CANADA Canada - Madison Scott, 20, Vanderhoof, BC, 27 May 2011

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
So her parents must have a good idea what happened then, especially with the recent discoveries...Have they suspected the farm this entire time? Her poor family.
Could be very well they did for all these years......

Considering it all,it looks like all pieces now came together, and it looks like the 'obvious' happened, they did a tremendous search effort but couldn't search that farm area.
BUT that RCMP spokesman in the documentary said they got full cooperation from all the party people. That would be including the 'farm' brothers. Would they say 'No' if RCMP wanted to search their property? Were they asked? Did they say 'No' to all these volunteers helping to search for Madison?
Did RCMP really 'clear' everybody? Also Madison's brother said in the documentary they came till a point they started to believe it maybe wasn't a local. (did the RCMP came to that point as well....?)
IF (we do not know) these farm brother didn't want to speak with the PI's from the Scott family that would be a little suspicious right away. I would expect the Scott family certainly would pass this information to the RCMP. They would have their 'suspects' already right from the start.... So what happened?

(to me this case always intrigued me because it seems so 'solvable', 'someone at the party knew and came back later that night', there is almost no other way except for maybe other but very unlikely scenarios. Why the RCMP couldn't solve this way sooner? Not to blame them, there can be very good reasons, maybe the 'obvious' didn't happen? I'm really curious about this..... hope we'll hear soon more from the RCMP)
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Could be very well they did for all these years......

Considering it all,it looks like all pieces now came together, and it looks like the 'obvious' happened, they did a tremendous search effort but couldn't search that farm area.
BUT that RCMP spokesman in the documentary said they got full cooperation from all the party people. That would be including the 'farm' brothers. Would they say 'No' if RCMP wanted to search their property? Were they asked? Did they say 'No' to all these volunteers helping to search for Madison?
Did RCMP really 'clear' everybody? Also Madison's brother said in the documentary they came till a point they started to believe it maybe wasn't a local. (did the RCMP came to that point as well....?)
IF (we do not know) these farm brother didn't want to speak with the PI's from the Scott family that would be a little suspicious right away. I would expect the Scott family certainly would pass this information to the RCMP. They would have their 'suspects' already right from the start.... So what happened?

(to me this case always intrigued me because it seems so 'solvable', 'someone at the party knew and came back later that night', there is almost no other way except for maybe other but very unlikely scenarios. Why the RCMP couldn't solve this way sooner? Not to blame them, there can be very good reasons, maybe the 'obvious' didn't happen? I'm really curious about this..... hope we'll hear soon more from the RCMP)
Yes, the statement about receiving "cooperation from everyone that was at that party that night to eliminate themselves from any involvement in Maddy's disappearance" seems puzzling in hindsight. Then Maddy's mom follows up with "I don't think anyone from the party knows anything..."

I find the change in tone and messaging between that documentary and the 48 Hours episode to be interesting. In the 48 Hours segment both the parents and LE spokesperson clearly indicated that the last known people at the party were among their top suspects, and that "somebody knows something."

Did RCMP really 'clear' everybody? I don't know. Maybe they were changing things up as a strategy, or using some deception to try and further the case in some way. By getting people to let their guard down, for example.

Why the RCMP couldn't solve this way sooner? The biggest problem was that there was no body, and therefore little to no hard evidence that a crime had even been committed. This obviously would've limited their investigative options. In another case I've been following that also had big news recently, the perpetrator was even more obvious but it still took a body to finally nail the guy.

Who knows what else may have slowed things down. The Jacob Wetterling case, one of the most notorious kidnapping cases in US history, happened just a few hours away from me. After 27 years, one of the very first and most obvious suspects in the case admitted to killing Jacob as part of a plea deal for other crimes and led authorities to his remains. If you really want to know what can possibly go wrong, this is an excellent case study. Highly recommend the first season of In the Dark.

Did RCMP really 'clear' everybody? I don't know. Maybe they were changing things up as a strategy, or using some deception to try and further the case in some way. By getting people to let their guard down, for example.

Why the RCMP couldn't solve this way sooner? The biggest problem was that there was no body, and therefore little to no hard evidence that a crime had even been committed. This obviously would've limited their investigative options.
True, but If they had their 'suspects' but no evidence, also that would be very hard to keep secret for 12 years.

