Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #8

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Attention map makers:

Some Split Lake and York Landing residents think the suspects walked down the railway line (60+ miles away in Fox Lake) and then took the winter roads or paths to access electricity pylons to get to York Landing....

OK, give us what ya got....

Yes, if they were in York Landing, that route seems most logical now. I hope someone will check routes to Ilford, War Lake Cree Nation.

RCMP was checking trains between Gillam and Churchill, but imagine they hopped on board south of Nelson River.
I wasn't. I think you're missing my point. First of all, Bryer's "camo" is not military camo, IMO. It's just exactly the kind of camo that is bought at malls and surplus outlets all around North America. Including Vancouver. I see it worn by teens at malls, in National Parks (including Canadian ones) and so on. The fabric with which Bryer's outfit seems to be made does not resemble (nor does it fit like) the camo I see on actual military (I live near a base and I have students who wear camo to class - which, btw, used not to be allowed by the base, it is, and it's hard to tell real military from fashion military, except of course, the fabric is much more densely woven and the fit is designed for more things to be worn under it).

"Full camo" looks like this to me:


We haven't seen the lower half of Bryer's body, but the top lacks the hood, the waist construction and neck cover of full camo. So yes, Bryer's camo (bought by his father at a surplus store or mall, IMO) is exactly what I see on campus, in the mall (a lot, more often than on campus) or at the grocery store. It is almost always 17-22 year olds wearing it.

Certainly, there are other full camo styles, but the hokey buttons on Bryers do not look military to me. Since it's pretty important to me to distinguish between military and others, when I see them, I try to pay attention. There's a more tropical camo too (popular here in the SoCal desert and there's desert camo). The pattern on Bryer's camo doesn't look like any of these nor does it have a flap on the buttons or on the zipper. Actually, his looks a lot like one for sale on Amazon.

Ultimately, I suppose both the military and civilians are buying Made in China camo, but the military style usually has pockets on the sleeves, a sturdy placket to protect the buttons (also helps not get hung up in brush, etc).

Anyway, we can agree to disagree. Perhaps it's just the ill fitting nature of Bryer's camo and the fact his dad says he got it for Christmas that makes me think of the kids in the mall.

Yes we have seen the lower half of his body. He is wearing a full military outfit. It's very apparent as he is walking through the store. It looks pretty indistinguishable to me from my brothers' old army uniforms:


I've never seen that outfit at any mall. And it looks pretty much the same as a Canadian military outfit.

I copied the photo from the link you yourself provided that you used to prove that this is a fashion choice and not evidence of a certain mentality. The link you provided shows what I would sort of expect to see at malls. Not a uniform, which is what he is wearing in the video: A complete uniform except no hat.

If it was just the jacket I would see your point more.

And while I don't think wearing camoflauge styles indicates a criminal mindset, I do think wearing what looks like a full uniform may be indicative of a certain mindset as I described in my last post. I don't think the original poster's point is laughable or stupid and cannot be compared to the discussion of dogs wearing cute little harnesses or whatever nor to the photo you linked to of fashions that aren't remotely similar.

I am defending the original post because I do think that there are things that sometimes stand out and are often commonalities, about young spree and mass murderers, that are interesting to note.

To me, it looks like he thinks he's in a war and that he's some sort of tough soldier or militia man.


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Somehow, I think they would know that the reflective thermal blankets are good for hiding from the FLIR.

I think so too, if they were into survival gaming (the playing in the woods kind, especially). There are other simple techniques, too, but in case they're lurking, I won't mention them. The foil blanket thing is pretty widely known.
Yes, I think they’re smarter than we might want to give them credit for.

I think they are smart enough to be sure but I don’t believe they are still at large as a result of any “smarts” they have. That’s one reason it’s hard to pin them down, they are simply reacting to each situation more than thinking. The only “smart” thing they did was head somewhere extremely remote as police don’t generally train for that extreme of scenario. The rest of it is dumb luck playing a part in it, as does the rarity of crimes in this nature.
Wow...when I finally forced myself to go to bed last night, at least an hour later than I should have, I was almost certain that I would awake this morning to the news that BS and KM had been taken, either alive or dead. Now, some 14 hours after getting up to no news this morning, I come home and catch up, to find that not only have they not been found, but it seems likely that the entire sighting may have been a false alarm. I was sure this would be them and the "game" would be over.

And like that isn't enough, 30+ pages into thread #8, and it seems we are back on thread #1, discussing how LF and CD were killed, whether gun violence means they were shot, whether BS and KM are just a couple of good boys, whatever happened to the bearded man, and we are even debating the license plate on the van again. I feel like I am lost in an episode of Twin Peaks. All that is missing is the Log Lady and the backward-speaking midget. I will say we could really use Agent Dale Cooper right about now. Sigh....
Any chance their family would have provided LE with clothing worn by someone totally different?

If the RCMP are as crack as people here say they are, then that wouldn't happen.

Dogs make mistakes all the time, though, or don't have enough of a sample to really do a good job. An old sneaker would be great. I'm guessing the family was a little taken aback by the search warrants and might not have thought in advance about hiding stuff (if they intended to try and protect their boys). I would expect that RCMP would have just shown up at the door, as soon as they had the warrant issued.

Then, these sneakers and socks (or whatever) either have to accompany dogs throughout this search (did they even have dogs in York Landing?). An old jacket would be great. There would need to be at least two dogs, I'd think (and it rained last night in York Landing, so...)

Finding people in the wilderness is really hard.
So there is another suspect in the murder of the couple? RCMP receive tips on Texas murder suspect in connection with northern B.C. double homicide
This makes no sense. If KM and BM didn’t kill the couple than why burn their own truck only to kill LD for his car?

