GUILTY Canada - Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka, murdered, 1993

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I am quite aware that sociopaths are not all murderers. I don't really know any sociopaths who behave completely socially acceptable as they live only for themselves.

KH was a sociopath who condoned and assisted in murder. You can't get away from that one.

What do you mean she is not a danger? Really? You don't think she is still capable of luring young women for sex if her new baby daddy *advertiser censored* guy wants her to? Drugging people for sex? I mean, heck, it's a lot easier to obain a Roofie these days than having to steal second-rate sedatives.

The problem is, you don't know. The only reason she is free is because of the deal, not because she wasn't JUST as guilty as PB.

Have you read the play by play of just exactly what she was involved with when it came to the death of those three young girls...THREE!

In prison it has been said that her sexual deviancy continued.

It's a tragedy that she is not still in prison.


Paul changed his name to Teale some time back. I read that Karla is now going by Karla Teale...

What? For real? They both changed their last name to Teale? Ok, you're right, I'm sure she's JUST fine.

Yes, I read several books on Bernardo and Homolka (including Invisible Darkness) and I don't think she is danger anymore. I am pretty sure they changed their name to Teale or contemplated it when they were still together, not when she got out of jail. Have you ever been in a situation where someone wanted you to do things like this? Where someone had deviant fantasies they wanted you to participate in? I have. I said no. I was involved with someone who was very abusive to me and in addition, wanted to kidnap people and torture, rape and kill them. I was just saying it's easy for someone who has never been in a situation like this to say that Karla was not abused at all. I can't say for certain because I am looking at it through the eyes of someone who was somehow able to get away.
I could have very much ended up like her. To this day, I don't know why I was able to get out. Should she have been kept in jail? Yep, forever.
Gee I don't know. I think she was disturbed and it was the perfect storm when they hooked up.

KH has the severe problem of being invested in her fantasy instead of her reality. She's a sociopath. I don't think she ever felt remorse or anything for the victims including her sister. How could anyone with a conscience act the way she did post TH's death at her hands?
The only things that ever mattered were what she wanted, regardless. She wanted P because of her fantasy of him, not who he really was. She wanted her wedding even after her sister's death and her parents grief. She would do anything to perpetuate her fantasy and lie that she had a perfect husband and life. Sound familiar?

I don't know who her babydaddy is but i think i read he's a *advertiser censored* actor? She has not changed, nor will she. The dead eyed non-human is still there.
THANK YOU! Karla's "fantasy world"STILL continues!!!! Although a Judge stopped her from doing so Karla attempted to change her name,post release,to"Emily Chiara Tremblay" know just a 'ho-hum',low key & non descript name right? :rolleyes:
Karla is a socipath & child rapist & murderer.She is just as guilty as Paul.
I have read everything I could about this case & kept up with it & have gotten to the point that I dont care how or why Karla is a monster ,it doesnt matter,she simply "is".
I have no doubt Paul treated her like chit & beat her but that does not excuse ANY of her actions!!
She showed who she is with her prison behavior (engaging in s & m & simulated rape "games"with her female love WHILE IN PRISON!) & her continued attitude of "im a victim!"and showing NO remorse for ANY of her victims lest of all her own sister!!!!!
Although the videos surfacing didnt get her deal thrown out(which they shouldve)they showed the world what evil lurks behind her dead eyes(ever notice that?even in pre-Paul pics she just looks "dead" in her eyes.Laura Prepon did a terrifyingly amazing job of portraying that in the "Karla"film) & because we know WHO & WHAT she really is she will NEVER have a truly 'normal'life & will always been looking over her shoulder.......I try to find SOME solace in that..............
Would someone answer a question for me? How is Karla's behavior in prison known to the public? Did the author of one of the books interview her directly? I have a decent amount of knowledge of this case but haven't read any of the books that are mentioned (I would like to though, as horrifying as they sound). I'm just curious how we know what her behavior continues to be.
Oh & the gay '*advertiser censored* star'husband rumor is just that a rumor started by an unstable wanna-be trying to promote himself....lovely aint it!
A black-french canadian man named Thierry Bordelais (brother of Karla's Attorney,Sylvia Bordelais)has claimed to have married her (although no marriage certificate has been found ) Karla supposedly wears a wedding ring which could support that claim.He is suppposedly the father of her supposed baby(although no birth certificate has been found or any evidence of said child other than a comment by her father,Karel Holmolka,and grainy pictures of a woman with a baby carrier that is said to be Karla).
Karla is,by all accounts,living outside Montreal in relative hiding.
I think even without a legal name change this would be easy for her to do as she looks so different from the blonde,"Karly Kurls" we all know (& despise).She is alot heavier & has a very "hard" look as shes aged.She reportedly has shorter & darker hair now.She MAY also have had plastic surgery as well.
She also is now fluent in French (she learned in prison with the intention of moving to Montreal post release) so she could easily blend in & pass for a Quebec native.

