GUILTY Canada - Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka, murdered, 1993

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IS that her on the front left Prom night circa 1989 photo ?


The pics bring back memories. I remember the cops closing off the intersection of Hwy. 5 and Guelph Line when they found Kristen's body. Where they found the body isn't far away from the Bruce Trail pathway. It was weird how Kristen's body was found in Burlington and then Lesley's body was found near St. Catharines. This really shook up the community.
i agree... as does the FBI apparently. karla was included in this study of "the disturbed mind: compliant victims of the sexual sadist"... she seems to fit the described profile of such a woman almost perfectly. very interesting research.

jane ~ what are you trying to say about what picture in post #220? LOL

Thanks for this link - I will take a look at it later - it looks interesting. I have read a book or two on the issue - can't recall the names of the books but Karla was in them both.
jane ~ you make me giggle. you are so cute! i'm sure YOU were very pretty in that dress and hair :)

re post #221 ~ yes, that is karla on the left

re post #222 ~ since i don't see any "casket" pics, i'm assuming you mean the one of tammy in the hospital... the person in those pics with karla is a woman! another inmate in the prison karla was incarcerated in who she began a relationship with... even after stating in court she was not a lesbian. i don't have a link for this handy but if anyone wants it, i'll try to find it.

re post #224 ~ thanks for clarifying which picture... LOL... i don't read THAT into it personally... i think that is just where her hand fell naturally... but i could be wrong.

re post # 225 ~ you say: "it says that it can go both ways and that paul was not a sexual sadist until meeting Karla" ... jane, i don't find this in the article... can you copy and paste the exact remark you are referring to? oh - nevermind. i see what you are referring to. the editor's comment in very small print:

CCRC Editor's Comment: We see nothing in this paper which warrants gender specific consideration. Female sadists have used the same techniques on children and adult males. Karla Homolka introduced her boyfriend, Paul Bernardo to such sadistic sexual practices.

since karla was one of the women in the study (although not mentioned by name, i believe she is the one they refer to down at the bottom of the article about the inmate who received a shorter sentence), that comment is ridiculous... i believe the Canadian Children's Rights Council added the comment when they published the FBI study on their website... i don't believe it to be very valid though since the study is about women turned into compliant victims by men (men who abused them, controlled them, manipulated them, referred to them in derogatory terms, made them their slave, etc... all of which paul made karla do - not the other way around... additionally, karla fits their "compliant victim" profile and paul fits their "sadist" profile not vice versa)... men with a history of abuse, violence and criminality (like paul) - which karla did not have prior to meeting paul. so - i don't believe that the FBI researchers who conducted the study would agree with the comment made by the CCRC. it's possible (IMO) that the CCRC added that remark b/c they are a Canadian organization and think -like many many other Canadians do- that karla was equally or more responsible then paul and got off too easily. i think they wanted to slam her/use her name to make a point... for whatever reason... but i do not think you can take a study of one gender and make it valid for both like the CCRC does here especially considering she was one of the subjects and does not fit the profile of a sadist (see remarks above) before meeting the supposed "compliant victim". it's obvious though that the CCRC did not know that karla was one of the women studied by the FBI or that she was not a participant in any sadistic sexual practices b4 she met paul that we know of. (how on earth can it be karla who turned paul onto these things when she herself never participated in these activities before she met paul? i don't get it... was the editor a relative of bernardo who blames karla for his involvement?)... i think the CCRC was very wrong to generalize like they did... it's very misleading... bordering on incompetent. i think i may have to email them and point out these things to them... i think i will email the FBI too and ask their opinion of the comment the CCRC made.

SCM ~ you're welcome! :)
can't sleep LOL

it was paul who committed at least 14 rapes (jane, google "scarborough rapist") b4 he met karla in 1987... she did not commit any crimes against others/sex crimes until he came along... to me, this is important. she wasn't violent/sexually perverse until paul... ??

