Canada - Marie-France Comeau, 37, & Jessica Lloyd, 27, slain, Ont, 2009 & 2010 - #1

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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To clear up some details:storm.

With regard to the previous paragraph, the question of a cover-up by the military will no doubt be asked, over and over and over. How could they not have known? There is almost no way for them to come out smelling like a rose after this. If they deny any knowledge of this man's activities, many won't believe them. If they admit to prior knowledge, this will cast them in a very poor light. They might as well drop the "this is one man" line, and change their PR tactics right now. He is one man, but a very senior one, at a very large base with a crack anti-terrorist team. He is one man who traveled with our leaders and the Queen. How could that special ops unit have missed this? And what does that say about their abilities?

It wasn't so much of a question of cover-up as it was a question of what exactly the Military Police do. If a civilian is harmed on the base is it their responsibility or does it fall under that of the regular police, and vice versa. If it involves Military Employees off of the base are the MP's called in?

Oddly enough though, I have to wonder if too many fingers in the pot spoil the soup.
While lazy and cocky could explain some of it, perhaps he wanted to get caught? Two assaults on his own street. The assault and murder of a fellow officer. Then Jessica. He sat with Belleville Duty counsel after his arrest. ???? Is he hoping to go down? Cocky, of course, I have never met a military officer that isn't cocky, especially if they went to RMC. I have known a few enlisted wo/men that have climbed the ranks that I could stomach but that's about it.

Cary Road is about 10 to 13 minutes away from Cozy Cove. Pjgrrl is correct in stating that the search was not conducted up in this area. And that while there are year round residents all around cottage country this is the slow season. The Foodland parking lot is full to overflowing during the summer months but it is quiet this time of year.

I can't help but wonder how he got to her. There isn't really any place around the house to hide and take notes. It is in the open on the highway. Contact must have been made somehow. This wasn't a crime of opportunity in my opinion- he didn't just drive by that night and take her, he had to have some idea of when and where. It seems strange that part of it appears to be so calculated but then the rest just shows arrogance. So that makes me wonder if it was lazy and cocky, or planned with the remote chance of getting caught. But then that would make it seem as though there was some shred of humanity and I am not willing to think that this was a person. This is the work of a monster. Why did it appear as though his MO changed so quickly? There were the assaults, then assault and murder, then kidnapping, assault and murder, all within a five month period and all within a hop skip and jump of one another. Too stationary in his new position? Not able to get out and do what he needs to do as a predator? Feels like watching a caged wild dog getting antsy.

Will a shower get rid of this dirty feeling?
I, too, was so sure that RW would be charged for this one and am very surprised that he's been ruled out. Hazel is right; only DNA could have eliminated him so quickly, which means that his must already have been on file. What an incredibly awesome tool DNA profiling is - for both LE and the innocent.

I still think LE will find priors for this man, if not murders, than other sexual assaults.


According to this article he hasn't been ruled out yet, they just haven't had a chance to go through the cold case files yet, so there could still very well be further charges pending. I am curious pjgrrrl, when you mentioned yesterday that he wasn't even in the area at the time of the murder, do you know this for fact or is it just speculation on your part?

Police say Col. Russell Williams has not been ruled out as a suspect in the unsolved 2001 death of Kathleen MacVicar, 19, which happened at CFB Trenton, as investigators prepare to sift through cold cases of missing and slain women at military postings where Williams served during his 23-year career.

A family member of the slain woman had suggested in a report she was told Williams was ruled out as a suspect. On Wednesday, OPP told Canwest News Service that they haven’t even explored whether there is a connection yet because they have not examined the cold case files
According to this article he hasn't been ruled out yet, they just haven't had a chance to go through the cold case files yet, so there could still very well be further charges pending. I am curious pjgrrrl, when you mentioned yesterday that he wasn't even in the area at the time of the murder, do you know this for fact or is it just speculation on your part?

Police say Col. Russell Williams has not been ruled out as a suspect in the unsolved 2001 death of Kathleen MacVicar, 19, which happened at CFB Trenton, as investigators prepare to sift through cold cases of missing and slain women at military postings where Williams served during his 23-year career.

