GUILTY Canada - Marie-France Comeau, 37, & Jessica Lloyd, 27, slain, Ont, 2009 & 2010 - #7

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This may be beating a dead horse, since the crimes have been solved and the culprit caught and convicted, but I'm still very curious about the RW's motivation. When did his mind start to warp, leading to these atrocities, and why?

I'm reading the latest book, Camouflaged Killer, etc. which goes into a bit more detail concerning RW's past and upbringing. While some of his friends and schoolmates mysteriously don't seem to want to talk about him, his kindergarten teacher in Deep River is quoted by the author:
His mom was gorgeous, she said

Further, in a footnote:

Ms. Wesanko also commented that she felt there was a striking physical resemblance between Christine Williams and Russell’s second murder victim, Jessica Lloyd.

So, his parents were quite a striking couple in Deep River at the time and then the marriage broke down and they swapped partners with their best friends. What did RW think of his mother then? While he later adopted the surname of his stepfather for convenience, he eventually reverted back to Williams. Was he sending a message to his mother? Did he see his mother in Jessica Lloyd?
This may be beating a dead horse, since the crimes have been solved and the culprit caught and convicted, but I'm still very curious about the RW's motivation. When did his mind start to warp, leading to these atrocities, and why?

I'm reading the latest book, Camouflaged Killer, etc. which goes into a bit more detail concerning RW's past and upbringing. While some of his friends and schoolmates mysteriously don't seem to want to talk about him, his kindergarten teacher in Deep River is quoted by the author:

Further, in a footnote:

So, his parents were quite a striking couple in Deep River at the time and then the marriage broke down and they swapped partners with their best friends. What did RW think of his mother then? While he later adopted the surname of his stepfather for convenience, he eventually reverted back to Williams. Was he sending a message to his mother? Did he see his mother in Jessica Lloyd?

Oh I think he was hiding in her (mom's) bedroom closet and peeping and found out things he wish he didn't know. He also likely played with her clothes, etc. Gross. JMO
This may be beating a dead horse, since the crimes have been solved and the culprit caught and convicted, but I'm still very curious about the RW's motivation. When did his mind start to warp, leading to these atrocities, and why?

I'm reading the latest book, Camouflaged Killer, etc. which goes into a bit more detail concerning RW's past and upbringing. While some of his friends and schoolmates mysteriously don't seem to want to talk about him, his kindergarten teacher in Deep River is quoted by the author:

Further, in a footnote:

So, his parents were quite a striking couple in Deep River at the time and then the marriage broke down and they swapped partners with their best friends. What did RW think of his mother then? While he later adopted the surname of his stepfather for convenience, he eventually reverted back to Williams. Was he sending a message to his mother? Did he see his mother in Jessica Lloyd?

Wasn't he about 6 years old when he and his brother were adopted by their stepfather? I don't think changing his name the first time was his choice, and it's my understanding that after he finished school, he changed his name back to Williams. The only person to claim there was a resemblance was the teacher - didn't they both have long brown hair? It's also possible that he saw Jessica cutting her grass, suspected that she was single, stalked her and saw her as an easy prey.

The motivation is explained in the last 70 pages of the book.
"Crown attorney, Lee Burgess said 2011 was just as busy as the record breaking 2010, that concluded with the blockbuster case of the sadistic Russell Williams, who murdered two local women.

That was proceeded by the resolution of a handful of major crime cases this year, including the first-degree murder conviction of Dean Brown, a Belleville man sentenced to life in prison for the brutal shotgun killings of a Ameliasburgh woman and her 14-year-old daughter.

Burgess said like the Williams saga, the Brown debacle tops the list of horrific cases he has encountered in his 18 year career".

"Not only were the prosecutors tasked with juggling their regular workload in 2011, but the team also had to use its limited resources to manage two murder trials that ended with first-degree murder convictions"
"In a document filed at the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Belleville, Ont., Mary Elizabeth Harriman refutes all claims made against her by Laurie Massicotte.

“We’re going to vigourously defend the claims set out against Mary Elizabeth Harriman,” Mary-Jane Binks, Harriman’s Ottawa lawyer, told QMI Agency.

“We think there’s no basis whatsoever. The revelation of what transpired with respect to former colonel Williams has been devastating (to Harriman).

“I’m acting for a courageous lady — a very good and courageous lady.”

"Massicotte’s lawyer, David Ross of Belleville, was unavailable for comment Tuesday.
"There was no unusual haste to make the conveyance in light of all the circumstances facing Harriman and Williams," it reads.

"There is nothing untoward or suspicious about the transfer," according to Harriman's statement of defence.

The file states she has "no knowledge" of many of the claims and "expressly denies the plaintiffs are entitled to any of the relief sought."

Harriman has made a motion to seal details of her professional life, personal finances and legal affairs disclosed in another civil suit, filed by Jane Doe, Williams' other surviving sexual assault victim. That motion is now in abeyance, Binks said.

Harriman's statement of defence against Massicotte indicates she will also move to seal details in the Massicotte case, which is to be tried in Belleville
A copy of the statement of claim was obtained by QMI Agency.

The Lloyds claim $1 million in damages for infliction of mental suffering, sexual assault, aggravated assault and battery.

They also make claims for $1 million each for special, aggravated and punitive damages.

Anything may be alleged in a statement of claim; its contents have not been proven in court.

