CANADA Canada - Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 June 2014 Media, Maps,Timeline, No Discussion

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Puck drops at Springbank hockey festival honouring Nathan O’Brien
Published Friday, January 9, 2015 5:13PM MST

Nathan was a very special little boy,” said tournament organizer Melodie-Joy Miller “Even though he only played Timbit hockey for one year, he impacted our lives and all of the Timbits families. As a community, we wanted to surround the family and keep encouraging them and also keeping Nathan’s spirit and memory going.”
The 2015 tournament includes a superhero theme, to honour Nathan’s love of comic book heroes, and players will wear wristbands with Nathan’s ‘Play Hard and Have Fun’ motto.

Read more:

Touching video at link^^^
Calgary Police search Airdrie property for more evidence related to Liknes and O’Brien homicides
March 29, 2015

Calgary Police Service say investigators were out at a property east of Airdrie Sunday, gathering more evidence in relation to the Liknes and O’Brien homicides to support the upcoming court case.


“If they’ve discovered something and they’re following up on a lead I’m going to presume they’re doing their job and it will help the family to find closure in this whole tragedy and perhaps there’s something they are following up on that’s key to the finalization of this horrible crime.”


Sources say he remains in protective custody-being bounced between the Calgary Remand Centre and Medicine Hat Remand Centre

Garland’s preliminary inquiry has been set for May 19th to 29th, 2015.
Global News Calgary
Police Continue to Search Garland Property
Posted: March 21, 2015 2:25 pm

This is not an official transcript, and is not connected to any of the participants.
It is a rough draft, and all errors are my own.

Noon News Hour - Police Continue to Search Garland Property

SK = Stefan Keyes, Reporter
KR = Kim Ross, Defence Lawyer for Douglas Garland

SK: We're here at the Garland property where, for the second day in a row, a police presence has resurfaced in a search for more evidence. We don't know what they've found, if anything, but the R.C.M.P. vehicle standing guard at the entrance is a reminder of the tragedy that struck the nation nine months ago.

Beyond this point, a team is searching for more evidence. It's hard to say just how many are scouring the property, but, the presence is significant. Last we heard, the parents of the accused, Douglas Garland, owned the property and had been living here. We know that, even with charges in the death of five year old Nathan O'Brien and his grandparents, Alvin and Kathy Liknes, that the investigation was ongoing. Their bodies have never been found.

Garland's Defence says, if new evidence is added to the case, there are two possible outcomes.

KR: It would depend on the nature of the evidence. If it's something that would be substantial, then it may impact the scheduling of that. But if it's something we can just deal with in the interim, we would just deal with it before the scheduled date.

SK: Police won't comment on the specifics of why they've come back, but all this is taking place about a month and a half before the preliminary hearing starts. It's scheduled to get underway May 19th.
Global News Calgary
Search of Douglas Property Intensifies Tuesday
Posted: March 31 2015 8:52 pm

This is not an official transcript, and is not connected to any of the participants.
It is a rough draft, and all errors are my own.

News Hour Calgary - Search of Douglas Property Intensifies Tuesday

NH = Nancy Hixt, Reporter

NH: On their hands and knees, some even laying down, it appears officers are combing through every blade of grass on this rural property. It's the third day in a row police have scoured the acreage in relation to the disappearance and murder of five year old Nathan O'Brien and his grandparents, Alvin and Kathy Liknes.

It's tedious work, and these officers have spent hours and hours doing this using their fingers and small hand rakes. Police won't tell us exactly what they're looking for. The land belongs to the parents of Douglas Garland who is charged with two counts of first degree murder and one count of second degree murder.

Investigators turned this place upside down last summer. Still, the bodies of the missing trio have never been found. But nine months, and several changes of season later, the landscape here has really changed. The long grass and lush green fields that officers walked through last summer, shoulder to shoulder, are now much easier to comb through. Even the trees are bare, making it easier for investigators to see and search every square inch.

The backyard behind the Garland house is currently marked off in a grid. There are markers all over the place and police are taking their time to cover off each of the marked sections. It's unclear if investigators are after some new piece of evidence or if they're just trying to improve their current case against Garland. Up until now, police have said this is all routine given Garland will have a preliminary inquiry in May.

