Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #8

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I know the Deese family has been having a rough go of it. Media camped out at the service for their daughter. Someone has sent photos of the crime scene to the sisters etc. It’s awful. Apparently there has already been a two hour documentary made about it as well. Not sure if it aired though.
Someone sent pictures of the crime scene to the sister?? Whaaaaaat?? And whyyyyyy?? Stuff like that makes me so very sad. What is wrong with people seriously.
We know two people were shot and they are SUSPECTS in that case, but that is all. They may not have even killed them.


Yup. And these two might also be laying on a beach in the Bahamas.

That doesn’t seem very likely though either.

They’re suspects for a reason, and it’s not because they look good for it.
This whole York story is unravelling by the minute. On TV tonight, Global was reporting that the Bear Clan people saw the two men "rummaging through a dumpster" and that they staggered off into the bush when they heard a vehicle. This in broad daylight. With these two seemingly vanished, or at least evading authorities for over a week, why in heaven's name would they be out "rummaging" during the day? It just seems incongruous. I guess the RCMP figured this out for themselves (with or without cat ears). So what now? I have no clue. I do, however, suspect that these guys are brighter than we give them credit for. Either this or they sank into the muskeg a few days ago. JMO
So it may not have been an actual dump then it sounds like!
Perhaps. But he may not have obtained a license. A friend/acquaintance could have said, ‘Hey, if your heading into the back country there are bears there etc’. ‘ Hey. Take my gun’. I don’t think that’s unreasonable

It would have been illegal if he didn’t have his PAL. The person offering his rifle in that case would be in much more trouble than person he gave it to.
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Before I was thinking that if these two are in the woods hiding, and weren't found by the end of the week, then they may very well be dead. But after googling survival in the wilderness and seeing how easy it is to learn how to make yourself shelter to keep you warm and dry, their biggest concerns might just be food and clean drinking water. Which might not be a problem for a while depending on what sort of supplies they have. BS's father mentioned they have been practicing for the past two years. We don't know what exactly they were teaching themselves to do.
RE last few pages of comments about power lines/ hydro lines/ pylons

The double lines you see on sat are the hydro lines

People are talking about them because they are an "easy" path that leads directly between last 2 sightings

"difficult but possible" locals say

This was discussed a few times over last few days heres some relevant maps, and a pic that shows how much clearer under the lines compared to surrounding bush.

Could also mix in, at different points using the tracks or various trails of which there are many.
Great, thank you.
Is you reference to "hydro line" same as "transmission line" per map legend?
Bearing in mind, the two NSW detectives, there with the Western Division of the RCMP are there as a courtesy to Mr Fowler and the Australian Police community at large, and not in any investigatory position whatsoever, having no jurisdiction, but they would be in constant communication with the Fowler family. I very much doubt if they would see their remit as one of disclosing one iota of info to any Australian news agency, except, and it would be a big exception, to the ABC.. the AU equivalent of the CBC and the BBC. No other news agency would be considered.

I have looked on the NSW POL website, and there isn't anything … not surprisingly. It is not exactly an official exchange of personnel, but a gesture of good will and international harmony.

As an aside.. a young Canadian woman was murdered by a stupid Sydney Australian man, horribly, and the NSW arranged for two RCMP chaps to accompany her mother, and brother ( I think ) in Sydney for the trial, and to be her spokesperson and the go-for for the bereaved family. It isn't unusual for this kind of exchange and reciprocated stuff going on , especially, between the UK, NZ, AU, Canada.


that is good to know
I really thought when I watched the news today I'd learn of their capture. I imagined a perimeter would have been set up and it was only a matter of hours.
Me too!

Someone has sent photos of the crime scene to the sisters etc. It’s awful.

WHAT?! That's despicable. :(
Bearing in mind, the two NSW detectives, there with the Western Division of the RCMP are there as a courtesy to Mr Fowler and the Australian Police community at large, and not in any investigatory position whatsoever, having no jurisdiction, but they would be in constant communication with the Fowler family. I very much doubt if they would see their remit as one of disclosing one iota of info to any Australian news agency, except, and it would be a big exception, to the ABC.. the AU equivalent of the CBC and the BBC. No other news agency would be considered.

