GUILTY Canada - Marie-France Comeau, 37, & Jessica Lloyd, 27, slain, Ont, 2009 & 2010 - #6

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Thanks for the reply. So, not having a 'tour of duty' under his belt wouldn't have hindered his advancement. BTW, how is the new commander of the airbase doing?

He's a wonderful man. I've known Col Dave Cochrane for many years, he has spent a lot of time at 8 Wing. He's very soft spoken and very kind. They chose a great guy.

Not a lot of people know this, but his first cousin is Tom Cochrane, the Canadian singer (Life is a Highway). It's his fathers brothers son. If you see their pics side by side, you can definitely see the resemblance.

Just some totally random trivia for
Sure makes me wonder what on earth happened to him to cause such a huge rift in his family? Was he abused and he absolutely hates his family for that? On the surface everything looks great -- a family he should be proud of, and want to brag to his neighbours about. A brother who is a doctor, a mom who is a successful physiotherapist in one of the most respected hospitals in Canada. A father with a PhD in engineering. A stepfather with a PhD in engineering who sets up nuclear facilities all over the world.
Back in the day, we used to call that coming from a broken home and it was to blame for all kinds of problems, but I guess that's not politically correct anymore because it's so common.
It’s possible Williams could get visits very quickly. His wife was visiting him regularly at Quinte Detention, the provincial facility in Napanee where he was held while his charges were before the court. At Kingston Pen, a visitor must fill out an application, provide identification, including photos and undergo a criminal record check. In some cases, a visitor might be permitted a closed visit even before the CPIC check is completed. During a closed visit, the visitor is separated from the inmate by glass and can’t touch the person. It’s possible Williams might be given closed visits initially, because of concern about his adjustment to prison life and the notoriety of his case. Staff will want to monitor his behaviour during his initial visits. If Harriman is quickly granted open visits, they’re likely to take place in isolation from other prisoners and visitors, until KP staff figure out if Williams is a target of other convicts. During open visits, the inmate and visitor sit at tables and chairs that are bolted to the floor. They can touch and are permitted brief kisses, but prolonged sexual contact, including a woman sitting on a man’s lap, is not permitted.
This whole story makes me gag. Our system of justice is not fair at all to the victims. Why should he be entitled to conjugal visits after he snuffed the life out of two young innocent women for his own sadistic impulses... This really makes me want the death penalty.

I also don't see how Harriman could possibly even want to "go there"... Of course, if she didn't, I'm sure Williams could find lots of prisoner groupies who would gladly take her place.

Seems like Harriman is actually trying to forgive him. And/ or is in such a huge state of denial that she has not yet reached the point of repulsion. Even Judith Ridgeway, the Green River killer's wife, who initially believed he didn't do the crimes, decided to divorce him once he confessed. She made herself listen to the testimony. Did Harriman? Of course forensic psychologists and psychiatrists have stated that killers like these often pick partners who tend to be submissive, non-questioning, overly forgiving. People who they can easily control. But come on, why would Harriman's father be phoning on her behalf re: visits? Her family should NOT be encouraging her to go and see him. Even if she's in denial, haven't they seen the pictures or heard the testimony? This is just sick and enabling.
This whole story makes me gag. Our system of justice is not fair at all to the victims. Why should he be entitled to conjugal visits after he snuffed the life out of two young innocent women for his own sadistic impulses... This really makes me want the death penalty.

I also don't see how Harriman could possibly even want to "go there"... Of course, if she didn't, I'm sure Williams could find lots of prisoner groupies who would gladly take her place.

Seems like Harriman is actually trying to forgive him. And/ or is in such a huge state of denial that she has not yet reached the point of repulsion. Even Judith Ridgeway, the Green River killer's wife, who initially believed he didn't do the crimes, decided to divorce him once he confessed. She made herself listen to the testimony. Did Harriman? Of course forensic psychologists and psychiatrists have stated that killers like these often pick partners who tend to be submissive, non-questioning, overly forgiving. People who they can easily control. But come on, why would Harriman's father be phoning on her behalf re: visits? Her family should NOT be encouraging her to go and see him. Even if she's in denial, haven't they seen the pictures or heard the testimony? This is just sick and enabling.

This article is all speculation by the author. Even MEH's father inquiring about visits is attributed to an anonymous "source". We don't know if MEH will visit him, or her father, and certainly jumping to the conclusion that any visit by MEH will be "conjugal" is premature.

His wife was visiting him regularly at Quinte Detention

This sentence has appeared several times in the media, but no one (to my knowledge) ever bothered to specify how many times and when. If she only visited him a few times at the beginning of his jail stint, it could have been all about settling the legal matters and doesn't necessarily mean that she's sticking by him. If she does end up visiting him in Kingston, it could still be about "business".