I have my personal suspicions that the Canadian Government (for a few reasons)may have helped Karla "hide in plain sight"after her initial release & the outrage & drama that occured.Although not offering her the extreme assistance the British Government did to James Bulger's murders I believe they did (finally)allow a name change (& kept it secret) & may have assisted her financially and/or with plastic surgery (in the last known confirmed picture of Karla her nose looks totally different! You would not recognize her if she sat down next to you........well as long as she hides her dead eyes with sunglasses! )which is how shes still in the country ,undetected.That seems to me to be the only explanation as to why no one(& people are looking!) has found her yet.
Would someone answer a question for me? How is Karla's behavior in prison known to the public? Did the author of one of the books interview her directly? I have a decent amount of knowledge of this case but haven't read any of the books that are mentioned (I would like to though, as horrifying as they sound). I'm just curious how we know what her behavior continues to be.
Her "prison lover"wrote a book(I believe it was only published in french)& their relationship is well documented in prison records as they shared a "condo"together while in prison...........Also although never admitting guilt (of course)Karla did avail herself to the therapy available to her in prison(therapy that Bernardo is inexplicably denied ) & shared information to others (of course)..........ALSO after a transfer Karla ditched her female lover for an incarcerated MALE murderer & they were briefly engaged before she was released & again all of this was detailed in prison records but has been found out by journalists(likesome of Karla's psych reports) & reported(although not as widely as it should be but due to the embarrassment & shame the Government feels about the "sweetheart deal"I still feel theres censorship,albeit unofficial,in Canada regarding Holmolka/Bernardo).
I have the name of the ex-girlfriend's book & will post it later (Im on my way out the door.........)it features photos & letters with/from Karla.
So much has changed here on W/S since I was a regular poster that Im not sure what I can link so until Im 100% I urge you to Google............theres a few sites with just a wealth of info/pics & discussions thats easy to get caught up in the madness all over again.............

EDITED TO ADD:The book by the Prison g/f(pics of her & Karla are found in this thread)is:
"A L'Ombre De Karla" ( In the Shadow of Karla) by Lynda Veronneau.Google her to find CTV links of interviews...........VERY interesting as Lynda actually still says flattering things about Karla & ,imo,is VERY credible.Im trying to get this book btw.......will happy share details once I do(if I can read it!!! LOL)
VE-thank you so much for answering my question. I will google when I have the chance.
Her "prison lover"wrote a book(I believe it was only published in french)& their relationship is well documented in prison records as they shared a "condo"together while in prison...........Also although never admitting guilt (of course)Karla did avail herself to the therapy available to her in prison(therapy that Bernardo is inexplicably denied ) & shared information to others (of course)..........ALSO after a transfer Karla ditched her female lover for an incarcerated MALE murderer & they were briefly engaged before she was released & again all of this was detailed in prison records but has been found out by journalists(likesome of Karla's psych reports) & reported(although not as widely as it should be but due to the embarrassment & shame the Government feels about the "sweetheart deal"I still feel theres censorship,albeit unofficial,in Canada regarding Holmolka/Bernardo).
I have the name of the ex-girlfriend's book & will post it later (Im on my way out the door.........)it features photos & letters with/from Karla.
So much has changed here on W/S since I was a regular poster that Im not sure what I can link so until Im 100% I urge you to Google............theres a few sites with just a wealth of info/pics & discussions thats easy to get caught up in the madness all over again.............

EDITED TO ADD:The book by the Prison g/f(pics of her & Karla are found in this thread)is:
"A L'Ombre De Karla" ( In the Shadow of Karla) by Lynda Veronneau.Google her to find CTV links of interviews...........VERY interesting as Lynda actually still says flattering things about Karla & ,imo,is VERY credible.Im trying to get this book btw.......will happy share details once I do(if I can read it!!! LOL)

Thanks VE, there was a big censorship debate here and in fact I'm just remembering that many Canadian theatres refused to release the film.

You are spot on with your assessment. I wouldn't be surprised if she was helped by the Government, but I also believe our spy service, CSIS, will track her for the rest of her life.

The case shattered the public's faith in the justice system. I need to refresh my memory on some of the details as this was back in 1993, but I still remember the reaction to those horrific taped videos shown in the courtroom to a select few-and a select few journalists. Tapes so vile and showing Karla's very willing participation that even the most hardy veteran journalist wrote articles about how they could not de-stress, could not sleep and lost their entire weekend of downtime with their families because of the shock of the vile, visual images (I seem to remember, and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, these retrieved films, previously illegally hidden by one of the lawyers, were shown at the end of a week in a closed courtroom and were to have been sealed forever).

That case is like a wound on the collective Canadian consciousness that never healed properly and the Stafford case, God bless the dear child, has opened it up again.

