CANADA - Lucas Fowler & Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #5

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Pure speculation, dont think I believe this myself but wonder what you think:

They set out actually with the intention of looking for work, not necessarily murder or crime at all, thought of themselves as badasses because of the media they chose, testosterone etc, thought the couple was an easy mark to make a few bucks on a dark night, something went awry and couple is killed. panic sets in and they flee, kill the man in carjacking gone wrong, continue to flee in a panic.

Variables on the above
-"looking for work" could have been robbery or some sort of crime from the get go, so they could be prepared and have weapons (obvs they do) but somehow things dont go as planned and their actions now are still motivated by panic on some level
-possibly they killed the man purposefully thinking him some sort of witness, or thinking already in too deep etc.

idk something just doesnt add up to me about them going on a killing spree or murder being its own motivation, or there would be more violence? Possible there are victims we dont know about yet but it seems theyve had alot of opportunities to harm more people, or put a better way they seem to be trying to hide not going on a rampage, idk just thinking aloud really
That's where I keep going with this too, if they set out to be big shot high profile murderers, why wait so long and why drive so far? Someone up thread mentioned they could have been robbing the van thinking it was empty (that happens ALL the time on the highways here!) and when surprised by LF & CD inside they panicked. If they were driving up the highway robbing abandoned vehicles the whole way up it could also account their gun possession? Id think they'd be pretty stoked about getting their hands on a gun and after that they'd be hitting up every vehicle they come across..?
Exactly. They are children. I have kids their ages. There is just NO WAY kids this age can mastermind a plan and not get caught....or die. Their brains are not fully formed for it.

It's funny how most of society tends to view people of the same age as kids if they're victims or adults if they're perps.

But I think there's a reason for that.

I was watching one of those Evil Lives Here programs last night. I didn't finish it but I think it was about a teen mass murderer. His mother was talking about his life since he was a child.

Certain people just think differently. More calculated. Less fear.

This kid at a young age kept getting up in the middle of the night and doing things like stabbing all the dining room table seat backs and then carefully covering them with clear plastic. Or standing with a knife above his older brother's head. Or shaving a bar of soap with a knife on the floor of his parents' bedroom.

Many kids are sacred of the dark. They're scared to be roaming around at night alone, with no lights on.

But not a little psychopath. Much like their future counterparts who relish stalking around homes at night and killing barking, protective dogs (instead of fearing them) and breaking right into homes, disabling the men in them and murdering everybody, instead of fearing what weaponry might be there or that a man in the house could overpower them.

While psychopathology doesn't result in a more developed frontal lobe, some of the things that make it impossible for most teens to mastermind a murder spree and then hide, might not be as hard for a kid who is a psychopath. They don't operate with the same human emotions of empathy and fear. They don;t get scared by things like being out in the wilderness in the pitch dark. They don't tend to fear death as much. They feel more confident about their abilities as a result of what they've accomplished due to their lack of fear.

I remember the age I was at when I realized my parents couldn't truly control me. And that I had a lot more power than I previously thought.

I think psychopaths get there much earlier than most.
According to, the following is one of the requirements for driving with a learner's:

"Supervisor age 25+ with a valid Class 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 licence. He or she must sit beside you in the front passenger seat."

Let's be honest, these 2 have already proven they don't care about laws or lives, if you're willing to murder someone, you're probably okay driving a stolen getaway vehicle illegally with only a G1
Satellite makes reasonably fast internet reasonably affordable in the north and a lot of people have it. Xplornet’s basic satellite package in for a Gillam, MB postal code is $60/mo for 5 Mbps which is enough to stream HD video. Source: enter a Gillam MB postal code at to see what plans are available.

I had Xplornet for my summer place in rural Newfoundland. Like hell, you can stream HD video. Join Xplornet if you want a hands-on lesson on buffering.

Otherwise, I agree with you :)
What is the motive, I keep thinking?

