GUILTY Canada - Nighisti Semret, 55, Rigat Ghirmay, 28, murdered, Toronto, 2012 & 2013

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Yeah, it's been a while. Unfortunately - I'm back! re: time to pull on my crime-bustin boots! This one has really irked my sensibilities (and galvanized HAL9001 into action) - I've dusted off the all-seeing, super-silicon eyeball.

I think it safe to suggest; HAL as earning his keep - we're seeing some improvement in info-density with this most recent enhancement-effort. I'd suggest it's about a 20 percent improvement (and that's about what I consider the threshold for posting purposes).

HAL still has a few virtual aces up his virtual sleeve. We haven't cashed in our chips yet. Should have some additional (20%+) e-footage available shortly.

Good to see the Lachlan Cranswick disappearance as having some measure of resolution. WebSleuth's gave it the full college try - that's for sure. Lachlan would have been pleased (if not impressed) with our combined efforts. Good work team!

Drive On! was heard!
I'm not confident I'm working with/at maximum resolution. Probably need to get back to "first principles" for the definitive enhancement. In the same breath I'd say: Safe to say "there probably is no single magic bullet enhancement-frame". One is therefore encouraged to "mentally amalgamate" salient image-info.

Bleeker_02 :: BlueSplit.mp4 video by Rusty_Pennies - Photobucket

I would observe the hat size as large - larger than one might expect for what appears as a moderately narrow face. Also, there is a watch-like item on the perp's left cuff. I'm not convinced it's a watch for the sole reason it appears on the external surface of the sleeve. Pretty unusual and hopefully will strike a "resonant chord" with a viewer.

The camera appears to be clipping (maxing-out) on the more reflective surfaces. This might speak to elevated, ambient electronic infra-red illumination-levels (luminosity). It could be from street lighting but could also be (emanating) from camera-based LED's. I don't know - either way it's troublesome - I've highlighted these clipped regions in the hopes of providing/gaining (a) better perspective. There are security cameras that detect this "backwash" and auto-adjust (lower) the brightness of the camera LED's.

Good time to emphasis the importance of having your camera "up to speed" -- on various fronts -- including having adequate resolution along with dynamic brightness compensation (specifically as relates to IR washout) and of course having a lens that's free of water droplets and/or accumulated atmospheric grime. Time to audit your system in light of not-so-recent techno-advances and year-round Boxing Day pricing!

Getting back to the task-at-hand;
I've engaged ultra-contrast in this following footage. I was hoping to peer into the "shadow smile" -- ostensibly to locate a mouth or perhaps a moustache. I don't think I'm seeing either. There is room for some additional enhancement in this direction. There appears a weird glitch (tongue-like protrubence) close to the end. Probably just that: a glitch.

The "watch" stands out well in this footage. As does a persistent dark spot on the weird bandana. I would note the knot of the bandana (behind perp's left ear) interferes somewhat with the assessment of exactly how prominent the perp's ears are. I'm not going to hazard a guess - pretty critical observation.

Bleeker_02 :: UltraCon.mp4 video by Rusty_Pennies - Photobucket

Trust this all as reasonable. Stay tuned - More soon!
I was wondering if that was a watch or the end of a switchblade that he was putting up his sleeve . The one clip on the slideshow definitely show his left foot turned inwards and the right one crossing it a bit. The left shoe looks more worn. Ugh, seeing a monster up close is awful. The poor lady.
Newspaper accounts have him as having his hand firmly in his pocket. A bit misleading description. IMO. He's holding the left vertical margin -- of his coat -- with his left hand. The left arm is sporting what appears to be a watch. His right (fore)arm is across his upper midriff and he's holding something (presumably the murder-weapon - a roast-knife) . He adjusts the knife into a more vertical alignment (still under his coat) and he retracts his right hand (arm) just as he walks out of the fov.

His left hand appears a bit large .. perhaps he's gripping something in it (as well) and it's extending beyond the margins of his hand proper.

His, what appears to be a wrist-watch figures prominently in the early frames. It kind of mysteriously disappears half-way into the video-snip .. not sure what to make of that. Also, not sure what to make of the fact that he appears to be sporting the watch on the OUTSIDE of his sleeve. Does this hold up under closer-review? re: watch on outside of jacket sleeve? IDK - but if it does, then surely this is an observation worthy of greater general-exposure.

Bleecker :: CaptureWiz_019.mp4 video by Rusty_Pennies - Photobucket
Newspaper accounts have him as having his hand firmly in his pocket. I don't see this. He's holding the left vertical margin -- of his coat -- with his left hand. He reaches in with his right hand -- up, just under his chin -- and readies the vertically-aligned murder weapon (a roast-carving knife - evidently) as he walks out of the field-of-view. It's a bit fast but I think you can follow the action in this gif ..

Thanks again for pics, this recent one will not play correctly for me to see weapon, will try again.
O/T P.S. sadly today marks the anniversary of LC's passing.
So now what about this watch? It appears to go super-nova in catching (and reflecting) the ambient light. Can we discern anything remarkable in this flash reflection? Here's a couple of demo pics of badly over-exposed watches as scalped off eBay. We can see they respond admirably-well to glare-reduction and contrast-enhancement .. n'est-ce pas?


Do we see a contractor's dust-mask? Notably the disposable kind? IDK
I was trying un-jaggify the frame pictured here (using de-interlace) but didn't get the desired results. I applied some decon-V instead and noted the following - having altered the hue: We see what appears to be his nose (req's further/closer review) and below that, and extending downwards - and to the right - we see a region that matches; photogrammetrically, the behaviour of the nose-region. What to make of it? Deserves closer review.