But, it's premature and wrong-headed of me to presume too much with the TS case so far. We don't even know the motive yet so I will try not to get ahead of myself. I'm still retaining some hope with this case even to the point that 1% of my mind refuses to believe little Tori is deceased.
Slightly off topic, but I read a few weeks ago that Karla's mom has put the family home on the market due to her husband's illness. There was a link and picture on the website.
This case never ceases to shock and disturb me.

In 1995 I moved to Nashville from CA and a girlfriend there who was also from CA to Nashville (we were married to musicians) gave me some books to read. One of them was on this case.

It must have been that book that is no longer in print or something - IT WAS GRAPHIC and horribly disturbing, My God. It went into great detail about exactly what was on those tapes - I had nightmares.

Just now I went to look at the pictures on that site and I literally jerked back from the monitor when I saw the picture that was discovered in Tammy's casket - put there by Paul and Karla. It is the most disgusting, evil, horrible thing I've seen. Just the looks on their faces. I said out loud," bless your soul Tammy. Maybe you can rest in peace now." Horrible.

Does anyone know what the content of the death letter was?

Do you have a link to the site? TIA!
Slightly off topic, but I read a few weeks ago that Karla's mom has put the family home on the market due to her husband's illness. There was a link and picture on the website.
Yup it is (Karel has MS)and if you look at the MLS photos you can see the family keeps framed pics of Buddy the Rottweiler (Karla's dog) as well as Karla & Tammy in the house.Theres a few good shot of the basement that creeped me out(if you didnt know the case you wouldnt think anything was amiss) as thats where Tammy was & where Paul & Karla made their post-Tammy "Fireside Chat"video where they 're-lived'in detail Tammy's horrific rape/murder.The house looks pretty much the same aside from a few paint changes(theres comparative pics up on the 'Watching Karla' site).Its a very nice house but I personally feel the house is tainted and not just because of Tammy there but "The January Girl"was also raped (& possibly murdered )there as well and who knows what else Paul & Karla got up to.........I wish itd be leveled just like the Port Dalhousie house was......
Do you have a link to the site? TIA!

google watchingkarlahomolka

I'm not sure if that site had the pic I was talking about, I tried to find it again and couldn't. Just as well, I have enough trouble sleeping!

I may have followed a link...not sure.
EWW that's it. Isn't that an evil looking pic to put in the casket? It looks like Paul is saying, surprise it's us, we raped you and killed you.

Creeps me out.
Thanks VE, there was a big censorship debate here and in fact I'm just remembering that many Canadian theatres refused to release the film.

You are spot on with your assessment. I wouldn't be surprised if she was helped by the Government, but I also believe our spy service, CSIS, will track her for the rest of her life.

The case shattered the public's faith in the justice system. I need to refresh my memory on some of the details as this was back in 1993, but I still remember the reaction to those horrific taped videos shown in the courtroom to a select few-and a select few journalists. Tapes so vile and showing Karla's very willing participation that even the most hardy veteran journalist wrote articles about how they could not de-stress, could not sleep and lost their entire weekend of downtime with their families because of the shock of the vile, visual images (I seem to remember, and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, these retrieved films, previously illegally hidden by one of the lawyers, were shown at the end of a week in a closed courtroom and were to have been sealed forever).

That case is like a wound on the collective Canadian consciousness that never healed properly and the Stafford case, God bless the dear child, has opened it up again.

But, it's premature and wrong-headed of me to presume too much with the TS case so far. We don't even know the motive yet so I will try not to get ahead of myself. I'm still retaining some hope with this case even to the point that 1% of my mind refuses to believe little Tori is deceased.

Whats so terribly sad is in the Governments desire to "bury" this debacle the Scarborough rape victims got the shaft and they stopped looking at Paul & Karla for further crimes despite compelling evidence that there are more(i.e the blood found in the basement that was NOT Lesile or Kristens :eek:,some cryptic comments during interrogations that were never expounded on etc).They also didnt bother searching the Bayview Drive house for further evidence (i.e more videotapes like the Scarborough rape tapes that SURELY exist!)which as they missed evidence the first time so youd have thought theyd want to retrace their steps! They also didnt shift through the debris of the house either!!!! As much as they want them to be Paul & Karla will NOT be forgotten nor will the Governments mis-steps !With the Torri case the entire world will be watching to see how these new monsters are handled & if the Government has learned anything!!!

As for the tapes that were found...........Sorry to say Gulphite but I think copies DO exist.I know the court ordered them destroyed but theres just too many "windows of oppertunity"that occured prior to them being handed over.
Contrary to rampant rumor I dont believe Paul shared them prior to capture but I believe copies WERE made PRIOR to his defense team handing them over & they have gotten out (Im also not 100% that ALL the tapes were handed over but thats imo) & if you have both the money & the desire they can be procured.That thought makes me queasy but its likely true ::(:
EWW that's it. Isn't that an evil looking pic to put in the casket? It looks like Paul is saying, surprise it's us, we raped you and killed you.