Usually some information leaks to public. Sometimes also as a tactic to build pressure on the 'suspects'. A channel like 'Searchlight' would mention it for sure if there were any serious suspects . Hence how he questioned Jordy's actions. He would help the Scott family for sure with any suspicions they had and mentioned it. If these farm brothers (or their parents) refused to let their property be searched by local volunteers and it was known they were last to leave the party this would raise suspicion amongst the locals. We would have heard about that by now. Even more if known they also didn't want to speak to the PI's.

Maybe they (farm brothers) fully cooperated with everything and managed to get away with this for 12 years? But it's very hard to do that without raising any 'suspicion'. Almost impossible really.
And we still don't hear anything from RCMP, almost 2 weeks of silence now, what's going on......?
I know, they are trying to find evidence now, it takes time, but this is such a weird case.......
Lets hope there won't be another 5 or 12 years silence. The pressure is full on RCMP now, but also on that farm family....

*gonna check out that other case you mention, yes, sometimes police really screws up, people make mistakes, for instance check out that 'Deplhi' case and how police screwed up right in the beginning. That case should have been solved in 2 weeks. And even after that mistake IF they gave the public just a little more information it probably was solved way sooner. But they gave almost nothing..... Same with Madison's case, they gave almost nothing.
afaik this hasnt been verified. You cant trust anything that is said from the last few people at the party. For instance. Birthday boy says he had a fight with his GF and thats why he left at 2:50am. Who i think is his GF, (initials DB, sister of a prominent person) is on the whiteboard as leaving at 12(1). that doesnt add up.
Just thinking to myself that the 'discrepency"in timings may not be one at all.

IMO, perhaps they did have fight. GF (DB??) then leaves at 12(1) as per the whiteboard. Birthday boy hangs around, he had friends still there who showed up to celebrate with HIM after all, but he is stewing/brooding now because of the fight. He finally calls it a night at 2:50 am and packs it in rather than stay out the night.

I haven't seen anything showing they left together or at times close to each other, only that he called it a night because of the fight and left approx 0250.

I don't seen anything that doesn't "add up" here.
Could be very well they did for all these years......

Considering it all,it looks like all pieces now came together, and it looks like the 'obvious' happened, they did a tremendous search effort but couldn't search that farm area.
BUT that RCMP spokesman in the documentary said they got full cooperation from all the party people. That would be including the 'farm' brothers. Would they say 'No' if RCMP wanted to search their property? Were they asked? Did they say 'No' to all these volunteers helping to search for Madison?
Did RCMP really 'clear' everybody? Also Madison's brother said in the documentary they came till a point they started to believe it maybe wasn't a local. (did the RCMP came to that point as well....?)
IF (we do not know) these farm brother didn't want to speak with the PI's from the Scott family that would be a little suspicious right away. I would expect the Scott family certainly would pass this information to the RCMP. They would have their 'suspects' already right from the start.... So what happened?

(to me this case always intrigued me because it seems so 'solvable', 'someone at the party knew and came back later that night', there is almost no other way except for maybe other but very unlikely scenarios. Why the RCMP couldn't solve this way sooner? Not to blame them, there can be very good reasons, maybe the 'obvious' didn't happen? I'm really curious about this..... hope we'll hear soon more from the RCMP)

Re: So what happened?. I bet they knew from the get go, but knowing isn't enough. Cases can languish for decades because of just one tiny factor (usually unknown to the public). Even if the cops know perfectly well who did it, they can't proceed unless they can PROVE it "within a reasonable doubt" in court. One tiny missing piece can inject reasonable doubt into a case and the defence lawyer will pounce on it to demolish the prosecution's case. You see cops on TV asking for people to come forward but often there's a long wait. Witness circumstances change eg: someone gets divorced, people die, someone is on their death bed, someone wants revenge, witness finally feels safe enough to talk. If someone finally comes forward and spills the beans the cops can then have what they need to proceed.

Now Maddy's remains are found so it's all systems go (at last!). They now have the right to search the property without permission from the owner.

*I don't know if this is accurate and may get snipped. : Locals on Reddit said that someone was digging for top soil and found a skull, then went to the cops.
Re: So what happened?. I bet they knew from the get go, but knowing isn't enough.
That's what I question: did they knew? (no signs at all for that all these years, that to me is remarkable....)

