GUILTY Canada - Marie-France Comeau, 37, & Jessica Lloyd, 27, slain, Ont, 2009 & 2010 - #6

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Oddly enough, that article is no longer available. That was fast. Interesting that it wasn't just corrected but pulled. hmmm

Here's the link to the cached version:,+the+provincial+facility+in+Napanee+where+he+was+held+while+his+charges+were+before+the+court.+At+Kingston+Pen,+a+visitor+must+fill+out+an+application,+provide+identification,+including+photos+and+undergo+a+criminal+record+check.+In+some+cases,+a+visitor+might+be+permitted+a+closed+visit+even+before+the+CPIC+check+is+completed.+During+a+closed+visit,+the+visitor+is+separated+from+the+inmate+by+glass+and+can%E2%80%99t+touch+the+person.+It%E2%80%99s+possible+Williams+might+be+given+closed+visits+initially,+because+of+concern+about+his+adjustment+to+prison+life+and+the+notoriety+of+his+case.+Staff+will+want+to+monitor+his+behaviour+during+his+initial+visits.+If+Harriman+is+quickly+granted+open+visits,+they%E2%80%99re+likely+to+take+place+in+isolation+from+other+prisoners+and+visitors,+until+KP+staff+figure+out+if+Williams+is+a+target+of+other+convicts.+During+open+visits,+the+inmate+and+visitor+sit+at+tables+and+chairs+that+are+bolted+to+the+floor.+They+can+touch+and+are+permitted+brief+kisses,+but+prolonged+sexual+contact,+including+a+woman+sitting+on+a+man%E2%80%99s+lap,+is+not+permitted.&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca&client=firefox-a

Sex killer Russ Williams soon to get visits in prison?
November 12, 2010 By Rob Leave a Comment

The wife of serial sex slayer Russ Williams has inquired, indirectly, about the visiting process at maximum-security Kingston Penitentiary. Sources tell me that Mary Elizabeth Harriman’s father contacted Kingston Pen recently to ask about the process for family to visit Williams behind bars. The former airbase commander convicted of two sex murders and two sexual assaults has been imprisoned at Canada’s oldest penitentiary since October 21, when he was whisked 75 kilometres east from a Belleville courthouse directly to the limestone fortress along the lake to begin serving his life sentence, as soon as his sentencing was complete.
Yeah.. especially that first conversation! I suppose I'm being gossipy, but you have to wonder what their sex life was like. Oh, I think I read that he can have conjugal visits with his wife.

Well there's speculation by experts that he probably was fulfilling a lot of his extreme fantasies with prostitutes. And he may have practiced bondage with his wife:

Quinsey says he might be ego-dystonic — someone who finds his own impulses distressing and unacceptable. He perhaps resorted to non-violent ways to satisfy his urges, with online *advertiser censored* or prostitutes. Experts interviewed by the Star wondered if he practised bondage with girlfriends or his wife.

They speculate he had been practicing and controlling his impulses for twenty years, but then something set him off perhaps.

Both Quinsey and Woods speculate that a sudden, significant event might have triggered Williams' life of crime.

“We all have stressors that put pressure on us and we all have different ways of relieving it,” says Woods, who left the RCMP in 2007 and now runs a company that trains police forces on criminal profiling. “Some people go for a run, others have a glass of wine, and sexual predators go out and rape.”

Says Quinsey: “The only scenario I can think of is that this guy had these interests for a long time, but he was able to control them. And then something sets him off and he can't control them any more.”

During one of his sexual assaults, he reportedly told his victim he was attacking her “so I can move on with my life.”

What set him off?

Maybe it was the prednisone and not being able to fly anymore, the family situation, not having enough self respect considering he had never been in a war situation, even commanding, or that he didn't have the right credentials to feel totally comfortable in his job -- who knows? Even though I want the death penalty for monsters like him, I still want to know the mitigating factors.
I get kind of tired of this anonymous source thing, with things like the following quote. I realize that it is definitely necessary, alot of the time, but this is ridiculous.

If the letter in April was anonymous, from a "co-worker" of RW's, then who is to say that the 2nd "anonymous" source isn't the same person?