Creeps me out.
And Karla's sly,"knowing"look is the icing on the cake!!

you have to wonder if they took the pic especially for the casket........those two were so sick I wouldnt be surprised if they did!:eek:
I saw this horrible woman on tv today, Notorious Women. Karla Homolka, a very unkempt looking woman who didn't even look good at her wedding, should have gotten the death penalty just like Eilene Wournos and Karla Faye Tucker. It's awful when a serial killer doesn't even do LWOP, but hopefully karma will eventually get this deviant child killer.
Vespaelf, I completely agree. There were more crimes, more murders. I also think Paul had murdered a few times before Karla was in the picture. So many rapes, increasing in brutality, he had to have. He is never going to fully confess, parole hearing (or whatever it is called in Cananda, lol) in 2010 I think. In his 2007 interview, it sounded as if he beleives he will be living on the outside one day, bizarre!

I also agree there are copies of the 6 tapes found, sadly. (I have never seen the show, but HBO had a show Autopsy 8 which is said to have clips from the 6 known tapes.) I agree there had to be many, many more tapes too, what happened to all of Paul's stalking tapes? Did Karla ever find any in her last search when her parents moved her out I wonder?

So much we will never know because of the sealed record on this case. I still cannot find much info on Paul's interrogations, psych evals, etc... Plenty available on Karla, but not as much on Paul.
Vespaelf, I completely agree. There were more crimes, more murders. I also think Paul had murdered a few times before Karla was in the picture. So many rapes, increasing in brutality, he had to have. He is never going to fully confess, parole hearing (or whatever it is called in Cananda, lol) in 2010 I think. In his 2007 interview, it sounded as if he beleives he will be living on the outside one day, bizarre!

I also agree there are copies of the 6 tapes found, sadly. (I have never seen the show, but HBO had a show Autopsy 8 which is said to have clips from the 6 known tapes.) I agree there had to be many, many more tapes too, what happened to all of Paul's stalking tapes? Did Karla ever find any in her last search when her parents moved her out I wonder?

So much we will never know because of the sealed record on this case. I still cannot find much info on Paul's interrogations, psych evals, etc... Plenty available on Karla, but not as much on Paul.
I think Karla took what evidence she could find & destroyed it on that last trip in the house........if Paul had not moved the 6 tapes we know about she wouldve destroyed those too,imo,and no one wouldve known about her involvement & his being convicted wouldve rested solely on her testimony(as planned)& the Scarbourough DNA match.I do believe Paul hid more evidence where Karla (& LE) couldnt find it. I wouldnt be surprised if his legal team was made aware of it however(moo).

Paul Bernardo has been denied any psych treatment of ANY kind nor has any further testing,evaluation or interviewing been done of him!!! He is in his tiny cell 23 -24 hours a day .He has no vistors,no socialization or fraternization with other inmates-he doesnt even get to watch TV!Hes allowed books& letters from APPROVED contacts(family & lawyer only) thats it.
Personally I think life is too easy for him(he is alive after all)*HOWEVER* his treatment is unfair when compared to 'Karly Kurls' .Not only is she free but when she was inside she had a microwave & a TV in her cell & her stupid Sesame Street sheets,could wear street clothes,was allowed to be transferred to share a cell with her lover,was allowed to take pics inside & had unfettered mail access(including writing a convicted killer) & visitation with who ever she wanted,took college & craft classes & was given the best "treatment" available (individual & group therapys,a private Psych Doctor & meds).She could buy food from the Prison Store etc etc Compared to Bernardo she got "royal treatment".Paul gets to ,as my husband would say "eat,sleep & chit" & thats it.The "watching Karla" site has a few pics of Paul in his them to the prison pics of Karla mugging in the Prison DayCare (yes gross I know!)or her 'sensual'shower for her was "Club Med" & ,imo,reinforced to her that SHE wasnt the "bad one".

Bernardo will never get out.I dont blame him for 'wishful thinking'though.........after all Karla saw the light of day & she is just as guilty as he is!:furious:
Wow, Vespa, I did not know PB was denied all of that. (Wish it could be that way in the States. Billions spent on sex offenders whom we are just realizing cannot be rehabilitated, they just are "who they are". I know that sounds terrible, but it is true.)

Yes, Karly Kurls had it good in jail. She was sent to a girl's school in comparison.

I know there is/was tons of evidence. Not sure that we will ever know, but I am guessing the Crown has a lot, not all, but a lot. So does the defense, and it will not be disclosed. I am sure Karla did destroy what she could, especially when she said PB may have "edited" whatever was found. I thought that telling.

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