*yes, somebody here reported here about the 'skull'. It's truly a miracle Madison has been found.....
That's what I question: did they knew? (no signs at all for that all these years, that to me is remarkable....)

*yes, somebody here reported here about the 'skull'. It's truly a miracle Madison has been found.....

Bear in mind the cops will have had a lot more inside info than the peanut gallery but
couldn't get permission to search that property so stalled.
From Neowise: "And we still don't hear anything from RCMP, almost 2 weeks of silence now, what's going on......?"

RCMP are not obligated to inform the public what they're up to at any given time. They're doing their job, investigating the case and searching for evidence. Interviewing suspects. They've probably sent samples to the lab.

I don't think the public will hear anything until everything's wrapped up.
Re: So what happened?. I bet they knew from the get go, but knowing isn't enough. Cases can languish for decades because of just one tiny factor (usually unknown to the public). Even if the cops know perfectly well who did it, they can't proceed unless they can PROVE it "within a reasonable doubt" in court. One tiny missing piece can inject reasonable doubt into a case and the defence lawyer will pounce on it to demolish the prosecution's case. You see cops on TV asking for people to come forward but often there's a long wait. Witness circumstances change eg: someone gets divorced, people die, someone is on their death bed, someone wants revenge, witness finally feels safe enough to talk. If someone finally comes forward and spills the beans the cops can then have what they need to proceed.

Now Maddy's remains are found so it's all systems go (at last!). They now have the right to search the property without permission from the owner.

*I don't know if this is accurate and may get snipped. : Locals on Reddit said that someone was digging for top soil and found a skull, then went to the cops.
One other common 'change in circumstance': someone is arrested for something else and wishes to shorten their future stay behind bars.
I'd be curious to know if it was completely normal or odd that:
1. Out of 30ish-40ish people who showed up at the party there was 7 TIMES more guys than girls,
2. All the girls that get out of the party relatively safe were siblings of other partygoers (cause it looks like Maddy was the only girl not related to other partygoers),
3. Young woman decided to stay to camp alone with bunch of random guys and some acquaintances
I’ve been mulling over how the information from the party goers has always seemed really odd, and why. I spent a little time reviewing some of the information released earlier on. Here’s a working theory that I’ve gathered. Fair warning, I am making many assumptions from the bits and pieces of information that we have.

Connection back to Fribjon
We know that Fribjon and Madison were both working in logging and that they had some kind of relationship together. I am wondering if they were both working together for her father’s logging company and had developed a relationship, even if just platonic. From a few clues, I’ve been able to gather the two were spending time together prior to the party, and that their parents were at the very least accustomed with each other.

This leads me to question whether Fribjon was the one who invited Madison to the birthday party at the lake that evening, not Jordy. We know Madison’s mother has stated that the girls were not close friends, though I believe they knew each other from high school. I believe Maddie and Jordy reconnected because they were both dating (or were close friends with) two older guys from the same friend circle, Fribjon, and Jordy’s boyfriend TG. I’ve able to gather that the birthday party was for an older guy who was also part of that friend group, GK.

Madison and Jordy are reconnected, and they travel to the lake together separately from their two guys. The party starts, it seems from all accounts that there’s not much to report for most of the evening, except that Maddie was maybe spending time in the tent early on. Was she waiting for Fribjon, and therefore uncomfortable around a group of older people she doesn’t know? She speaks to her father at 11:30pm, nothing out of thee ordinary. She receives a phone at 12:30am from the son of a family friend—Fribjon? Is he calling to say that he’s on his way to the lake?

What happened after 1am?
From the few accounts and assumptions made from the whiteboard, it seems after 1am a good amount of party goers have left, except for a core group of people who would include many of the older guys closest to the birthday boy. We’ve seen a few of these names on the whiteboard. A few sets of brothers, KG (birthday boy + his gf), TG (Jordys bf) and a few other guys who also seem to be close friends and close in age. Likely, they all overlapped in high school together.

