tho.
How could’ve police known the two were murderers when they were passing through the Yukon?

“As part of the investigation, police spoke extensively with family and friends, all of whom initially refused to believe the pair could be capable of cold-blooded violence, describing them as “good kids”.

After their abandoned vehicle was discovered, McLeod and Schmegelsky had initially been described to the public as missing persons. But on July 22, a witness approached police and suggested the two might have been involved in the murders.

“This is the first time that police learned that McLeod and Schmegelsky may be capable of the murders which conflicted with original witness statements from family and associates,” the report said....”
Canada murders: fugitives who killed three planned for more victims, say police

Maybe if they pulled KM’s PAL license and could track the gun purchase of July 12th?
My camera has a date stamp but I turned it off. I don't like the date interfering with the photo.
Me too, but I can still find the date when the image/video was taken by hovering on it, either in the camera or if I remove it onto a computer. It's embedded in the metadata attached to the photo, along with other details like the brand of camera, photo number, etc. This is an old camera, from 2006, I believe.
The sixth and final video is brief and appears to have been taken unintentionally.

Total speculation on my part, but I'm not so sure the final video was taken unintentionally. We'll likely never know but I am leaning toward it being KM somehow conveying BS being killed and that would be how they knew that BS was killed first.

Hmmm. But wouldn’t their be sound of gunfire?

I feel like KM and BS were planning to do it at the same time but then KM didn’t trust BS to follow through or do it correctly or he wanted to have one final shock for BS by turning on him and killing him instead of his own doing.

I have to trust that investigators have more to confirm that it was an agreed upon state that KM would kill BS then himself, that BS was fully into and accepting that this was officially his wish to die. If that makes sense.
I wanted to add, in the case of Leonard Dyck they didn't shoot out a window: which would have ruined the Rav as an escape vehicle. That raises the question of how they lured Dr. Dyck out of his, presumably locked, car. I don't want to speculate on his nightmare (I hope it was over quickly), but it is another difference from the first murders.

Good point! And if they shot the van window first before killing CD and LF then possibly they had zero intention of taking the van for the same reason.
This is amazing:

``The officers weren’t sure exactly where the sleeping bag and backpack had been found, but Mr. Beardy remembered the spot. He powered down his jet boat as they approached the rapids, but they were still moving quickly in the fast-flowing water, giving them only split seconds to scan the shoreline.

That’s when Mr. Beardy noticed a raven jump up from the brush. “Did you see that?” he asked the officer behind him.

Mr. Beardy spun the boat around and headed toward where the raven had been. A lifelong hunter, he knew the bird could be scavenging on something.

“As soon as we got to the shore, sure enough, we saw them,” Mr. Beardy says.`

At first, they could only see one of the fugitives in the sloped thick brush, Kam McLeod. An RCMP officer scrambled out of the boat and raised his gun. Mr. McLeod was bearded, dressed in a camouflage top and black rain pants, Mr. Beardy recalls.

Mr. Schmegelsky was found about one and a half metres away, lower down on the slope. He was dressed in full camouflage.


How the RCMP found Canada’s most wanted fugitives with a raven, a Cree trapper and luck
Just because they had a suicide pact doesn't necessarily mean BS said go ahead, do it now or that they agreed on "when".

I really wonder if they gave themselves a time deadline - if we don't get out of the bush by this time then we do it.

I can't help wonder if Kam even decided to do it on his own accord, without Bryer even knowing "when".

Talking about it is one thing, doing it is another. I get they were hardcore buddies/partners but it's still scary to die. Maybe Kam wanted one more kill in. JMOO and theorizing.

I’m exactly here too.
Me too, no dates on photos!

When RCMP load the data, it would show dates and times I believe on the file info.


I just checked a photo I took last month and when I checked the properties, it shows not only the date but the time it was taken. However, there is the odd time I do turn on my date stamp for certain reasons so I guess the info is still recorded 'in the background' of my photos.

If LD never used the date stamp ever on his camera, it possibly wouldn't have a date to record. If he never set up that part of his camera when he got it, there'd be no way the camera would know that info.
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