Personally, I dislike this type of speculative, baiting, sensationalistic journalism. I don't trust anything that cites unnamed sources for information. If and when we hear from a reliable source that MEH visits RW at Kingston Pen and they're exchanging kisses through the glass :)puke:), I will change my tune.

Sorry if this was previously posted(Idon't think it was) but here is an attempt to
understand the two minds of RW.

The miniminds model dispels the puzzle of Russell Williams. The psychological roots of his evil might be contained to one or a few mental mechanisms. If these mechanisms apply to a limited range of topics or situations, then they need not give rise to behavioural problems in other places.

Many will find this cold comfort, for the miniminds model complicates the practical matter of protecting ourselves from evil. If moral problems can be very specialized, detection of people such as Russell Williams will be very difficult. If our moral psychology is deeply fragmented, then moral education might be efficacious for some topics or contexts but completely useless for others. So be it: practical problems will be resolved only with good information about the nature of our minds. Retreat to more familiar yet false views is not only intellectual cowardice, it is dangerous.

Read more:
If and when we hear from a reliable source that MEH visits RW at Kingston Pen and they're exchanging kisses through the glass :)puke:), I will change my tune.


BBM: Where did you read that, Antiquegirl?
BBM: Where did you read that, Antiquegirl?

I didn't read it anywhere. I wrote "If and when ...". It was just an example of some kind of proof I'd need before I'd believe MEH and RW remain a couple. A visit alone could be interpreted as only a necessity for clearing up legal/financial matters. Forgive me the tasteless "joke".
This article is all speculation by the author. Even MEH's father inquiring about visits is attributed to an anonymous "source". We don't know if MEH will visit him, or her father, and certainly jumping to the conclusion that any visit by MEH will be "conjugal" is premature.

This sentence has appeared several times in the media, but no one (to my knowledge) ever bothered to specify how many times and when. If she only visited him a few times at the beginning of his jail stint, it could have been all about settling the legal matters and doesn't necessarily mean that she's sticking by him. If she does end up visiting him in Kingston, it could still be about "business".

Personally, I dislike this type of speculative, baiting, sensationalistic journalism. I don't trust anything that cites unnamed sources for information. If and when we hear from a reliable source that MEH visits RW at Kingston Pen and they're exchanging kisses through the glass :)puke:), I will change my tune.



Just to point out that Rob Tripp is a well respected journalist who lives in Kingston and does have a lot of contacts within the Correctional System.FWIW I tend to believe what he writes. Unfortunately we probably won't hear from "reliable sources" about visits because the visits would be confidential information.
Rumour has it, that RW sits at the edge of his bed, crying most of the time and reading.

He is given his one hour per day to shower, etc. He is taunted continuously by the other inmates and things have been hurled at him even though he walks under cover.

This came from a fairly reliable source.
This makes me sick.

In addition to the regular daily visits, Harriman and Williams can seek private family visits (PFVs). Williams would have to start the process by applying for them. Because his crimes involved violence against women, he might be required to take a violence-related program before he’s permitted to have PFVs. He has one factor working for him. Williams’ crimes weren’t perpetrated against family members, or women considered partners, so he and his wife could argue there’s no history of family or partner violence.

Other family members also can seek to have private family visits (Sources tell me sex killer Paul Bernardo began having PFVs with his mother soon after his imprisonment at KP).

Private family visits take place in a small, separate, building within the prison compound. It has a kitchen and other amenities that make it home-like. The visitor and inmate can sleep together in a bed. Private family visits can last up to 72 hours and be granted roughly once every two months.
I am sure if MEH's father did NOT actually call Kingston Penn to question about visitation to RW, then we will see a retraction.

Who would want their name associated with having sympathy or compassion for a heinous killer, when they did not, KWIM?

Who could go there anyway, WHO?

Better yet, WHY?
Rumour has it, that RW sits at the edge of his bed, crying most of the time and reading.

He is given his one hour per day to shower, etc. He is taunted continuously by the other inmates and things have been hurled at him even though he walks under cover.

This came from a fairly reliable source.

THIS IS GREAT TO HEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am glad he supposedly is having a rough time, I hope it continues every minute of everyday for the rest of his sorry life.
This article is all speculation by the author. Even MEH's father inquiring about visits is attributed to an anonymous "source". We don't know if MEH will visit him, or her father, and certainly jumping to the conclusion that any visit by MEH will be "conjugal" is premature.

This sentence has appeared several times in the media, but no one (to my knowledge) ever bothered to specify how many times and when. If she only visited him a few times at the beginning of his jail stint, it could have been all about settling the legal matters and doesn't necessarily mean that she's sticking by him. If she does end up visiting him in Kingston, it could still be about "business".

Personally, I dislike this type of speculative, baiting, sensationalistic journalism. I don't trust anything that cites unnamed sources for information. If and when we hear from a reliable source that MEH visits RW at Kingston Pen and they're exchanging kisses through the glass :)puke:), I will change my tune.