My hypothesis wonders whether Fribjon arrives at the lake around 1am, except he’s brought a group of people that the party isn’t familiar with—his dealers, who are known to the town as being part of a violent gang. We heard a few accounts about a group of rough guys that no one knew. I always assumed these to be the names on the whiteboard, but now that I realize the party was actually for one of those older guys, that there was a different “rough” group. Jordy knew the guys who were friends with her bf, so when she stated that no one knew who this 2nd group was, it has to be names that have not been mentioned anywhere. It’s also been stated that Maddy didn’t know many people at the party, so I don’t believe there was ever a younger crowd there. It was always a group of late 20s partygoers friendly with GK and friends.

Maybe the remaining partygoers were interested in buying some party favors and Fribjon was connecting them. Or maybe the dealers are forcing themselves to arrive with Fribjon for some reason. We know there were rumors about addiction and debts to this same group who would eventually murder him.

What happens after Fribjon and dealers potentially arrive? Something alarming, there is a fight, and then everyone suddenly flees. The next morning, Maddy is missing.

Regardless of how it happens, I believe something terrible and deadly happens to Maddy after the new group arrives, and that the remaining group of friends is threatened by the dealers to help cover it up. Perhaps Maddy overdoses on something this group has bought, or there’s some very random, terrible accident like a misfired gun (I doubt this since there is no evidence of it). From youth experiences, I recall that it’s quite common for a dealer to hang out after they sell something. They’ll often have a hit of whatever it is that they just sold to the group.

After something, whatever it is, happens to Maddy, everyone starts freaking out. Maybe Jordy wants to call the cops and someone gets physical with her to stop her. The group is threatened to keep quiet about whatever it is that just happened, and are instructed to remove and hide the body. The dealers, described by the town as being from a “violent gang,” don’t want cops investigating their business, and the group of friends are terrified enough to comply. Madison’s body is hidden on the property where she was found. Perhaps because the two brothers who live at that property volunteered, or were paid to help out. They bring their quads to the lake to avoid evidence showing up in anyone’s vehicle and so that they can more easily hide a body off-road.

After the party
Anyone who was supposed to spend the night at the lake flees. The narrative of Maddy just going missing won’t make sense otherwise. There is obviously a lot of stress in the days following. Everyone passes their polygraph tests asking if they were present during Maddy’s murder, because they know she wasn’t murdered.

We have heard that Fribjon in particularly was very upset about Maddy’s disappearance. Perhaps he was dealing with extreme guilt, or perhaps it’s because he and Maddy had some kind of relationship. Perhaps it’s because he’s an addict and is unstable. Perhaps it’s because he’s still working for Maddy’s father.

The police receive a tip from someone in town that Fribjon knows something and they call him in for a polygraph test. No one had mentioned his name to the cops because it implicates the dealers, and he arrived so late that only that group ever saw him. The dealers catch wind of this and think he’s getting ready to flip. They torture him, asking for information about what he said. Regardless of whether they believe him, they eventually kill him by decapitating him—something that strikes me as a clear message and threat to someone else—perhaps the group of partygoers who were present that evening. The group disassociates themselves from Fribjon after his death, specifically to separate themselves and the events of the evening from drugs, to conceal the dealers involvement.

My theory is that a group of friends witnessed something late that evening that caused the end of Maddy’s life, and that a dangerous group of individuals were involved. The group of friends were forced to make a terrible pact to help cover it up, fearing for their own safety, which it turns out was no joke after Fribjon is decapitated shortly later. 12 years later, some are now even parents. They’re still afraid to speak, this gang is still active. Perhaps even, corruption in RMCP has allowed the cover up to continue.
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The party starts, it seems from all accounts that there’s not much to report for most of the evening, except that Maddie was maybe spending time in the tent early on. Was she waiting for Fribjon, and therefore uncomfortable around a group of older people she doesn’t know? She speaks to her father at 11:30pm, nothing out of thee ordinary. She receives a phone at 12:30am from the son of a family friend—Fribjon? Is he calling to say that he’s on his way to the lake?
Maddy stayed only in her tent from when Jordy left at 1:00 am. She did text her mother (not her father) that night about a song. I think Fribjon really had nothing to do with anything happening that night, but who knows...
And a whole group staying silence for 12 years is almost impossible. They all needed to agree etc. It's really hard to do, nearly impossible if you ask me. Even if they were threatened by another group, someone for sure would have contacted the RCMP.
Can you force an individual to stay silence? Yes maybe. But forcing a whole group of people to stay silence? No. Somebody would talk long ago. (and one could always tip the rcmp anynomous too)
I'd be curious to know if it was completely normal or odd that:
1. Out of 30ish-40ish people who showed up at the party there was 7 TIMES more guys than girls,
2. All the girls that get out of the party relatively safe were siblings of other partygoers (cause it looks like Maddy was the only girl not related to other partygoers),
3. Young woman decided to stay to camp alone with bunch of random guys and some acquaintances