A judge will have to decide if there's enough evidence in the case to order Garland to stand trial for the murder of Nathan, Alvin, and Kathy.

Nancy Hixt, Global News
Global News Calgary
Calgary Police Collecting More Evidence
Posted: March 29 2015 12:34 pm

This is not an official transcript, and is not connected to any of the participants.
It is a rough draft, and all errors are my own.

News Hour Calgary - Search of Douglas Property Intensifies Tuesday

NH = Nancy Hixt, Reporter JM = Jim Nevada, neighbour CH = Cherri Hodgins, best friend of Kathy Liknes

NH: Shoulder to shoulder, investigators scour this rural property northeast of Calgary. It's a scene that was almost commonplace last summer. But nine months later, to see investigators back, has taken neighbours by surprise.

JN: Obviously, they found something, but it's just nice for this group or those people down the road if this was to have a conclusion to it. And for the families.

NH: This is the acreage where Douglas Garland's parents live. For weeks, the acreage was turned upside down as forensic crews searched for clues in the disappearance of Nathan O'Brien and his grandparents, Alvin and Kathryn Liknes. Their bodies have never been found. In mid-July, Garland was arrested and charged with two counts of first degree murder and one count of second degree murder in their deaths.

The fact that police are back at the property is stirring up mixed emotions for the loved ones of Nathan, Alvin, and Kathy.

CH: If they've discovered something and they're following up on a lead, then, I'm going to presume that they're doing their jobs and that it will help, you know, the family to find closure in this whole tragedy. And, perhaps, there is something that they're following up on that is a key to finalization of this horrible crime.

NH: It's been a tough road for the family as they still hold out hope for answers.

CH: I miss her every day. There's not doubt about it. So, so, finding out suddenly that something is going on and they're following up--I don't know. I only have comfort knowing that the police are doing their absolute best.

NH: Investigators won't comment on the specifics of the search or what led them back to the property. Officially, Calgary Police say they're collecting additional evidence to support the upcoming court case.

Garland is scheduled to have a preliminary inquiry in May. Sources say he remains in protective custody, being bounced between the Calgary Remand Centre and Medicine Hat Remand Centre.

Investigators are expected to be at the Garland property for several more days.

Nancy Hixt, Global News
CBC News- Calgary at 6
Still Searching
Posted: March 30, 2015

This is not an official transcript, and is not connected to any of the participants.
It is a rough draft, and all errors are my own.

CBC News- Calgary at 6
Host: Rob Brown = RB Reporter: Stephanie Wiebe = SW
Professor, Mount Royal University, Dept. of Justice Studies: Doug King = DK
Neighbour of Airdrie property: Jim Nevada = JN

RB: Still searching. Nine months after the disappearance of Nathan O'Brien and his grandparents, investigators continue to scour the prime suspect's property. We're asking why tonight.

RB: Police returned to Douglas Garland's property today. They're searching for clues into the deaths of Nathan O'Brien and his grandparents. Investigators had wrapped up their ground search in Airdrie at the end of last July, you'll recall, but now they are back. Stephanie Weib was also at the search site today.

SW: The search has resumed here at the acreage. Police officers first arrived Sunday to scour the property where Douglas Garland once resided. He is charged with two counts of first degree murder, and one of second degree murder, in the deaths of Alvin and Kathy Liknes and their grandson, Nathan O'Brien.

Officers searched the area and buildings around the home. Investigators aren't saying why the search has started again, but one criminology expert believes they could be looking for more evidence.

DK: The police may be getting ready to go on the stand to present evidence. It could be as simple as making sure they have everything in tow in terms of that kind of thing. It could be something much more significant in terms of more information that might lead them to want to check into something more.

SW: Neighbours say life was just starting to almost return to normal after the heavy police presence last summer. They, like many people, are looking for answers to what happened.

JN: I feel sorry for both sides, especially the side that, well, you know--that, that kid seemed pretty special, right? And when they had that hockey tournament, like, the whole community still talks about it. But it would just be nice to have some closure.

