GUILTY Canada - Marie-France Comeau, 37, & Jessica Lloyd, 27, slain, Ont, 2009 & 2010 - #6

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Rumour has it, that RW sits at the edge of his bed, crying most of the time and reading.

He is given his one hour per day to shower, etc. He is taunted continuously by the other inmates and things have been hurled at him even though he walks under cover.

This came from a fairly reliable source.

Somehow, I can't see this guy crying. I can see him constantly reading, though. He's probably most vulnerable to harm when going to the shower. I wonder if he's alone in the exercise yard, or if other inmates who are deemed "safe" are with him. Wow, to be locked up alone for 23 hours a day - I'd go bonkers.
Respectfully AG, perhaps the other source you are quoting about her father's death is not correct. Who knows.


Respectfully, Max, the source I'm quoting is from an in-depth, 6-page article at It was obviously meticulously researched and very specific with its information.

"In September 2000, Harriman lost her mother to Lou Gehrig’s disease. Four years later, on Canada Day, her dad passed away at the age of 84. They are buried in the same plot at a cemetery in Fort-Coulonge, the small Quebec community where they married."

"Mary Elizabeth Harriman was born on Nov. 15, 1957, the only daughter of Frederick and Irene Harriman."

"Her mother, Irene Lavigne"

Everyone is entitled to believe whatever source they wish, but I choose to believe a 100+ year-old news magazine like Maclean's over an unidentified source mentioned in an online blog. It's certainly possible that someone called Kingston Pen (a reporter? a busybody? an amateur sleuth?) and claimed to be MEH's father, thus misleading the "source", who then misled RT. However, a responsible journalist would have checked whether this was even possible before publishing his column.

It took me only a few minutes of Googling to find further proof here. If I could do it, so could have RT.


(This website was last updated the year before FH passed away. If he were still alive, he would be 91 years old.)

Anyway, my main point was that there has (so far) been no application for visitation and therefore no approval of same. I just stated my personal opinion that I can't get all upset over something that hasn't even happened and never might. If it does, I will be as outraged as the rest of you.


Respectfully, Max, the source I'm quoting is from an in-depth, 6-page article at It was obviously meticulously researched and very specific with its information.

"In September 2000, Harriman lost her mother to Lou Gehrig’s disease. Four years later, on Canada Day, her dad passed away at the age of 84. They are buried in the same plot at a cemetery in Fort-Coulonge, the small Quebec community where they married."

"Mary Elizabeth Harriman was born on Nov. 15, 1957, the only daughter of Frederick and Irene Harriman."

"Her mother, Irene Lavigne"

Everyone is entitled to believe whatever source they wish, but I choose to believe a 100+ year-old news magazine like Maclean's over an unidentified source mentioned in an online blog. It's certainly possible that someone called Kingston Pen (a reporter? a busybody? an amateur sleuth?) and claimed to be MEH's father, thus misleading the "source", who then misled RT. However, a responsible journalist would have checked whether this was even possible before publishing his column.

It took me only a few minutes of Googling to find further proof here. If I could do it, so could have RT.


(This website was last updated the year before FH passed away. If he were still alive, he would be 91 years old.)

Anyway, my main point was that there has (so far) been no application for visitation and therefore no approval of same. I just stated my personal opinion that I can't get all upset over something that hasn't even happened and never might. If it does, I will be as outraged as the rest of you.


Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion. How do you know that no application for visits has been filed? And RT isn't just a blogger, he writes for the Kingston Whig Standard.
I am confused on this discussion regarding MEH's parents. :waitasec:

RW talks about MEH's "parents" in his confession video with Det. Sgt. Smyth, does he not?

Maybe he just says "her family". I will have to check this now.

It was something I wondered about at the time, but I didn't revisit the issue, with all the details we were being inundated with.
Paul Bernardo's parents go to see him at Kingston Pen. I wonder if Williams' parents and brother have gone or are planning on going to see him? Will he let them?

Well, I am pretty sure it was stated in court that RW did not want his father accessing him in jail, so, he will likely be kept away.

Not really sure if it's his bio Dad from the U.S. or Sovka who is in France, I believe.
I am confused on this discussion regarding MEH's parents. :waitasec:

RW talks about MEH's "parents" in his confession video with Det. Sgt. Smyth, does he not?

Maybe he just says "her family". I will have to check this now.

It was something I wondered about at the time, but I didn't revisit the issue, with all the details we were being inundated with.

In his confession it states "her family", but we have no idea who that may be as both MEH's parents are deceased and she was an only child.
Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Thank you. :)

How do you know that no application for visits has been filed?