It was a normal bush party filled with normal kids. Various decisions were made by various kids, not knowing the eventual outcome ahead of time. However the circumstances stacked up to create an opportunity ---> sadly someone saw that opportunity to commit a heinous crime and they seized it, then buried Maddy's body.
Maddy stayed only in her tent from when Jordy left at 1:00 am. She did text her mother (not her father) that night about a song. I think Fribjon really had nothing to do with anything happening that night, but who knows...
And a whole group staying silence for 12 years is almost impossible. They all needed to agree etc. It's really hard to do, nearly impossible if you ask me. Even if they were threatened by another group, someone for sure would have contacted the RCMP.
Can you force an individual to stay silence? Yes maybe. But forcing a whole group of people to stay silence? No. Somebody would talk long ago. (and one could always tip the rcmp anynomous too)

Re everyone staying silent:

A seeming local on reddit said that multiple people went to the cops immediately to tell them what they knew, and the kids were very frustrated that nothing was done. (Paraphrasing). I took that to mean that the kids expected the suspect(s) to be arrested almost immediately, not realizing that the cops can't proceed with an arrest until they have quality evidence that will actually stand up in court.
I’ve been mulling over how the information from the party goers has always seemed really odd, and why. I spent a little time reviewing some of the information released earlier on. Here’s a working theory that I’ve gathered. Fair warning, I am making many assumptions from the bits and pieces of information that we have.

Connection back to Fribjon
We know that Fribjon and Madison were both working in logging and that they had some kind of relationship together. I am wondering if they were both working together for her father’s logging company and had developed a relationship, even if just platonic. From a few clues, I’ve been able to gather the two were spending time together prior to the party, and that their parents were at the very least accustomed with each other.

This leads me to question whether Fribjon was the one who invited Madison to the birthday party at the lake that evening, not Jordy. We know Madison’s mother has stated that the girls were not close friends, though I believe they knew each other from high school. I believe Maddie and Jordy reconnected because they were both dating (or were close friends with) two older guys from the same friend circle, Fribjon, and Jordy’s boyfriend TG. I’ve able to gather that the birthday party was for an older guy who was also part of that friend group, GK.

Madison and Jordy are reconnected, and they travel to the lake together separately from their two guys. The party starts, it seems from all accounts that there’s not much to report for most of the evening, except that Maddie was maybe spending time in the tent early on. Was she waiting for Fribjon, and therefore uncomfortable around a group of older people she doesn’t know? She speaks to her father at 11:30pm, nothing out of thee ordinary. She receives a phone at 12:30am from the son of a family friend—Fribjon? Is he calling to say that he’s on his way to the lake?

What happened after 1am?
From the few accounts and assumptions made from the whiteboard, it seems after 1am a good amount of party goers have left, except for a core group of people who would include many of the older guys closest to the birthday boy. We’ve seen a few of these names on the whiteboard. A few sets of brothers, KG (birthday boy + his gf), TG (Jordys bf) and a few other guys who also seem to be close friends and close in age. Likely, they all overlapped in high school together.

My hypothesis wonders whether Fribjon arrives at the lake around 1am, except he’s brought a group of people that the party isn’t familiar with—his dealers, who are known to the town as being part of a violent gang. We heard a few accounts about a group of rough guys that no one knew. I always assumed these to be the names on the whiteboard, but now that I realize the party was actually for one of those older guys, that there was a different “rough” group. Jordy knew the guys who were friends with her bf, so when she stated that no one knew who this 2nd group was, it has to be names that have not been mentioned anywhere. It’s also been stated that Maddy didn’t know many people at the party, so I don’t believe there was ever a younger crowd there. It was always a group of late 20s partygoers friendly with GK and friends.