SW: Garland's parents are listed as owners of the property and are believed to still be living here. Douglas Garland remains in custody. A preliminary inquiry is set for May.

Stephanie Wiebe, CBC News, Airdrie
Unofficial Transcript of TV Reports Re: Douglas Garland Preliminary Hearing

This is an unofficial transcript. It is not connected with anyone involved in the case, or any of the media covering the case. All mistakes are my own.

Global News
Noon News Hour Calgary: Preliminary hearing begins for accused triple murderer Douglas Garland.
Posted May 19m 2015 10:20 am
Updated: May 19, 2015 11:57 am

News Anchor: NA
Reporter: Nancy Hixt=NH

NA: The preliminary hearing is underway in one of Calgary's most high profile murder cases. Fifty-five year old Douglas Garland is accused of killing five year old Nathan O'Brien and his grandparents, Kathy and Alvin Liknes. They disappeared last June and their bodies were never found.

Nancy Hixt is at the Calgary Court Centre with the latest. Nancy.

NH: Well, there's a lot of emotion for both the families of the victims in this case and the accused. Today's the first time that many of them have heard any of the details that are being presented. We can't report on the details as there is a publication ban in this case.

Fifty-five year old Douglas Garland is in court wearing a blue prison jumpsuit. He has shackles on his feet and he's sitting in the prisoners' box. He shows no emotion as he listens to the proceedings.

Five year old Nathan O'Brien and his grandparents, Alvin and Kathy Liknes, were last seen June 29th, 2014, in their Parkhill home. Their bodies have never been found.

Garland was arrested in mid-July last year and charged with two counts of first degree and one count of second degree murder. Police searched his family's acreage near Airdrie for weeks, and then returned for yet another search at the end of March this year.

This preliminary inquiry is expected to last for two weeks. At the end of that two weeks, Provincial Court Judge Bob Wilkins is expected to rule on whether he feels there is enough evidence for this matter to proceed to trial.

Global News
Preliminary to begin for Douglas Garland

News Anchor Male: Scott Fee=SF
News Anchor Female: NAF
Reporter: Sarah Offin=SO

NAF: Topping the news now, a preliminary hearing is set to begin today for the man accused in the deaths of five year old Nathan O'Brien and his grandparents.

NAM: Douglas Garland faces murder charges, and Sarah Offin, who is following this story, joins us now from the Calgary Court Centre where the story will unfold this morning. Good morning, Sarah.

SO: Good morning, Scott. Yes, it took more than two weeks last July for police to finally lay charges against Douglas Garland, but we still don't know what evidence police had against the fifty-four year old to lay charges at that time.

They never did find the bodies of Kathy and Alvin Liknes and their five year old grandson, Nathan O'Brien. They went missing from the couple's Parkhill home following an estate sale in June prompting an Amber Alert.

Police said then there was evidence of a violent struggle within the home, and, a week later, a tip about a green truck seen near the home led police to an Airdrie property where Garland lived with his parents. It was another week of massive searches around that property before police lay charges.

We know a quantity of chemicals were located at the Garland home. He's a convicted drug cooker. But, we don't know what evidence exactly police had in order to lay those charges. So, this week, people will begin hearing the crown's case. The evidence still cannot be reported because, again, this is just a preliminary hearing. But, again, by the end of the month, we should know whether or not there is enough evidence to go ahead with the trial. Scott.

SF: All right. Thanks so much for the update, Sarah.

SO: You're welcome.

SF: Sarah Offin covering the story for us this morning from Calgary Court Centre.
Unofficial Transcript of CTV News Report
Published Tuesday, May 19, 2015 5:09 am mdt
Last Updated Tuesday, May 19, 2014 6:46pm mdt

This transcript is not connected with any of the parties involved in the production of the story or those people who are part of the story. All errors are my own.

CTV Calgary: Accused in triple murder in Court

News anchor: Tara Nelson=TN
Reporter: Ina Sidhu=IS
Nathan's Father: Rod O'Brien=RO
Nathan's Mother: Jennifer O'Brien=JO
Defence Attorney: Kim Ross=KR

TN: The man accused of killing a Calgary couple and their five year old grandson was in court today for the start of his preliminary hearing. The bodies of Nathan O'Brien and Kathy and Alvin Liknes have never been found. Now, eleven months later, the preliminary hearing is underway.