Pic below allows us to compare before n after of de-jaggification (attempt). It would seem to "recorrelate" the "bandana/face interface" favourably. Second image has a bit of HLS adj. applied to rhs. More image-appropriate "de-jaggification" would probably pay dividends. Time-base correction (TBC) might be appropriate.


Does the perp pass the murder weapon from under his jacket - with his right hand - to his left hand? Something going on - shuffling of some description. Under deConV-enhancement we see a bunch of shear-distortion resolve into a black spot. Apparently on the back of his hand/glove. Other spots appear right above and to the right. If the murder weapon did get passed - then I'm of the inclination the top spot is the butt-end of the murder weapon. I hesitate to assign too much weight to the central spot: I'd like to see an alternative corrective measure (a distortion-specific corrective-measure) provide the same result. Probably reasonable to suggest (tho) that the circular-shape speaks to the spot as "real". The pic is not the same (one) as above - it's the immediate next-frame - pretty sure.


So now what about this watch? It appears to go super-nova in catching (and reflecting) the ambient light. Can we discern anything remarkable in this flash reflection? Here's a couple of demo pics of badly over-exposed watches as scalped off eBay. We can see they respond admirably-well to glare-reduction and contrast-enhancement .. n'est-ce pas?



What if it's not a watch? Is it possible that the 'glint' is the edge of the knife as he almost pulls it out from behind his jacket and the the light-coloured 'rim' around his sleeve is actually the end of his sweater (or shirt) sticking out from under his jacket sleeve as his arm is bent?

It does seem odd to think he would wear a watch on the outside of the sleeve of his jacket.

Just thinking.
No - it's definitely a watch of some description. How is it - it disappears so completely in the intermediate (intervening?) frames? Does it reappear near the end?

This is a particularly challenging piece of video. Comparisons to the Patterson-Gimlin footage - would not be inappropriate. Lots of little (and potentially: big) "pearls of disclosure 'n discovery" to be found.

What to make of the perp sporting his chronograph on the outside of his sleeve? Could it be a phone-watch or a spy-camera watch? Was he intent on record his heinous commission?

HAL is suggesting there might be a two-tone baseball cap in the image. He needs to check his colour-corrections tho - he's reporting anomalous red and green blotches on the front of the jacket most likely either low-light-correction camera-artifact or color "klang" in the feed-cable or possibly the video head. A calibration run under the same conditions - is probably not a bad idea. Specifically, as relates to low-light colour-rendering fidelity.
No - it's definitely a watch of some description. How is it - it disappear so completely in the intermediate frames?

This is a regular Patterson-Gimlin bit of surveillance video. Lots of little "pearls of disclosure 'n discovery".

What to make of the perp sporting his chronograph on the outside of his sleeve? Could it be a phone-watch or a spy-camera watch? Was it his intention to record his heinous commission?

Interesting thoughts about spy-camera or phone-watch...
Had to look up P-G reference..
vertical streaks correspond to noise. These could and should be eliminated to improve Image Stacker performance etc. This tile-face type of output is useful for assessing image-clipping (maxing out) and also distortion ("coherent noise").

Bleecker :: Exploratory_01.mp4 video by Rusty_Pennies - Photobucket

incidentally, Rusty_Pennies - the name - stems from my having established this image-server account to show-case my metal detector finds - choose your root-directory tag judiciously. : )'

I think I like this output even more for it's highlighting ability. The brim of the cap is unambiguously defined here - safe to say.

Bleecker :: Exploratory_02.mp4 video by Rusty_Pennies - Photobucket
Subject to closer review but a reasonable explanation for the disappearing watch (short of it falling off) would be .. that ... the perp is wearing a sweater under the coat and the watch is on top of the sweater sleeve and not the jacket sleeve. The jacket sleeve (tho) does ride up (and over) the watch - obscuring it wholly and completely from view.
Subject to closer review but a reasonable explanation for the disappearing watch (short of it falling off) would be .. that ... the perp is wearing a sweater under the coat and the watch is on top of the sweater sleeve and not the jacket sleeve. The jacket sleeve (tho) does ride up (and over) the watch - obscuring it wholly and completely from view.

Think you are probably right about the watch over shirt sleeve Hal, unless it is some kind of medical bracelet..
Think you are probably right about the watch over shirt sleeve Hal, unless it is some kind of medical bracelet..
I don't think it's a medical bracelet but I like your thinking. I don't think it's a Casio G-Force nor a Timex Ironman nor a Nixon Unit nor a Texas Instruments. I don't see any matching watches (vintage or otherwise) on eBay nor image search. The watch as pictured has a distinctive big square / little square lcd display portal. I'm pretty sure the big square / little square layout is a reliable find. HAL is indicating consistent pixel-level response on the optically-exotic lcd substrate as found filling interior of big square. HAL is also indicating the band appears bifurcated as he's detecting underlying fabric coloration peeking through at a spot a few centimeters up the band - as it were. HAL will attempt to output relevent mini-video demonstrating this. One can notice it in the outputs below.

The tonal vignettes are flipped such that - if it were a watch (which I think you'll agree - it appears very much watch-like and not shiny button-like) then it would be in "store-display" orientation.

It might be one of the above mentioned watches - I don't want to put too much salt into the big square / little square find. It could conceivably still be one of the above watches just reflecting/enhancing in some optically-odd fashion. I don't know. And HAL can't make such calls (they never put that module back).







Bleecker_02 :: Watch_02 video by Rusty_Pennies - Photobucket

Bleecker_02 :: CaptureWiz_059.mp4 video by Rusty_Pennies - Photobucket

Bleecker_02 :: Exploratory_Watch_01.mp4 video by Rusty_Pennies - Photobucket

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