I appreciate Antiquegirl that you are trying to give Harriman the benefit of the doubt, and you could be right. Yet, this may be an excellent journalist and his sources are probably very good.

I think most of the posts at Websleuths are speculation though, because we are "sleuthing"-- we're not in a court of law presenting evidence and cold, hard facts. Based upon what I've read so far about Harriman, it seems suspicious to me, in my opinion, that she just can't send a lawyer to see Williams at Quinte or Kingston Pen to represent her interests in regard to splitting up the matrimonial property and other financial matters. How many visits does she need to clear up these matters? I've read elsewhere that she'd need only one visit maximum to settle their affairs. As well, it is a fact that she is getting the Canadian taxpayer to pay for replacing her floors. So from knowing these tidbits of information, I am speculating or giving my opinion about her motivation in doing these things. I really don't know if I'm right or not, and of course I am hoping I am wrong.

In regard to jumping to conclusions about conjugal visits, my point is not just whether she will be having them or not, but that Williams is even entitled to them after committing such heinous crimes. It calls into question (for me anyway) our whole justice system, and makes me want the death penalty here in Canada for sick monsters like Williams (and Bernardo, and Olsen, etc.).
This makes me sick.

Paul Bernardo's parents go to see him at Kingston Pen. I wonder if Williams' parents and brother have gone or are planning on going to see him? Will he let them?

Just to point out that Rob Tripp is a well respected journalist who lives in Kingston and does have a lot of contacts within the Correctional System.FWIW I tend to believe what he writes. Unfortunately we probably won't hear from "reliable sources" about visits because the visits would be confidential information.

For a "well respected journalist", he didn't do his homework when writing this story. The only basis for this entire story is the claim by an unknown source that

"Mary Elizabeth Harriman’s father contacted Kingston Pen recently to ask about the process for family to visit Williams behind bars".

I'm curious how he did that, considering that he's been dead for six years.

In September 2000, Harriman lost her mother to Lou Gehrig’s disease. Four years later, on Canada Day, her dad passed away at the age of 84.

After that, every fact the writer mentions is general, theoretical, or speculative:

It’s possible Williams could get visits very quickly.

In some cases, a visitor might be permitted a closed visit

It’s possible Williams might be given closed visits initially

If Harriman is quickly granted open visits, they’re likely to take place in isolation

Harriman and Williams can seek private family visits

he and his wife could argue there’s no history of family or partner violence.

Other family members also can seek to have private family visits

The visitor and inmate can sleep together in a bed.

Private family visits can last up to 72 hours

Everything he writes about here is only a possibility. It's hard for me to get disgusted about events that haven't yet occurred and may never will. ("It’s up to prison staff to approve the visits").

"Mary Elizabeth Harriman’s father contacted Kingston Pen recently to ask about the process for family to visit Williams behind bars".

I'm curious how he did that, considering that he's been dead for six years.

Sorry, I don't mean to be mean to anyone, but this made me totally laugh out loud!

Maybe it's the Riesling :tipsy:
For a "well respected journalist", he didn't do his homework when writing this story. The only basis for this entire story is the claim by an unknown source that

"Mary Elizabeth Harriman’s father contacted Kingston Pen recently to ask about the process for family to visit Williams behind bars".

I'm curious how he did that, considering that he's been dead for six years.

After that, every fact the writer mentions is general, theoretical, or speculative:

It’s possible Williams could get visits very quickly.

In some cases, a visitor might be permitted a closed visit

It’s possible Williams might be given closed visits initially

If Harriman is quickly granted open visits, they’re likely to take place in isolation

Harriman and Williams can seek private family visits

he and his wife could argue there’s no history of family or partner violence.

Other family members also can seek to have private family visits

The visitor and inmate can sleep together in a bed.

Private family visits can last up to 72 hours

Everything he writes about here is only a possibility. It's hard for me to get disgusted about events that haven't yet occurred and may never will. ("It’s up to prison staff to approve the visits").


Respectfully AG, perhaps the other source you are quoting about her father's death is not correct. Who knows. As for your comment that
every fact the writer mentions is general, theoretical, or speculative:
is not a fair or reasonable one IMO. When it comes to Corrections a lot of factors play into what a con is allowed. That is decided by corrections staff. So when he says
It’s possible Williams could get visits very quickly.
he means just that, it's possible that RW could get visits quickly, but if staff decide not to allow it, then he won't. He isn't just pulling all of these statements out of his hat. All inmates have the right to request the same things, ie visits, PFV's etc. Staff decided whether those visits need to be closed, open, isolated etc. I also know many prison guards so I am aware of how these things work. I think Tripp does an excellent job of reporting this. He could have said Williams will get PFV's and share a bed with his wife, Harriman will get visits quickly etc, but he didn't because he knows how Corrections works. JMO
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