They were just the right combination to get together and end up doing what they did. I think they are both evil to the core. She should still be in prison.
I wonder what this new husband is like? I can't see how anyone could marry her and want children with her. She helped murder her own little sister and probably doesn't feel a drop of remorse for doing it. I don't see how her parents can want to have a thing to do with her after what she did to her little sister.
I had never seen that picture of the burn on Tammy's face. IMO the police should have pursued this looks NOTHING like a carpet burn which is what Paul and Karla said it probably was.
I also can't image acids from vomit leaving that kind of mark on anyone's face. :furious:
I had never seen that picture of the burn on Tammy's face. IMO the police should have pursued this looks NOTHING like a carpet burn which is what Paul and Karla said it probably was.
I also can't image acids from vomit leaving that kind of mark on anyone's face. :furious:

I think I had heard that doctors at the time assumed that all the kids were doing some type of drugs that lead to the overdose of Tammy & killed her. There may be a drug that could burn our face? I'm not sure. But it certainly was not cause for alarm. And I've heard of teens ingesting anything.

I don't think Paul or Karla spoke at all about the mark on her face if the books I read were correct.

Can any of you imagine being a parent of one of the victims? I couldn't imagine knowing this chick is out there living life, having fun, having KIDS and enjoying the world. I'd hunt her down and make sure she ended up in a few tiny pieces herself. I hope she goes through the remainder of her many years of freedom looking over her shoulder everyday.
I think it is amazing that she has been able to hide as long as she plain sight really. I think it is amazing that her child/children have not been photo'd. She is being virtually left alone in this world that trips over itself to swarm all kinds of celebs and wanna-be's.
I think I had heard that doctors at the time assumed that all the kids were doing some type of drugs that lead to the overdose of Tammy & killed her. There may be a drug that could burn our face? I'm not sure. But it certainly was not cause for alarm. And I've heard of teens ingesting anything.

I don't think Paul or Karla spoke at all about the mark on her face if the books I read were correct.

Can any of you imagine being a parent of one of the victims? I couldn't imagine knowing this chick is out there living life, having fun, having KIDS and enjoying the world. I'd hunt her down and make sure she ended up in a few tiny pieces herself. I hope she goes through the remainder of her many years of freedom looking over her shoulder everyday.

I recall someone (think it was a cop) thinking maybe they had been freebasing cocaine. But when tox reports come back showing no cocaine in her system then they had to know something else caused it. I'm not sure if they tested for cocaine but surely they tested for drugs...
Also IIRC Paul and Karla claimed that they had dragged Tammy to another room with better light, yep, okay just went and grabbed my book and it was Paul who said rug burn may have caused the marks. it's in the book "Deadly Innocence."
Are you saying you don't think that mark was cause for alarm? if so, why not? It looks horrible.
I think it is amazing that she has been able to hide as long as she plain sight really. I think it is amazing that her child/children have not been photo'd. She is being virtually left alone in this world that trips over itself to swarm all kinds of celebs and wanna-be's.

Don't quote me, but I believe Karla was harrased by the media...everytime she moved they found her and would confront her on camera. I know of one time for sure because I saw the video. I can try to find a link to that if you would like? This is probably why she moved out of Canada, if in fact she did move...
I recall someone (think it was a cop) thinking maybe they had been freebasing cocaine. But when tox reports come back showing no cocaine in her system then they had to know something else caused it. I'm not sure if they tested for cocaine but surely they tested for drugs...
Also IIRC Paul and Karla claimed that they had dragged Tammy to another room with better light, yep, okay just went and grabbed my book and it was Paul who said rug burn may have caused the marks. it's in the book "Deadly Innocence."
Are you saying you don't think that mark was cause for alarm? if so, why not? It looks horrible.

Bold by me... Oh on the end of knowing what happened now, I'd say absolutely it should have been a cause for alarm. Wish I never saw the pic either though.

I was meaning to say that in the 'heat of the moment' when all were assuming it was a horrible accident, that the doctors probably did not concern themselves that night about the burn. They probably really thought it was an overdose and figured the burn would provide an answer at some point.