Maybe the remaining partygoers were interested in buying some party favors and Fribjon was connecting them. Or maybe the dealers are forcing themselves to arrive with Fribjon for some reason. We know there were rumors about addiction and debts to this same group who would eventually murder him.

What happens after Fribjon and dealers potentially arrive? Something alarming, there is a fight, and then everyone suddenly flees. The next morning, Maddy is missing.

Regardless of how it happens, I believe something terrible and deadly happens to Maddy after the new group arrives, and that the remaining group of friends is threatened by the dealers to help cover it up. Perhaps Maddy overdoses on something this group has bought, or there’s some very random, terrible accident like a misfired gun (I doubt this since there is no evidence of it). From youth experiences, I recall that it’s quite common for a dealer to hang out after they sell something. They’ll often have a hit of whatever it is that they just sold to the group.

After something, whatever it is, happens to Maddy, everyone starts freaking out. Maybe Jordy wants to call the cops and someone gets physical with her to stop her. The group is threatened to keep quiet about whatever it is that just happened, and are instructed to remove and hide the body. The dealers, described by the town as being from a “violent gang,” don’t want cops investigating their business, and the group of friends are terrified enough to comply. Madison’s body is hidden on the property where she was found. Perhaps because the two brothers who live at that property volunteered, or were paid to help out. They bring their quads to the lake to avoid evidence showing up in anyone’s vehicle and so that they can more easily hide a body off-road.

After the party
Anyone who was supposed to spend the night at the lake flees. The narrative of Maddy just going missing won’t make sense otherwise. There is obviously a lot of stress in the days following. Everyone passes their polygraph tests asking if they were present during Maddy’s murder, because they know she wasn’t murdered.

We have heard that Fribjon in particularly was very upset about Maddy’s disappearance. Perhaps he was dealing with extreme guilt, or perhaps it’s because he and Maddy had some kind of relationship. Perhaps it’s because he’s an addict and is unstable. Perhaps it’s because he’s still working for Maddy’s father.

The police receive a tip from someone in town that Fribjon knows something and they call him in for a polygraph test. No one had mentioned his name to the cops because it implicates the dealers, and he arrived so late that only that group ever saw him. The dealers catch wind of this and think he’s getting ready to flip. They torture him, asking for information about what he said. Regardless of whether they believe him, they eventually kill him by decapitating him—something that strikes me as a clear message and threat to someone else—perhaps the group of partygoers who were present that evening. The group disassociates themselves from Fribjon after his death, specifically to separate themselves and the events of the evening from drugs, to conceal the dealers involvement.

My theory is that a group of friends witnessed something late that evening that caused the end of Maddy’s life, and that a dangerous group of individuals were involved. The group of friends were forced to make a terrible pact to help cover it up, fearing for their own safety, which it turns out was no joke after Fribjon is decapitated shortly later. 12 years later, some are now even parents. They’re still afraid to speak, this gang is still active. Perhaps even, corruption in RMCP has allowed the cover up to continue.

Re a pact of silence.

A seeming local on reddit said that multiple people went to the cops immediately to tell them what they knew, and the kids were very frustrated that nothing was done. (Paraphrasing). I took that to mean that the kids expected the suspect(s) to be arrested almost immediately, not realizing that the cops can't proceed with an arrest until they have quality evidence that will actually stand up in court.
Re a pact of silence.

A seeming local on reddit said that multiple people went to the cops immediately to tell them what they knew, and the kids were very frustrated that nothing was done. (Paraphrasing). I took that to mean that the kids expected the suspect(s) to be arrested almost immediately, not realizing that the cops can't proceed with an arrest until they have quality evidence that will actually stand up in court.
First time I hear this. Who did the kids suspect....?
(yes, I think I know who, but again: it's remarkable we didn't hear anything about this for 12 years..... I checked Reddit posts for clues for years....)

*hence, I get it why there was no arrest all that time, they need evidence for that, thank god for that or we all could be arrested for anything being at the wrong place at the wrong time. But it's about why we never heard about the 'suspicions' which is remarkable..... Why nobody brought this up?
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First time I hear this. Who did the kids suspect....?
(yes, I think I know who, but again: it's remarkable we didn't hear anything about this for 12 years..... I checked Reddit posts for clues for years....)