They may or my not have killed the couple.

Could be their vehicle broke down. It’s possible to conclude that Kam and Byrer broke down and ambushed the next driver they could. Somewhere in all this press someone talks about one man jumping out in the roadway.

I would suspect Mr. Dyck either stopped to assist or pick up a “lone” hitchhiker” and he was overpowered. Who knows, they haven’t said, he could have had a heart attack from the trauma or been run over.

If their vehicle couldn’t be moved it made sense to throw what they could in his vehicle and destroy any evidence of them in the vicinity. Although the vehicle couldn’t be totally destroyed, it did destroy their prints, scent (for tracking) and any personal items they had to leave behind.
I still believe the sighting, there would be no reason for them to lie. If they really saw two tall slender white guys in that area, one wearing camo... an area accessible by foot through multiple routes from Gillam, foraging the dump. It just all adds up and makes too much sense for it to be a coincidence IMO.

So there is another suspect in the murder of the couple? RCMP receive tips on Texas murder suspect in connection with northern B.C. double homicide
This makes no sense. If KM and BM didn’t kill the couple than why burn their own truck only to kill LD for his car?

This never really made any sense to me.. why would a guy who's running from LE trying to stay low murder two people in BC? From what i've read it sounds like he's wanted for a single murder in the states, its not like we're talking about a serial killer where this fits a pattern or anything
In my mind go back to the burned out RAV4 and think forward. I keep going back and forth about the train escape route as they would stick out like sore thumbs on a passenger train full of tourists heading to Churchill. But a freight car would certainly do the trick if they found the right place to jump on and getting out of the region as it just seems to be full of dead ends and water.

There doesn't seem any way to head east from where we last saw them but I can't help but think that they are more comfortable with the known areas in the westward direction. I also recall BS father said they had family in the Saskatchewan area so there might be some info from prior trips that might serve them well in terms of places to hide.

Just seems like the RAV4 wouldn't have been burned if there wasn't a plan in place to advance their mission.

AS is from Estevan. He said that in an interview. Another relative is in a town near Yorkton. We know nothing about KM.

Police should be aware of family member locations by now, if the families are cooperating.
It may well be that RCMP are not divulging this, but it has concerned me that not even discarded rubbish from these blokes has been picked up, by human or dog .. wrappers, from MRE's, evidence of small fires, useless pieces of clothing.. , and let's say, they are , as Alan (the Dad ) claims , 'masters' at bushmanship, no one has picked up the remains of birds, or animals they are eating, chewed bones, smouldering cooking fires, even their waste product, .. it's as if they are passing over the land , hovering about 3 feet above ground, ingesting nothing, eliminating nothing, needing nothing, ..

And all this is Perfect, Spectacular health, no broken bones, no debilitating coughing, no gastro enteric problems, no minor accidents, ( a stubbed toe, a stick in the eye, a burn of the hand ) …

But trooper it is possible that police have not gone in the bush to search. Just in fields, railway tracks, etc
And like that isn't enough, 30+ pages into thread #8, and it seems we are back on thread #1, discussing how LF and CD were killed, whether gun violence means they were shot, whether BS and KM are just a couple of good boys, whatever happened to the bearded man, and we are even debating the license plate on the van again. I feel like I am lost in an episode of Twin Peaks. All that is missing is the Log Lady and the backward-speaking midget. I will say we could really use Agent Dale Cooper right about now. Sigh....[/QUOTE]

Yes, its Groundhog Day here unfortunately!
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Wow...when I finally forced myself to go to bed last night, at least an hour later than I should have, I was almost certain that I would awake this morning to the news that BS and KM had been taken, either alive or dead. Now, some 14 hours after getting up to no news this morning, I come home and catch up, to find that not only have they not been found, but it seems likely that the entire sighting may have been a false alarm. I was sure this would be them and the "game" would be over.

And like that isn't enough, 30+ pages into thread #8, and it seems we are back on thread #1, discussing how LF and CD were killed, whether gun violence means they were shot, whether BS and KM are just a couple of good boys, whatever happened to the bearded man, and we are even debating the license plate on the van again. I feel like I am lost in an episode of Twin Peaks. All that is missing is the Log Lady and the backward-speaking midget. I will say we could really use Agent Dale Cooper right about now. Sigh....

They do like a mighty fine (free) cup of coffee.
Yes we have seen the lower half of his body. He is wearing a full military outfit. It's very apparent as he is walking through the store. It looks pretty indistinguishable to me from my brothers' old army uniforms:

View attachment 195714

I've never seen that outfit at any mall. And it looks pretty much the same as a Canadian military outfit.

To me, it looks like he thinks he's in a war and that he's some sort of tough soldier or militia man.

I am not disputing that he may well think (or thought - I'm of the view that it is very much past tense) that he's a tough soldier. I don't think he thinks he's a military man. And the uniform you posted looks like the real military camo I see (the arm pockets, the durable plackets, the stiff material that will truly resist thorns and brush).

I don't think Bryer's looks like that.

Trust me, I don't like seeing camo in public. I think it does speak to a certain mindset, but it's exceedingly popular and only rarely associated with criminality. I wish they hadn't started letting the local military rank and file wear theirs everywhere (as I said, they didn't used to, and it feels threatening and it makes others emulate them and it is hard to tell them all apart).
@otto - do you have an updated map of their movements and occurrences? I've been searching the threads but can't find the ones where you've listed the date and occurrence...

This is what I have so far, happy to add more info


"Their SUV was found torched near Gillam, Manitoba, on July 22, police said Wednesday."

Suspects' SUV confirmed - Canada News
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