A family member of the slain woman had suggested in a report she was told Williams was ruled out as a suspect. On Wednesday, OPP told Canwest News Service that they haven’t even explored whether there is a connection yet because they have not examined the cold case files

Check this one- you are in BC and perhaps it hasn't been updated there yet.
The crimes are less than five months old. The violent sex offender who committed them has likely been active for far longer, according to an FBI profiler.
Air Force colonel Russ Williams stands charged with two first-degree murders and two sex assaults in and around CFB Trenton. He is 46.
On Tuesday morning, police were poring over unsolved crimes in the many stops in Williams’ 23-year military career, including towns small and large across Canada, as well as overseas postings.
In regards to the searches being carried out by local residents, LE lead them in the wrong direction. I have many sources, I.E. the Family, for one.

If what I state on here does not contain a link, it's because I am very close with the residents and family directly surrounding Jessica. This was a well-known fact, even by the family.

He did confess, as I had suggested, as there was no way they were looking up that far up highway 37. But this sentence has me curious as to his previous victims, and potentially the number is higher?

"The Globe and Mail reports that Williams led police to Lloyd's body at a location near Tweed, a small town north of Trenton, after giving them a detailed statement about his alleged crimes and involvement in "four dozen so-called ‘lingerie break-ins."

P.S. Good morning everyone, I trust you all had a good sleep
I would suggest that the police start looking at the crimes from around the time and place that Paul Bernardo was in action. We know that RW attended the University of Toronto around that time.

Do any of those unsolved sexual assaults and murders involve the break-in, tie to chair, sexual assault and stabbing scenario that the Tweed attacker used? Any DNA that has not yet been linked to the attacker in those cases?
Wow... And now it all comes out.

"The attacker took elaborate precautions. In each case, a source said, he laid bed sheets on the floor, or possibly blankets, and positioned the women and the chairs on the sheets.

When he was done, he took the sheets away with him, clearing the crime scenes of possible evidence, such as DNA traces.

The blindfolds - neither woman glimpsed their attacker's face - were crucial.

"It's best you don't recognize me," he told one. And he even evinced a hint of courtesy, at one point going to a bathroom cabinet to fetch her some aspirin.

The fears of area residents were heightened by the asphyxiation death in November of 38-year-old Corporal Marie-France Comeau, found slain in her home in Brighton, about 20 kilometres west of the Trenton air base. Like the two sexual-assault victims, Cpl. Comeau had been bound with duct tape."
Check this one- you are in BC and perhaps it hasn't been updated there yet.

I'm actually not in BC, though the article was a BC newspaper. Here is another article from Ontario, and the same one that you actually linked, that still says he has not been ruled out. This came off their newswire at 9:42 a.m. today.

Investigators slated to pour over cold-case files from across Canada after the commander of CFB Trenton was charged with two counts of first-degree murder have not begun the process of reviewing potential victims — including a teen killed on the base in 2001.

Earlier reports had suggested that Col. Russell Williams had been ruled out as a suspect in the unsolved death of 19-year-old Nova Scotian Kathleen MacVicar, who was found slain at Canadian Forces Base Trenton where Williams spent much of his 23-year career.

"That whole review is going to take quite awhile," said OPP spokeswoman Sgt. Kristine Rae Wednesday.
I need to stop talking out of respect for the Lloyd family. That is what they asked for, and even though I know them only in passing from many years ago I will not disrespect their wishes.
I'm actually not in BC, though the article was a BC newspaper. Here is another article from Ontario, and the same one that you actually linked, that still says he has not been ruled out. This came off their newswire at 9:42 a.m. today.

Investigators slated to pour over cold-case files from across Canada after the commander of CFB Trenton was charged with two counts of first-degree murder have not begun the process of reviewing potential victims — including a teen killed on the base in 2001.

Earlier reports had suggested that Col. Russell Williams had been ruled out as a suspect in the unsolved death of 19-year-old Nova Scotian Kathleen MacVicar, who was found slain at Canadian Forces Base Trenton where Williams spent much of his 23-year career.

"That whole review is going to take quite awhile," said OPP spokeswoman Sgt. Kristine Rae Wednesday.

You're absolutely right, NBG. This morning's edition of the Toronto Star includes MacVicar in its photos of other cases yet to be investigated. The Star's online site (again from this morning) shows:

"Investigators will also look into the unsolved 2001 murder of 19-year-old Kathleen MacVicar in Trenton."

It seems as if yesterday's claim of McVicar's case being eliminated was premature. For her family's case, I hope that LE will find a connection.

Here it is:

I, too, have been wondering why, with all the reporters assigned to this case, nothing is known about RW prior to 1987.

