Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #8

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@otto do you think it makes sense for them to head south or head back west?

Assuming they were in Gillam and didn't head to location where RCMP has now been for 2 days, it seems like they could have had a decent jump on getting south IMO. I would think they would want to head for less hostile terrain and even get back in a vehicle.

We've learned alot about winter road/transmission line trails etc. and these alternative paths offer some choice of direction. But you have to wonder about the physical toll of what has been going on has done to the 2 suspects! Sure they are young and healthy but the terrain is punishing.

Or many here seemed to think that Churchill was something that might make sense to the 2 suspects (to me its a terminal point of no return but perhaps they thought a water escape might be doable IDK?).

Just praying for no more violence.

Churchill offers boat and train access.
My bet would be winnipeg
I wasn't. I think you're missing my point. First of all, Bryer's "camo" is not military camo, IMO. It's just exactly the kind of camo that is bought at malls and surplus outlets all around North America. Including Vancouver.
Anyway, we can agree to disagree. Perhaps it's just the ill fitting nature of Bryer's camo and the fact his dad says he got it for Christmas that makes me think of the kids in the mall.

You are probably right that the camo BS is wearing is mall based clothing.

But I'm not so sure that where the camo was purchased from in this particular case is the issue.

Rather my suspicion is that the camo motif and 'look' has meaning to BS on some deep level.

Sure he might have preferred your 100% correct Royal Canadian get up but he had access to the mall and a surplus supply store selling knock off goods made in China.

But in his mind IMO BS is kitted out like a soldier and he looks to be quite determined on his mission, even if we have yet to understand precisely what that mission might be!
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I wonder if they hit Mr D with their vehicle.There was a large dent in the roof.They might have panicked when they found he had been killed.I’m still not definitely linking the two crimes together,especially with an unknown person seen by the van.

I have wondered about the roof being caved in myself! Add it to the list of 1001 questions without answers.
Attention map makers:

Some Split Lake and York Landing residents think the suspects walked down the railway line (60+ miles away in Fox Lake) and then took the winter roads or paths to access electricity pylons to get to York Landing....

OK, give us what ya got....
I wasn't. I think you're missing my point. First of all, Bryer's "camo" is not military camo, IMO. It's just exactly the kind of camo that is bought at malls and surplus outlets all around North America. Including Vancouver. I see it worn by teens at malls, in National Parks (including Canadian ones) and so on. The fabric with which Bryer's outfit seems to be made does not resemble (nor does it fit like) the camo I see on actual military (I live near a base and I have students who wear camo to class - which, btw, used not to be allowed by the base, it is, and it's hard to tell real military from fashion military, except of course, the fabric is much more densely woven and the fit is designed for more things to be worn under it).

"Full camo" looks like this to me:


We haven't seen the lower half of Bryer's body, but the top lacks the hood, the waist construction and neck cover of full camo. So yes, Bryer's camo (bought by his father at a surplus store or mall, IMO) is exactly what I see on campus, in the mall (a lot, more often than on campus) or at the grocery store. It is almost always 17-22 year olds wearing it.

Certainly, there are other full camo styles, but the hokey buttons on Bryers do not look military to me. Since it's pretty important to me to distinguish between military and others, when I see them, I try to pay attention. There's a more tropical camo too (popular here in the SoCal desert and there's desert camo). The pattern on Bryer's camo doesn't look like any of these nor does it have a flap on the buttons or on the zipper. Actually, his looks a lot like one for sale on Amazon.

Ultimately, I suppose both the military and civilians are buying Made in China camo, but the military style usually has pockets on the sleeves, a sturdy placket to protect the buttons (also helps not get hung up in brush, etc).

Anyway, we can agree to disagree. Perhaps it's just the ill fitting nature of Bryer's camo and the fact his dad says he got it for Christmas that makes me think of the kids in the mall.

DBM. It does look like some miltary camo. It's not a sweatshirt, nor is it a bunnyhug
If the initial story of the 2 suspects foraging for food at the dump is correct then they were desparate to eat. If they had somehow made it from Gillam via a combo of walking and ride that was one long trek that took a ton of energy IMO.

Also, how much sense would it make to travel heavy over such a distance? They probably have the clothes they started with along with the same shoes and not much else IMO.

If York Landing was a false sighting, I always wondered about the location of the RAV4 bonfire and was curious if they had managed to secure a vehicle in advance of burning the RAV4, torched the RAV4 and took off in another vehicle?
I also think this scenario is highly likely, as they’d done it w their truck when taking the Rav4. Now my question is, what route is least conspicuous, and to which major city?
RCMP described the murders as "gun violence," NSW Detectives said they were shot.
A gun was used to shoot bullets into the first two victims. That resulted in their deaths.

"Two NSW homicide detectives will act as family liaisons after the son of one of the state’s top officers and his girlfriend were found dead along a Canadian highway.

