Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #8

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If these were some other strangers not wanted for murder or other such felonies, you’d think they would have come out of the woods waving a white T-shirt with their hands up by now - helicopters hanging overhead for hours and all.

If RCMP gets that heat-seeking radar that the Highway Patrol has, it won’t take long to find them, and all the bears, too
I read this repeatedly yet the only msm report I've seen that addressed their appearance cites KM wearing a grey sweatshirt, and BS a camo hoodie.

Not sure how that is the same clothes as co-op?

Interesting! I am not sure where I heard that they were wearing the same but I believe it was in the interview with the Bear Clan guy. A written convo then took place about them wearing the same clothes, must smell bad, etc. etc.
I'm quite skeptical about this sighting. A dump during the day? With bears everywhere? I wish we had more details about the precise nature of the sighting.
Well, I saw on our BC news (can't recall which one) that the BearClan reported that one of the 2 men sighted at the dump was wearing fatigues so I'm thinking it was them IMO.
Also on the topic of Canadian prison sentences.. They are incredibly more lenient than US. A "life sentence" in Canada is usually never more than 10-20 years, 25 at the most. Prison would be much more preferable to these two teen suspects than dying in the harsh woods. Three meals a day, clean clothing, showers, heat, a bed.... And because of their age and (assuming) lack of a prior criminal record, they could very likely see freedom again in 30 years or less. Even with three life sentences.

Ha, that’s rubs me all sorts of wrong.

I hope the sentences are consecutive, when and if they are taken alive.

Severe sentences for murders are one of the reasons that serial killers are in decline.

They don’t get out in 25 years (or less), and go on to kill again.

That wasn’t the case decades ago.
<modsnip: quoted post was removed>

Not impossible.

The trio, whose names can’t be released because of a publication ban, were 17 years old when they took part in the swarming death of 19-year-old Luka Gordic outside a convenience store in Whistler village during the may long weekend in 2015.

One of the three who was convicted with second-degree murd
er was sentenced to life in prison. The other two, who were found guilty of manslaughter, will get three years total, with 18 months in custody and 18 more under supervision.
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Agree with almost everything you are saying.

-I wasnt suggesting they made the big detour, was just replying to omeone and saying they neednt necessarily have slunk around the edge of town.
-Im not sure what you mean by through bush but if alot of it was on rails or hydro lines it wouldnt have been near as bad

-I dont think they are really as trapped as folks think. Its really not a far swim or sprint tbh, especially if your life is flashing through your eyes and you run on adrenaline.
personally I think they are likely still nearby but I mean, they dont have to be. water isnt lava and 700 meters not that far. Think they would have been spotted, but think they would have been caught days ago too. Pics from the scene remind me how vast the area is no matter how simple it seems on google maps. Resisdents say you could hide 10 ft form someone and never now it, its not impossible they managed to evade 16 cops who had a few km to watch

I agree they are not as trapped as it looks on a map. Its just not feasible to have a single line of humans close enough to each other to cover the entire distance to cut off the peninsula. What is more likely happening is they are positioning their resources at key select "crossing points" where they feel the suspects would emerge from the bush at certain logical crossing points or other features.

What does bother me a little bit is we havent yet heard that they had picked up their trail from the RAV4 to get to where they are last spotted at the dump. Since we know search dogs were used then I am kind of surprised we have not heard that they had picked up their trail and were maybe following them until that sighting at the dump happened.

I suppose they would not disclose that information either how close on their tail they were so maybe I shouldnt even be bothered by that because LE very well may have knew which route they took and they may have been close on their heels when the dump sighting was announced.
The test for insanity is basically the same. You are talking about the treatment and punishment of people who are found guilty, which is a different issue. In the US in the contest to be the Democratic nominee in 2020, one of the big issues is the 1994 Crime bill, which introduced concepts like three strikes and you’re out, etc.
In Canada, the litmus test for a finding of NCR (not criminally responsible by reason of mental disorder) is left up to a Provincial Review Board after a preliminary judicial decision - this differs quite a bit from the US. Once a finding of NCR has been made, the person will sit the review board every twelve months until discharged.

