Canada - Richard Oland, 69, brutally murdered, St John, NB, 7 July 2011

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
If Dennis was at the wharf at 6:44, I think his looking at the object in his hand was him reading the somewhat peed off text from Richard's gf. If it was just a found item, why would he just happen to have a grocery bag in his hand in which to place a newly found item. Unless I missed it ... has he been asked WHAT it was that he picked up and put in the bag?

His interrogation reference to a vindictive ex-girlfriend is curious as it appears Richard and DS were still an item at the time of his death as she was expecting contact form him. The "ex" part seems to be in Dennis' mind only (unless he was referring to a gf other than DS). IMO, Dennis wouldn't have referred to Connie as Richard's ex-wife. Have a feeling Dennis took delight in DS "dragon lady" now being an ex.

Just bouncing off your post sillybilly.

JMO, but I think the timing is too tight to place DO at the Renforth wharf at 6:44pm, if he left Canterbury at 6:30. Doable, but tight.

If you’re planning to dump an iPhone4 into the Kennebecasis River @ Renforth you don’t need a reusable grocery bag, but a framing/drywall hammer might require cover. JMO.

If DO is culpable, perhaps it was all about the paramour? MOO

That took a bit of work .... thank you !!!

I am curious as to why Robert (Bob) McFadden (Galen's father) refused to offer a DNA sample? (Not trying to cast aspersions in any way.)

Wonder if "changes to the will" could have been a trigger for DO .... maybe he was getting bumped down a bit , or was he worried the mistress was going to get benefits or something , my mind wanders.
How does the procecuter explain the fact that after hitting someone that many times,with a drywall hammer......and blood landing 3 feet away.......that only a few spots of blood were found on DO's clothing? ?Surely he would have needed to change or shower before leaving?
Sorry if this has all been gone over before....just catching up:loveyou:
How does the procecuter explain the fact that after hitting someone that many times,with a drywall hammer......and blood landing 3 feet away.......that only a few spots of blood were found on DO's clothing? ?Surely he would have needed to change or shower before leaving?
Sorry if this has all been gone over before....just catching up:loveyou:

Actually it was 3 meters away which is about 10 feet .
Something that caught my eye about the DNA evidence today was that there were many small stains found on the clothes the police suspect that Dennis was wearing. The jacket we know yielded Richard's DNA and had small blood stains on it, and it is likely that Richard's DNA comes from the blood. However, a number of other items they think Dennis wore had stains, but didn't yield DNA and tested negative for blood. I thought that meant it couldn't be blood, but Joy Kearnsey says:

Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon
If negative hemochromogen test for blood, can't say it's blood? Say presence of blood is not confirmed, says Kearsey
1:11 PM - 24 Nov 2015

Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon
"We can't call it blood, but we also can't say it's not blood. We can't really say one way or the other," she adds

I think it's possible there were more small spatters of blood on Dennis' clothes that were thoroughly washed and so are impossible to tell what they were.

Here's where the other clothing is mentioned:

Now talking about pants seized from Dennis' closet. Visual stains. Inside right front pocket - partial DNA typing profile matched Dennis
10:33 AM - 24 Nov 2015

Inside left front pocket. Same. Inside right front pocket, not enough genetic material. Inside left front pocket, partial, matches Dennis
10:34 AM - 24 Nov 2015

Now talking about blue/grey shorts Dennis was captured on security video wearing after visiting father evening of July 6.
10:41 AM - 24 Nov 2015

Middle upper left back, mixed profile of 2 people, at least one male. No meaningful comparison could be made
10:41 AM - 24 Nov 2015

Outside front pocket flap, matched Dennis. Inside front middle waistband, mixed origin, no meaningful comparison


Robert Jones
Back to dress shirt. Stains detected but no genetic material can be detected for testing.

Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon
4 stains on shirt police believe Dennis was wearing that night negative for blood with screening Hemastix test. No DNA detected
Richard Oland murder trial, November 24, 2015:

Three stains found on the brown sports jacket seized from Dennis Oland's home tested positive for blood, and the DNA found within those bloodstains matched his father Richard Oland's DNA profile, the accused's murder trial in Saint John heard on Tuesday.

Defence lawyer Alan Gold, who's known for his expertise in dealing with forensic evidence, argued there's no way to say conclusively that the DNA found came from blood.

He said it's possible the blood was so degraded that the DNA didn't come from it, but rather another source, such as saliva, perspiration or tears.

DNA can also "migrate," depending on how an item is packaged, said Gold. The jacket in question was folded up and stored in a paper exhibit bag that measured 30 centimetres by 30 centimetres for about four months, so some parts would have come into contact with other parts, he said.

Kearsey agreed there was no way to say for sure what the source of the DNA was, but maintained it was "more likely" it came from the blood, based on her experience and knowledge of how the process works.

Kearsey testified on Monday the two tests used for the identification of blood can produce false negative results if "environmental insults" have degraded the hemoglobin. Washing an item, for example, or warm and moist environments can create false negatives, she said.

Some of the stains on Dennis Oland's jacket tested negative for blood and did not provide enough genetic material to provide a meaningful DNA profile, the court heard on Tuesday.

About the jacket ....

I put the security video on my 42" monitor and played it over and over for the 10 second period between 4:50 to 5:00

Dennis had been sitting in his car for a minute (reading + replying to his wife's text according to him) .... then before he drives away he opens the car door , steps back out , removes his jacket , and casually tosses it back in the car , gets in and drives away

(To me) this is perfectly normal thing for a guy to do on a hot day before heading home , and he does it in a normal and casual manner from what I can tell.

Point is , police found absolutely no blood or stains anywhere in his car or on the seats , if stains were supposedly on both the front and back of the jacket you would expect a bit to touch the seat. If I was a defense lawyer I would point that out to the Jury.

Three hairs found in Richard Oland's left hand during the autopsy, and another hair found in his right hand were "unsuitable for nuclear DNA analysis." A root with cellular material is required, Kearsey explained.​

Would be interesting to hear more about those 4 hairs , are they blonde , or long like a woman's ... things like that. Hair analysis has fallen on hard times in recent years but they should still be able to do some general comparisons
Yes, I would have liked to hear more about the hairs.

Arnie, I don't know how much transfer there would be from very small bloodstains several minutes to 10-15 minutes after they landed on an absorbent material. Still, I agree that Dennis' casual behaviour points toward innocence.

One more note about the security video , it has been pointed out that Dennis' timeline matches up to what the cameras show which goes in his favor.

But one Hinky thing I noticed is he left fathers office and got in his car at 6:13 to 6:15 like he said .... but 7 minutes later at 6:22 he drives by the office again , and that does not make sense. He should have been on his way home , and Canterbury is a short street , he would purposely have to turn down it , it is not as though he was heading somewhere else that happened to take him by the office again.

Could he have slipped in the back door of the office and done something ? At that point his jacket is in the car and would not get spattered , but that would only leave about 38 minutes for him to drive home including the stop at the wharf , change his clothes and be at the store shopping with his wife.

Defence lawyer, Gary Miller, giving opening statement to jury now.

Tweets from @cbcjones (Robert Jones) from this AM (Nov 26):

Dennis Oland will testify. And it is his decision says Miller.

Miller recounts Crown assertion that R. Oland's affair was a motive for murder. No evidence of that at all.

Financial motive? No evidence there was any problem between Dennis and his father. Family members will testify to that.

Will be calling two expert witnesses one today and one on Monday. First is a blood spatter expert.

Dennis's wife Lisa will testify about taking clothes to the dry cleaner to prepare for the funeral and visitation.

We will hear from his sister and his uncle and his mother Connie, Richard's wife.
On the subject of bags .... I wonder if police found this one in their search .... whatever D.O. took with him when he left the scene would have been in it.

