GUILTY Canada - Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka, murdered, 1993

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Apparently it came out recently on the February 2007 Birth Board on BabyCenter that Karla is an active member of the group, posting under the name She Also makes and sells cloth diapers. Someone had tried to out her last year, but nothing came of it. Now she has apparently unfriended all of her friends on the board.

I had been on that board a bit, as One of the mom's on the birth board that I was on had a preemie born in February. I don't recall her though. Kind of scary to think of her interacting with so many other mothers. I feel sad for her little boy, who is just a month older than my daughter and will be starting kindergarten this year. I imagine his Mother's past will not be kept quiet for long.
Homolka e-book a publishing breakthrough

Independent journalist Paula Todd knew it was a gamble when she published Finding Karla: How I tracked Down a Serial Child Killer and Discovered a Mother of Three as a $2.99, 46-page e-book, rather than in hard-cover print or as an article for one of Canada’s leading magazines.

But time was against her.

“Other reporters were on Homolka’s trail, too, and I had no idea how close they were,” Todd, a former Star reporter, says.

“I didn’t have the luxury of waiting a year for it to see print as a real book or two or three months for publication in a magazine. And I’d spent a lot of my own money tracking her down. I couldn’t make it back on the kind of money magazines pay.”

But till recently e-books were unproven in Canada as a viable publication option for breaking news, long-form reportage and non-fiction. Would readers buy a single news story on Kindle or Kobo or iBooks, or would Todd’s scoop, one of the year’s biggest, slip by unnoticed, her work uncompensated?

Less than two months after its publication, Todd has her answer. Finding Karla holds down the top position on Amazon Kindle’s non-fiction singles bestseller list and No. 5 on Kobo’s e-books list, says her Toronto agent/publisher, Derek Finkle.
Not quite sure where this item goes.. Longish article with video.

"KINGSTON - Schoolgirl killer Paul Bernardo feels he has suffered enough in maximum security and has applied to be transferred to the medium-security comforts of condo-style prison housing.

It’s not a slam dunk but, much to the disgust of the father of the slain Kristen French, the 48-year-old has still asked to be granted just that.

With Kingston Penitentiary no longer housing prisoners in 60 days, its most notorious inmate is trying to have his security status lowered to avoid being shipped out to Quebec, sources say.

They say because he doesn’t want to end up at a prison like the super maximum-security pen in Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines near Montreal, the notorious killer and Scarborough rapist, who is serving a life sentence and has been slapped with a dangerous offender designation, has applied to be moved from the Kingston Pen this summer to new special housing at the medium-security Bath Institution just 20 minutes away.

“Whether he gets his request or not is not yet known,” said a corrections source. “But he has applied and he is entitled to apply".
But if asked, he will say, “As far as I am concerned he should be locked up and not get any special privileges and not get anything.”

Not quite sure where this item goes.. Longish article with video.

"KINGSTON - Schoolgirl killer Paul Bernardo feels he has suffered enough in maximum security and has applied to be transferred to the medium-security comforts of condo-style prison housing.

It’s not a slam dunk but, much to the disgust of the father of the slain Kristen French, the 48-year-old has still asked to be granted just that.

With Kingston Penitentiary no longer housing prisoners in 60 days, its most notorious inmate is trying to have his security status lowered to avoid being shipped out to Quebec, sources say.

They say because he doesn’t want to end up at a prison like the super maximum-security pen in Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines near Montreal, the notorious killer and Scarborough rapist, who is serving a life sentence and has been slapped with a dangerous offender designation, has applied to be moved from the Kingston Pen this summer to new special housing at the medium-security Bath Institution just 20 minutes away.

“Whether he gets his request or not is not yet known,” said a corrections source. “But he has applied and he is entitled to apply".


why would they lower his security status just because he doesn't want to be transferred to Quebec?

isn't he classed as a dangerous offender? if he is, I doubt they're going to lower his security status

<mod snip>
June 2013

"The idea of notorious killers sharing space together inspired a riveting and eventually much publicized exchange between investigators and Rafferty during a police interrogation after his arrest in May 2009.

&#8220;The nice thing about the place you&#8217;re going to be spending a good chunk of your life is they actually have glass cells so you and Bernardo can make googly eyes at each other all day, whatever you guys do in there,&#8221; an angry Det. Sgt. Jim Smyth told Rafferty in a videotaped session played during Rafferty&#8217;s trial.

In Kingston, Williams and Bernardo complained about a third cellblock mate, former Toronto cop Richard Wills, who murdered his mistress.

Wills sang all night and regularly defecated on himself, forcing guards to spray him down, sources told QMI Agency. Wills was transferred to B.C. and Rafferty ended up in his cell.

