Canada - Sentry killed in War Memorial shooting, Ottawa, 22 Oct 2014

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Some if CSIS' greatest alllies and informants are imams and members of established mosques, from what has been reported in the media over the last few months.

yes! and young adults too.....

"“As a Muslim it is my job to make sure that nobody's abusing my religion. I don't want anyone doing something stupid, whether it's here in Canada or abroad, and giving it an Islamic label,” said Amir Aboguddah, President of the Muslim Students’ Association (MSA) at the University of Regina."

“Muslim leaders, community leaders, have an obligation to protect Canada to safeguard Canada to be loyal to Canada. If anybody potentially can cause harm to Canadian society, I think we should all stand up and identify that person and bring justice to that person," said Soharwardy.
Both Soharwardy and Aboguddah agree that imams can play a huge role in offsetting extremist messaging.'"

groups are really concerned about getting the message across that ISIS does not represent Islamic values.

"The Canadian Council of Imams (CCI), the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM), and the Muslim Council of Greater Hamilton (MCGH) have all released statements condemning ISIS and any forms of extremism and violence. In late November, the Muslim Students’ Association (MSA) at McMaster University will be holding a campus-wide event to present the MSA’s perspective on ISIS’s actions."
[h=1]Like Boston, Ottawa will change [/h]

Canada is at war and the battlefield is not just in Iraq — but here, too. Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent was the first casualty of war on Canadian soil in the fight against terror on Monday.
Sadly, Cpl. Nathan Cirillo was the second.
Who knows who is next?
And where it will happen?

he third casualty, though, has already been registered — the loss of Canada’s innocence,

Military members being told to no longer wear their uniforms in public?
There would be great protest if any other Canadian group was told it’s not safe to be who they are and wear what they wear.
A lot got broken here Wednesday.

But a day earlier in Saint Jean Sur Richelieu, I was amazed by the apathy about a serviceman’s death and how everybody I spoke with equated it to being a lone wolf and someone with mental health issues.
“They won’t not take the threat of terrorism seriously anymore,” said Fantino. “We can’t be (complacent) any longer. This has hit too close to home.

In the last month, two men have been banging the drum that Canada was facing a potential terror attack: David Harris, of INSIGNIS and Canada Christian College President Dr. Charles McVety.

On Sept. 25, Harris told me in an e-mail in response to the Iraqi prime minister talking about potential terror attacks on the Paris and New York subways “the report is more than plausible and gives a hint of what is coming, especially in countries like Canada, countries which have been heavily penetrated by Islamists.”
Harris added: “Let’s hope that Canada’s government and opposition will start treating the situation like the developing national emergency that it could be ...

For two weeks, there has been an outcry on television, radio, e-mail and Internet, over the RCMP mollycoddling Islamic terrorism which has fallen on deaf ears,” said McVety. “The Ministry of Justice hung up on us, our petitions for an inquiry were ignored and now two brave soldiers have lost their lives and a terrorist was in the hall a few feet away from massacring government leaders. I hope and pray that our leaders will wake up to reality, listen to the real threat and protect Canadians rather than acting like politically-correct language police.”
We need to have not a debate but a discourse on how to let moderate Muslims know that we want to help them get rid of the terrorists who are meeting in their mosques. They do not want these evil-thinking people in their mosques yet how do they inform authorities when they are under threat as well by these terrorists who are gaining converts and more power every day. We need to let the moderate Muslims know that we are on the same side as they are! They need our help and assistance. It's like going to any church and having some people get up and make a speech trying to rally the churchgoers into killing anyone who doesn't believe in that particular religion in that church. It must be horrible for the moderate Muslims just like it would be for any religion hearing that hate/killing talk in any church! I want to join others to get this message out. It is a message of peace and not of division or debate between religions.
I think we probably should refrain from speaking about religion or the mods will shut down the thread.

yes ...... this is a story about leadership and violence.....and it really speaks to leadership if a leader can steer community into positive action
How would you feel if I told you that a young lady in CF uniform was spat upon on the TTC ...... her orders do not react ....very proud of her.....((2006))
I will always believe in the message of peace and hope
[h=1]RCMP investigating suspected extremists amid reports of plots in Canada[/h]October 9, 2014

The RCMP is investigating 63 national security cases linked to terrorism and involving 90 suspects, Canada’s top security officials said Wednesday, just one day after the House of Commons voted to go to war against radical jihadists.
a U.S. news report suggested extremists have discussed plotting violence in Canada.

