Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #22

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The problem with Al's theory, which seems to involve Kam asking Bryer to accompany him on the spur of the moment and taking him away from Alberta, which is where Bryer allegedly wanted to go, is that Bryer had already told other relatives the day before about the trip to the Yukon.

Bryer waited until the last minute to tell his father he was leaving, despite knowing at least a day earlier, and Bryer lied to his dad about his destination.

I feel terrible for Al, but I don't think Bryer was unwillingly on this trip for a minute or was lied to about where they were going or was an unwilling/unwitting participant in any of the murders. Honestly, I think he can't accept that his son lied to him. MOO

Agreed. I mostly posted that quote because I thought it was interesting -- if it actually is true -- that Bryer and possibly Kam worked an entire night shift at Walmart immediately before they left. Seems like kind of an odd thing to do.
I think Al would have been able to see right through his plans which is why I believe Bryer lied to his father, and waited until the last minute.

I also suspect this is why. Because it doesn't really make much sense that he would tell the rest of his family where he was going, but then lie to his dad. Like if he lied to all of them that would be one thing. But lying to just his dad indicates...something...I'm not sure of what, but my best guess is that maybe he thought his dad would be immediately suspicious (and his dad did seem to think something was off anyway, based on his texts).
Agreed. I mostly posted that quote because I thought it was interesting -- if it actually is true -- that Bryer and possibly Kam worked an entire night shift at Walmart immediately before they left. Seems like kind of an odd thing to do.

Maybe Bryer told his father he was working when in reality he was just up, getting ready to leave.
The problem with Al's theory, which seems to involve Kam asking Bryer to accompany him on the spur of the moment and taking him away from Alberta, which is where Bryer allegedly wanted to go, is that Bryer had already told other relatives the day before about the trip to the Yukon. Bryer waited until the last minute to tell his father he was leaving, and Bryer lied to his dad about his destination. I feel terrible for Al, but I don't think Bryer was unwillingly on this trip for a minute or was lied to about where they were going or was an unwilling/unwitting participant in any of the murders. Honestly, I think he can't accept that his son lied to him. MOO
Yes to all of this. It definitely sounds as though Al is suggesting Kam deceived Bryer about the true purpose of this trip... sort of highjacked him. And I don’t think anything can be further from the truth. I’m sorry, I feel for the man as well, but his comments appear to be getting increasingly strange. JMHO
It's the norm for court-ordered treatment to be covered by provincial health care; however, before treatment can happen, a mental health assessment must take place to determine a diagnosis. If the clients disagree with the diagnosis, they quite often either refuse treatment or attend treatment sporadically. This can be problematic if they're out on bail, because the court can order them back to jail for breaking their parole. I believe this happened in this case.
Thanks for that!
That’s true, we used it in my family too... so this does make sense. Incidentally, and I’m not sure why, I’ve always thought it to be a comical saying.
Yes, I interpreted it as sarcastic humor. They had their parents approval to go searching for jobs out in the world when they were really out joy riding, (or thrill killing.) Imo
Yes to all of this. It definitely sounds as though Al is suggesting Kam deceived Bryer about the true purpose of this trip... sort of highjacked him. And I don’t think anything can be further from the truth. I’m sorry, I feel for the man as well, but his comments appear to be getting increasingly strange. JMHO

I think he just can't accept that his son willingly did this. I mean he knows he is responsible but wants it to be anyone elses fault but his sons. He likely sees his son as sweet and innocent, and it was something or someone else that caused him to make these decisions.
Maybe Bryer told his father he was working when in reality he was just up, getting ready to leave.

That actually makes more sense. (I guess the RCMP knows when exactly they quit.)

But again, that indicates even more that there was some reason why Bryer specifically wanted to limit his dad from knowing what was going on, while not taking those precautions with the rest of his family.

I think he just can't accept that his son willingly did this. I mean he knows he is responsible but wants it to be anyone elses fault but his sons. He likely sees his son as sweet and innocent, and it was something or someone else that caused him to make these decisions.