*hence, I get it why there was no arrest all that time, they need evidence for that, thank god for that or we all could be arrested for anything being at the wrong place at the wrong time. But it's about why we never heard about the 'suspicions' which is remarkable..... Why nobody brought this up?

The redditor didn't say who they suspected but .... ya.

Why nobody brought it up. I don't know but thoughts from someone who was raised in a small community: 1) A lot goes on behind closed doors in small towns, and never makes it out of those circles until things blow wide open then people start talking openly. 2) Maybe everyone was waiting until official progress was made, so as not to mess up the case? If so then good for them for holding their water.
The redditor didn't say who they suspected but .... ya.

Why nobody brought it up. I don't know but thoughts from someone who was raised in a small community: 1) A lot goes on behind closed doors in small towns, and never makes it out of those circles until things blow wide open then people start talking openly. 2) Maybe everyone was waiting until official progress was made, so as not to mess up the case? If so then good for them for holding their water.
oh everyone around here has a pretty good idea of how this all went down as soon as we figured out where she was found. But no one is going to say anything because none of us want anything to get messed up during the investigation. We all want Justice for Maddy. Especially since there haven’t been any arrests and it’s more than likely the responsible person(s) could be reading this, hopefully not using these theories as their way to try to get out of it. We’re all just waiting for the RCMP to do their thing. Faith in them is pretty high around here I would say.
I’ve been mulling over how the information from the party goers has always seemed really odd, and why. I spent a little time reviewing some of the information released earlier on. Here’s a working theory that I’ve gathered. Fair warning, I am making many assumptions from the bits and pieces of information that we have.

Connection back to Fribjon
We know that Fribjon and Madison were both working in logging and that they had some kind of relationship together. I am wondering if they were both working together for her father’s logging company and had developed a relationship, even if just platonic. From a few clues, I’ve been able to gather the two were spending time together prior to the party, and that their parents were at the very least accustomed with each other.

This leads me to question whether Fribjon was the one who invited Madison to the birthday party at the lake that evening, not Jordy. We know Madison’s mother has stated that the girls were not close friends, though I believe they knew each other from high school. I believe Maddie and Jordy reconnected because they were both dating (or were close friends with) two older guys from the same friend circle, Fribjon, and Jordy’s boyfriend TG. I’ve able to gather that the birthday party was for an older guy who was also part of that friend group, GK.

Madison and Jordy are reconnected, and they travel to the lake together separately from their two guys. The party starts, it seems from all accounts that there’s not much to report for most of the evening, except that Maddie was maybe spending time in the tent early on. Was she waiting for Fribjon, and therefore uncomfortable around a group of older people she doesn’t know? She speaks to her father at 11:30pm, nothing out of thee ordinary. She receives a phone at 12:30am from the son of a family friend—Fribjon? Is he calling to say that he’s on his way to the lake?

What happened after 1am?
From the few accounts and assumptions made from the whiteboard, it seems after 1am a good amount of party goers have left, except for a core group of people who would include many of the older guys closest to the birthday boy. We’ve seen a few of these names on the whiteboard. A few sets of brothers, KG (birthday boy + his gf), TG (Jordys bf) and a few other guys who also seem to be close friends and close in age. Likely, they all overlapped in high school together.

My hypothesis wonders whether Fribjon arrives at the lake around 1am, except he’s brought a group of people that the party isn’t familiar with—his dealers, who are known to the town as being part of a violent gang. We heard a few accounts about a group of rough guys that no one knew. I always assumed these to be the names on the whiteboard, but now that I realize the party was actually for one of those older guys, that there was a different “rough” group. Jordy knew the guys who were friends with her bf, so when she stated that no one knew who this 2nd group was, it has to be names that have not been mentioned anywhere. It’s also been stated that Maddy didn’t know many people at the party, so I don’t believe there was ever a younger crowd there. It was always a group of late 20s partygoers friendly with GK and friends.

Maybe the remaining partygoers were interested in buying some party favors and Fribjon was connecting them. Or maybe the dealers are forcing themselves to arrive with Fribjon for some reason. We know there were rumors about addiction and debts to this same group who would eventually murder him.

What happens after Fribjon and dealers potentially arrive? Something alarming, there is a fight, and then everyone suddenly flees. The next morning, Maddy is missing.