Ina Sidhu reports.

IS: For weeks, their photos stayed in the headlines. Nathan O'Brien and his grandparents, Alvin and Kathy Liknes, vanished from the couple's southwest home on June 30, 2014. Nathan had slept over.

RO (in clip from 2014 CPD presser) Whoever has Nathan, please find it in your heart to drop off our little angel, Nathan, to which he can be rescued and reunited with his brothers and his family.

IS: An exhaustive search led police to City landfills and an acreage north of Calgary. The property belongs to the parents of Douglas Garland, a distant relative of Alvin Liknes through marriage.

The 55year old was arrested two weeks after the disappearance and charged with two counts of first degree murder for the Likneses, and one count of second degree murder for Nathan. He's been in custody ever since.

Police say there was evidence of a violent incident in the Liknes home but haven't revealed the motive.

jO (in clip from 2014 CPD presser): Mummy and Daddy love you more than anything in this world, and we can't be with you right now, but, the best people that can be with you, other than us, is your grandparents. I know that--I know Grandma's holding you so tightly right now.

IS: In March, officers returned to the Garland property to look for more evidence. Now, Garland is back in court appearing older and thinner and wearing a blue prison jumpsuit.

The Crown must now lay out its case and a judge will decide if there is enough evidence to put Garland on trial for the crimes. The details can't be reported because of a publication ban.

KR: We don't want any of the evidence disseminated out, should this matter ever go to trial, so there isn't any contamination of any of the evidence evidence for, for some proceeding down the road.

TN: And Ina is live at the Calgary Court Centre tonight. Ina, this will be an especially difficult time for those close to the victims.

IS: That's right, Tara. Nathan's parents were at the courthouse today. Family and friends packed the courtroom, of course. This is a case that has gripped the entire city for almost a year now. We can't tell you the details of what the testimony that was in court today because of that publication ban, but those family and friends that are close to the victims are hoping to get some answers.

Now, Tara, this preliminary hearing is expected to last two weeks. It should wrap up by next Friday. Tara.

TN: OK. Ina Sidhu reporting. Thank you.
Nathan O'Brien murder case: Douglas Garland's preliminary inquiry begins in Calgary today
May 19, 2015


A Calgary judge is hearing details about the alleged 2014 murders of five-year-old Nathan O'Brien and his grandparents, Kathy and Alvin Liknes, for the first time, as a preliminary inquiry for accused Douglas Garland gets underway today.

The courtroom is full of family and friends of the victims and the accused. Garland is in the prisoner's box, legs shackled and looking thinner than he did a year ago.

All the evidence being presented to provincial court Judge Bob Wilkins is protected by a publication ban.
Douglas Garland to stand trial in deaths of Calgary boy, grandparents
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Judge Bob Wilkins ruled there was sufficient evidence presented at a preliminary inquiry to send Garland, who is 55, to trial.

Garland now faces three counts of first-degree murder, although the bodies of the couple and their grandson have not been found. He originally faced second-degree murder in the boy's death.
"Three first-degree (charges) is better," said Barb Beaudry, niece of Alvin Liknes.
Transcription: Upgraded Charges
FWIW. Here is my unofficial transcript of two reports regarding the upgrade of charges from second to first degree murder against Douglas Garland.

These transcripts are not connected with any of the parties involved in the production of the story or those people who are part of the story. All errors are my own.
News Calgary (Late Night) May 27, 2015
CBC Calgary

News Anchor: Kristina Barnes = KB
Alvin Liknes's niece: Barb Beaudry = BB
Reporter: Meghan Grant
Defence Attorney: Kim Ross = KR

KB: Douglas Garland will stand trial on three charges of first degree murder. That decision from a Calgary judge today upgrading the charge he will face in connection to the death of five year old Nathan O'Brien. Meghan Grant has the details.

