Canada - Sentry killed in War Memorial shooting, Ottawa, 22 Oct 2014

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I liked his speech -- this is directly from his website ((NDP Leader Tom Mulclair))) Leader of the Opposition

''My fellow Canadians,

Today, the peace of our nation’s capital was shattered by an act of hatred and brutality. A cowardly act, designed to strike at the very heart of our democracy— at the heart of who we are.

But I stand here tonight in solidarity— side-by-side with my colleagues, with our Prime Minister and with all Canadians.

This attack struck with sudden and deadly violence.

It was carried out on the very ground where we come together to exchange ideas with the knowledge that whatever our differences we will always resolve them peacefully.

It was intended to make us more fearful of our neighbours and less confident in ourselves.

But it has failed.

Today’s events have instead only succeeded in drawing us closer, in making us stronger.

To the brave women and men of law enforcement, our security services and our Canadian Forces: Your determination, your professionalism and indeed your heroism today will not soon be forgotten.

Just as we have all borne witness to these horrific acts, we have watched in awe your acts of courage— now an abiding emblem of Canadian strength, values and valour.

The thoughts and prayers of everyone here in our nation’s capital are with the family and loved ones of Corporal Nathan Cirillo— the Canadian Forces member from Hamilton, Ontario who lost his life this morning, the second in just a few days.
Corporal Cirillo was literally standing on guard at a monument dedicated to the sacrifice of others who came before him.

To his family and friends, I tell you that 35 million Canadians— at home and abroad, from coast-to-coast-to-coast and around the world— stand with you tonight.

And we will not forget.

In this moment, Canadians are united in grief, and stricken with disbelief.

Canada is shaken today, but we shall not waver.

We woke up this morning in a country blessed by love, diversity and peace, and tomorrow we will do the same.

These acts were driven by hatred, but also designed to drive us to hate.

They will not.

We will stand up, and we will stand together.

We will persevere, and we will prevail.''
The NHL game between Ottawa Senators and Toronto Maple Leafs in Ottawa was cancelled but a big shout out to our American neighbours, our friends in Pittsburgh!!! Thank You
Pittsburgh Penguins vs Philadelphias Flyer NHL game sing O Canada in tribute to the tragedy in Ottawa
Update: Wellington closed from Bank to Sussex - police investigation. OPS directing traffic. Duration unknown. Avoid area.
Thank you I!

So is it correct to conclude that he had a bit of a walk before bursting in?

The entrances, Public and Staff, are found in the Peace Tower..the center structure on the centre block
Photo 1..this picture was taken during Canada Day and the entrances to Parliament from the Peace Tower are not seen because there is a stage blocking the view
Photo 2..this is a picture of the rear of the Centre Block and the rounded portion is the Parliamentary Library...there is a ring round around the building but then its a cliff down to the Ottawa River
Photo 3..better view ...if you look at the bottom of the Peace Tower you will notice the arch ways those lead to the main doors BUT below that and it's not very visible in the photo there are other doors

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because there are people who live in those countries who are not barbarians and they deserve every bit of protection that we have

because if another country allowed their maniacs to cross into our borders and our loved ones died as a result, how would we feel?

because some unstable people will become radicalized but later on realize their idiocy and revert back without ever violently hurting anyone

Here's something I think both Canada and the US should consider. Both the man in today's shooting and the man who ran over the soldier on Monday , had their passports revoked. The later was on his way to Syria to fight with Isis. I say , let them go. Why do we wasn't them here? Let them go with the understanding that once they do that , they have revoked their citizenship.they will not be allowed back in. To keep them here we risk more acts of this kind because they are angry. If they hate their lives here in our democratic countries, let them go live with the barbarians.
A little O/T, but not much ….. we had a 17-year old boy go missing in June … his parents looking for him everywhere … he sent infrequent messages to them from here and there. Just yesterday he showed up in a video from Syria, threatening violence in Australia and elsewhere. His parents are devastated.

"To the leaders, to Obama, to Tony Abbott I say this; these weapons that we have, these soldiers, we will not stop fighting, we will not put down our weapons until we reach your lands, until we take the head of every tyrant and until the black flag is flying high in every single land," he said.

He said IS would fight until the black flag was flying over Buckingham Palace and the White House.

"Bring every nation that you want to come and fight us. It means nothing to us. Whether it's 50 nations or 50,000 nations, it means nothing to us," he said.

"Bring your planes. Bring everything you want to us. Because it will not harm us. Why? Because we have Allah."

That's shocking. I'm stunned!
that just made me teary-eyed ... thank you American neighbours!

The NHL game between Ottawa Senators and Toronto Maple Leafs in Ottawa was cancelled but a big shout out to our American neighbours, our friends in Pittsburgh!!! Thank You
Pittsburgh Penguins vs Philadelphias Flyer NHL game sing O Canada in tribute to the tragedy in Ottawa
Thank you I!

