GUILTY Canada - Marie-France Comeau, 37, & Jessica Lloyd, 27, slain, Ont, 2009 & 2010 - #7

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
This makes me almost physically sick, and it is really upsetting. :furious:

Those images of rape and torture are forever seared in my memory and almost two years later, they still hide, only to reappear unbidden in all their graphic monstrosity: Images of that sadistic monster who bound and blindfolded two strong, beautiful women, made them do his perverse bidding as he captured them on camera, and then, even as they begged for their lives, executed them when his cruel pleasure was done.

That should not be the stuff of a made-for-TV movie, no matter how sanitized it may be.

The stuff these guys are 'made of" Williams, Rafferty, Bernardo, the face eating guy, that Magnotta guy, the guy who cut up his wife in LA and put her in a dumpster and then committed suicide, honestly, it makes Ma Barker, Bonnie and Clyde, Hatfields and McCoys, Sundance Kid look like comic book characters!!!

Peeps, I'm thinkin there's a new definition of evil and we've just scratched the surface.
"Police across Canada re-opened scores of cold case files after the arrest and looked again at eight unsolved murders and 48 sex crimes dating back to the 1980s.

Detectives feared that Williams could have started killing long before the murder spree that saw him locked up.

A book examining the case last year revealed Williams only admitted to the killings when cops confronted him with evidence of vile child *advertiser censored* that they had discovered on his computer – along with a detailed log of his crimes.

Cops leading the investigation dropped the under-age *advertiser censored* charges because it was a “deal breaker” in persuading him to plead guilty".
"“It might be over the top as fiction,” Cole said. “There’s the kind of bizarre thing about the underwear and the stealing of underwear. That’s irrelevant. It doesn’t make what he did any more bizarre. He was a brutal killer.”

Cole prepared for the role by reading two books about Williams and studying video of Williams’ interrogation, which later went viral.

“The footage of this interrogation informed a lot of what I did,” Cole said. “Nothing I read showed a big, gregarious, outgoing guy. That was not his story. He was more beige than that. By accident or intention, that’s the way he wanted to be. He could mask what he was doing. In his head, he had the perfect situation. People couldn’t wrap their heads around his being a suspect because of his position in the community.”
This may sound outrageous, but- what if RW had access to foreign DNA and the presence of mind to "contaminate"a victim with it, in order to avoid identification?
I am thinking of cold-cases such as the sex assault and murders of Gilmore and Tice (downtown Toronto) as one example.
Although the average person may not have been savvy about such things in the earlier years of DNA testing, RW was not average...
"We’d see how the big-city and the small-town cop styles worked together, even as each cop developed a new respect for the other’s dedication and skill.

There’s a little of that here, but not much, because “An Officer and a Murderer” maintains almost a laser focus on Williams.

We see him dressing up to stalk. We see him breaking in. We see him terrifying and humiliating his victims, though the camera cuts away before any scene might become too graphic.

We see him behaving in an eerily normal way around his house, chatting it up with friends and playing the perfect suburban neighbor.

All this keeps escalating the creepiness for the viewer, and it reflects an interesting artistic choice.

Rather than painting a broader picture of a terrorized small town, or focusing on the unease among people who have this evil force moving unseen among them, it focuses almost entirely on Williams’s actions."

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I'd like to see him paraded around Kingston Pen like in the photo above link
BELLEVILLE, Ont. -- The estranged wife of convicted killer Russell Williams has filed a statement of defence against a $4 million lawsuit launched by the family of a city woman murdered by the former commander of CFB Trenton, Ont.

In a document filed at the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Belleville, Mary Elizabeth Harriman denies all claims made against her by the estate of Jessica Lloyd, her estate trustee and mother Roxanne Lloyd and brother Andrew Lloyd"
Does anyone know the value of the assets Williams and his wife even had between them? Is $4 million a realistic amount to expect to reap in this suit? Is Jane Doe ahead or behind the Lloyds in line?
The transfer of assets is completely suspicious, IMO, and illegally done, IMO.

I hope the Courts rule correctly in this case.

Regardless, no amount of $ could ever compensate for the life changing pain and anguish the victims' families will suffer. But, they are certainly entitled to compensation.

(That freak's picture makes me ill)
Does anyone know the value of the assets Williams and his wife even had between them? Is $4 million a realistic amount to expect to reap in this suit? Is Jane Doe ahead or behind the Lloyds in line?

IIRC Jane Doe was the first in the news in regards to a lawsuit, there was also reports of the handyman neighbour who was wrongfully looked at as a suspect who was suing as well. Mariscotte and the, I hope they all get something.
IIRC Jane Doe was the first in the news in regards to a lawsuit, there was also reports of the handyman neighbour who was wrongfully looked at as a suspect who was suing as well. Mariscotte and the, I hope they all get something.

Wow, I remember that handyman who was being investigated. It sure disrupted the poor guys life. He truly is another victim of Monster Williams.
"OTTAWA — The wife of convicted killer Russell Williams has filed a statement of defence against a lawsuit launched by the family of one of her husband’s murder victims.

The statement of defence filed Aug. 9 at the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Belleville, Ont. disputes claims made by the family of Jessica Lloyd in a $4-million lawsuit filed in January — the fourth lawsuit launched against Williams and his estranged wife.

“It’s a terrible harassment of a completely innocent woman,” Harriman’s lawyer, Mary Jane Binks, said Friday of the lawsuits.