They are backing up an anonymous letter with an annonymous source?

Enough already.

In April, the Star received an anonymous letter from someone identifying him- or herself as a former co-worker. It said Williams was on a “strong medication” for the past few years, concluding: “I believe this changed him.”

This week, another source, who asked not to be identified, named prednisone. The informed source said Williams was placed on it around the time his string of fetish break-and-enters and thefts began.
I'd love to know who this "co-worker" would be. It would be one of two people and I seriously doubt either one of them would be giving anonymous tips to some unknown writer.

If he was on "strong medication", he would have been grounded for the very reasons the papers are saying he tortured and killed these women. As far as I know, he was piloting aircraft right up to his arrest.
Does anyone know if the full 309 pages of the Confession Interview Transcript are available?
Black zip ties, to be more specific.

As for hints, now that you mention it, remember those photos of his cat (car?) on his Blackberry? Odd, the name "Rosebud" has a connection to the Battle of the Rosebud. I've also come up with another connection, just as intriguing.
I am wondering what the other intriguing connection might be?!
I am wondering what the other intriguing connection might be?!

I'm not. I don't see any relevance to what this couple named their cat or how it can possibly be connected to the crimes committed by RW. As SGOTN posted, it's more than likely that it was MEH who gave the animal this very feminine name. If you're going to go this route, why not research "Curio", as well?

I've had several cats over the years, some of them with names that anyone could find connections to odd things if they were so inclined. I chose them randomly or because the name suited the cat's appearance or personality.

IMHO, if respected psychologists and behavioural scientists have not been able to explain the reasons behind RW's horrendous crimes, I doubt that the name of one of his cats would provide a meaningful clue. As Freud said, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar".

I'm not. I don't see any relevance to what this couple named their cat or how it can possibly be connected to the crimes committed by RW. As SGOTN posted, it's more than likely that it was MEH who gave the animal this very feminine name. If you're going to go this route, why not research "Curio", as well?

I've had several cats over the years, some of them with names that anyone could find connections to odd things if they were so inclined. I chose them randomly or because the name suited the cat's appearance or personality.

IMHO, if respected psychologists and behavioural scientists have not been able to explain the reasons behind RW's horrendous crimes, I doubt that the name of one of his cats would provide a meaningful clue. As Freud said, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar".

I was more CURIOus about the name "Curio" - no pun intended, though that could be it - curious, curiosity

As for "Rosebud" (Rosie) could be they were thinking "Russ"
Dearest Mary Elizabeth, I love you, sweet (Ponge). I am so very sorry for having hurt you like this. I know you’ll take good care of sweet Rosie. I love you . . . Russ.
The nickname that intrigues me the most is PONGE

(Unrelated comment: for some reason, he seems to dislike being called "Russell", wonder why?)
This seems like bad timing to claw back this kind of support system.

Hundreds of soldiers from Canadian Forces Base Petawawa who sought counselling at a nearby hospital in eastern Ontario must get help elsewhere.

The Pembroke Regional Hospital says it can no longer afford the adult outpatient service that saw more than 400 soldiers a year seeking treatment outside the military health system.

Individual counselling has been dramatically scaled back with the retirement this year of four social workers who are not being replaced. Marital sessions are no longer offered.

Soldiers from the base northwest of Ottawa had received free counselling for anger, stress, depression and relationship problems.

'If we had more funding, I would happily continue to provide the service.'— Bernadette Wren, director of mental health services, Pembroke hospital.
The program's end comes amid an emotional public debate about whether troops are getting the support they need. Frontline counsellors say many soldiers still won't use beefed up military mental health programs for fear of tarnishing their careers.

Others simply won't admit they have a problem.

Read more:

I was more CURIOus about the name "Curio" - no pun intended, though that could be it - curious, curiosity

That would be my first guess.