Answering my own question about the shopping bag .... I had not seen the Oct 8th SUN NEWS article which says yes , the bag was recovered and checked

Sgt. Mark Smith also agreed that he didn't receive any confirmation of Richard Oland's blood in Dennis Oland's Volkswagen Golf, a reusable grocery bag or its contents from the trunk of the car, or on a logbook that the younger Oland had been told to take from his father's office on July 6, 2011.

It also answers the question about the logbook , family members had been wanting it back (historical genealogy stuff) ... Richard had been negligent in returning it .... so the secretary testified she had purposely brought it into Richards office that day and set it on a table and told Dennis to take it with him when he left.

Turns out he did take it with him , no blood found on it or in the bag , but afterward the table she set the logbook on was covered in blood spatter during the attack. To me these things point to Dennis' innocence , at least during that part of the office visit. Not to mention the presumed murder weapon would also have to be in the bag when he left.

All things considered, those "older faded stains" on his jacket are starting to look like very slender evidence .
If Dennis was at the wharf at 6:44, I think his looking at the object in his hand was him reading the somewhat peed off text from Richard's gf. If it was just a found item, why would he just happen to have a grocery bag in his hand in which to place a newly found item. Unless I missed it ... has he been asked WHAT it was that he picked up and put in the bag?

I find that weird too .... why would he even retrieve the bag from the hatch of the car and carry it to the wharf ... it makes no sense at all ... yet the bag came out "clean" during forensic testing. The mystery continues. Read my next post haaaaa....

I hate it when people step into lala land with wild speculation in cases like this ... but I am going to do it right now !!!! .... haaaa

Dennis leaves the office at 6:13 ish , had it all planned out and captured on camera ... then drives away and parks again in some spot hidden from cameras , sneaks in the back door with a weapon , puts on sanitary coveralls and gloves and covers his shoes , does the attack , removes all the protective clothing and leaves with it and the weapon without being seen , and without transferring even a tiny trace of anything on himself or the car ... and appears at the wharf at 6:44

Not impossible , but nearly. He would be the Superman of criminals.
Defence lawyer, Gary Miller, giving opening statement to jury now.

Tweets from @cbcjones (Robert Jones) from this AM (Nov 26):

Dennis Oland will testify. And it is his decision says Miller.

Miller recounts Crown assertion that R. Oland's affair was a motive for murder. No evidence of that at all.

Financial motive? No evidence there was any problem between Dennis and his father. Family members will testify to that.

Will be calling two expert witnesses one today and one on Monday. First is a blood spatter expert.

Dennis's wife Lisa will testify about taking clothes to the dry cleaner to prepare for the funeral and visitation.

We will hear from his sister and his uncle and his mother Connie, Richard's wife.

Glad to hear this!
Dennis's wife Lisa will testify about taking clothes to the dry cleaner to prepare for the funeral and visitation.

Hmmmmm .... that makes sense to make a trip to the cleaners. I would buy that if I was on the jury.
Just pondering (while I&#8217;m supposed to be working hahaha.)

Why would you take a reusable grocery bag to carry a few genealogy reports to your father&#8217;s office on a sunny July afternoon? Unless you needed to carry a framing hammer and a lightweight sailing poncho&#8230; knock the victim unconscious, don the poncho, then finish off the job &#8212; that way a minimal amount of blood spatter gets transferred to your suit jacket pants and shoes. All sailing types carry around foul weather gear (waterproof jackets, pants, extra deck shoes) in their cars, and Saint John has a fair share of rain, mist and fog. MOO

As for the reusable Sobey&#8217;s bag being clean, who owns just one of those bags?

An unknown murderer probably wouldn&#8217;t care if blood spatter flew onto anything on that table, including the log book. The log book titled &#8220;The Island Camp&#8221; belongs to Connie Oland&#8217;s brother, Jack Connell. Maybe it was intentionally covered during the attack for that reason, out of respect for the Connell side of the family? Again, MOO.

Article regarding log book and other searches:


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