CANADA - Lucas Fowler & Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #5

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Because if a person had helped them, purposely or unknowingly, and they think the police think it was all a midunderstanding or an accident and they won't be in trouble for it, then they might be more likely to come forward and talk
Also a lot of people don't do news or have cable or use internet .
Firstly we dont even know if there is a leader follower dynamic between them and personalyl I kinda doubt it
Secondly since we know next to nothing about KM, anything we know about BS cant be put in its proper context to tell us anything about their relationship.

Theres no basis for comparison. KM could be way more violent and disturbed than BS, or he could be more into pokemon than camoflague and 'along for the ride' so to speak. Really no way to tell.

I disagree. There is always a power dynamic in every relationship, no matter how subtle.

It is never 50/50.
I disagree. There is always a power dynamic in every relationship, no matter how subtle.

It is never 50/50.
Not saying its 50/50 but is 55/45 a leader follower dynamic?
is 60/40?
70/ 30 where do you draw the line?

Also thats an oversimplification, power dynamics are much more complex than that.

But im not trying to defend any certain view, this is pure speculation on everyones part really lol
Someone, days ago maybe, speculated LE was looking for stolen cars but maybe they just got on bicycles. Maybe was a joke idk.

I was going to mention this earlier but didnt seem relevant. Hasnt really changed but everyone speculating about mind state and relationship between the 2 etc thought might be interesting

In interview with BS father where he says he doesnt drive, wasnt nurtured etc, he also mentions BS doesnt know how to ride a bike

Same, though I was thinking more of ATV(s), lots of hunters up there. An ATV is much easier to steal than a car and something someone might not realize is missing right away.

Bicycle, ATV, dirtbike, etc
The surveillance video (here:
) shows two young men who are trying to look calm and unobtrusive. BS definitely looks somewhat more on edge. KM looks slightly, every so slightly, annoyed. He may even have had a thought about being on camera.

The unnecessary coat buttoning gesture by BS is a mark of anxiety and a desire to keep in costume, to keep in persona. If they were just in the store, not on video, an onlooker would wonder what they are doing there - they don't seem to be looking for much in particular.

At 0:11 there's a look of slight anguish and concern on KM's face. The hand in the pocket is a gesture of nonchalance, but his face is anything but. I agree he looks stressed there. His gaze is on some point slightly to his left and downward, but really, it's an inward gaze.

There's a bit of relief as they leave the store. Did they have robbery in mind? BS may have something in his hand. I don't see any evidence of severe lack of sleep or bug bites. Does KM have something in his pocket? BS looks a bit more tired and distracted than his companion.

It's clear KM is leading in this foray into the store (and maybe in general). I am leaving aside any diagnosis of "joint psychosis" because I don't see any evidence for it. But, if there are disagreements or the need for sudden decision making, they may function better as a couple if each of them knows their role and one of them makes the snap decisions.

Either of them can behave impulsively and should be expected to be very unpredictable. They look less anxious than I would have expected, given the circumstances.
Pretty sure it belongs to KM’s family, as BS’s father reported in a news video his son doesn’t know how to drive...

I think it did belong to KM's family, but I don't think BS father knew his son enough to say that BS didn't know how to drive.. Maybe he didn't have a drivers license, but a guy that age usually can drive.. and if not, they sure made some distance pretty fast for just one of them driving consistently without sleeping, instead of one sleeping while one was driving and swapping when the other was tired so they could travel non stop.
Same, thought I was thinking more of ATV(s), lots of hunters up there. An ATV is much easier to steal than a car and something someone might not realize is missing right away.

Bicycle, ATV, dirtbike, etc
yeah but if you cant drive a car or ride a bicycle, how will you fare on a dirtbike

Edit: SiciC thats a good point. If he didnt know before hes prolly learning. Though if hes not experienced his driving could draw attention. who knows tho, his father didnt seem to know him well
Also a lot of people don't do news or have cable or use internet .