I have thought that perhaps, it's not improbable, that they stopped to speak with Lucas and Chynna, and suddenly realized that these two were precisely the reason they themselves never got along in their world, and may never get along.

Two good looking foreigners, with money to travel, love to spare, obviously having had all the advantages so far denied to K and B ( in their way of thinking ) having the nerve to travel on Canada's highways, without a care in the world, while they have to scrabble for work, and food, with no heft up by parents, etc, . All the usual stuff.

From then on, it 's been open slather, nothin' to lose, and what the hell..
IMO what if:
1. No crime was planned and did indeed go to Whitehorse for work but that didn’t pan out. 2. Drove back frustrated and saw a young couple and maybe hoped to party with them or get drugs and booze. 3. Whatever reason things went south, killing the couple. 4. Decide to head back west when they saw the Rav4 with camping equipment and it was a crime of opportunity to hide their trail since they would eventually be linked to the death of the couple. 5. As a result headed East but with no real plan.
IMO anyway.
In that simple scenario, they were indeed looking for jobs in Alberta and Yukon.

But they came across a blue van parked on the side of the highway, very early morning of July 15.
yeah, lonely disaffected white teens with few friends who have interest in far right ideologies are absolutely the murder-spree type. I mean whenever I hear about some sort of shooting on the news I sortof assume its someone who loosely fits that description and usually turns out to be so. That said this seems to be missing alot of those hallmarks so I don wonder if this is more of a crime of opportunity gone wrong type of thing. Unless there are in fact more victims or they are planning something bigger or some sort of 'grand finale' Idk seems one or the other seems best candidates for truth given evidence we have

edit: response to post 532 I think KM might come from money. seemed like he had a nice big house at least, idk tho just going off one blurry screencap
But at what timestamp does he pick up the item?
Not shown; as the video starts, both arms are up fiddling with buttons, He could’ve already put the item in his sleeve (prevented from falling out by his button-fiddling) and when he faces away from camera, he lets his arm lower, then grabs the item and brings up to chest level... what I don’t get is if he’s concealing the item in his sleeve, why not just leave it there and exit the store (?)
I'm wondering if the RCMP actually believe they've left the area, or they're saying they've left the area to relieve pressure and let the guys come out and make a mistake.

Canadian police have used a tactic before where they make the suspect believe that they are far away searching some backwater town for them, but really they are hot on the trail.

I can't remember what case it was, having a massive brain fart here. But everybody was shocked when they caught the guy hundreds of miles away and it turned out they were following him all along. Or the RCMP could be way off the mark lol
Just who won that battle of whether to enter the store or not has all the appearance of Kam , his snarky face, he is very pleased with himself, and Bryer is playing the part of the minder, with a great deal of undirected defiance.
Touche'. Said succinctly! I agree with your whole post.
Sorry if this has been said already, I was out all day and just got in so hard to catch up... Maybe it's just me but in the Co-Op video Kam looks like the leader and Bryer the mopey tag along. Just got the impression Kam in the dominant one maybe.
I really like your comment, but I do think these two may be exceptional. I'm not saying they are geniuses, but it's a myth that all 18 year old brains are immature. I've seen 18 year olds (and younger) make outrageously complicated plans and carry out some major part of it.

I don't think they have a "master plan," but I do think they had an overall plan, and it evolved as they drove.
I'm sorry I have to respectfully disagree. There is a large amount of scientific data which all points to the fact that brain development continues well into a persons twenties and in some cases, their thirties. It is also very different from person to person. Exposure to large alcohol consumption has been proven to delay development, as does exposure to traumatic anxiety or emotional turmoil at a young age, for example. There are lots of scientific articles freely available online which supports this.
However, at no stage am I suggesting that these two males are affected by this. Only a trained skilled professional should do that after consulting with them.
JMO, they could hide much easier in a BIG city right out in the open, in big cities stealing a vehicle would be easier, many vehicles available in a city. Much easier to blend in in a city.
In the area they were last seen in, they would stand out. Small town folks pay attention to any newcomers to their area. They live in remote parts, they watch out for each other, the closest police are often several hours away.
Cities have cell service and stores where they could buy hair dye and different clothes...if they have cash?
If they are no longer in Gillam they could be in downtown Toronto by now?? JMO