The nickname that intrigues me the most is PONGE

That is unusual, but we'll probably never find out the reason for it. Couples and families give each other the strangest nicknames. One of my daughters has been nicknamed "Noo", "Noonie" or "Noodle" since she was a toddler. (It has nothing to do with her real name, nor with pasta.) Only the immediate family knows why and no one outside of it would ever guess. :)
I was more CURIOus about the name "Curio" - no pun intended, though that could be it - curious, curiosity

As for "Rosebud" (Rosie) could be they were thinking "Russ"

The nickname that intrigues me the most is PONGE

(Unrelated comment: for some reason, he seems to dislike being called "Russell", wonder why?)
If ponge was spelled with 2 o's it is in the urban dictionary and rude,if you don't mind something inapropriate,here is a link
As for why RW did not like being called Russell, well I knew someone with a similar name, they hated it, because when their Mother was mad it sounded as if she was hissing the name.
I'm with Freud

analyzing pet's names won't lead us anywhere I don't think
I was just thinking about Russ. If he stopped himself at the underwear stealing stage, everything would have been relatively cool, with nobody profoundly hurt or murdered. He could have gotten out clean by burning all the underwear and blow torching his two hard drives. No one would be the wiser.
I was just thinking about Russ. If he stopped himself at the underwear stealing stage, everything would have been relatively cool, with nobody profoundly hurt or murdered. He could have gotten out clean by burning all the underwear and blow torching his two hard drives. No one would be the wiser.

You're right, and I hate to bring levity to such a serious subject, but my natural response to such speculation is:

If my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a bicycle. ;)
You're right, and I hate to bring levity to such a serious subject, but my natural response to such speculation is:

If my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a bicycle. ;)

lol.. But what about your grandpa?

Anyhow, I wonder if Russ did try to stop, but his urges were way too strong and he just degenerated, wanting more and more, like a drug addict. I'm rambling, but this guy is fascinating to say the least.
I was more CURIOus about the name "Curio" - no pun intended, though that could be it - curious, curiosity

As for "Rosebud" (Rosie) could be they were thinking "Russ"

The nickname that intrigues me the most is PONGE

(Unrelated comment: for some reason, he seems to dislike being called "Russell", wonder why?)

The nickname Ponge is intriguing. Any connection to the French poet Francis Ponge? Here is a quote from one of Ponge's translated poems, entitled "Preface to A Bestiary", which I found quite creepy when thinking of the possible implications:

How [was he called] (1) did the lion live [who] whose portrait Rembrandt drew which is to be found on page X . . . ? What kind of an individual was he? [how did he live?] You'll say that's of little import: All lions look alike. Thus, that lion is beautiful because Rembrandt marked him with the essential traits of the species? Or was it because [ ] (2) [those] traits were those of a single individual of that species?

[whatever it may be,] That lion has a magnificent expression — rancor pitted against destiny [looked at straight ahead with despair, pity, astonishment, resolution (o! victim, I shall be forced to eat you up)] Goodness forced into becoming murderous and which [weakened] resting [stares at destiny in the face and thinks about the tragedy of life] [of which it is both the victim and the hangman (the executor)]
(Who is that hero (Shakespeare's) who successively tries out generosity then, becoming a misanthrope, cupidity, ferociousness? — It's Timon of Athens)
Generosity weakened
Victorious force (and saddened by its victory)
What do you guys think of the interview between Williams and Detective Jim Smyth? I've read that Smyth was brilliant with the interrogation. Now, I'm sure he did a very competent job, but when it comes right down to it, the police already had the goods (tire tracks and boot prints) on Williams. Smyth just pointed that fact out to Williams, and he folded.
I am wondering what the other intriguing connection might be?!

Could be the connection to the movie "Citizen Kane" starring Orson Welles and based on the super rich newspaper magnate Hearst who seemed to have it all, but didn't.

At Xanadu, Kane's belongings are being catalogued, most of which are practically worthless. During this time, Thompson finds that he is unable to solve the mystery and concludes that "Rosebud" will forever remain an enigma. He theorizes that "Mr. Kane was a man who got everything he wanted, and then lost it. Maybe Rosebud was something he couldn't get, or something he lost." In the ending of the film, it is revealed to the audience that Rosebud was the name of the sled from Kane's childhood - an allusion to the only time in his life when he was truly happy. The sled, thought to be junk, is burned and destroyed by Xanadu's departing staff in a basement furnace.
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