Regardless of how it happens, I believe something terrible and deadly happens to Maddy after the new group arrives, and that the remaining group of friends is threatened by the dealers to help cover it up. Perhaps Maddy overdoses on something this group has bought, or there’s some very random, terrible accident like a misfired gun (I doubt this since there is no evidence of it). From youth experiences, I recall that it’s quite common for a dealer to hang out after they sell something. They’ll often have a hit of whatever it is that they just sold to the group.

After something, whatever it is, happens to Maddy, everyone starts freaking out. Maybe Jordy wants to call the cops and someone gets physical with her to stop her. The group is threatened to keep quiet about whatever it is that just happened, and are instructed to remove and hide the body. The dealers, described by the town as being from a “violent gang,” don’t want cops investigating their business, and the group of friends are terrified enough to comply. Madison’s body is hidden on the property where she was found. Perhaps because the two brothers who live at that property volunteered, or were paid to help out. They bring their quads to the lake to avoid evidence showing up in anyone’s vehicle and so that they can more easily hide a body off-road.

After the party
Anyone who was supposed to spend the night at the lake flees. The narrative of Maddy just going missing won’t make sense otherwise. There is obviously a lot of stress in the days following. Everyone passes their polygraph tests asking if they were present during Maddy’s murder, because they know she wasn’t murdered.

We have heard that Fribjon in particularly was very upset about Maddy’s disappearance. Perhaps he was dealing with extreme guilt, or perhaps it’s because he and Maddy had some kind of relationship. Perhaps it’s because he’s an addict and is unstable. Perhaps it’s because he’s still working for Maddy’s father.

The police receive a tip from someone in town that Fribjon knows something and they call him in for a polygraph test. No one had mentioned his name to the cops because it implicates the dealers, and he arrived so late that only that group ever saw him. The dealers catch wind of this and think he’s getting ready to flip. They torture him, asking for information about what he said. Regardless of whether they believe him, they eventually kill him by decapitating him—something that strikes me as a clear message and threat to someone else—perhaps the group of partygoers who were present that evening. The group disassociates themselves from Fribjon after his death, specifically to separate themselves and the events of the evening from drugs, to conceal the dealers involvement.

My theory is that a group of friends witnessed something late that evening that caused the end of Maddy’s life, and that a dangerous group of individuals were involved. The group of friends were forced to make a terrible pact to help cover it up, fearing for their own safety, which it turns out was no joke after Fribjon is decapitated shortly later. 12 years later, some are now even parents. They’re still afraid to speak, this gang is still active. Perhaps even, corruption in RMCP has allowed the cover up to continue.
I went pretty deep in Frib's case too and the whole connection between them seemed to water down into:
1. Maddy and Frib knowing each other
(which is not a big deal considering that it's relatively small community and that they shared some hobbies - so it'd be hard for them to never hear about each other)
Having said that i wouldn't be shocked if they were dating sometime prior cause one official clarification sounded kinda weird, as it was stated that they weren't dating AT THE TIME (which may mean that they never did as well as that at some point they did).
2. The story in which Frib allegedly said to someone that he knows what happened to Maddy.
- no idea if he really made that claim or if it was somebody else's claim,
- even if he did that, it still doesn't mean that he was involved or was there (it could be one of those "I know what happened there, I thought about it and figured it all out, so now I know" or since he struggled with drug addiction he could overhear something and kinda figure it out this way)
no matter how it was, he was questioned by cops and officially nothing came of it and officially he made it clear that he doesn't know anything.

That area has very very high crime rate, Vanderhoof bit less, but it was and still is pretty bad in neighbouring cities.
Frib's case got a lot of exposure in connection to Maddy's disappearance cause (2) and cause 48 hours made it look like JB emphasised a lot about him (but for me it was never clear if FB was himself portrayed as a bad guy and trouble OR if it was more about the people he knew through his habit).
IMO the connection between these two cases is possible, but it's not necessarily anything as strong as in quoted theory.
I was thinking more of a "connection" made by the problematic people in FB's life that eventually caused him to die such a horrific death - cause pretty much everyone knew that he spoke to cops (in Maddy's case) and for some people it's enough to brand one as a snitch and put all the anger on them at first given chance.

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