Well most people hear things by word of mouth if nothing else unless they're completely living under a rock... Word about something like this in an area like that travels fast whether you have tv and internet or not. I dont think anyone around there could miss the sudden massive police presence, or ignore it and not ask why
I spent teenage summers on Lake of the Woods, which Keewatin and Kenora are on. Nothing intimidating about it. Indeed, lots of very wealthy Canadians and Americans. Great yacht club that produced one of Canada’s Olympic sailors. One or two islands to get lost on; specifically 14,500 of them, and straddles the border.

I didn't say the wilderness was intimidating. What I said was that I believe the suspects would find cities intimidating. I also said that the wilderness was just too remote and desolate for my sustained liking. I've lived in a big city all my life, and I grew up in a working-class family so we couldn't afford a cottage in the country. In my misspent youth, I was not among the wealthy Canadians of which you speak. For people like me, the wilderness is unfamiliar. Perhaps we're hopelessly alienated from nature. :) At any rate, I get the distinct impression these two suspects would be fish out of water in a city such as Vancouver or Toronto.
And they have been best friends since they were quite young--I believe Bryer's dad mentioned they were basically inseparable since elementary school.

Just for your info, I saw suggestions in the press today that for a lengthy period McLeod and Schmegelsky in fact didn’t spend a lot of time together. Not sure what the truth is at this point. I don’t consider Schmegelsky’s father particularly reliable.
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How do you think they may have changed their appearance? KM I could see shaving off the facial hair, BS may be blond or bald? I mean, there just doesnt seem like a lot of ways for these two to change things up drastically.

Their clothes as witnessed in the latest video, should be thrown out and burned.
I think BS has a more feminine face, and a long wig would suffice, to look like a female.
Female attire could be purchased.
KM removing his facial hair, wearing a cap, altering the colour of any hair visible, and these together could fool people nearby.
This would be a way, of buying supplies to exist as they move about.
Also, entering places, incognito, as above, but as an individual, not being seen together, then meeting again at their assigned place: to avoid being seen together, even in a disguise.
How far south? It would be difficult, if not impossible, for them to cross the border into the US. If they were to go south and remain in Canada, they would likely avoid large cities. I say that because they've been keen on venturing into remote wilderness. They seem to be comfortable with it. Would they change tack now?

JMO, they could hide much easier in a BIG city right out in the open, in big cities stealing a vehicle would be easier, many vehicles available in a city. Much easier to blend in in a city.
In the area they were last seen in, they would stand out. Small town folks pay attention to any newcomers to their area. They live in remote parts, they watch out for each other, the closest police are often several hours away.
Cities have cell service and stores where they could buy hair dye and different clothes...if they have cash?
If they are no longer in Gillam they could be in downtown Toronto by now?? JMO
Their clothes as witnessed in the latest video, should be thrown out and burned.
I think BS has a more feminine face, and a long wig would suffice, to look like a female.
Female attire could be purchased.
KM removing his facial hair, wearing a cap, altering the colour of any hair visible, and these together could fool people nearby.
This would be a way, of buying supplies to exist as they move about.
Also, entering places, incognito, as above, but as an individual, not being seen together, then meeting again at their assigned place: to avoid being seen together, even in a disguise.
Something tells me BS isnt the type to do drag, even for survival
And have a feeling wigs not easy to come by in northern canada
I suppose its possible theyve planned this all out for months or years
But I really get the feeling it much more spontaneous than that. Maybe they had a general idea of what they were gonna do but I dont think they planned for every eventuality. I concede its possible but it seems unlikely, they are not bond villians they are teenagers who spend alot of time on the internet.

Them eluding LE doesnt necessarily mean anything besides they are lucky, and LE is not all powerful
yeah but if you cant drive a car or ride a bicycle, how will you fare on a dirtbike

Edit: SiciC thats a good point. If he didnt know before hes prolly learning. Though if hes not experienced his driving could draw attention. who knows tho, his father didnt seem to know him well

I drove a dirtbike long before could drive a car, its not uncommon in small towns for kids to have their own dirt bike or atv at a young age.

Just because his dad didn't teach him to ride a bike doesn't mean the dude never learned. Seems like he learned lots of new tricks his dad never taught him, like how to murder people... xD
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