NBC News said U.S. intelligence officials are tracking aspiring ISIL imitators in Canada who may attack American or other western targets north of the border.

Canadian authorities have heard would-be terrorists discussing potential ISIS-inspired ‘knife and gun’ attacks against U.S. and Canadian targets inside Canada,” the network reported.
It said American and Canadian officials “fear the beheading of an innocent person in a public place.”

NBC said Canadian experts have also been studying an ISIL propaganda video, because the accent of the ISIL spokesman indicates he could be from the U.S. or Canada.

Canada’s security strategy is “working but the threat is there, and that’s why we need to keep on adjusting to the threat......................
Does anyone have a family member in the Canadian military, and how is everyone coping?

I'm now just watching the footage from earlier today ... wow.

I think that Harper was the target because he authorized six planes to support the US intervention against ISIS.
I have lived all of my adult life here in Ottawa (some 30+ years). It has always been a peaceful, safe city, but in the last 10-15 years, access on the Hill has become more restricted. We used to be able to drive right up to the front to the front doors of the Centre Block of Parliament. While this is no longer possible unless you are in an authorized vehicle that has gone through the security gate, we were still free to walk the lawn, and there is still a sense of openness and approachability. In fact, in the summer there are weekly noontime yoga exercises. I feel like some innocence has been destroyed.

The first responders today were incredible. As tragic as the day has been, we are fortunate that it wasn't considerably worse. My heart breaks for the family and loved ones of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo.

It is heartwarming to read the messages of affection here. Thank you.

Here is the pic of Yoga on the Hill.
Does anyone have a family member in the Canadian military, and how is everyone coping?

I'm now just watching the footage from earlier today ... wow.

I think that Harper was the target because he authorized six planes to support the US intervention against ISIS.

oui....all is good -- very vigilant
All the Canadian Cadet organizations (about 60,000 kids aged 12-18 across the country) have suspended all activities for at least a week... So sad that the fallout from the acts of this evil man makes us worry for our children's safety. I also just read that Nathan was a cadet from the age of 13.
All the Canadian Cadet organizations (about 60,000 kids aged 12-18 across the country) have suspended all activities for at least a week... So sad that the fallout from the acts of this evil man makes us worry for our children's safety. I also just read that Nathan was a cadet from the age of 13.

extremely valuable program and I was relieved to hear that today actually.....the cadet program is amazing
Moi aussi.

Not in the military, but have dear family who are very close to today's events. Having proudly said that, I will be told zip, nada, zilch about anything .. and I know not to ask.
It seemd the cadets just finished their annual campaign for donations in public places (I got my tag at a supermarket just a few weeks ago). Thank goodness none of those kids were hurt.
Sadly, you are going to be amazed at how today will change the rest of your life. Everything is going to turn into video cameras everywhere. lg cement blocks in front of your important buildings, concerts will have pat downs and metal detectors , you will see LE walking around wiht automatic huge guns, subway stuff will be more LE , it will be read bad for a while , as they block off all sorts of stuff in your city. If another one happens then you will expericne the above times two. It will never go away - it only gets more and more.

In London they can actually track you , I do not remeber how long or far , but it is like 400 tv screens all in a row, and if you like, lets just say, start at first street, they can watch you in real time like all the way to whatever 32 street. They can zoom in the cup in your hand etc etc .....

And in the really sad way, that is exactly what they want - they want to mess wiht our perceptions of freedom . And they do it. Another big goal is financial - they want to "cost" democratic societes lots of money.

There will be a bunch of "false" alarms in the next several weeks.

And depending on what the future has in store for western society it could just keep going

Think about it, in the BOston Marathon, the entire city was shut down, citizens lost all rights regarding "search" stuff, imagine having to let 5 or 6 people, with huge guns, and swat outfits, to come into your home, open your closets, your drawers, open doors, there dogs in your house, being locked in the city you live in, its messed up stuff.

It will never be the same again................................