Meanwhile, a few details have leaked out about his wife. She is 50 years old, both parents deceased. She had a cat. She and RW had an old cat that died recently. Cat hair sticks to clothing, and floats in the air. Perhaps this is something that has been found in other unsolved attacks. Scroll down for the Canadian case of Snowball the cat:


Snowball (cat)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Snowball, a domestic cat from Prince Edward Island, Canada, has the unique distinction of being at the centre of a milestone in forensic history.

In 1994, Shirley Duguay of Prince Edward Island went missing and was later found in a shallow grave. Among the most compelling pieces of evidence in the case was a leather jacket covered in plots blood and over two dozen white feline hairs.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigators recalled that during a previous interview with the estranged husband, Douglas Beamish, that he had a white cat named Snowball. The detectives confiscated the cat and drew blood in which they intended to use DNA fingerprinting to compare it to the DNA found in the white hairs from the jacket, but they found that no one in the world had done this before.

After contacting the Laboratory of Genomic Diversity, a laboratory specialising not in forensics, but in the study of genetic diseases, detectives and scientists were able to develop a method in which to test the feline DNA. The test included a fail-safe method of randomly testing 20 other cats from the isolated Prince Edward Island, in order to establish the degree of genetic diversity among cats in the area, to rule out the possibility that the hairs found in the jacket came from a close relative of Snowball, or if all the cats on the island had a common ancestor, rendering the DNA test useless.

The tests revealed that the hairs did come from the cat; Beamish was subsequently convicted for the murder of his wife.

The forensic science of testing cat and dog hairs has been firmly established and studied, but it was an unknown science until the Snowball case.
[edit] References

* Marilyn A. Menotti-Raymond, Victor A. David & Stephen J. O'Brien (1997-04-24). "Pet cat hair implicates murder suspect" (PDF, subscription required). Nature 386 (774): 774. doi:10.1038/386774a0"

So, is there cat hair from two possible cats in the homes of victims who did not have cats? Has the cat DNA been tested?
Maybe Kathleen's mother was understandably emotional when she talked to LE and misunderstood? It seems almost like a slam dunk to me, that he could be the killer & he was at posted at Trenton during that time, however someone made an excellent point he could have been out of town. I think AG pointed out they should have any DNA that the was taken on file, wouldn't think it would take very long. One great thing about his working in the Military is they would have tons of records of where he was at, trips, etc. I guess we will have see.
Being a journalist in the past, all the media reports and variations bug the crap out of me. I realize this happens all the time, but when I got a story- I made damn sure the facts were corroborated down to the nitty gritty. GRR!

Being such a dying industry, they really have to dust off their skills because they can no longer steal from press releases.
JMO at the moment. HAHA!
4 DOZEN, 4 DOZEN...I hope these ladies are able to get some kind of closure & will feel more secure knowing he's locked up.

ETA - OKAAYY, now I have concerns about the wife, IF he had all these could she not know???
4 DOZEN, 4 DOZEN...I hope these ladies are able to get some kind of closure & will feel more secure knowing he's locked up.

ETA - OKAAYY, now I have concerns about the wife, IF he had all these could she not know???

Link, please!
In regards to the searches being carried out by local residents, LE lead them in the wrong direction. I have many sources, I.E. the Family, for one.

If what I state on here does not contain a link, it's because I am very close with the residents and family directly surrounding Jessica. This was a well-known fact, even by the family.

He did confess, as I had suggested, as there was no way they were looking up that far up highway 37. But this sentence has me curious as to his previous victims, and potentially the number is higher?

"The Globe and Mail reports that Williams led police to Lloyd's body at a location near Tweed, a small town north of Trenton, after giving them a detailed statement about his alleged crimes and involvement in "four dozen so-called ‘lingerie break-ins."

P.S. Good morning everyone, I trust you all had a good sleep


Good morning, PJ.

I can't speak for others, but the objections to your previous post about the searches was the use of the word "purposely". If this were true, I highly doubt that anyone but those at the highest position in charge of the searches would be aware of this deliberate attempt at evasion or deception and not something they would share with anyone. It's a highly inflammatory (and possibly libelous) accusation.

With due respect, you should be reminded of your previous deleted post by the mods in the Stafford forum due to the unsubstantiated rumours it contained. While verifiable facts with links, speculation, and theories are always welcome here, it's extremely risky to post rumours. The "Rumours" threads at WS were permanently shut down last summer and posting same is discouraged by the administration.

Here is a quote from one of the mods (Animal04216) re this subject:

I totally agree with you about the MOO and the links. If anyone is presenting something as fact there should be a link to it.
Additionally, if you have a personal connection to either the victims or accused in any WS cases, you are required by the TOS to register with the owner of the site.

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