The claim alleges that a March 2010 transfer by Williams to M.E.H. of assets — their Ottawa home — was fraudulent.

M.E.H. and Williams are each being sued for “transferring and/or disposing of assets” illegally, it claims.

The family and estate are suing Williams alone for the crimes against Jessica Lloyd, according to the document."
I wonder what the truth is here?

There is no basis to the claim … by any of the plaintiffs … against her.”

No court date has been set on which to hear any of the civil claims.

Williams has not filed any statements of defence. His lawyer did not respond to messages requesting comment.

Binks also took aim at “terrible” media reports that Harriman took action that resulted in the Ontario Provincial Police reimbursing her — reportedly for $3,000 — for the funds to repair her home after it was damaged during a police search.

“There was no basis for that whatsoever,” she said.

“There was never an issue about her claiming for property damage. She was told that the government insists in making repairs.

“She never claimed,” said Binks.

“There is statutory compensation for anyone who has any damage done in any search or whatever, and she received that.

“She didn’t even apply for it.”

Sgt. Kristine Rae of OPP East Region headquarters said little about the compensation would be released.

“There was a compensation request for damage,” Rae said. She would not identify the person who made the request.

She said she was not aware of any statutory compensation policy but that no further information was available by press time Friday.
I do not know how the Lloyd and Comeau families continue on. This is so depressing. :(

“The defendant Williams sexually, emotionally and mentally abused, assaulted and traumatized Jessica Lloyd and inflicted mental suffering upon her prior to her death,” reads the claim.

It refers to the widespread news coverage of the criminal case and how the Lloyds have had to endure repeated reminders of Jessica’s assault and death.

The Lloyds claim they have developed post-traumatic stress disorder, acute distress disorder, suicidal thoughts, substance dependency and many other conditions that have limited their “opportunity to experience a normal adult life.”
“As a consequence of the defendant Williams’ actions, the plaintiffs will require extensive therapy and medical attention,” according to the claim.
You are not forgotten, on the 2nd anniversary of your abduction, Jessica.

May the cherished memories you're loved ones hold of you, help make them stronger, and ease the pain of your absence.
"Tracking serial predators

Methods much improved since Bernardo case

You’ve probably never heard of the province’s Serial Predator Crime Investigation Co-ordinator.

Even most police officers don’t know what it is.

Yet, without the co-ordinator, serial sex killer Russell Williams might not have been caught so quickly."
From a legal standpoint:

“Purely personal interests cannot justify non-publication or sealing orders,” Doherty said. “The centrality of freedom of expression and the open court principle of both Canadian democracy and individual freedoms in Canada demand that a party seeking to limit freedom of expression and the openness of the courts carry a significant legal and evidentiary burden.”
From the public's standpoint:

At the time of the appeal court’s decision, Citizen lawyer Rick Dearden referred to the ruling as a victory for press freedom.

“There is a huge public interest in knowing how the court is going to divide up Russell Williams’s assets and what is going to be left for his victims to seek a judgment against if they win their lawsuits,” he said in reference to various legal actions filed by Williams’ victims against him and his wife. “There is a major public interest in knowing what the Court orders happens to Williams military pension in this divorce which could be worth $1 million.”
Harper government to close Kingston Penitentiary, home to Williams and Bernardo

Apr 19, 2012 14:09:14 PM

The government is closing Kingston Penitentiary, the country's oldest penal institution as part of a cost-cutting effort.

The Kingston Penitentiary, a maximum-security prison, is home to some of Canada's most notorious criminals,
including notorious killers Paul Bernardo and Russell Williams.
It opened in 1835 and is one of the oldest still in operation Canada. It can hold up to 420 prisoners and has 460 employees.

Public Safety Minister Vic Toews said the prisons are outdated and their infrastructure is crumbling.

He said the closures will save $120-million a year as the inmates are transferred to more modern facilities.
Notorious criminals on the move with Kingston Pen closure

19/04/2012 10:26:04 PM

article and video at link
OTTAWA -- Cops once considered convicted murderer Russell Williams a suspect in the series of prostitute murders currently under investigation here.

At least six street-level sex workers have been murdered in Ottawa in the past 21 years. Five deaths are being investigated by Ottawa police. OPP have already solved a sixth death. military psychiatrists concluded that Burke suffered from “polysubstance-induced delirium” brought on by alcohol, lack of sleep and the 40 milligrams of Dexedrine he had been issued by the air force.

In a small but growing number of cases across the U.S., lawyers are blaming the military’s heavy use of psychotropic drugs for their clients’ aberrant behaviour and related health problems.

Such defences have rarely gained traction in military or civilian courtrooms, but Burke’s case provides the first important indication that military psychiatrists and court-martial judges are not blind to what can happen when troops go to work medicated".

BELLEVILLE, Ont. — Canada’s defence department has recalled an internal booklet after discovering it contained a photo of convicted sex killer and ex-colonel Russell Williams.

“This is a terrible mistake for which the Canadian Forces are truly sorry,” Defence Minister Peter MacKay said in a written statement.

“As soon as I became aware of this booklet, I immediately ordered the military to destroy all copies of the collected booklets,” MacKay said.

He promised a personal apology to the families of two local women killed by the disgraced airman.

“I have also instructed my officials to immediately begin an investigation to ensure it does not happen again,” MacKay said in the statement."

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