I don't think a soul in the hospital would have thought anything else including any crime. That's more what I mean for it not being a concern to doctors.
Don't quote me, but I believe Karla was harrased by the media...everytime she moved they found her and would confront her on camera. I know of one time for sure because I saw the video. I can try to find a link to that if you would like? This is probably why she moved out of Canada, if in fact she did move...

I guess what I am alluding to is her departure from Canada (alleged) and the fact that she might be a brownie troop leader I making sense?
Don't quote me, but I believe Karla was harrased by the media...everytime she moved they found her and would confront her on camera. I know of one time for sure because I saw the video. I can try to find a link to that if you would like? This is probably why she moved out of Canada, if in fact she did move...

one of her neighbours across the street (in quebec) set up a webcam that was focused on the front door/windows of her home 24/7... i don't know how long it was on for... i remember watching it a few times... never saw her.

i'd really like to know if she moved or if it was a ploy to get people/media off her back. i do know that many canadian news outlets reported she had applied for a passport and did move out of the country...
I had never seen that picture of the burn on Tammy's face. IMO the police should have pursued this looks NOTHING like a carpet burn which is what Paul and Karla said it probably was.
I also can't image acids from vomit leaving that kind of mark on anyone's face. :furious:

I think I had heard that doctors at the time assumed that all the kids were doing some type of drugs that lead to the overdose of Tammy & killed her. There may be a drug that could burn our face? I'm not sure. But it certainly was not cause for alarm. And I've heard of teens ingesting anything.

I don't think Paul or Karla spoke at all about the mark on her face if the books I read were correct.

Can any of you imagine being a parent of one of the victims? I couldn't imagine knowing this chick is out there living life, having fun, having KIDS and enjoying the world. I'd hunt her down and make sure she ended up in a few tiny pieces herself. I hope she goes through the remainder of her many years of freedom looking over her shoulder everyday.

I thought I read it was caused from the Halcodone (sp) the drug from the Vets - the Rag that Karla had it soaked on held on Tammy's face. IT is not meant to apply directly to the skin but to be used vaporised

Thats what i read somewhere .. (dont ask me where - Ive read so much!!)

Oh and RHG (thats you RED) ROFL to what you wrote in your post - it was scary seeing a pic of a serial murderer in a dress just like mine and hair like mine :eek:

Well of course it would be a given that she would have a lesbian affair. She was highly sexed and she had performed sexual acts on the girls - now she was in a prison with only females. Her denying that was just fluff !
I thought I read it was caused from the Halcodone (sp) the drug from the Vets - the Rag that Karla had it soaked on held on Tammy's face. IT is not meant to apply directly to the skin but to be used vaporised

Thats what i read somewhere .. (dont ask me where - Ive read so much!!)

Oh and RHG (thats you RED) ROFL to what you wrote in your post - it was scary seeing a pic of a serial murderer in a dress just like mine and hair like mine :eek:

Well of course it would be a given that she would have a lesbian affair. She was highly sexed and she had performed sexual acts on the girls - now she was in a prison with only females. Her denying that was just fluff !

That is what happened Jane, yes. She held a rag to her face with the chemical she had stolen from the office she worked at. It was used on animals, so also different variation of the drug that they used to use on humans. :(
That is what happened Jane, yes. She held a rag to her face with the chemical she had stolen from the office she worked at. It was used on animals, so also different variation of the drug that they used to use on humans. :(

Hi yes PC i was answering someone who asked how the burn got on Tammys poor face :(
Hi yes PC i was answering someone who asked how the burn got on Tammys poor face :(

Were you answering me? If so, I already knew, and yes that is what caused it. I was just throwing out what some of the players in the case said/thought could have caused it at the time. And I really can't believe it wasn't pursued further.
have you seen the utube vids ? there is a photo of the panda eyes but with her eyes OPEN !

and check this out

A uni in Australia has done a paper on her even!

And this is interesting

This says that they cut her hair :(

The books did talk about them cutting Kristin's hair...but I've only read/heard that she was made to eat her hair from that one link someone provided on here.

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