As I said, pretty standard in these cases...Sue Klebold has had much the same reaction....Remember, parents are biochemically programmed to always support their kids.
I think he just can't accept that his son willingly did this. I mean he knows he is responsible but wants it to be anyone elses fault but his sons. He likely sees his son as sweet and innocent, and it was something or someone else that caused him to make these decisions.
Oh I'm sure that's what it is, but at the end of the day, it's really not reasonable. I'm sure Kam's family saw their son as sweet and innocent and want to blame Bryer for leading him astray, but they haven't done so publicly, and that wouldn't be any more fair than Bryer's parent trying to lay all the blame on Kam, either. I feel terrible for all the families involved--both victims and suspects--but I think Al is just hurting himself by lashing out and ranting like this on YouTube comments. :(
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I think he just can't accept that his son willingly did this. I mean he knows he is responsible but wants it to be anyone elses fault but his sons. He likely sees his son as sweet and innocent, and it was something or someone else that caused him to make these decisions.
Of course, I’m sure of that too. Initially though he seemed to accept Bryer’s role, even if it was devastating. IMO
Once again, there is absolutely no evidence that Bryer was alienated from his mother. In fact, he was probably playing his entire family.

I must ask why folks are allowed to bash Bryer's mother, who is also considered to be a victim, but not his father? Seems rather a double standard. Perhaps because she's not telling her side of the story. The squeaky wheel always gets the attention.
He didn't live with his mother and her boyfriend, after he was brought back from Victoria, he lived with his grandmother. Also, on a separate note, I'm sure one of the reasons Bryer's mom held on to custody of her son was because Alan probably had to pay a monthly child support for Bryer until B turned 18 years.
Oh I'm sure that's what it is, but at the end of the day, it's really not reasonable. I'm sure Kam's family saw their son as sweet and innocent and want to blame Bryer for leading him astray, but they haven't done so publicly, and that wouldn't be any more fair than Bryer's parent trying to lay on the blame on Kam, either. I feel terrible for all the families involved--both victims and suspects--but I think Al is just hurting himself by lashing out and ranting like this on YouTube comments. :(

I think if he wants to make a difference, instead of on youtube, maybe advocate for better mental health services, for improved parental and children rights.
Agreed. I mostly posted that quote because I thought it was interesting -- if it actually is true -- that Bryer and possibly Kam worked an entire night shift at Walmart immediately before they left. Seems like kind of an odd thing to do.
Yes odd.... work through the night, go gun shopping at Cabela’s, then drive God knows how many hours. Unless they were on something. JMO
Could also be that every time they stop at some gas station/convenience store, he grabs a toiletry bag or something so he can wash up, brush his teeth etc. IMO
In the remote areas of the Canadian north, many gas stations have showering capability, and even residents of areas who don't have water access use the showers at the gas stations. Its common, so to me their 'cleanliness' is not relevant, that and the fact that it was August and the lakes, streams and rivers were warm enough to clean up in, at least till Manitoba.
I also suspect this is why. Because it doesn't really make much sense that he would tell the rest of his family where he was going, but then lie to his dad. Like if he lied to all of them that would be one thing. But lying to just his dad indicates...something...I'm not sure of what, but my best guess is that maybe he thought his dad would be immediately suspicious (and his dad did seem to think something was off anyway, based on his texts).
And I doubt this is the first lie he’s told his father. IMO
Of course, I’m sure of that too. Initially though he seemed to accept Bryer’s role, even if it was devastating. IMO

He said in a recent Youtube comment that he accepted Bryer's role in this. I think he's just saying that it never would have happened if not for Kam's influence, ie. Kam had the vehicle, money, gun license, knowledge of the area, probably came up with the plan, etc. I think this whole thing was a mutual decision but I do think Kam was the leader. (And I think the RCMP may also suspect Kam was the leader but they aren't going to come out and say it without definitive evidence.)

Plus I think he's having difficulty getting past the fact of Kam shooting Bryer, and sees that as evidence of Kam being the one in control. Personally, I think that whole assisted suicide thing was Bryer's idea.
In the remote areas of the Canadian north, many gas stations have showering capability, and even residents of areas who don't have water access use the showers at the gas stations. Its common, so to me their 'cleanliness' is not relevant, that and the fact that it was August and the lakes, streams and rivers were warm enough to clean up in, at least till Manitoba.
It’s only relevant since my post was in response to a discussion about what Bryer may have been holding in his hand, not really whether they were showering or not.
I think he just can't accept that his son willingly did this. I mean he knows he is responsible but wants it to be anyone elses fault but his sons. He likely sees his son as sweet and innocent, and it was something or someone else that caused him to make these decisions.
Well, it's a normal reaction but he really shouldn't have kept doing all those interviews. He's not doing himself any good. People are beginning to get angry and disgusted with him.
It's very hurtful for the families of the victims to hear him go on and on about his loss and how his son's life was cut short and he's not in pain anymore when their loved ones had no choice and actually enjoyed living their lives.

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