It&#8217;s not known if the three killers are sharing cells in the same area of Port-Cartier."
accept it, paul lol

All four episodes are available, here on youtube, with much better quality.

[ame=""]Paul Bernardo Interview - Part 2 of 4 - YouTube[/ame]
This guy truly is a narcissist, isn't he??

It's o.k. to call me a serial killer and rapist, but don't....just don't you dare call me a liar.

When I was about 14 I was asked to move from my hometown to about 4 hrs away to play baseball for the canadian team .At this time the canadian team was out of burlington Ontario soI did and I had to live with a familly that did stuff like that they would take in kids that were joining the team anyway about a month after I got there Ill never forget one of the kids on my team came home and told us that a girl in his class had went missing the day before about a block from where I was living. After time passed it turned out to be leslie mahaffy and part of the whole bernardo thing it was pretty crazy I can still remember my team mate when it was coming to an end and they had found her body . Its actually kinda weird i cant really remember it i know its been years but i remember it in like chunks or pieces the real scary thing was where she was taken from was out front of the Mac's convienent store that me and another kid that was billoting in the house I was we would go to that same mac's store all the time where she vanished from....

&#8220;Whenever he opens his big mouth, there's a reaction," he said. "It's unfortunate the families have to be put through this whenever something like this occurs.

&#8220;Just because he makes a request, it doesn't mean it's going to go anywhere. He's a dangerous offender so the burden of proof is on him and it's impossible for him to prove he's not a dangerous offender.&#8221;

Like Dykstra, Niagara Regional Police Det. Sgt. Richard Ciszek, the only member of the Niagara Regional Police investigative team on the Bernardo case who is still with the force, doesn't think Bernardo should ever be allowed to go to a less-secure facility.

&#8220;In my opinion, he should be kept in maximum-security prison for the rest of his life,&#8221; said Ciszek, a forensic identification officer at the time.

&#8220;It was one of the hardest investigative events for me. It will be burned into my memory for the rest of my life
When I was about 14 I was asked to move from my hometown to about 4 hrs away to play baseball for the canadian team .At this time the canadian team was out of burlington Ontario soI did and I had to live with a familly that did stuff like that they would take in kids that were joining the team anyway about a month after I got there Ill never forget one of the kids on my team came home and told us that a girl in his class had went missing the day before about a block from where I was living. After time passed it turned out to be leslie mahaffy and part of the whole bernardo thing it was pretty crazy I can still remember my team mate when it was coming to an end and they had found her body . Its actually kinda weird i cant really remember it i know its been years but i remember it in like chunks or pieces the real scary thing was where she was taken from was out front of the Mac's convienent store that me and another kid that was billoting in the house I was we would go to that same mac's store all the time where she vanished from....

Nice to hear from a guy's point of view!
The effect these crimes had on females in the city are documented, but they no doubt affected the male population too.
Sometimes I think these guys get more of a kick out of hurting the men who love and care for the victims that they "steal".
Glad you stayed safe CanManEh, after all, who knows for sure if they ever had, or would have, guys in their sightline?
Nice to hear from a guy's point of view!
The effect these crimes had on females in the city are documented, but they no doubt affected the male population too.
Sometimes I think these guys get more of a kick out of hurting the men who love and care for the victims that they "steal".
Glad you stayed safe CanManEh, after all, who knows for sure if they ever had, or would have, guys in their sightline?

When they released the composite of the Scarborough Rapist, it was freaky, because it looked just like my boyfriend at the time - the same floppy hair and eyes. People used to tell him he looked like the dude in the picture. We lived in Etobicoke, not Scarborough, and he was only 16, but it was very unsettling to him!

Anyway, i'm glad PB's request was denied and I wish Karla was in jail. Maybe one day she'll get hers.
untrue. leslie was back home after walking to the store to make a phone call and PB pulled a knife on her and ordered her into his car. the store had no role in her disppearance at all.,,20101627,00.html

Didn't she ask Paul if he had a cigarette?I thought she went to get one and then he abducted her.I don't know how true that is though.I think it was in one of the books.I know she had been locked out of the house and Paul was trolling in her neighborhood.The *advertiser censored*.
Didn't she ask Paul if he had a cigarette?I thought she went to get one and then he abducted her.I don't know how true that is though.I think it was in one of the books.I know she had been locked out of the house and Paul was trolling in her neighborhood.The *advertiser censored*.

or he offered her one -- see link in post 59
accept it, paul lol


This picture is so clear, and it was his 24 hours until wherever he got moved to. It is much cleaner and newer than some jails in the U.S. but Paul still thinks he will get out one day. Canada did the right thing with Paul and should be proud.

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