MG: After seven days of evidence, a sudden, quick decision from the judge this afternoon.

KR: The proceedings the last couple of weeks was just a preliminary inquiry. and the threshold test on a preliminary is very low, so we were anticipating that this matter will be going to trial, and it will proceed to trial now.

MG: Douglas Garland will stand trial for three counts of first degree murder. He's accused of killing Alvin and Kathy Liknes and their grandson, five year old Nathan O'Brien, on June 30th, last year.

Their bodies were never found despite massive searches that lasted weeks and covered numerous areas across, even outside the city.

Garland had business dealings with Alvin Liknes, and a sister lived with Alvin's son. Family members have said there was bad blood between the two men.

BB: It was awful. He's a monster.

MG: Barb Beaudry's uncle was Alvin Liknes. The family is cautiously pleased at this step in the court process.

BB: First degree is better, you know, but I wish he'd just pled guilty and not have to go through it all. Again.

MG: The witnesses, their evidence from this preliminary inquiry is protected by a publication ban. Garland remained emotionless, but engaged, throughout the hearing often taking notes.

BB: I think he needs to know that, you know, we're watching. It doesn't, doesn't bring anybody back, but, you know, my cousins just wanted you guys to know that they've had wonderful support from family, and the public, and friends. And, and that doesn't bring anyone back, but it makes it a little more tolerable.

MG: It's unclear how long this trial will be. Some estimates put it between six and eight weeks. Ross is hopeful it will be set for some time in 2016. The matter is back in court on July 31st. At that time, the trial date could be set. Maggie Grant. CBC News. Calgary.


News Hour Calgary - Douglas Garland to stand trial for murders of Calgary couple and grandson
May 27, 2015 2:43
Alvin Liknes's niece: Barb Beaudry = BB
Reporter: Nancy Hixt
Defence Attorney: Kim Ross = KR

NH: Barb Beaudry, along with the rest of the Liknes and O'Brien families, has been on an emotional roller coaster for nearly a year. Beaudry has been attending the preliminary inquiry for Douglas Garland, the man accused of killing her aunt and uncle.

BB: It was awful. He's a monster.

NH: Late Wednesday, a judge ordered 55 year old Garland to stand trial for two counts of first degree murder in the deaths of Alvin and Kathy Liknes. The judge also ordered Garland to stand trial for the first degree murder of their grandson, five year old Nathan O'Brien. That's upgraded from the previous charge of second degree murder.

BB: I mean,to me, first degree is better, you know, but I wish he'd just pled guilty and not have to through it all. Again.

NH: Garland's defence lawyer, Kim Ross, is now anticipating a six week trial.

KR: The threshold test on a preliminary is very low so we are anticipating that this matter will be going to trial and we'll proceed to trial now.

NH: For seven days, the prosecution laid out its case against Garland. Often, the details brought the family to tears. The hearing is protected by a publication ban.

Nathan and his grandparents were last seen June 29th, 2014. Nathan had stayed at the Liknes home for a sleepover. The next day, his mother went to pick him up, but no one was home. At the time, police said evidence at the house suggested the disappearance might be suspicious. Days later, police issued a photo of a truck seen in the area of the Liknes home when they disappeared. Garland was known to drive a truck matching that description. For weeks, investigators scoured an acreage east of Airdrie where Garland lived with his parents.

Alvin Liknes and Garland were known to have business dealings in the past that ended badly.

A trial date is expected to be set July 31st. It is anticipated a trial will be at least 12 to 18 months after that. In the meantime, family is trying to cope as best as they can.

BB: Well, my cousins just wanted you guys to know that they've had wonderful support from family, and the public, and friends. And, and that doesn't bring anyone back, but it makes it a little more tolerable and bearable, I guess.

NH: Garland will appear in Queen's Bench Court at the end of July to be arraigned on three counts of first degree murder. At that time, a trial date will likely be set for late 2016 or early 2017.
Bloody crime scene led police to conclude missing boy, grandparents likely dead
July 3, 2015

Blood-stained furniture, drag marks and a bloodied dumbbell found inside the home of Alvin and Kathy Liknes led police to conclude within the first hours of their investigation that someone had likely killed the missing couple and their five-year-old grandson, Nathan O’Brien.