Lloyd was 27 years old when she was held hostage for 19 hours, sexually assaulted and murdered on Jan. 29, 2010.

The lawsuit filed days before the second anniversary of Lloyd’s death by her mother, Roxanne, and her brother, Andrew, seeks $1 million in general damages for the infliction of pain and suffering, sexual assault, aggravated assault and battery"

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"OTTAWA — The wife of convicted killer Russell Williams has filed a statement of defence against a lawsuit launched by the family of one of her husband’s murder victims.

The statement of defence filed Aug. 9 at the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Belleville, Ont. disputes claims made by the family of Jessica Lloyd in a $4-million lawsuit filed in January — the fourth lawsuit launched against Williams and his estranged wife.

“It’s a terrible harassment of a completely innocent woman,” Harriman’s lawyer, Mary Jane Binks, said Friday of the lawsuits.

Lloyd was 27 years old when she was held hostage for 19 hours, sexually assaulted and murdered on Jan. 29, 2010.

The lawsuit filed days before the second anniversary of Lloyd’s death by her mother, Roxanne, and her brother, Andrew, seeks $1 million in general damages for the infliction of pain and suffering, sexual assault, aggravated assault and battery"

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Harriman’s statement of defence says that the Lloyds are not “entitled to any of the relief sought.”

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such a bold statement for her to make, she thinks the Lloyds are not entitled to any of the relief..... when her dear hubby was not entitled to rape/assault and murder their daughter/sister.....
Harriman’s statement of defence says that the Lloyds are not “entitled to any of the relief sought.”

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such a bold statement for her to make, she thinks the Lloyds are not entitled to any of the relief..... when her dear hubby was not entitled to rape/assault and murder their daughter/sister.....

It sounds mean, but I presume the document implies the Lloyds are not entitled to any relief from Harriman. Nowhere has it been proven that Harriman was connected to or was aware of her husband's criminal activities (although, for whatever reason, some posters here like to think she was). As well, the lawsuit will have to prove that Williams transferred assets to Harriman to protect them from possible lawsuits. I know it's easy to think that, but how do they prove it?
It sounds mean, but I presume the document implies the Lloyds are not entitled to any relief from Harriman. Nowhere has it been proven that Harriman was connected to or was aware of her husband's criminal activities (although, for whatever reason, some posters here like to think she was). As well, the lawsuit will have to prove that Williams transferred assets to Harriman to protect them from possible lawsuits. I know it's easy to think that, but how do they prove it?

I'm wondering that too. Harriman did not have children and was employed throughout her marriage to Williams. She was an equal contributor to the matrimonial property. Within that marital partnership, she would be entitled to half of the assets. Although I haven't looked closely at the numbers, it seemed like a 50-50 split where she got the new house, he got the cabin and there was a transfer of cash from her to him to balance the split of assets. I don't understand why the wife of a murderer is being sued by the victims of the murderer. She didn't know what he was doing, and once she did, she began to severe the connections with him ... which included assets. Is Harriman not entitled to 50% of the estate that she built together with her husband? It seems to me that the assets should be split in the same way that they would be through divorce and then whatever is allocated to Williams should be available to the victims ... and that's it.
Here's why I hope those launching the lawsuits win something -

During Williams' trail, Harriman made the following statment, which I'm paraphrasing, on the stand -

'Yes I knew my husband left the house to go jogging after midnight frequently, but I thought nothing of it'.

Not sure if the Crown was astute enough to ask or not, but she had to also know of the break-ins that occurred in her 2 neighborhoods on those same nights.

I find it impossible to now give her any sympathy where her money is concerned. She could have put it where her mouth is by simply confronting her husband about what happens on nights he went jogging and it need not have gone any farther. My guess is he would have stopped. Because she chose to say nothing, the behavior escalated and 2 women were murdered by her husband.

The only consequence of Harriman's actions legally available to the victims, and I don't see Harriman as one by her own choices, is the money. It would be a very good presedent setting deterrent for other women making the same choices, imo.
Here's why I hope those launching the lawsuits win something -

During Williams' trail, Harriman made the following statment, which I'm paraphrasing, on the stand -

'Yes I knew my husband left the house to go jogging after midnight frequently, but I thought nothing of it'.

Not sure if the Crown was astute enough to ask or not, but she had to also know of the break-ins that occurred in her 2 neighborhoods on those same nights.

I find it impossible to now give her any sympathy where her money is concerned. She could have put it where her mouth is by simply confronting her husband about what happens on nights he went jogging and it need not have gone any farther. My guess is he would have stopped. Because she chose to say nothing, the behavior escalated and 2 women were murdered by her husband.

The only consequence of Harriman's actions legally available to the victims, and I don't see Harriman as one by her own choices, is the money. It would be a very good presedent setting deterrent for other women making the same choices, imo.

I really don't think that there is an expectation that the family of a murderer ought to know that there is a murderer living amongst them. BTK had children and a wife, and no one expected them to know what he was doing even though the murders went on for decades and he kept evidence on his property.
During Williams' trail, Harriman made the following statment, which I'm paraphrasing, on the stand -

'Yes I knew my husband left the house to go jogging after midnight frequently, but I thought nothing of it'.

I vaguely recall reading somewhere that their relationship had degenerated to merely platonic for undisclosed reasons. I doubt she would have wanted to aggravate the situation by nagging him about his midnight runs.

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