I have looked on the NSW POL website, and there isn't anything … not surprisingly. It is not exactly an official exchange of personnel, but a gesture of good will and international harmony.

As an aside.. a young Canadian woman was murdered by a stupid Sydney Australian man, horribly, and the NSW arranged for two RCMP chaps to accompany her mother, and brother ( I think ) in Sydney for the trial, and to be her spokesperson and the go-for for the bereaved family. It isn't unusual for this kind of exchange and reciprocated stuff going on , especially, between the UK, NZ, AU, Canada.
I totally get it and their discretion is admirable in this day and age of everyone wanting to yap to the press.
I thought about this a lot, and my best guess now is that they had planned to hide out somewhere in this area, for a long time.

The RAV4 was probably going to disappear in the bush or muskeg, after they settled in a proper shelter. They burnt it hastily after the unexpected road check at Split Lake.

I can see your point, but I still don't see the point of lighting it on fire then.

Burning it was like shooting flares to announce where they are and if they are going into the bush to "hide" it doesn't make sense to me. It's reminds me of a toddler who covers their eyes while playing hide and seek thinking I can't see them!
Yup. And these two might also be laying on a beach in the Bahamas.

That doesn’t seem very likely though either.

I don't know. It's all very strange. If they set out to run around and start killing people, why stop? As we can see it isn't very difficult to evade police in this country with the amount of back roads and sneaky places to hide....even when announcing your likely last location by burning your vehicle there.
So, why not just keep doing what you're doing and keep evading until the end comes?
Unloaded, in a case, and you are actually going hunting or returning home. Then locked in a proper gun cabinet.

Rules might be different in BC, which is my location. Here in BC it’s simply unloaded. When leaving the car unattended they must be out of sight, locked in the trunk if possible. When at home they must be trigger locked or in a secure locked area/case. Ammo is to be kept separate unless it’s locked in the safe along with the rifle. This only applies to non-restricted.
It would have been illegal if he didn’t have his PAL. The person offering his rifle on that case would be in much more trouble than person he gave it to.

Agreed. There is not a hope in hell that I would lend an unlicensed friend one of my shotguns to go on a road trip. It just seems like a really stupid, bad idea. I wonder whether people realize that responsible gun owners, if they are indeed responsible, take the responsibility quite seriously.
I don't know. It's all very strange. If they set out to run around and start killing people, why stop? As we can see it isn't very difficult to evade police in this country with the amount of back roads and sneaky places to hide....even when announcing your likely last location by burning your vehicle there.
So, why not just keep doing what you're doing and keep evading until the end comes?

There’s no way of knowing. I don’t get the impression that these two hit the road with an arsenal, so murder might not have been the primary goal.

Things might not have gone according to plan, which I think is more probable than not.

Perhaps they found themselves stranded, ran out of rounds, or something else occurred.

I’m sure we’ll get the answers at some point. Hopefully soon.
I decided last night by the time it was dark and they had not captured them that it was probably not them. JMO

I believe the Bear Clan guy saw someone, I don't know who it was or why they wouldn't come forward, but I can also think of reasons why they would not come forward. Although everyone in the community may know each other, the 3 Bear Clan individuals that went there would not know everyone and would not know if it was a local or not.

but there cant be that many tall, skinny white guys in the area
Ièm sure if they gave that description to townfolk that they would be able to give them info as to any other similar looking men
I know the Deese family has been having a rough go of it. Media camped out at the service for their daughter. Someone has sent photos of the crime scene to the sisters etc. It’s awful. Apparently there has already been a two hour documentary made about it as well. Not sure if it aired though.

That's callousness for you. The poor girl has only just been laid to rest. What's the matter with so many people these days. Their cruelty knows no bounds.
Great, thank you.
Is you reference to "hydro line" same as "transmission line" per map legend?

Yes, Hydro line = Transmission Line. Just power lines/ pylons
Sorry for confusion. Heard locals refer to them as such and just picked it up without thinking. I assume its just shorthand for "hydro-electric power transmission lines"
We're from all over and cultural/regional differences are a thing so please dont take the included picture as being condescending in any way


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