They confirmed on Saturday that Fowler and his American girlfriend, Chynna Noelle Deese, were shot dead on Monday on the Alaska highway, 20km south of Liard Hot Springs, British Columbia."​

NSW police to assist family after death of Sydney man Lucas Fowler in Canada

Interesting. Is the use of the phrase "gun violence" just an effort to be vague or unduly polite? Also, I could be wrong but I thought determination of a cause of death is generally left up to a coroner, isn't it? An entire night passed between the last time the victims were seen and when their bodies were discovered. Theoretically, anything could have caused their deaths during those many hours, including being shot to death but not excluding other possibilities. Theoretically a person could have many fresh gunshot wounds yet not die from any of them but from some other thing entirely.
I can easily imagine that somebody saw some shapes that they thought were the suspects, and got out of there as fast as they could. That's why more details would be very helpful. Did one person allegedly see them, or two? Was it a long sighting, or a glance? You'd be amazed at how people can mix things up.
Somehow, I think they would know that the reflective thermal blankets are good for hiding from the FLIR.
Yes, I think they’re smarter than we might want to give them credit for. Smart/dumb are relative to their goals. What looks dumb to us may be smart for their goals. And they’re pretty young with limited life experience and the judgement it builds so I expect they’ll make / have made some pretty dumb decisions even per their goals.
Maybe backtrack to what is known. They burned the vehicle next to train tracks on Monday or Tuesday. They had a day lead on RCMP.

Maybe they hopped a northbound train, hopped off between Gillam and Churchill (RCMP searched the train at Churchill on Thursday), hopped back on when the train was heading South to Winnipeg, hopped off before they got to Winnipeg and ... as long as they lay low, they're in the wind.

View attachment 195712
In my mind go back to the burned out RAV4 and think forward. I keep going back and forth about the train escape route as they would stick out like sore thumbs on a passenger train full of tourists heading to Churchill. But a freight car would certainly do the trick if they found the right place to jump on and getting out of the region as it just seems to be full of dead ends and water.

There doesn't seem any way to head east from where we last saw them but I can't help but think that they are more comfortable with the known areas in the westward direction. I also recall BS father said they had family in the Saskatchewan area so there might be some info from prior trips that might serve them well in terms of places to hide.

Just seems like the RAV4 wouldn't have been burned if there wasn't a plan in place to advance their mission.
I wasn't. I think you're missing my point. First of all, Bryer's "camo" is not military camo, IMO. It's just exactly the kind of camo that is bought at malls and surplus outlets all around North America. Including Vancouver. I see it worn by teens at malls, in National Parks (including Canadian ones) and so on. The fabric with which Bryer's outfit seems to be made does not resemble (nor does it fit like) the camo I see on actual military (I live near a base and I have students who wear camo to class - which, btw, used not to be allowed by the base, it is, and it's hard to tell real military from fashion military, except of course, the fabric is much more densely woven and the fit is designed for more things to be worn under it).

"Full camo" looks like this to me:


We haven't seen the lower half of Bryer's body, but the top lacks the hood, the waist construction and neck cover of full camo. So yes, Bryer's camo (bought by his father at a surplus store or mall, IMO) is exactly what I see on campus, in the mall (a lot, more often than on campus) or at the grocery store. It is almost always 17-22 year olds wearing it.

Certainly, there are other full camo styles, but the hokey buttons on Bryers do not look military to me. Since it's pretty important to me to distinguish between military and others, when I see them, I try to pay attention. There's a more tropical camo too (popular here in the SoCal desert and there's desert camo). The pattern on Bryer's camo doesn't look like any of these nor does it have a flap on the buttons or on the zipper. Actually, his looks a lot like one for sale on Amazon.

Ultimately, I suppose both the military and civilians are buying Made in China camo, but the military style usually has pockets on the sleeves, a sturdy placket to protect the buttons (also helps not get hung up in brush, etc).

Anyway, we can agree to disagree. Perhaps it's just the ill fitting nature of Bryer's camo and the fact his dad says he got it for Christmas that makes me think of the kids in the mall.
I tend to agree with you. In Alberta, I have seen many young people wearing a camo coat etc. at the malls. I myself just bought a posh camo backpack for nephew. I also, looked at a camo coat for him, which was outrageously expensive but I thought of BS and refrained. I don’t think the clothing in itself means anything. However, other info about him IMO are red flags for sure.
Btw, I bought the backpack at a sporting is the style here.
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Does the game include going to get food or something from a dump/waste area?
Why not? The name of the game right now is survival while there is manhunt out for you.
How would you get to play more of the actual game if you starved in the first week? Or maybe they need some wire for something crucial. You think they should strictly follow a script?
Yes, I think they’re smarter than we might want to give them credit for. Smart/dumb are relative to their goals. What looks dumb to us may be smart for their goals. And they’re pretty young with limited life experience and the judgement it builds so I expect they’ll make / have made some pretty dumb decisions even per their goals.

Yeah, I think there was deliberate preparation for this trip and these events, so we shouldn't be too surprised if they have specifically worked on ways to conceal themselves, camp without making a fire, eat the minimum or survive on 3600 calorie bars... and burning the RAV4 was deliberate and intended to make the game interesting by leaving a trail.
Just thinking about high school, and how there's one kid who's a bit of an odd duck (not threatening people) who always wears camo, and everyone avoids that kid. There seems to be "that kid" in every school. Yet this is the first time this particular brand of cray-cray has played out in this country.

Of course some schools have dress codes.
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