So is it correct to conclude that he had a bit of a walk before bursting in?

IIRC, a witness to the shooting of the soldier at the National Memorial said the gunman got in a car and drove over to the Parliament buildings. Could be wrong, but I don't think so.
Does everyones sources confirm lockdown is over , everywhere?

The asking LE not to stop anywhere is bugging me. I mean I get that the murderers have been killing LE, but it "feels" like they know something.

ANd the length of lockdown is worrying - it was longer than like 9 hours --

For Now...
Canadian Military personnel IN UNIFORM, wearing Military Uniform only. have been asked not to stop between their Base and Home...
gunman today hijacked ministerial car after he shot the 24 yr old soldier in the guessing that in future gov't drivers will be armed......((this is from CBC news cast 9 p.m. EST))
Thank you I!

So is it correct to conclude that he had a bit of a walk before bursting in?

He didn't walk, he hijacked a car...but the drive was very very short...
If he did walk it would have been a short one but IMO if he walked or ran LE would have caught up to him more quickly before he reached the Gates of Parliament Hill...IMO
Thank you Pittsburgh! Gotta love Americans eh ! They are our brothers and sisters. Thanks so much for this heart-warming post
Safety Perimeter Has Been LIFTED

Ottawa Police @OttawaPolice · 26m 26 minutes ago
There may be traffic delays in downtown #Ottawa however safety perimeter has been lifted. #ottnews #otttraffic #ottcity

Downtown safety perimeter LIFTED: ongoing shooting investigation …

The Parliament buildings are located along Wellington St.. and they have kept Wellington St closed between Bank St and Sussex Dr because Parliament Hill is closed to the a resident of Ottawa( and Canadians and foreign visitors) we have enjoyed being able to access Parliament Hill and walk around...sigh..that may now change.

Ottawa Police retweeted
City of Ottawa @ottawacity · 17m 17 minutes ago
Update: Wellington closed from Bank to Sussex - police investigation. OPS directing traffic. Duration unknown. Avoid area. #otttraffic

Ottawa Police @OttawaPolice · 43m 43 minutes ago
Police operation continues on #ParliamentHill. The Hill continues to be off limits to the public. #ottnews #ottawa
There very disturbed gang they have been saying crap like that a lot lately. They are very sophisticated with social media. They put out commericials inviting people over for terrorism unniversties. The chop of peoples heads, they hang em up on street posts. The heads. They have (like HItler) peopel lie down and just go down the line blowing everyones brains out, there really messed up

Here are some of their commericials

That's shocking. I'm stunned!
I wholeheartedly agree with you Otto - a murderer - a senseless slaying.
Here's something I think both Canada and the US should consider. Both the man in today's shooting and the man who ran over the soldier on Monday , had their passports revoked. The later was on his way to Syria to fight with Isis. I say , let them go. Why do we wasn't them here? Let them go with the understanding that once they do that , they have revoked their citizenship.they will not be allowed back in. To keep them here we risk more acts of this kind because they are angry. If they hate their lives here in our democratic countries, let them go live with the barbarians.

one way flight without the passport ........ and automatic loss of citizenship??
??? this isn't about Muslims

it's about terrorists

you are as safe from harm around Muslims as you are around Christians

Thank you, Zencompass.

I'm still in shock over the murder of the Canadian soldiers (the one ran over by a car and the one shot today)

I appreciate your thoughts and others as well regarding the death of my Mama.

What i STILL can't wrap my head around is a general populace wanting to murder any citizens of any democratic nation.

There is some kind of SERIOUS disconnect here.

As mentioned in other posts, I've interacted with Muslims my entire life, but have NEVER heard of this kind of aggression being portrayed until the last few months.

But what DO I really know? I only have seen what they want me to see and I bought into it. Maybe they were right, maybe I was right, OR maybe I was mislead.

I'm growing increasingly uneasy every day.
because there are people who live in those countries who are not barbarians and they deserve every bit of protection that we have

because if another country allowed their maniacs to cross into our borders and our loved ones died as a result, how would we feel?

because some unstable people will become radicalized but later on realize their idiocy and revert back without ever violently hurting anyone

I don't know if others can see this TV footage from a current affairs show called The Project last night (23:45 mark in video). It is speaking about the 17-year old who snuck away to Syria, that I mentioned in my previous post. A man called Zakhi Malah (sp?) spoke during this video .. he was arrested a few years ago for pro-jihadist activities .. spent a couple of years in jail here .. and now is the loudest advocate of trying to keep 'angry young men' away from Syria, giving them a chance to grow up and come to their senses, as he did.

Having said that, Australia now has a law ... you cannot travel to certain areas of the world (including Syria, Iraq, and I believe, Turkey) without specific valid reason and govt permission, and if you do go in an unauthorised manner, you are not coming back into Australia (legally).

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