I respectfully disagree. Since 9/11, cities have been places of intense social paranoia. Last year, Toronto had the Incel lunatic and the Danforth shooter. New York has had countless scares, and London has had its fair share of terror incidents, not be mention a seemingly endless wave of knife attacks in broad daylight. In my experience, most city dwellers these days keeps close tabs on the news and walk around with their heads on a swivel, their loonies-and-violence radar highly attuned. And there are millions of us, that many more human sensors that can detect the presence of a fugitive interloper.

Besides, you have to ask whether these suspects would be comfortable in a city. I think they'd be extremely anxious every time they heard a siren, which would be often, and perhaps every time they passed another person in the street, which would be even more often.
Satellite makes reasonably fast internet reasonably affordable in the north and a lot of people have it. Xplornet’s basic satellite package in for a Gillam, MB postal code is $60/mo for 5 Mbps which is enough to stream HD video. Source: enter a Gillam MB postal code at to see what plans are available.

That plan is for "up to 5 Mbps", which in these parts (N. ON) is only .02 Mbps. If you complain that it's too slow, you will be told that it's within the allowable range.
Here’s the relevant snip from the article... I’m glad I found it; I’ve looked thru so many articles but this local Alberni paper is the one with this specific info:
Both McLeod and Schmegelsky were said to have graduated from VAST, an alternative school in Port Alberni, over the last two years.

Here, in AU, the alternative school thing is , overwhelmingly geared to the misfit, the one who wont go to regular school and can't be trusted to wander the streets at whim and at will. Not that there seems to be any kind of force involved in making the child get off to school, but it does tend to keep some of them occupied.

It is, basically, babysitting for an older crew. That they didn't get along at high school has all the elements to not get along at 'alternative ' school, except , every one isn't 'getting along'.

The hours of schooling are usually shorter, and less number of days attendance is required. There seems to be a lot of 'excursions'. Is it the same there in Port Alberni?..

While I gather Port Alberni isn't a big population, it must have a reasonable amount of kids opting out to maintain an alternative school as well as the regular one, is this how it goes?
They probably knew someone Gillam. Lots of workers from BC, AB worked in the Keeyask hydroelectric project. You will find videos on YouTube for an idea.

This is my best guess:

They first went to Red Deer, AB where one has a relative.
Then they went towards Whitehorse, but came across Lucas/Chynna.

After murdering them, they either laid low in the Watson Lake area for 3 days, or actually went to Whitehorse.

Then they panicked, burned their truck, murdered Prof. Dyck to steal his SUV, and headed to Saskatchewan where one has a relative.

They panicked again, and decided to hide in Gillam, where they know someone.
No, they didn't. There is a clear timeline for them, your theory does not fit into the time to travel up those roads to Liard or Dease Lake.
They probably knew someone Gillam. Lots of workers from BC, AB worked in the Keeyask hydroelectric project. You will find videos on YouTube for an idea.

This is my best guess:

They first went to Red Deer, AB where one has a relative.
Then they went towards Whitehorse, but came across Lucas/Chynna.

After murdering them, they either laid low in the Watson Lake area for 3 days, or actually went to Whitehorse.

Then they panicked, burned their truck, murdered Prof. Dyck to steal his SUV, and headed to Saskatchewan where one has a relative.

They panicked again, and decided to hide in Gillam, where they know someone.

The video surveillance of them in Meadow Lake Saskatchewan was after the murders of Lucas, Chynna and Professor Dyck, right? They look cool as ice to me. Not one thing in their bodies nor faces says "panicked" IMO. They look fully controlled and super calm.

I find them scary as hell.
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