I have lived all of my adult life here in Ottawa (some 30+ years). It has always been a peaceful, safe city, but in the last 10-15 years, access on the Hill has become more restricted. We used to be able to drive right up to the front to the front doors of the Centre Block of Parliament. While this is no longer possible unless you are in an authorized vehicle that has gone through the security gate, we were still free to walk the lawn, and there is still a sense of openness and approachability. In fact, in the summer there are weekly noontime yoga exercises. I feel like some innocence has been destroyed.

The first responders today were incredible. As tragic as the day has been, we are fortunate that it wasn't considerably worse. My heart breaks for the family and loved ones of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo.

It is heartwarming to read the messages of affection here. Thank you.

Here is the pic of Yoga on the Hill.
View attachment 62033
“For the past really two weeks, there's been increased concern among Canadian officials. Some of it expressed publicly, some not. The terror threat level, which is not a public system like we have in the US was raised up a notch in Canada a few days ago. There was no public announcement of that” he said.
Williams added, “Canadian officials were worried that there would be these sort of, if you’ll pardon the expression, low-tech attacks, using guns or knives or in the case of what happened, apparently in Montreal two days ago, a car, to attack government facilities, soldiers. And so there was concern they would attack either Canadian or US targets within Canada.

bbm this is what I was looking for!!! Warrant Officer had worked at North Bay for some time (NORAD) so his murder would affect morale ....MOO
Here is stuff you will see:;,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 4mc5Zo28Xu1X0/cTO7wGFYMseYIDcsQWOtFaALQ2gMV4DoIrxCAMsBWPtDaBHanPMrJdo0rAi5Ycs6GHwDuuZAGHeCDC2y6v6D 0DnhYrR7UyIMkBl4Y/JDlgMAgNOegigefRxdHPSAwGdHA1PQz0vGtA1vDdhfSv0iiw3YX0r9IoEPeH3ar6fuJnmWaJvB7vV9P3Ez 0DzCQhZ6WggMKwWnpFaB5lICsnYLZ1SqbIt 88h5mWXZ 7KLrUOc93Bf8wKrgNmVKx6im36joB8Z54jDGmxVhqpsf8AflNLVABYCwHIaCVve3AcKo5dV/sftAqoWG0cDAYDCJ4YtsqMe5SfjbSSZD2rTZqThBma2gva584Ff2ftOpQbNTYjw5HzEvewt7qday1Pw38 qfjMxpYjrFHutQGxU6HyB5z1ZYGx4zZ6Vhc8eTDj/mV3aGynpa9pf1D7jlKvsXemrh9D10/STqPIy/7K3joV1uGCnmrEAj5wK1aAiW7C4OgKwrLZmANgGBUE/mCjS/KeO3Nhgg1aHDiyD9yv9oFWIjSJ62itA8rRWnpaK0DztGsJ7WjSsDV8N2F9I kEOG7C Q kECJvB7vU9P3Ez/NL/vF7tV9P3EzswPTPAXnO2ptalh1z1nCjkOLG3IKNTIO7G/8As2pUtielp69VnUdGfUVJI IgWfBYN6psik PIeZln2du0q61TnP6Roo/vJ C2hRamGosjIRoaZBW3mNJ4YXbYeoqgDI YI4YnrobMjAgZT8 HzDq06YUWAAA5AWEfecraG3KdFS1Qhbd7C3hr3nulPxW9lTEH8IEU/1kWB9K8W8zp4GBbdr7dpUlOZh3E5goBOls3frylLxW SV8QcO2cZSA35FuRdRbiR4zi7xYNatGoat2KKzqxOoZAWBX9Oo5Stb040pirga9GE56FTdeWurH5QNGx1alSUs6kAf1XJPcO8 E8MQ65Udew/O9 PZmf09v1atY0TUqZLAZjlYF7XK6rbu04x1beGotb GFRipADGyWBb8oXLyGvEQL3FI zmY0kL9oqpa2mpAjNoYki1On/MqXyki6oANajW5C/DmdIHMxWDoOtZ6qA56hAIHXJUKgC21JLKfnK5Xo1aKF261K5W5YFlObLa/PXSXPCbPWkoJJdkBGdzcjQ3IA0HPhK9vhS/8Ajh/42P8A tT9YFWxW0iaoCG4tY9w4G5HebkfCcveuk96eYizKXVRyBNgT4mx 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here is the control room :;,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAFoAlgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAFBgQHAAIDAQj/xAA EAACAQIEBAMGAwYEBwEAAAABAgMEEQAFEiEGEzFBIlFhBxRxgZGhIzKxFUJiwdHwFzNyghZEUnOi0uMm/8QAGQEAAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAAF/8QAJBEAAgIDAAIBBAMAAAAAAAAAAAECEQMSITFBUQQTImEyQnH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AGOLKkmp45VtTmaFC5pzoY FerDe4tse2CeW1cWV66SKOLVZZH8R1MTcam8ybdcAKHOQKSnUSybQptyx5DEAZnNU8RBIQQoBDM4NyAt9vmf1x4 35cPVWKT4zpxnUU1TmVDUVaSRvHIXjMbgC40fmv22GELOKjmcWZXVUb8qeSVX5gf8rcwi 3TYA7fzwwccVjQ5nTqY10NBqNxexuRt9BhSk8ee5K8cfimqEIt1fxqPre/2xowNt2Jmilj89sfVqM1qVaMZ1WzXZTaEO1wPUkH49sHXy7Nf2MjmauMjM2tTKbqP3dvLZsRcqqcwy8TRw00lnUl9SlTa3UHEz9tZi8SNHDIyh7giTY/QX Xx9cUTT8mXVp8AkaZnSTa6mqrQwO8cjOo07dbEHz 2I/Arx/4w5s0E0ssbUshR5/zG6xGx9R0wZzKXNszkDVMco07qEQqB6YX 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a4Gz/AL3 nGyCUYqiEnfWH Ew6TS1IB0LpiOkAkFr ZAtYG5uLYIy57l9Kqy5oGzCsPSljcrDCB W/rsCepv5YGZaTFkOZzRHRKulRIuzBWWS4v5HvhYk6jGecFOXRkkvyroz1PGtaz2y lo6Fe3IhDMP9x/pgPU5hmNY5eoqJWY9db2 wxCY2QW2xyuTe OjjjHwg2yWQx3eaO/mTfGpYjpMmIw6Y8GHoFkkTMDsVYfHHrzaksLqwN8RsbD8pxyR1nX3iR7BnNhjMce MxShT//Z