In the R v. Chaulk case, the SCC found that one must not be able to understand that something is both legally AND morally wrong. These test for 'insanity' in Canada uses a quite different process, and relies upon a different set of case-law than in the USA. We do not have a 'not guilty by reason of insanity' option at judgement.
Well, I saw on our BC news (can't recall which one) that the BearClan reported that one of the 2 men sighted at the dump was wearing fatigues so I'm thinking it was them IMO.

It sounds like he was really close to them, and that they did not notice a nearby vehicle until after the witness verified their description. If they are in the area, I would hope that the peninsula can be cleared by the end of the day and searchers can rule in / out the sighting.
Ha, that’s rubs me all sorts of wrong.

I hope the sentences are consecutive, when and if they are taken alive.

Severe sentences for murders are one of the reasons that serial killers are in decline.

They don’t get out in 25 years (or less), and go on to kill again.

That wasn’t the case decades ago.

They have to be tried and convicted first.........
Oh, these two know right from wrong.

They murdered three people, and by going on the run and hiding from law enforcement, they are clearly conveying that they understand the gravity of their actions.

I’m sure Canadian law has some differences here, but in the US, these two would be declared legally sane.

They’ve met the burden.

Yes. Consciousness of guilt. In the US other factors mentioned would mitigate a sentence but not result in a not guilty verdict typically. I'm not familiar with how Canada works totally. Seems much more like Europe.
They have to be tried and convicted first.........
Sure, but I’m not worried about that part.

These two don’t give a damn about innocent life, and will almost certainly remain dangerous for a long time.

Whatever happens with them, I hope the right decision is made, whatever that may be.
I agree they are not as trapped as it looks on a map. Its just not feasible to have a single line of humans close enough to each other to cover the entire distance to cut off the peninsula. What is more likely happening is they are positioning their resources at key select "crossing points" where they feel the suspects would emerge from the bush at certain logical crossing points or other features.

What does bother me a little bit is we havent yet heard that they had picked up their trail from the RAV4 to get to where they are last spotted at the dump. Since we know search dogs were used then I am kind of surprised we have not heard that they had picked up their trail and were maybe following them until that sighting at the dump happened.

I suppose they would not disclose that information either how close on their tail they were so maybe I shouldnt even be bothered by that because LE very well may have knew which route they took and they may have been close on their heels when the dump sighting was announced.

People, drones, air surveillance - they should be able to clear the area with all the resources that are available.
If these were some other strangers not wanted for murder or other such felonies, you’d think they would have come out of the woods waving a white T-shirt with their hands up by now - helicopters hanging overhead for hours and all.

If RCMP gets that heat-seeking radar that the Highway Patrol has, it won’t take long to find them, and all the bears, too

Career criminals might know better when to cut their losses, although not if they were using...

The searchers have FLIR already.

These two obviously don't want to surrender, and they are not career criminals...much more unpredictable.
Any idea why LE would request no one take pictures of their whereabouts? Just so they can do their job without rumors or distractions? Or could they have reason to think the teens might be following social media somehow? I know that it's been said that's unlikely because of the apparent lack of service... Maybe they just want to keep their location on the low just in case?

Maybe the fugitives have internet service but the RCMP radios don't work........!!!
After news broke that police were investigating the possibility the suspects were in York Landing, Fox Lake Chief Walter Spence released a statement expressing solidarity with the community.

"The ongoing stress of the large police, military and media presence in the community is starting to take its toll, and our community members look forward to a return to normalcy," he said in the statement.

Community members are asking for privacy in this difficult time, he said. He said they've received good communication from the RCMP, as well as support from other First Nations organizations and the Bear Clan.

Night patrols in York Landing were sent out to make sure no one was outside wandering around, Constant said.

"We don't want any anybody mistaken for a suspect."

The York Factory chief said people also have been asked to keep pets inside so as not to confuse the police dogs....”
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