I don't, which is my point. RT doesn't claim to know either. He is just saying there's a possibility of it. Which is why I said I'm not yet outraged. If anyone can say with certainty that it has been filed and MEH actually visited him out of loyalty, then I will make a judgement about her.

In the meantime, life is too short to get worked up over "what ifs", KWIM? Right now, I'm already outraged over the sad fate of Zahra Baker and the fact that Kyron Horman is still missing. These are more tangible and justifiable reasons for my anger than an unknown.

And RT isn't just a blogger, he writes for the Kingston Whig Standard.

Yep, I know. I do my research. However, the KWS didn't publish this piece; it was found on RT's own blog, requiring no editorial approval.
I can't watch the video right now, but there was specific mention about passports or custom/immigration stuff regarding MEH's family, in Det.Sgt. Smyth's interview, I will try and watch it again tomorrow, I remember it in there, and wondered what the heck he was talking about, and the video is cut out and edited, I think.

Here is what I found from Thread #4, regarding MEH's family. I still don't really get the whole "name" thing, I don't think it was ever clarified???

Thank you, nobodyzgirl. I'm going to paste the exact quote from copied Star comment so that I don't misquote it:

"You're doing the right thing here," det says. #ColRW replies that he's concerned about wife and her family. Family of Lloyd gasps in court. [via Twitter]

[emphasis by me]

Let's not overlook that addition here of his wife's family, and RW's implications. As I see it, here he is again reminding the detective of 'who they are' and subtly referring to the power in that surname. Anyone who has read history knows that name and the strong influence that men of that surname have had (and continue to have) on world affairs.
I doubt very highly that MEH is ever going to visit him again. JMO.
RT's been credible in the past so I'm not sure what to make of this. Maybe he had an 'off' day. His reliable sources are usually pretty reliable (lol). JMO, of course. I like his crime site because it's the only one I can find that's focused on Canadians.
I can't watch the video right now, but there was specific mention about passports or custom/immigration stuff regarding MEH's family, in Det.Sgt. Smyth's interview, I will try and watch it again tomorrow, I remember it in there, and wondered what the heck he was talking about, and the video is cut out and edited, I think.

Here is what I found from Thread #4, regarding MEH's family. I still don't really get the whole "name" thing, I don't think it was ever clarified???

the 'name' thing was cryptic and no, not ever clarified

I did google, as was originally suggested, and found myself in a labrynth of U.S. history/economic lessons and conspiracy theories so I gave up

I don't remember the passport/immigration stuff from the interview but you've peaked my interest now
In his confession it states "her family", but we have no idea who that may be as both MEH's parents are deceased and she was an only child.

She could very well have cousins she keeps in touch with and perhaps even aged aunts or uncles. It would make sense for her to hold onto these ties, especially after she lost all her immediate family. Even if she didn't, once this bombshell hit the airwaves worldwide, all her distant relatives would have surely come out of the woodwork. I do hope she has a support system.


Very interesting. If I were to take a layman's guess, I would say probably not. The doctors' description of violence and murder in some cases sounds like sudden, impetuous crimes where the user couldn't control himself. RW did not act impulsively, but planned each crime, stalked his victims, and was very organized and meticulous. I think he was in total control of what he was doing. Additionally, all his co-workers have attested that he functioned normally and efficiently in his work environment. Surely, any erratic behaviour would have been noticed.

I'll have to agree with the experts that there's no way to know for sure how much of a role, if any, Prednisone played in these horrific crimes. If anything, I'm more likely to believe that the stress of accelerating work responsibility was more a factor in bringing forward these old urges that he had been repressing.

I don't buy it.

If he was in pain enough to be on Prednisone, he certainly wouldn't be out jogging.

And he certainly wouldn't be fit aircrew.

I think reporters are desperate to hang onto and milk every drop out of this story. It sells. People will read it. He did what he did and we will never know why or what was going through his mind. Only he knows (and I am positive he knows why, but didn't care to discuss it with Det Smyth. So, what do you say? You say "Dunno" of course...the catch all phrase).

Sometimes there is just no story or reason. The freak was a horny pig who acted on his urges and fulfilling his sick fantasies.
I am sure if MEH's father did NOT actually call Kingston Penn to question about visitation to RW, then we will see a retraction.

Who would want their name associated with having sympathy or compassion for a heinous killer, when they did not, KWIM?

Who could go there anyway, WHO?

Better yet, WHY?

Oddly enough, that article is no longer available. That was fast. Interesting that it wasn't just corrected but pulled. hmmm
100% No.

Though, I am sure it would ease some people's conscience to believe it to be so.

Except for all the people who already take it..Lol I wonder how many spouses of arthritis sufferers will be sleeping with one eye open from now on!
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