Everything you do willl now take longer going through stuff .....................
Sadly, you are going to be amazed at how today will change the rest of your life. Everything is going to turn into video cameras everywhere. lg cement blocks in front of your important buildings, concerts will have pat downs and metal detectors , you will see LE walking around wiht automatic huge guns, subway stuff will be more LE , it will be read bad for a while , as they block off all sorts of stuff in your city. If another one happens then you will expericne the above times two. It will never go away - it only gets more and more.

In London they can actually track you , I do not remeber how long or far , but it is like 400 tv screens all in a row, and if you like, lets just say, start at first street, they can watch you in real time like all the way to whatever 32 street. They can zoom in the cup in your hand etc etc .....

And in the really sad way, that is exactly what they want - they want to mess wiht our perceptions of freedom . And they do it. Another big goal is financial - they want to "cost" democratic societes lots of money.

And depending on what the future has in store for western society it could just keep going

Think about it, in the BOston Marathon, the entire city was shut down, citizens lost all rights regarding "search" stuff, imagine having to let 5 or 6 people, with huge guns, and swat outfits, to come into your home, open your closets, your drawers, open doors, there dogs in your house, being locked in the city you live in, its messed up stuff.

It will never be the same again................................

I remember when the War Measure Act was enacted here in Canada.
Everyone thought the events that led to that would change the way of life, but it didn't.
Yes, my kids just did their fundraising via tag days last weekend. This weekend they had a big trip away planned which of course is now cancelled.

I wonder what the Remembrance Day ceremonies will be like now? We always have a big parade with cadets, reserves, regular force and veterans all proudly marching through town and then a ceremony at our legislative buildings.

It seemd the cadets just finished their annual campaign for donations in public places (I got my tag at a supermarket just a few weeks ago). Thank goodness none of those kids were hurt.

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