The details are in an affidavit filed in provincial court by a Calgary police homicide detective on June 30, 2014 — the day Jennifer O’Brien stumbled on the bloody scene at her parents’ home on 38A Avenue S.W. and called police.


The affidavit noted blood droplets in the main floor kitchen and at the foot of stairwell leading to the second floor. From there, Matthes observed “a significant amount of blood” on the stairs and the wall next to them.

In a guest bedroom upstairs, Matthes found blood on the head of the bed and neighbouring nightstand. When the officer walked down the hallway to the master bedroom, he observed the same thing.
This article may be relevant to the Liknes/O'Brien disappearance. Just in case it is, I thought it might be helpful to have posted it in this timeline.

Transcript of CTV News, Calgary Broadcast
April 6, 2016

Please note: this is my transcription of Bill Macfarlane's report. Any and all errors are my own. It is not an official transcript, and is not connected in any way with CTV, its employees, or the parties mentioned in the report.

News Anchor: Tara Nelson (TN)
Reporter: Bill Macfarlane (BMcF)

Bones found in rural area near Innisfail.

TN: RCMP have cordoned off a wooded area in Central Alberta after a startling discovery. Someone found bones around 7:00 last night. The area is close to Innisfail, about 120 kilometres north of Calgary. Bill Macfarlane is at the scene. So, Bill, what do we know so far?

BMcF: Well, Tara, things have quieted down here considerably over the past hour and a half, but, for much of the day and, really, for almost twenty-four hours now, police have been going through this scene and pulling some evidence out of this wooded area.

It's next to a little body of water here, a little duck pond like you'd see in thousands of other places around the province. Police have gotten an area cordoned off here that's about 100 meters on one side by about maybe 50 meters on the other. We've seen the officers going through the heavy brush in there. We haven't seen them in the water at all today. They have taken at least a couple of bags out of that area. We've seen them photograph them and examine them somewhat before they packed them up.

Those items will be going to the medical examiner in Calgary for tomorrow to be examined and determined if those remains are human, or, possibly, an animal. That is about all the RCMP will confirm--that they are investigating remains. We've also seen dogs, police dogs, doing searches of some of the fields around this area and some of the ditches.

None of those searches appeared to show anything up, or, to turn anything up. And, in speaking with the neighbours, Tara, no one here seems to have any idea what this is about, or who or what those remains could belong to.

TN: Okay, Bill Macfarlane from Innisfail. Thank you, Bill.

Douglas Garland killed Calgary couple and grandson over 'petty grudge,' court hears
WARNING: Story contains graphic details and an image that may be disturbing to some readers
By Meghan Grant, CBC News Posted: Jan 16, 2017

The man accused of killing a Calgary couple and their five-year-old grandson was motivated by a "petty grudge" over a patent dispute and burned their bodies in a barrel after killing them, court heard Monday as the triple-murder trial of Douglas Garland began.

In her opening statement, Crown prosecutor Vicki Faulkner said Douglas Garland was angry with Alvin Liknes over a dispute relating to a patent for a pump that dated back years.

She told the jury that when Garland learned through internet searches that Alvin and his wife, Kathy Liknes, were planning to leave Calgary, Garland finally decided to act on his grudge.


Evidence 'all over' rural property

He said "not guilty" in a loud, clear voice when asked for a plea at the outset of his trial.

The trio's disappearance made national headlines as Canadians held out hope for two weeks that they would be found alive.

Following a massive search and investigation involving hundreds of police officers, that hope was dashed on July 15, 2014, when Garland was arrested and charged with murder.

Jurors heard evidence was later found "all over" a rural property just north of Calgary, where Garland lived with his parents.

The Crown said DNA evidence from the missing family members was found on a saw and meat hooks, and bones and a tiny tooth were discovered in a large burn barrel.

A mapping plane that flew over the property also took photographs that show three bodies in the grass, according to the Crown's opening statement.

Alvin and Kathy were lying face down, according to the prosecution.

Much more and trial tweets at link^

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